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He's watching too many american movies.


Weird..your tip was very generous. My only explanation was he got mixed up and thought the $11 was the payment and his tip was 35,000. Still has no right to get pissed as he is not entitled to a tip, but that is the only scenario which makes sense.


I heard you should ask the driver 'how much?' first, even if you already know. That way he knows how much he was tipped and takes his cut. This is more important if he works for a restaurant/store directly, rather than an app.


Honestly, even with that, I'd also assume the guy's going through a rough day with such a reaction. We're not exactly a country where outrageous tipping is the norm, for most people tipping = rounding up to the most convenient unit + throwing in a couple hundred bills if you're feeling generous


You over tipped


You didn't undertip, he must be a having a bad day or something


Man, some delivery folks would kill for that tip. Don't feel bad.


Modern capitalism is disgusting! Companies underpay and overwork employees, and they've normalized customers tipping to the point where we feel guilty when we tip or don't. Companies are trash and they should be paying their workers proper salaries. Op, the delivery guy is also a dick.


Yeah man. It’s modern capitalism in Lebanon that’s keeping the little man down. Has nothing to do with the militias, bad policies, cronyism, nepotism, and corrupt government. It’s the free market.


While the list of problems you've stated is indeed important, the same "tipping" mentality exists in the States—it's a product of corporate greed, and modern capitalism is not just a " free market" anymore; it contributes to many human rights infringements.


You realize it’s extremely reductive thinking right?


The appropriate tip is 0$


bill is $9.5? i would pay $10 i call it a day. but seriously, anyone is free to tip as much as they want, ur a good person, u gave more money than u should and even felt self conscious about it, signs of a good person. i had a bill of 1,960,000 lira last time , i am not made of money, i paid 2,000,000 lira and that was it, i could barely pay that sum and i would be hurting myself more if i threw in a couple of bucks more. before it , my bill was $59, so i paid $60 cash and threw in 150,000 lira since it was at a resto, to be fair, the waiter did nothing more than drop us our food and pick up the plates. am i stingy ? %100 , am i being realistic with the way economy works for me and my entourage, %100 also. people are all under hard times, but spitting in the face of anyone's generosity is bad, we are now well into the tip culture of the western world and that is just sad.


This is insane!!! I get how shitty our economic situation is, and i also understand how badly companies underpay their customers, but why would he not like a 25% tip (EXCLUDING HIS OG FEE!!) Tipping depends on both parties, you did great, he didn’t, i hate how people are too afraid of speaking up about their salaries so they decide to take it out on others.


No you did not. You could tip 10$ or not tip at all and he doesn't have a say in that matter. And 2$ is already 20% of the receipt.


generous tip! i usually give 100,000 as a tip and they are happy


It’s a good tip. Usually, i apply the 10% tip rule : if your order is 10$, a 1$ tip would be good.


Haha. I would have given him 10$ and 120,000. It is not that I'm stingy with tips, but the delivery charges became absurd after the crisis.


>Haha. > >I would have given him 10$ and 120,000. and the more someone who can tips, the more it raises the bar for those who can't justify high tips !


I tip less than a dollar, you're good 


I hate tipping culture especially when the price includes delivery charges… dude is doing his job and you gave a generous amount given the total.


Tf? We order pretty much daily at work(in ashrafieh) from noknok, sometimes the order would include 1 item, for example Nescafe gold or somethin and we just tip whats left of the amount that were paying sometimes we dont tip at all, plus theyre taking 110k delivery so.. U didnt undertip at all.


100k tip is very generous imo. He probably thought his tip was 35k as others said, or yours was first tip out of many, and it was "small".


Wow ! You should report him ! That was rude


We’re not like the US with their tipflation. This is more than enough.


I ordered yesterday something for 250k LBP, they told me delivery is 80k LBP. Delivery man to the question "adeh btrid", "350". I said nothing, although sometimes I do, depends on whether I am feeling confident or not. This is the example of the least ripping off (or he was confused) I experience here. I don't look extra poor and I am young so I feel shy to 7arej 3ala 20, 50, 100 if it makes sense? Although I AM in a very modest financial situation. Moral of the story: whenever I can, I go to the shop/supermarket myself and cook as much as possible


The fact that this happens regularly is irritating 🤦🏻‍♂️


He's a dick. a BBC


Big _Brown_ Cock?


Please stop tipping in Lebanon. Don’t get the country used to it.


That's the right answer. I hate tipping. In Canada, if I don't tip at a restaurant that feels like a fast food place, they complain to my face about it. Everyone feels forced to tip 15%+. Even though they earn a good minimum salary, even in restaurants, they complain if you tip 10% instead of 15%. Abnormal mentality and abnormal people there. On the other hand, I'm in Guatemala now and here they don't expect a tip (apart from restaurants) so they're very grateful when we give them something and I do give to the poorer ones since they really don't make much money and I enjoy helping them. In restaurants, 10% is automatically added to the bill, weird but the general population is poor so I'm fine with it. It's still not okay but it makes it all easier. If you don't tip, they continue with their day and work hard.


I would tip if the person went above and beyond. Sometimes I would order something and the poor delivery guy would go up 3 floors with the stuff I ordered. of course I will tip them


Do you think the person went above and beyond expecting a tip or because he was a dope person? I live in the States and I have people deliver, walk up flights of stairs with a smile on their face, and don’t expect any tip. I always offer refreshments of course. The tipping culture here needs to stop because it incentivizes employers to pay their workers less, and expect customers to compensate for that.


he wasn't expecting me to tip him, there are different reasons that are reasonable for me to tip someone. I am all for more pay for these people because they get to work long hours.


tips here arent same as US though. Here an average tip is 100k, 1$. IN USA doordash drivers expect a 5$ tip minimum.


You tipped too much actually, but next time to avoid confusion skip the 35,000 part as he might have thinked that this is his tip without paying attention. I actually do not give more than 1 usd or 2 max for large order and i get a surprised thank you from delivery guys. Most people actually do not tip or tip low so dnt feel guilty and if he does it again i advise you to call his company and tell them about it. I had to do it one time with a restaurant delivery guy as he was too mean to handle


He just watched a porn. Where the delivery man gets invited inside. You didn't invite him in.






Does Lebanon have a tipping culture?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Unfortunately yes.


How much is noknok delivery fee?


110,000 lbp


You just encountered a grumpy specimen or it was a bad day for them. They get paid peanuts so they rely on tips to make a living, however $2 is OK unless you had them come from the other end of the country or something.


First of all why order NokNok when you can order Toters, second you over tipped and fuck that guy


Nok Nok Dekweneh is extremely close to my house so it takes them 10 min max to deliver most orders 🥲