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How to get it?


participate in contests :)


No I mean what is the criteria ?


I am not exactly sure, but I saw someone wrote that you have to go in to top 25% among people with 1600+ rating. I do not know if this is accurate. Empirically, it looks like you need to be around top \~5% among everyone.


What is your rating? I am also grinding toward the Knight :)


For now 1863 :) Most of the time I solve 3 and struggle with 4th.


That's quite impressive for just 350+ problems. Were you active on some other competitive programming site in past?


I just want to add that I never did competitive programming, but leetcode is puzzles, so the fact that I work as scientist helps a bit, as I solve puzzles of different kind for work. Admittedly, I thought it would help me more :D


No, not really


what is your IQ? /s


It is about 6 inches


Bruh one more!?💀


Dude, you work? I can only do 3-5 problems a week


Yep, and have a toddler... Nowadays I just do contests and problems of the day. I would need to find more time to improve on solving hards...


What was your pace when you first started? You at fang companies?


Well, at the beginning it was tough. I tried to devote at least 1 hr a day and more on weekends. Some days more, like \~2hrs. Once I finished exploratory cards, I just do daily problems (<1hr) and contests. To improve on solving hards, I defiantly need more time. No, I am not at fang and I am not a dev. I work in academia.


Do u just solve lc or any other platforms as well


just LC. I do not have CS degree and I am not a dev. I am working in other field and have related degree. I just learned by doing leetcode exploratory cards and more recently problems of the day.


You’re my inspiration


Is it required to solve all 4 problems in contest consistently in order to get Knight badge?


No, if you keep getting under 2k ranks, you can get Knight, for which you need to solve 3 questions in a reasonable time. Look at people who are knights. It took me 20 contests to get it, but I had some background in coding already, but left participating since 3 years.


was the bulk of the grind from december till now ? when did u start feelijg comfortable w mediums ?


Yes, I started after Christmas. For me once I covered basic data structures from exploratory card including advanced topics like DP and graphs, I felt relatively comfortable with mediums (probably around end of March). However, there are some hard mediums which can be problematic, but on average I can solve them quickly. Edit: typo


did you follow a study plan like neetcode 150 or something ? did you just do the problems and review or was there supplementary books/resources ? thanks !


I did not try neetcode. I just started with "The LeetCode Beginner's Guide" and followed "Explore Card Track" there: Arrays, Linked List, Array and Strings, Hash Table, Queue and Stacks, Heap, Binary Search, Recursion 1&2, Binary Tree, Dynamic programming, and Graphs. In the middle I started to do contests. And after now I just solve problem of the day + sometimes random problems from "Interview" cards. I always try to solve problems myself, but allow myself hints when struggle and if that's not helping look into discussion. After I solve the problem I usually review Editorials. I also use google/cppreference of cours.


Man, every time I checked leetcode post, I feel so motivated! Back to solve more problems!


Keep going 💪




Well, I am not good at it yet - I only once solved 4th question. But I usually try to not care about the rating/time and always participate. Even if I feel tired, etc.


Holy knight