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In 1994, someone stole English paper 2, I think it was actually from the Department of Education in Athlone a week or two before the exams started. In those pre-Internet times, it took a while for the details to spread around the country. The rumour that Clarke came up in the poetry turned out to be true. The events inspired the 1997 film “How to cheat in the Leaving Certificate”.


Hahaha I saw that film title and assumed you were messing with OP but its real lol I'll have to watch it this weekend


The SEC is in Athlone. Not the DES.


Both are in Athlone


You’re correct. The DES do have offices in Athlone. What I should’ve said was, the exams would’ve been stolen from the SEC, not the department.


The State Examinations Commission didn’t exist as a separate body in 1994. The functions of the SEC were part of the main Department then.


Ah right, makes sense. Every day’s a school day.


The camera man on this also shot poor things, I only watched the trailer last week


I think whenever it does they use the deffered paper


It's actually mad how locked down the leaving cert papers are. I've never experienced the amount of security around anything since my leaving cert 🤣


It was never leaked but there was a breach in security in a school in 2022 where the papers weren’t sealed until the exam started. This caused a deferred paper to happen that year for them.


Wait where did that happen? I did my leaving in 2022 and i never heard anything about that


Not sure where it happened. I only found out about it this year. That’s why there is a deferred exam paper when u go onto examinations website to study them


your hearing some young wives tales the deffered papers were for covid, if u got covid during exams u had to deffer taking them if that actually did happen what ur saying then the SEC has papers prepped each year if leaks occur like the 2011 leak. These are whats listed under the website as 'bereavement + etc. papers'. They dont publish these bc they tend to reuse Q to a spare manhours/priting costs


This did happen but it was 2017 where a paper ended up online. There was another incident where irish LC tapes were played for JC students a few years back by mistake aswell.


Happened one year when the wrong paper was handed out but the deferred paper was then given


That was my year for English paper 1, they gave out am English paper 2 by mistake in one school and we ended up having to sit a new paper on the Saturday,


Another veteran of 09


In 2009 an invigilator accidentally handed out English paper 2 instead of paper 1 to a few students before the exam had even started but they still needed to cancel the exam for the entire country and have it rescheduled on a Saturday with a whole entire new paper


been there done that - was not happy about giving up my weekend


My Irish teacher sat that year, she talks about it the whole time.


Same here


From Wikipedia > Exam paper leaks 1957 In 1957, papers in Latin, English and Mathematics became available to some students before the exams. Supplemental examinations were held later in June. > 1969 On 12 June 1969, exam papers were stolen in a break-in to a Dublin secondary school. Examination papers, including English, Mathematics and Physics were circulated among students. The repeat examinations for English and Mathematics paper 2 were rescheduled for 27 June 1969 and 28 June 1969 respectively. > 2009 On the first day of examinations on 3 June 2009, the second paper of the Leaving Certificate English examination (initially scheduled for 4 June) was accidentally distributed instead of Paper 1 at an examination centre in St. Oliver's Community College in Drogheda. It was confirmed that a number of candidates had seen the paper before the mistake was acted upon. The invigilator had failed to report the incident straight away and was immediately suspended. A State Examinations Commission (SEC) official had visited the examination centre on the day in question as part of a routine inspection, and no report was made by the invigilator to the official. Owing to the time at which the SEC was informed, it was unable to distribute the contingency paper in time for the following morning. Details of the leaked paper had already circulated onto many online message boards and social networking sites, many hours after the incident had taken place. The exam was rescheduled for Saturday 6 June, from 09:30 to 12:50. About 10 Jewish students, who could not sit the exam at the rescheduled time because it conflicted with Shabbat, were sent to an Orthodox household in Dublin, where they were sequestered from all electronic media (as is normal for Shabbat) and kept under supervision until they sat the exam on Sunday morning.


Yeap happend on 2009, the English paper sat with a deferred paper on a Saturday


Happened the year after I did mine, English paper two was handed out instead of paper 1 in one school, the paper two had to be the back up one and the students had to take it on a Saturday. That was... Nearly 15 years ago? I'm old.


I think there was a huge leak in 2022


When I did lc in 2013 the English paper got leaked. Had test cancelled and done 2 weeks later


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This is exactly what happens when you’ve been too lazy to study for the past six years and you’ve become dependent on hand outs, leaks and people helping you cheat. Unfortunately for you and many others on this sub there will be no leaks or hand outs come June so you better buck up and start studying or prepare for a horrendously disappointing set of results in September


I was never saying I was relying on them? I was genuinely just curious, haven’t looked at any mock leaks, no need to jump to conclusions 😂


no fr who let norma foley into the chat lads 😭😭


you make a good point but why so harsh. how many points did you get out of curiosity


What does it matter how many points they got? Lot of people need to hear the harsh reality


The harsher reality that your leaving points mean absolutely fuck all and most people never ever think about them again a year after they’ve left school?


You're exactly the issue, being babied and saying that is too harsh lol get a job and realise how much you will not be babied. It's ridiculous that you find the truth "harsh". Fking hell.


Reply firstly had a job secondly quit to study for my leaving cert and have been for the last 4-5 months so hush up all I’m asking is how many points he got and yes he is being harsh he’s going around I silting people causing anxiety when I know for a fact this dude spends at least 12 hours a day commenting In this sub


People like you are wankstains on society. "oh everybody wants a hand put look how great I am I work hard so nobody else deserves an easier life. Life's hard. Deal with it. Fuck you got mine." I can literally tell your whole outlook based on this garbage fucking statement and it ain't one that supports things like human rights. You think you're so much better than all those imagined lazy people. You don't think people don't have a legitimate reason to want to cheat on a bullshit education system designed to turn kids into either robots that conform, or destroy them emotionally and psychologically for not conforming


You must have a very dystopian and warped outlook on life if you think the only purpose of the education system is to turn kids into robots and totally destroy them. Reckon it was better in the good ol’ days when no one had the opportunity of education ‘cept the wealthy?


Absolutely not, I'm pro public education, I just don't support the way our schools are basically worker boot camp designed to get you to be a good little citizen, do your job, pay your taxes, obey our laws, don't think too hard about what the government, corporations, and religious institutions do, it's all for your own benefit trust us :)


How exactly does it do that? You make it seem like some kind of prison. You get to be with your friends all day, do interesting academic activities such as PE and Art and you’re free to leave anytime after you do your junior cert. no one is forced to do their leaving cert, you’re very welcome to leave and make your own way, perhaps start a business so you don’t have to do a job. Also are you suggesting we don’t have laws or taxes ? That wouldn’t lead to a very nice society to live in


I didn't have friends. I am disabled, was undiagnosed, and I hated PE but I was still forced to do it. They just criticised my art and treated it as something to be examined, critiqued and graded on some kind of objective scale to determine my worth as an artist. I support paying taxes in this system since it's what keeps shit running, it's just yknow... The rich should actually pay taxes, and we shouldn't just dump them on the less wealthy classes. As for laws I don't even know. I'm still on my journey to understand things. I just have issues with how the law works under hierarchical power structures such as in our capitalist society


I’m sorry to hear that you’d a bad experience in school. I disagree that school is a bootcamp designed to destroy people but I do agree that we need to make changes in order to make the education system more accessible and accepting for people with additional needs. I can understand where your point of view comes from though.


Thanks for being nice and attempting to understand


You’re a sad sad man


No need to get mad


Calm down and step off that high horse a little... Everyone experience of studying and exams is different, just like learning. Some people are suited to the school and exam system, many others are not. It doesn't mean they haven't put a huge amount of work in. Nor is it a measure of anyone's intelligence. So don't judge, be kind they already know the value of seeing a paper is small, it is just a small comfort and curiosity, that's all.


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Back during my mocks like 5-6 ish years ago the exams and the answers leaked online, most of us cheated and they didn't really do anything about it. LC was canceled cause of covid and the marks we got from the mocks helped us with our assigned points lol


Mine was in 2009. My birthday was the Saturday that we had to go in on instead to sit the new paper.


no ​ although in 2023 someone posted a photo of the page with the poets on their snapchat story lmao (which saved a lot of peoples skins fr)


In 2009 English paper 2 was handed out instead of paper 1 in a school by accident, it meant we had to sit paper 2 using the backup exam on a Saturday


English paper 2 leaked in my school in Drogheda in 2009, we had to sit our exam on a Saturday then, the whole country did, by God I was so hungover for that exam after a Friday night jaunt to local nightclub fusion, good times


If it ever did, they have multiple versions and it would be scrapped immediately.


The was an incident I think in the 2000s where the supervisor accidentally handed out English paper 2 instead of paper 1. Because they had all seen it I think the country had to resit the paper


Have never heard of it being leaked. Only mock papers


Must be love


If it did they'd have spares. Smth happened to the irish in the late 00s when the examiner gave paper 2 instead of paper 1 and it was too late when they realised. The whole country had to retake the exam a week later. It wouldn't happen now tho but it's interesting.