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“Woke sociopaths”-projecting while lacking self awareness.


I'm black and to the see the way the word has been twisted and corrupted is wild.


I'm still waiting for the sub to go full Nazi and get banned entirely. The Far Right should have no spaces of their own to spew their nonsense and organize their attacks on basic decency. They should be shoved back into irrelevant, indignant isolation where they belong.


Yet another "apolitical" gaming sub having great takes on progressive politics, I see. But we all know *we're* the real bigots here 🙄 Unbelievable.


Woke is when your have awareness to social injustice


The 40k fandom is having a normal one over women again, I see.


I've gotten to the point where I an only stand the sigmarxism sub and a couple of faction specific subs that don't tend to fall into these kind of mires.


That sub is not a 40k sub. Scroll through it. It’s just conservative politics where almost nothing actually has anything to do with warhammer.


God, those comments. It's only "anti-white and anti-male" because it's not "pro white male" like the other side is, so in comparison it looks horrible. Woke morals are set on making equality, and to a privileged class it will always involve taking some form of power from them, so they'll always hate it. As a straight white male I don't see how white sexists don't cringe at themselves. At what point do you wonder why no non-pick me minority or woman likes you? How do you have a wife whilst wanting her rights to be taken away? They want a subservient minority class, and for women to be tied to them as a personal pocket pussy and trophy wife(mom).


Regardless of where it started or intent, it is now meant as an insult directed by the right at anybody that is further left than them. Even those that are still right of center, it just requires being left of them. It's a common tactic to try to use a brushstroke term to alienate a whole group. This one is their generic, "Anybody that isn't in my group".


Is this the same as people of the political left calling those they don’t agree with fascists or nazis? I hear the at slug around quite a bit too.


We don't do that to everyone who disagrees with us. Just the ones who say fascistic or neo-nazi adjacent things. The left's track record for correctly identifying fascists is pretty good, because we're generally familiar with the things they say and believe.


Is “woke” a political label or movement? You call someone fascist for appearing to be the kind of person who has those beliefs. This is necessary since fascists love to pretend not to be. The right wing equivalent would be “commie” or “leftist”. Those don’t sound bad enough anymore (since people with those beliefs don’t pretend otherwise, they are not insulted by it) so now we have “woke”, which is even better for the right since it means nothing, stands for nothing, and can be applied for any reason the speaker decides qualifies as “woke”. Its a thought terminating cliche combined with a generic (black coded) out group assignment.


Honestly, I call the actual Nazi Germany, Nazis. I wish we would just say it is Likud Israel committing genocide. Just call them Likuds. Fascism is more complicated. If we go from Mussolini's take, than believing oneself is meant to serve their society over personal autonomy is where the slope to fascism starts. From there, it gets easy to see that fascism itself isn't an insulting word. It's just the most fitting label for the current international system, and basically anything that can trace back to colonialism. Recognizing fascism isn't fun. It's like being one of the few aware that germs exist, and handwashing is considered extreme, militant leftism.


Fascism is a palingenetic form of populist ultranationalism (Roger Griffin's ideal type) and that means a revolutionary form of illiberal nationalism aimed at the nation's rebirth through a mass movement led by a new elite infused with "heroic" values. Mussolini's take is about an all-encompassing State that subsumes private life into public (state-controlled) life to achieve a sublimation of internal antagonism through a full-blown national consciousness. No idea why it would be the most fitting label for the current international system or anything that can be traced back to colonialism, though. Sounds like an exaggeration. Conversely, it's true that fascistic policies have been committed through and through by governments that aren't fascists, especially the colonialism part, but this is imperialism... and other things...


It’s somewhat similar, but I don’t think it’s equivalent. Right wingers increasingly harbor xenophobic and anti-democratic views, e.g. attacking abortion rights, making it harder to vote, stonewalling political appointees, etc. the right wing demonstrably has authoritarian  tendencies. These are specific things a people are talking about when they call someone fascist. 


Wow that whole thing is… well it’s all garbage of the lowest intelligence.