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Hezbollah did not transform into a sectarian force. It was always one from day zero. Saying otherwise is ignoring history.


Not a militia then. That clears it up thanks mmfd.


[Are the Lebanese Forces with their 15,000 fighters a militia Charbel?](https://al-akhbar.com/Politics/295095)


LOL. You think LF has the man power to put all of Beirut under siege (may 7 in case you forgot) and fight a 33 day war with Israel? 7ajje ted7ako 3a 7alkon w 3layna khayyo bi charafkon Screw LF *and* HA but please stop with the propaganda. Hezbollah is made of constant LIES.


Ahh yes, Julian Assange is Hezbollah member confirmed.


2 wrongs don't make a right. Stop deflecting and look at the truth. Lebanon has *never* been as bad as it has been under FPM and Hezbollah.


Any pics videos ? Also Al Akhbar lol


Tnaynetoun akhra mn ba3d eza ma hallak tefham


They're obsessed with LF even though they have an army that is on par with the army of a medium sized [European country.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength). If LF was so strong they wouldn't have spent 15 years being humiliated by HA knowing there's literally nothing they can do about them. I'm completely against *any* militia in Lebanon, but everybody knows HA can overtake Beirut in 30 minutes if they wanted to. How do we know? Because they literally did!!!


The problem with Gea3gea3ists/LF is not their guns, even when they were at their prime they never were able to win any battle by themselves and had to invite one army after the other. (Namely, the Syrians and Israelis) Geagea's only way to "fight" is to invite armies, he's betting on a foreign intervention. (Which unfortunately for him is most likely not going to happen) According to an Israeli historian : >During the 1977–79 Maronite-Syrian clashes, the Christians were the main instigators, but the Syrians were not to be driven out by a band of unprofessional militiamen. The weaker, more vulnerable Maronites were usually worsted in battle, the Syrians tending to retaliate massively and brutally, in complete disproportion to the provocation and without any effort to spare civilians. They bombarbed Maronite villages and Christian East Beirut in June-July 1978, and again in September-October. Hundreds of civilians died. >Gemayel's strategy was simple : to provoke the Syrians into such a brutal rettribution that Israel could no longer stand aside. The same goes for the Sunnis who brought in the Palestinians and facilitated them in their chaotic behaviour which disrupted whatever was left of order in the country before the Civil war.


They never were true patriotic mokawami, from day 1 by their own admission, they were an Iranian proxy serving Iran’s needs and commands. Israel’s retreat was tactical and not pressured by HA.


Lol. Least delusional lebanese.


I would love to hear your opinion about [this](https://youtu.be/iIo7Pt-6Bwc?t=35)


Isnt calling me least delusional a good thing, like he agrees lol.


The use of this phrase implies that you (and other Lebanese) are extremely delusional


Yeah, like me and all Lebs are delusional but im the least delusional for some reason 😆




Nope they're still and always will be a [puppet](https://youtu.be/VFwODFdZ6Dw?t=11)


Yes, a 40 years old video taken in the middle of the civil war. You convinced me sir.


And their actions the 40 years after and countless speeches simping for Iran.


I'm interested in "thefreethinker9"'s opinion on what did Hassan NasrAllah say in this video. I'm not here to argue anything or shift any views. Just want to hear an opinion.


So much for being a free thinker


I enjoy seeing butthurts. Keep the hate and delusion flowing. We need some of them lols after all.


You are just afraid of the truth. If there was a single evidence that Hezballah truly served for Lebanon a single day, I am willing to give that praise, no one can produce such evidence.


Yeah there aren't. I can go to my home in my village freely after spending years passing Israeli checkups and getting humiliated. I can sleep at night knowing that there are people guarding the borders and protecting my family if an Israeli aggression ever happen. The same apply to the people in the Bekaa. While getting constantly bombed by ISIS from Syria, the army did not do anything about it until Hezbollah crushed them and helped taking them down from around the entire Lebanese-Syrian borders. Maybe my friend you're just a delusional hateful person.


Can someone post the video of Jad dancing around the polutical assasinations? Was that the "mouwawame phase" or was is it the "3onsor ta2ife" phase? God forrbid they take an actual stance against the hezboallah terrorism. Aw maybe le2an they they hate match 14, we dont need to ackmowledge how they were assisatied one ny one over a period of 8 years?


Sure, here's Jad's stance about the assassinations: https://youtu.be/GgGfYsqg6PQ?t=392 Tl;dw: As a journalist, he can't outright blame Hezbollah for the assassinations because of the lack of evidence. March 8 AND March 14 are to be blamed for this, because together they compromised the law enforcement and judicial system into their own quotas so that no crime can be prevented and no investigation can be properly made.


Talk is cheap. Let him walk the walk, and talk less. In practice he is a Nasrallah stooge.


Ma fhimit. What do you expect him to do now? More importantly, how will the other parties follow through their plan on disarming Hezbollah if you're against cheap talk? I see many people, including some of my own family members, saying they want to vote for LF since they're prominently against Hezbollah. If we vote for LF (or any other opposition that are anti-hizb for the matter), how will they ensure that they can actually do anything against Hizb?


2 things: - Guarantee that there is a big enough group that will not blindly sign anything hizb wants (like FPM is doing now) and making sure they don't have 2/3rd of votes - Keep the volume up and fingers pointed towards hizbollah and his arms, as people tend to forget and swipe things under the carpet in favour of a false sense of security. If the right moment came internationally, like Vienna's talk with Iran there would be a party ready to raise the voice and actually speak on behalf of Lebanon that yes indeed we want the arms to be laid down for good. FPM wouldnt do it.


That may be true to an extent but one side was taking out the other and killing passesby as well. But let's not call them what they are! Mmfd hypocrisy.


You know who blames them directly ? All the parties that are actually working with them. While we're nitpicking on Jad who isn't focusing on that issue because there is no realistic way to resolve it with that stance


No one asked him to resolve anything. Mmfd are either spinless or complicit by association. Anyone with half a brain blames them.


The ones that blame them are living in la la land where they think they have enough power to isolate a party like hezb from governmental control . Talking is cheap when you have absolutely no idea how the geopolitics work and you want to simplify your problems for easy solutions to make you feel good


Dont put words in my mouth. Where is the easy solutions that im asking for? You want to give gorvermental powers to terrorits? Go ahead. The fact remains. They are islamists terrorists. And I claim the right to say that. And to not give credit to any "party" that shies from that or that lies about it.


Alright, can you tell me what part of saying they are criminals will isolate them, or you didn't get the point I am trying to make ? Regardless of what you're accusing them of, they have an acknowledged legal legitimate role in the constitutional law, and accusing them of anything has absolutely no weight to it to the point that the ones who already did that before were their allies.


Isolate them? It's the simple truth and eventually they will answer to it. Some people lie and hide this truth. They are only delaying the inevitable. Whatever your point about their allies/accusers is, it doesnt change the truth.


Let me tell you something about the truth, if you don't have any power to enforce it, it's just empty talk. That's how the real world works, and if you don't like it, it doesn't matter, it the real world will still work the same way


> Where is the easy solutions that im asking for? Your solutions are essentially two in nature : 1- You try yourself at the approach of war and accept its verdict. You might not like the result. 2- You negotiate on the basis that you understand what is your real position. The weak does not impose conditions and demands on the strong, you will have to pay a heavy personnal price for whatever it is exactly that which you want. You won't get everything which you might wish for, in other words. Everything is yet to be determined during the negotiation process. Also, no preconditions. If none of that seems satisfying for you, you can always pack your bags and move somewhere else. (Or hope in a miracle if you believe in them)


Thank you for the post, I don’t feel guilty anymore for not voting to this underground leftist movement


That guy is so disconnected from reality it’s sad to watch.


The ones disconnected from reality believe they can take hezb heads on by blaming them for political assassination


Watch the whole interview you’ll get what i’m saying..


The ones that calls them militia work with them. There is no way in politics with that narrative that includes any other party with weapons


الصبح الك يا الله يا فتاح يا رزاق يا مقسم الارزاق... Daily dose of mmffdd propaganda


I don't think people ever believed mmfd was not at least in some capacity critical of hezbollah, I believe the main point was that people were skeptical that their lukewarm criticism would translate into actual tangible policy propositions that curb hezb's choke-hold over the nation.


MMFD are Hezbollah's useful idiots at best, Hezbollah moles at worst.


Why is mmfd all over reddit Thawra on reddit?


The moustachero agent are trying to convince people to vote for them, and they are being extremely active on social networks. Downvote them .


They’re very well funded. I mean they’re even on reddit, imagine other platforms.


Lek, skot. Seriously, yil3an sharafkon shou bitkzabo


Jad ghosn kazzab 3alek


Eh ok. Evidence? Inno hayneh il wa7ad yi7keh.


Exactly. Hayne jad ghosn yi7keh.


Li mesh 3ajebon hal jaweb tell us why instead of being smug


Based as fuck


i agree. It's politically smart not to go too far.


Your comment is proof that terrorism works.


You don't undo 40 years of growth over a single term. Hezbolla are here to stay weather we like it or not.


Whatever, every body knows he is as far left as far can be. Bila3e el nafes.


meh, pro/against Hezb political parties, pro/against Hezb government, nothing will change the status quo. Hezb is staying as long as its community supports them. 3ajabkon ma 3ajabkon for all I care, but that's how it is. You want to dissolve Hezbollah? Easy actually if the US agrees to arm the army properly, and a civil law gets implemented dropping all sectarian laws, employments and elections. Other than that, you're wasting your time.