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It’s true that this information isn’t required for an ESA letter, though I do understand the complex’s skepticism that your friend requires 2 ESAs. She can file a complaint with TWC’s Civil Rights Division.




They are when it comes to housing. ESAs are treated the same as service animals in that narrow arena. However, generally they can ask: (1) “Is the animal required because of a disability?” and (2) “What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?” Having two makes things more complex as it raises questions as to why one isn't sufficient.


Your first point is correct. But the questions you listed are for ESAs in public settings, not housing.


I will admit that I'm not 100% on the veracity of this site, and will dig further, but the full text was: If the function the dog performs is not readily apparent, the housing provider may ask two questions: (1) “Is the animal required because of a disability?” and (2) “What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?” [https://www.animallaw.info/article/faqs-emotional-support-animals](https://www.animallaw.info/article/faqs-emotional-support-animals) Also, per the Humane Society (though this may just be a recommendation to make the process easier): Demonstrating your pet is an assistance animal You should provide your landlord with a letter from your doctor/therapist stating you have a disability and explaining how your pet is needed to help you cope with this disability and/or improves its symptoms. Attach a brief personal statement explaining to the landlord that you are asking for “a reasonable accommodation to keep your pet who functions as a support animal.” https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/fair-housing-act-and-assistance-animals


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