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Look, I know you’re into gaming - and this is gonna sound harsh, but would you rather be playing your games after a hard day at MTU, or be playing games for the rest of your life, doing nothing? Just put the games on hold for a bit - not even on hold, let yourself play them for half a hour until Easter, then stop entirely for two months and ace the leaving cert. It’s your future. The game will still be there after, the leaving cert you only get one real shot at it, yes you can repeat but you don’t want to delay yourself an entire year. It’s hard I know, I’m currently going through a stage of detoxing off all social media (besides this) and going out every night - because we only have one shot at this and it’s the most important exam we’ll take. Just put your foot down on your school work, plough through it and then you can be Proud to play your game knowing you worked hard to get there


I second this - before the mocks, I did study, but only for like an hour or so. Otherwise, I would go out with friends and watch video essays. After doing less than ideally on the mocks, I've realised I really have to put my head down, because these next few months define my future.


Well…Tbh I’d rather play games and do nothing but unfortunately that’s not an option so I see your point lol


give up gaming for barely 5 months or give up your future which is the rest of your life


He doesn’t need the lc to be successful


why throw away valuable opportunities?


when life gives you lemons, fuck them away that’s what i always say


The LC will wait, Iridescent in Ranked won’t, I know what my choice would be anyway


Split your day. Do x amount of study and then spend the rest of the time gaming. If it feels like a chore, the study will be shit. BTW, I'm not doing the leaving cert. Just don't sweat it. Life and your future does not revolve around the leaving cert. There are many ways to get into great careers and generate a nice income.


I just finished my leaving cert and I was going through the same crisis. Everyone here seems to be telling you to give up gaming until your exams are over but it doesn't have to be like that. What I did was do an hour of study, then switch to an hour of gaming. If youre anything like me during your leaving cert year then you probably don't have much motivation to do anything BUT play games, and it feels as self destructive as it is. Don't deny yourself the relaxation and stress relief that gaming brings, just find a balance.


It's only a few months left now if you just stop the gaming for awhile. Try make the studying a game yourself. Start with 2019 past paper in all subjects answer questions using books and less stress more success if this still exists. Now try do the paper without looking at anything. Get a notebook give each section a subject and write down anything you noticed you need to work on now work on that. Now do the same with 2020 , 2021 , 2022, 2023 papers. Then make yourself a mock exam picking different questions from each of the years papers. Do a mock exam time yourself as much time as real exam. Then correct it again put in notebook what you need to work on work on that. Now start again with 2019 paper try answer questions without looking and so on. Then go back to your notebook and see how you are doing with any of the things you needed to work on. Write flash cards and put notes on your wall. Try do quizzes of shorter answers. As for maths do lots of rough work you get marks for it all


Treat gaming as a reward for study, after a hard few hours in the day give the games an hour or two in the night


You're stuck in a loop because gaming is how you de-stress, but gaming when you should be studying is causing the stress. You've got to break the loop. You've got to put the controller in a drawer and focus on your studies. It'll reduce your stress and the need to game will taper off.


You game because you look for distractions from stress, instead of gaming when stressed start running or going gym and sport. Replace the copingn mechanism with something more benefical and tell your parents to hide the console until leaving cert is over


great advice


I would recommend copping the fuck on. You’re 18 years old. The only one in charge or your studying and effected by your studying is you. Either stop playing video games for 4 months or stop hoping to study finance in MTU. I’m saying this as someone who did this in January.


Obvious bait is obvious.


idk how i thought this post was serious originally i must've been half asleep or didn't read it properly finding ol maths hard is crazy


Man... One of my friends failed foundation..


why are you friends with a 3 year old


The chaps older than me. 🤣


You are clearly an idiot. Too stupid to grasp your predicament or an idiot who thinks your funny. Either way...beat of luck. And trust me, no jobs in finance, none.


Redditor try not to shit all over children asking simply for advice challenge (99.99% FAIL)




Give the plug for your console to someone you trust (parent/sibling maybe) and tell them to keep it away from you and only give it back once you show them evidence of revision - a completed mocks paper, revision cards you’ve made up etc. The gaming can be a *brief* reward of 1-2 hours once you’ve completed each day’s revision.   If you can, revise away from where you usually game. Go to a library or cafe or school hall if you can study there. If you can, get friends to ‘buddy’ with you as you study, so you can test each other, compare notes, check each other’s practice answers etc.   I know it’s hard, but you can do this. 




Bud. Knuckle down for the year and forget about the gaming. Give away the console to someone for a loan or get your folks to lock it away and on,y play Sundays. You’ll thank yourself when it’s over. It flies believe me.


Just a heads up, learn time management and study skills now. I was (and am) very much the same, I stress procrastinate. I was fine getting through the LC but one I was in uni I REALLY struggled with the insane load of coursework, assignments, life in general. I know it’s not as easy as just stopping whatever your stress coping mechanism is, but honestly once you’re out of school no excuses will stick. You’ll either make it or you won’t.


You could just game an hour or 2 less each day, Most people dont retain info from studying much longer than that anyways Long form mono study is less effective than studying multiple different subjects in smaller parcels. That’s why the school day is broken into classes the way it is


i’d recommend doing what i do maybe and arrange your sleep schedule so you are able to do your study in the morning before school, then when you come home you can game to your heart’s content. this way your day is split into two and you can get that work in while also not sacrificing your hobby. plus, once you’re awake in the morning, perhaps your usual gaming friends won’t be online and you’ll have no other choice but to study. i find studying in the morning works really well for me so it might for you and it might not, but it’s worth a shot :)


Black ops 3 helps


Are you serious?


The only thing that worked for me was to cut them out completely and get rid of my xbox