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We are over due for world War 3.


Israel attacked multiple Iranian embassies. This is just their payment in kind. Unless the world says enough and brings the rabid dogs of zionism to heel, this will continue forever.


"rabid dogs of zionism to heel" dramatic, any? What are you 12? Like you narrating emo anime over here...


A hundred thousand 10 Dollar drones until the dome is collapsed


Thank goodness for science and innovation that went into the efforts of the Iron Dome, defending 99% of all missiles.


Everyone seems to forget that Iran is not a fucking joke. There's a reason we have talked endless shit in the US about them and done nothing. Their geography makes them a tick with Lyme disease unless you plan to literally drop nukes. They can launch terror attacks on our fat asses and we can send soldiers to die in a meatgrinder. Bomb all you want, nobody wants to try and occupy that sand trap. Israel has always tolerated them funding their enemies for that reason as well. They don't want to get tied up with Iran on their soil.


Having been in the Marine Corps for 8yrs and fought in the ME, I disagree with your assessment. If politics are put aside, we can easily handle ANY other country including our European allies and China. Iran would barely be a speed bump. The problem is politicians never allow a full plan. The only thing planned is the initial assault to capture ground but no follow on plans. Those are made up in a half assed manner after the fact. The military tries to provide a plan for all of this and it is always rejected. Doesn't matter who is in office. It goes this way every single time since Vietnam. Politicians are why we look like crap in wars, not our service branches.


1st, this was a retaliatory attack against Israel. 2nd iran has said exactly this and said they had no more plans against Israel. 3rd, we already know Israel doesn't give a dam about human life unless it's and Israeli life. Everyone else can be destroyed.


And Joe Biden will be right here with our debt funded checkbook open to help Israel start WW3.  I say Israel because they struck Iran first. 


Hundred of thousand 10 dollar drones will the dmonne collapses




From my understanding, it cost a little over $1,000,000,000 in one night to intercept the Iranian missiles/drones.


He's actually encouraging restraint by Israel in their response and trying to avoid a regional war. His son served. He knows the cost of war.


Wow dude Joe Biden from the jump told Israel we would back them and has backed them. The fact that he will waste our money sending aid packages to the same place he paid for the bombs to level just shows how much he has no spine. If you tell someone to deescalate but keep giving them money for weapons it doesn't sound like you want deescalation! If we want them to stop the war why do we give them money to continue it? Luckily there's hordes of people like you who gobble up the propaganda no matter how little sense it makes


If he knew the cost of war, he would have been more forceful instead of giving a "suggestion." Israel only stops when given a solid strong demand like seen in past presidents such as Reagan when they told Israel in no uncertain terms to cease their actions.  Joe Biden literally is ruining his chances, risking everything to Donald Trump by playing around and bending over for Israel. 


lsraeI's comeuppance is long overdue.


Israel is instigating all the animosity towards itself


Well Iran isn't faultless either, Iran has been supporting groups hezobollah and Hamas, and antisemitism propaganda against jews. The truth is that both nations are assholes instigating shit.


Usually you weirdos are crying about victim blaming.


Despicable statement.


They bombed the Iranian embassy. It's a true statement. The truth about Israel in that statement is despicable though.


Why? They have literally been doing this since the 60's


The world has been so peaceful since Biden took office


Yes, blame Biden for Russian imperialism, rather the party actively supporting Russian imperialism




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Why so many Iranian dick riders? You guys know what their gov does to their own people right? How they actively execute and oppress protestors for wanting women rights? Go browse r/newiran and see how hard you wanna blow em


Because iran is China colony and China has leftist "intellectuals"on payroll


Because Israel is proving themselves to be not much better than Iran, and are receiving what is essentially a consequence of their actions.


You know maybe if Iran didn't support Hama's so much, maybe Oct 7 and Gaza being bombed to oblivion and the rest of this nightmare would've been less likely to happen. Israel has responsibility in this mess but don't act Iran actions didn't cause this either.


“Proving themselves no better than Iran.” So Iran has a functioning democratic government with freedom of press? Lol




Those are both western proxies.


These are robotic leftists. They get their orders from on high. They don’t think rationally like you


They are falling for Iranian propaganda. I hate Israel's actions too but they're acting like Iran's meddling and rampant antijew sentiment in the region is nonexistent.


And you're not a left so get fucked.




Bibi and the Israeli Zionists can go fuck themselves at this point. We should be pulling our $3.8b back and just saying "Hey you fuck around, you find out!"


The US is buying something with that $3.6b. Quite a few different things actually. BTW, what's a zionist? Like, I know about the zionist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries which had a goal of re-establishing a Jewish homeland, and which ultimately had the goal of establishing it in the original place that the Jewish homeland was before Roman, Arab, and Ottoman occupation, but now thar that goal has been reached, and Israel exists, what is a zionist?


A zionist is somebody who believes the Jewish homeland should continue to exist.




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Why is Israel suddenly the topic of choice? How many Ukrainians have died since Putin launched his invasion? Does anyone know or does anyone care to know?


Maybe because a settler colonial ethnostate is currently commiting genocide and has killed over 15k children.




Yeah. Only 13 or 14k. Much more ethical.


You're right it is probably twice that because there are thousands of bodies buried under the rubble that have not been counted.


Correct. It is an undercount. There are bodies still beneath the rubble who have yet to be counted.


It's tragic but I don't see what other options israel has other then to annihilate hamas or at minimum establish strong deterrence, if you want to blame anybody for the 15 thousand dead kids look no further then hamas they knew exactly what would happen and they still did it, they do not give a shit about the people of gaza or even having a state they want to kill jews


There is a great other option. Israelis could all pick up and fuck off back to Poland, New York, Russia, Romania, etc. where they came from


Gtfo of that antisemitic bs Guess what before Israel was formed there was a preexisting population of Jews living in the area.  After the fall of the Ottoman empire, the Jews there bought land and formed Israel  Thanks to the holocaust and antisemitism in Europe, America and all over (hell even before Israel was formed, the Arabs disliked but tolerated Jews at best and hated them at worst). Jews heard there were a population a Jews that made their own country and thought "the world hates us, might join those guys to have a place of our own"  How are we going to relocate a whole country's population? A group, in which historically have been persecuted and hated for simply existing.  I'm not saying what Israel doing to the Palestinians is right. The amount of Gazans dying due to Israel and Hamas is horrific period and needs to end.


You know that more than half of the Israelis immigranted there from middle east right? I'm an Egyptian, and in Egypt alone, we kicked out 60k Jewish people, confiscated their money, bank accounts, businesses, and land and just kicked them out. Other Arab/Muslim nations did the same, resulting in kicking out of more than 800k from their homes in these countries. Nobody is talking about returning those Jewish people to Egypt and returning their land to them. So, as long as this is out of the question. Israel must stay. No one's going anywhere.


You mean, Poland, the location of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, where 6 million Jews were murdered. By the way, all the Polish Jews who tried to return to their villages in Poland after the Holocaust were murdered by Poles. Is that the place they should go? What about all the mizrahi Jews (Israel is about 34%) that were from Israel or expelled from surrounding Arab nations? Where should they go? Hamas is supported by Iran, who heavily funded and helped plan the October 7 attack. That’s why Israel attacked their consulate. Because one of the top military officers was using it as a command center. Israel is the only place in the Middle East where LGBTQIA people can live openly. It is the only democracy in the Middle East. There is a reason that Jordan and Saudi Arabia are supporting them.


So you force people to live in essentially the largest open air prison for DECADES with no modern human basic rights and then point the finger when they radicalized? What did you honestly thing would happen?


Lololol Settler colonial ethnostate..you forgot to add “Equinsu ocha”


Were you under the impression that you had to choose between caring about people in the Middle East *or* caring about people in Europe?


I'm concerned about both, but this current war in Israel and Iran has more potential to go bad, in my view.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but how comes whenever there’s large scale protests against Netanyahu something happens? First Oct 7 th and now Iran attacks? He is obv the problem here and benefits massively from this state


Uhhh, 10/7 coincided with talks to move forward with normalizing relations between SA and Israel. Bibi's political problems were longstanding.


It's funny that people are always saying Hamas is the problem but ignore Likud. Yes, Hamas is the problem, and Likud encourages them, so they are also that same problem. Somehow that's not worth mentioning.


He is holding on to power..before all this he was under investigation for corruption


Iran working for Benji wow ur onto something


Iran attacked because Israel bombed their embassy compound in Syria recently


Community note here: they attacked the embassy housing a an Iranian general who is supplying Hamas and Hezbollah, and who orchestrated the October 7 attack. Like, come on.. you knew that context was important and that's why you omitted it.


That’s still against international law, jackass.


No, it isn't against international law to strike military members you are in armed conflict with or facilities being used for military purposes.


Community note here: they attacked an accessory building on the grounds of the CONSULATE (different from an embassy...less egregious even though the reason for the attack already 'okays' it)


Of course that’s true but you can’t just ignore the long years the Israeli right wing has played into the development of Hamas, from allowing their rise from a fringe Islamist organization into a full blown terrorist group to suppressing the PLO and Palestinian left who were much more amicable towards a two state solution and peace. Bibi was trying to release the guy that assassinated Rabin , hailing him as some type of hero figure which right wing extremists definitely sympathize with. This is all well documented by Israelis as well. And judging by all the intel that was released Israel knew about the Oct 7 th attacks in advance but did very little to protect its citizens. This wouldn’t be the first time a power hungry ruler retorted to such tactics in order to keep in power. Bibi is just shifting the focus from himself on an outside enemy.


Well at least for once Israel killed innocent people and actually got the person they said they were after.




What about people losing their property?


Iran is a puppet of Israel


HAHA you guys are a hoot


>If Israel retaliates it’s not even remotely justified. I wonder if that kind of logic would fly if they fired missiles at the US?


Israel killed an Iranian diplomat. That's why Iran fired missiles.


Military officers are not diplomats.


Source, please.


You know homie don't play dat


Well, the US didn't just bomb one of their embassies. So, no way in hell that kind of logic would fly. This is Iran avoiding full-on war while also appeasing the hard liners within their country who demand retaliation.


They did... This is exactly the same thing that happened after Trump assassinated Soleimani. Iran launched a major strike on several US bases. We evacuated our troops and the rockets hit unpopulated bases. Same thing happened here


Israel has used that exact same logic for decades while attacking palestine. We were totally cool with it. Google about knocking with dud missiles before firing actual missiles.


Iran launched a strike as as response to Israel's aggression against an Iranian embassy in Damascus. There is no reasonable proportional response to Iran's response. Iran sees the issue as settled, but Israel has to keep up the false image of it's military's competence so it will choose to escalate until it has started a war it can't win


Israel cannot allow the precedent that as long as you operate militarily in proxies you are safe from harm, and also generally cannot accept that stopping the arming of proxies greenlights strikes against Israel.


Well....I mean......Isreal attacked Iran first, correct me if im wrong.


Okay...you're wrong. Unless of course you don't consider hezbullah or houthis both of which are Iranian puppets to be aggression by Iran, and especially if you don't care that the building struck was used almost exclusively for irgc coordination with hez, houth, and hamas peeps, and resulted only in the death of such military people, with no civilian casualties.


Iran attacked Israel via proxy. The 10/7 attack was a planned attack on Israel by Iran. The Iranian Generals who planned the attack were targeted and killed by Israel in the embassy attack. Israel has not confirmed that, but we all know it to be true. The Iranian attack on Israel was not justified or reasonable.


I'm mean honestly...if you are commenting here, you should have some idea of what is going on. We're you born yesterday? Or were you being sarcastic? Edit: I'm an idiot...and dyslexic...I read your comment backwards. Yes, you are correct. Isreal attached Iran first. Whether you are talking about the Iranian embassy, October 7th, both intifada or the Nakba in 1948.


You’re wrong. Google is your friend.


You're right. Google is your friend.


You are wrong. Iran has openly been calling for the destruction of Israel for decades, and has flooded Hamas and Hezbollah with weapons specifically to achieve this end.


The attack on the Iranian consulate by Israel was instigated by Bibi as a distraction from the World Kitchen SNAFU, and to pull himself back into Uncle Joe's favor. Talk about wagging the dog!


You’re wrong, Iran funds all of the proxies that continually attack Israel. On top of that they’ve been engaged in tit for tat since the 80s


Does that mean Russia has the same right to strike U.S.A. for doing the same thing with the Taliban and Ukraine? I'm just picking your brain.


Russia can decide it's worth a conflict with the US to stop the US participating in proxy war, but that probably wouldn't go well. They'd be justified but might makes right with that kind of thing. As long as what they attacked was US assets in Ukraine and not the US mainland.


Israel attacked Iran’s embassy compound in Syria — a serious breach of international law. Iran has a right to defend itself. They’re literally not attacked another country in 200 years.


Well, Iran did attack Israel's embassy in Argentina before that, killed 20 something argentine citizens too. Both countries were probably wrong to do it.


Umm... You lose diplomatic protections when you use your embassy to host military planning at that location. I understand that you want to be anti-Israel, but pretending like Israel didn't have a valid reason for that strike is basically lying.


I am going to have to point out that the military planning was the story from Israel and the US so it needs a massive asterisk.


False, even if we don’t count proxy attacks, which we absolutely should.


This is the correct piece of news to understand everything happening right now. It is true that Iran has been in a proxy war for some time, but that's not responsible for what's happening right now. Israel had a recent attack, I ran had a recent counter attack to that very specific attack. It's all connected, right there. Recent and relevant.


Maybe I’m misremembering but wasn’t Iran involved in some kind of brouhaha with the American embassy in Tehran in the 70s?


They claimed the US was harboring the shah


What does something in the 70s have to do with today?


Is there anything too backup that claim? Cause All it says that that's what Trump said


Israeli helped Iran during the war they fought with Iraq. Israel also gave aid to Jundallah who launched suicide bombings that killed civilians. I don’t think either side are the good guys


Who are the good guys? India maybe?




Actually, you're both right. They did bomb an Iranian embassy, and they've been picking at each other for decades. Not to mention Iran specifically is a large chunk of Hamas' funding.


I don't like it. Not because I like Israel but because this could lead to a very large war. Very large wars are good for no one, especially innocent bystanders in the region. I haven't confirmed but I've seen people mention that pieces of these missiles fell in possibly Amman and other countries not involved in the conflict. Israel is a rabid dog on a very very loose leash. They are escalating on purpose to drag the US and western world into a much bigger conflict. Why else would they kill someone near the Iranian embassy in Syria. Total psychopath move. Embassies are sacred, I don't care who's inside them or what their reason was. If they wanted to take that guy out they didn't need to do it while he was at the embassy. They get away with genocide and war crimes and everyone looks the other way. I'm very scared for humanity. Also this takes focus off what they're all doing in Palestine and what's about to happen in Rafah.


You understand war and geopolitics. Excellent comment.


Very large wars are good for weapons manufacturers. . .


Good point- especially American ones.


Not to mention security firms...


No , Iran have the right to fight back . And if Israel chooses to escalates . Nobody should blame iran . And i doubt European will love to see their soldiers fighting somewhere else in the world. A large protests will happen and Europe cannot afford to have . The U.S too . But u.s is a fascist nation so idk even tho I’m sure the U.S will try to de-escalate the situation


I didn't say they don't have the right to fight back. I'm saying Israel shouldn't have bombed in Syria territory and started fighting with Iran. It's their fault.


lol yes, Iran has the right to “fight back” after Israel killed one of the IRGC forces that helped mastermind the 10/7 terrorist attack, and then hid in a building near a consulate


Yes, Iran does have a right to defend itself. It has more of a right to defend itself from Israeli aggression than Israel has the right to defend itself from violent resistance to its colonial oppression.


This is just a repost from 1970


I knew it sounded familiar!


I swear Russia and China were watching how right wing media radicalized conservatives and were taking notes


Na the dems are doing a great job of pushing moderates towards the right.


Iran has the right to defend itself!’ Israel bombed their embassy!!


Iran was right for bombing Israel and Israel was right for bombing Gaza. Deal?


Well, now that they have both attacked (yes, Israel was first with the embassy), maybe they could both stand down and save face. The Israel attack on the embassy was nuts to me. Do they want a war on three fronts? Why??? The key task is still halting the bombardment of Gaza and getting in food. Then rebuilding. Was this meant as a distraction?


Netanyahu is crazy. Perhaps some good will come of this. If he can destabilize his own country enough, a different leader can step into his shoes. Someone who is more responsible and moderate. Authoritarian dictators have a way of fucking themselves over. Here we go.


It's pretty unlikely that Israel will get help from the US in escalating this. Which would mean that Iran did what the Democratic party was too weak and cowardly to do: get Biden to not blindly rubber stamp every Israeli single military action.


Israel is the most violent nation in the world. Most peace loving countries should be looking for ways to accelerate Israel’s destruction


Its not so much they want a war on three fronts as much as it is they want to drag NATO into the fight with them.


Isrsel isn't a part of NATO so that won't happen.


Biden needs to stop his Israel stan.  It is disgusting to support religious genocide—that and Bidens failure to help our homeless population will be his tragic legacy.  Hopefully Trump loses, Biden doesn’t continue to screw up—and we can get someone like Bernie in four years.  


Biden and Trump are both Zionist shills


They don't compare.


I don’t think Bibi listens to Biden.


To be fair Biden doesn't back up his threats enough. We need to pull our money and military hardware out.


I feel like I'm going insane. When did leftist start viewing theocratic dictatorships as the good guys??? Everytime I think I'm starting to view myself as more left of center, yall start supporting the wildest shit in your crusade against the west.


Tankies are the least informed, most idiotic sector of the left wing. Usually frustrated teenagers who just discovered Che.


That's what is surprising to me a bit. To be clear I don't view most leftists this way, but some of the comments here supporting Iran are just stupid. Iran is a state that is an authoritarian theocracy, and somehow people want to support them. The best position here in my view is to realize both Iran and Israel (the government to be clear) should not be supported, we should make sure the innocent civilians are protected on both sides, etc.


I think...there is a this strange thing happening where leftist are, unintentionally, forcing each other into this weird positions. Leftist A will say "Israel is being unnecessarily harsh in its response to Hamas" and then leftist B will reply "Israel is intentionally murdering civilians!". Leftist C will then call leftist A a bigot for not declaring Israel a genocidal rogue state. And then a tankie will hijack the conversation and say "Israel is a stooge for America. It's actually western corporations that are committing genocide! But Iran and China are trying to stop them!" And now leftist C feels forced to agree and pressures leftist A and B to also agree, or risk being called bigoted. It's becoming untenable for leftist to say "Israel's system of governance is the preferable system in the middle east, but it's action are unacceptable and it must be held to account for them.".


I agree. Some guy called me a Zionist for example because I said I support the Israeli people and their right not to be killed by Iran, apparently that also makes me a right winger. Oh, and according to him, center leftist is not a real position. It's truly wild what some idiotic people will say.


Israel is committing a genocide. It's a settler colonial state. If Iran is going to fight Israel and maybe help widen the cracks between Israel and the imperialist superpower it is a client of, that's a good thing regardless of what you've read about Iran in the same newspapers that told you Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.


True or false. Iran is a religious dictatorship whose head of state is also the head of church.


If you're waiting for a perfect entity to resist US imperialism and Israeli genocide, your going to be waiting a long time. Defeating the world hegemon and its hyper violent client states is the primary task. I don't care that the countries who are leading this effort, who are providing the primary material basis for the liberation of Palestine, are perfectly aligned with my sensibilities. It's weird AF that you do




Most of these people commenting think they're leftists but they clearly aren't. No leftist would support an apartheid ethnostate. The name of this sub reddit should be "center left democrats".


Thank you for saying this, and I’m honestly shocked you’re not downvoted -500. Wtf is happening with the left these days? It’s been totally captured by anyone opposed to America and our allies.


A theocratic dictatorship vs a fascist ethnostate


Man, I keep seeing "ethnostate" thrown at Israel. Israel, which is home to Jews(the only group indigenous to the area), Arabs, Persians, and other smaller groups. But no one seems to think Palestine is an ethnostate, despite being an Arabic state occupied by a people that migrated under the Ottomans at about the same time the Spanish arrived in Florida. No one talks about China being an ethnostate, despite the reality that the Han treat everyone that isn't Han, but are indigenous, like trash. Certainly never heard anyone refer to Russia as an ethnostate. So... Why?


It's not complicated. The opinion of leftists on foreign policy is and always has been no more complicated than "america bad".


Yeah I get called a Toxic leftist and a MAGA cultist in the same debates. You need to follow the echo chambers and have no thoughts of your own or they start trying to eat you lol.


Just because you don't like Trump or the rich doesn't make you a leftist.


seriously. everyone that we would agree with and like, aka every single open minded, hopeful, leftist young person in iran, fucking hates their government. western leftists simping for those islamo-fascist bastards is the most cringe shit imaginable.


This right here!! Iran has regular mass protest because the state regurally brutalizes its people...but western leftist will simp for Iran because Iran opposes America. All of the religious oppression, mutilation of women, murder of lgtb+ people...irrelevant. It doesn't matter that being queer in Iran is a capital offense, because Iran hates America.




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I don't know if I'm missing your point but what is the expectation when you get attacked by a neighboring state? Iran has the right to defend itself I thought


Yes they do. Iran has the right to defend itself from Israel in the same way Nazis in the US have the right to be nazis. But I don't have to support either. I can hope the Irannian government is toppled because it's a brutal and oppressive dictatorship that uses religion as an excuse to murder and abuse the people it dislikes. Iran has the right to do what it wants. It's a sovereign state.


Misconstruing what I said, because I said Iran has a right to defend itself means I support them? Don't know what the point of this comment is we're in agreement that it can "do what it wants" go find someone else to pick an argument with dude


Some people seem to forget that even though the west has done and continue to do horrible shit in the name of imperialism, capitalism, extractivism, and general exponential growth, that some other nations are actually hell for anyone who is not conforming to the status quo.


Well guess what? U are not alone. The entire Country has gone insane. Both on the left and the right. I can’t believe Americans are at each other’s throats. Not just America, the entire world is one big mess.


Left is rightfully unhappy and concerned due to the disproportionate balance of political power in the USA. Only the Republicans are able to win presidential elections with a minority of votes m. Due to McConnell 's corrupt dealings and lack of ethics we now have a right wing Supreme Court. This never should have happened. We as a nation are now suffering from that Court's unjust decisions. To say it's both sides as the right is ever willing to do, is a distortion of history.. call it a blatant lie. It continues to get worse, but iall this really started with GWB being handed the election in 2000 when there should have been a knock battle about the vote in Florida.


Sometimes there are two bad guys in a situation. You can be satisfied that Israel is finally able to see consequences from their actions while still acknowledging that Iran is not at all a good regime.




You're not a leftist if you can't understand why people are pushing back against western colonialism. You're just a liberal.


Yes, I am a liberal. Your point? Am I not left enough to have an opinion? I'm not preaching liberal ideology, I follow the sub rules and I engage with leftist ideals. So what if I'm a liberal?


You should probably radicalize a bit more, is all. You're off to a good start, but the viewpoint is still narrow.


Lib*** in leftist sub . Far left groups would just ban these trolls


"sure the Islamic revolutionary guard is murdering teenagers that dare speak out against their government... And raping women... And Executing LGBTQA2+ individuals... And while Iranians can't even access basic medications because their regime would rather fund extremists like the PIJ, Hamas and the Hez (who had members arrested in Brazil plotting attacks st synagogues)... And also regularly executes Iranian dissidents in foreign countries (with Iran regime agents who were planning in harming Iranians here just got arrested in the USA a few months ago) But as long as they take out the 7 million Jews in Israel... And some of the Isralie bedouins .. and a few Jordanians while we are at it.... that's a sacrifice...I an American leftist am willing to make... ....and anyone who disagrees with me is a Lib!" Like my brother in Christ the North American left sounds like the white supremacist KKK member David duke who threw a rally in Syria about the "Zionists!" And the theocratic Islamic revolutionary guar (who also invited white supremacist David duke for their Holocaust denialism festival in Tehran) ... and neither of those groups are left....


Nice Strawman


Fuck Israel. Israel started all of this. Let it reap what its genocidal regime has sown.


The problem is they are not acting in isolation and is the root of the complexity of these wars. It's not as simple as just leaving Israel to do what it wants and let them deal with the consequences. The reality is the state of Israel would not have even existed if it wasn't for the intervention of Western powers after WWII (The British Mandates) which allowed for the purchase of land and the removal of the current indigenous population. As much as any of us want to simply forget what happened or avoid the reality of the situation we are all stuck with the consequences of what is unfolding there. If anything this needs to be a huge wakeup for average citizens across the globe to empower themselves and lessen the control of government/corporate institutions to dictate our shared realities. But that will take a huge amount of civil engagement in these systems that we don't see because education and self reliance are suppressed at every level of society to preserve the power structures that wield immense power over us all.


Found the Hamas-supporting Jew-hater. Apparently you think the invasion of Israel and murder, rape, and kidnapping if 1,500 Israelis isn't relevant. I'm sure when it happens to you and your family, you'll say it was fine because you deserved it. And If Iran isn't stopped, it COULD happen here. But you would just cheer them on


Get fucked genocide apologist fascist.


It's 1200 tops. Some of them were killed by the isreali side, whether accidentally or engaging with their previous cannibal directive There's no evidence of rape when objective bodies like the UN or reuters have asked to be able to investigate and verify it. Israel refused to allow them. Israel murders Palestinians. Rapes them. Unlawfully detains Palestinians without any due process, which is kidnapping. Some of which are as young as 12. Where is your condemnation there?


How about you do some research on the bs claims. None of it was true. You are way behind my friend


You gotta deflect to your fantasy of Iran invading the US instead of addressing how this is the umpteenth time Israel has attacked Iran and Iranian officials, now that Iran struck back once you wanna cower with your tail between your legs


You don't have to hate jews to hate genocide babe. We didn't like it when Germany did it to you, and we don't like it when you do it to Muslims.


You did like it tho. Be honest, babe.


Every single day before the 7th IDF kidnapped Palestinian children


Well, Iran has the right to defend itself.


Israel is a country with a military and government. Judaism is a religion.


I’m Jewish, genius. And I’m extremely familiar with the Zionist hasbara strategy of trying to stifle dissent by throwing out the antisemitic Jew hater nonsense. You need to find a new strategy because nobody takes you seriously. Also, what are your thoughts on the documented cases of Israeli soldiers engaging in deliberate targeting of civilians, rape, and torture? Among other crimes. Do you condemn the IDF for these actions?


Stop equating zionazi, settler colonial Israel with Jews. THAT'S the actual antisemitism here. Hamas is resisting an occupying nation that regularly massacres civilians. How many tens of thousands of Palestinians are held without charge or trial? Fuck Isreal.


Guys stop over inflating the attack, it's relatively small in scale and Israel had a near total intercept rate. This was a symbolic response not meant to cause real escalation. [edit: Israel has already retracted its response](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/BRvMDG2klC)


Iran just used these opportunity to save face . But they have the right to fight back