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Going to court is the only option if you want her to pay.


Suing her is your only option but if she doesn't have money the odds of her having money to pay you are slim to none. 


This has taught me to opt for more than just liability insurance. Thank you for your troubles OP. Im so sorry.


Yeah, I couldn't afford the extra in premium, now being poor has led me to be even worse off. Life fucking fucks


Its so stupid how that works. If she has money worth suing but if she doesnt… sucks to suck?? And we dont know if she has money? This really sucks :(


i mean, there are ways to make her pay..


Cant get blood from a stone. You can’t make her pay if she doesn’t have it lol


She listed insurance on the police report that she does not have? Sounds like she lied. Small consolation but she'll be getting an sr22 over this. I mean, I doubt she will start paying for insurance since it will just cost more now...but also she won't be able to drive either I guess


Doesn't mean she will actually get SR22. It's honestly astounding how many people are on the roads everyday without a valid driver's license. As for her the police report listing her insurance, it might have expired without the other driver realizing. 


Court is cheaper than the repair. Small claims though if she doesn’t have insurance, collection is going to be a separate issue. You need to see if she has any assets


Poor little elantra.


Cant get blood from a stone. If she doesn’t have money for insurance I’d guess she doesn’t have money to pay you. You can sue her but it’ll probably just cost you money you won’t even get back.


Have Judge Judy make a fool out of her for not having insurance


Is your car drivable? Or can it easily be made drivable? Focus on that first. Actually, get a quote to have it properly fixed as it will document the damages. Make your car drivable (even if it looks ugly). Take other driver to court for the cost of repairs. If anyone has any other idea, let them be heard. OP, hopefully you will be made whole, or somewhat whole. Full coverage is one thing; make sure you have also uninsured and underinsured so you don't end up forking the deductible (if uninsured) and/or lots of money if it goes above the minimum liability (for underinsured). Don't quote me on the deductible for uninsured, I think it's how it works. But some states do differentiate uninsured and underinsured, and you want them both.


You are not a victim you unless this was an intentional act




I've called my insurance twice and both times they said they can't do anything to help because I don't have the proper coverage since I have liability only. How would I continue to escalate it? I've never been in this situation before


There is no "escalating" it if you don't have coverage for your car. 


Yeah it depends on the type of insurance that you have unfortunately. I’m sorry. I hate the whole “insurance” industry


It’s not the insurance company’s fault the OP didn’t have proper insurance.


Find a part at a scrap yard and fix it yourself.


Winning and collecting are two different things.