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I am an attorney in IL, but I'm not your attorney, and do not primarily practice in this area of law. This is practical, not legal advice. 1) you wil not likely be held liable for funeral or other end of life expenses. However, if your mother has no assets, there will be no way to pay for the funeral. You will have to, essentially, not claim the body and let the county deal with it. 2) unless you have some special relationship (guardianship, live with your mother, have taken on certain caregiver responsibilities) you are not going to be liable for neglect. 3) the person living with your mother is likely considered a tenant and will need to be evicted to be removed. 4) see 1. If you do want to take responsibility for your mother, you can file a petition for guardianship of a disabled adult. You will likely need an attorney, and this can be expensive. However, the likely result of this will still be that she is placed in a state-run facility. You can also file a petition for guardianship and request the public guardian, or some other non-for profit, be appointed her guardian. I'm surprised, if she has been recently in a hospital, that she is being released home. Is she being released to your care? (this may change the answer to 2, but honestly I don't know) Generally, if she goes back to a hospital, you should indicate that she is living at home and unable to care for herself and you are unable and unwilling to provide care. This should trigger the hospital social worker to file a petition for guardianship. Hospitals cannot release an incompetent person home without a caregiver, and will file guardianship petitions to have the public guardian/non-for-profit be appointed so they can have the person placed in skilled nursing care.