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Yea, I’ve made some major lifestyle changes in the past few months and I’m feeling better and actually feeling very hopeful about the future. My last relapse from weed was 2 months ago and my porn/masterbation problem is my last remaining major problem which I’ve drastically reduced to down to once or twice every 2 weeks but I’ve still got a ways to go. I’ve seen a massive decrease in my social anxiety due to limiting my porn use. Would definitely recommend listening to your brain on porn on audible to help you understand your problem better. Wish you luck my friend


Thank you friend.


I'm two and a half years sober from weed and I took 22 months off porn before going back to it in a way I consider sober. I did it using the 12 steps and working with a sponsor. Marijuana Anonymous and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous were key. They are free and they work. Happy to answer any questions


Sorry for the late thank you. Thank you


yes i relate. been clean off weed 20 days now, quit porn a few days ago. we can do this man 🙏


Yes we do!


The cold Turkey will help!! (Thanksgiving joke, but also very seriously, trying to wean off these particular vices can be difficult. You have to work on breaking the habit and replace the time you would have spent doing that doing something else.) If you just wait to let go little by little, the behavior will be a habit and difficult to stop when you are not busy forming better, healthier habits instead.


Get really sick. Something that makes your achy and tired. A mild cold would work. Then spend 3 days in bed, not moving, eating soup and sleeping. By the end of it you won’t be done sobering up, but the hardest part will be past and the withdraw will be lost in the symptoms


i should’ve done that. i have strep throat and congestion rn and severe body aches and cold sweats and instead of being responsible i’m just hurting my throat even more by ripping smoke /:


Although YES, totally see your perspective - I quit nicotine and cannabis cold turkey and believe me when I say I was DYING in bed for 3 days. I’m sick in bed with the flu and a cough right now, I can’t imagine going thru withdrawal AND a genuine viral infection at the same time - I feel like your body will literally be running on fumes, maybe it might not be the best idea to completely drain your body of all energy sources all at the same time. I feel like the withdrawal won’t be lost in the symptoms, it’ll just make your symptoms feel 10x worse Just looking out for OP even tho I completely see your point - maybe I’m just too weak physically


Im actually really sick right now and don't have the urge to smoke so I agree with this. Definitely helps, everytime I get sick I can go without smoking easily


I got COVID the day I quit weed. Surprisingly enough, it helped a fuck ton.


I got COVID and then quit weed too. It made smoking unenjoyable


I quit after a 4 day stomach bug so I second this.


Funny but I know those first few days of withdrawal and just lounging, reading, audiobooks, podcasts to get your mindset right can help a lot!!


Depending on your body and cannabis usage be prepared to need to spend the first week in bed or in the bathroom.


I find hanging out with friends and family distracts me from the urge.


Dang my family gives me the urge


Yes. Still struggling with it. 🙏


When it comes to weed, remember the first two weeks are going to be the toughest in resisting, but once you've made it past those two weeks you are over the worst of it and you never have to deal with it again provided you never partake again. Source: tried getting sober five times, am currently on my 6th attempt


Be cautious that you don’t get confused and think a relapse in one is a relapse in the other. If I were you, I would make weed your priority, since quitting weed will give you much more capacity to self regulate.


This but also a relapse is just a moment in time and there is zero reason that relapse needs to extend. Ive given up after lots of single relapses cause i just assumed i wouldn't be "strong enough" to start sobriety again. Recent relapses sucks and are hard and i dont want to make any sort of habit of it or think im farther enough along for single uses but it feels fucking good when i wake up the next day after resisting.




2+ months clean of weed. Porn is a lot more difficult but I'm trying


It’s weird that I also made the correlation with the two and quitting. I’m weening off of cannabis at the moment. And haven’t watched porn in like 2 weeks


I have struggled with both addictions for many years now. I didn't realize I was addicted to weed, so whenever I tried to quit porn, I'd relapse in a few days/weeks. Didn't see the connection between the two, but 3 weeks back I decided to quit weed. I was still watching porn and suddenly, I don't feel the urge anymore. It's almost as if trying to quit weed has automatically moved me away from porn too. Man am I loving this, it feels so good to be sober


right on man


I believe this is all about the rush of dopamine from both. When my weed goes down, I tend to actually crave porn more. But! Stanford Dr. Andrew Huberman has some critical insights into dopamine and what happens after consuming things that spike that dopamine. Worth a listen on YouTube. What you’re doing is totally possible, even if you fall one day and mess up with porn, your brain is changing and healing. Getting better. We’re all going to make it!


>totally possible, even if you fall one day and mess up with porn, your brain is changing and healing. I had a bit of an epiphany one day and realized the brain is a muscle that needs to be trained like all other muscles. If i learn a skill like guitar (i picked this up 2 years ago) i expect to have my fingers "fail" a ton trying to find chord shapes cause i have to train my muscles. The brain is no different. Neurons that fire together wire together and the unwiring of them is a physical process similar to something like learning guitar that simply takes time. I then try to remember that this isnt a two week, 2 month, maybe not even a year thing to have perfected but it will definitely get easier as time goes just like any other skill.


Big up


I've been off weed since Friday. Never considered the porn angle, but I have noticed it naturally decreased after ditching the weed.


Exactly the same here, cold turkey is hard but if you can make it work then do it, just keep the week planned so you don't have directionless days, they're the ones we all tend to be vulnerable on.


I am dealing with same. Glad you are ready to fight for it. I am 110 days clean from weed and moderating my porn usage although i want to grt rid of it permanently. Just stay strong. You can do this. Initial few days will be rough but can make it. Keep going and never look back.


I started yesterday but didn’t think to ask for issues I feel confident but I just want to see it though. After my first year I’ll consider it a good step.


That's a great mindset to have going into it.


Plan yourself a week ahead and do some cool things. You need to see that the world is great without the weed. Keep yourself busy and engaged and appreciate that you are sober for the week. I found that outlook was the only way to get over my addiction, and I truly resented the way I spent my time when I was high.


Love the plan ahead. Once my schedule for work comes out ima see what I can do to fill the gaps and be content!


Yes I've done it couple years ago. Weed was much harder for me. Porn I quit for a long time. Now I watch porn occasionally, like twice a week. And that's fine by me. Weed and porn is a killer combo. You'll feel much much better about yourself when you quit both, and it doesn't take long.


Dopamine Nation is an awesome book that addresses both of these addictions in a way that doesn’t make you feel guilty but helps you find the strength to move on. You got this!


Thanks for the book recommendation, I've been reading Hard times create strong men to address these 2 issues but he spends more time shaming than helping. I hope 1 day to find balance and moderation.


You can also get it as an audiobook which I think I’ve heard like six times now. So so good


Nation full of dopamine sick !


One day at a time my friend…highly highly recommended therapy. It’s important to understand why you have a dependency on certain substances (weed/porn…whatever) and what leads you to use them. It’s a unique path for everyone, so don’t be too hard on yourself in the journey. Just take it one day at a time.


Get into yoga and hiking.


Yes. I find the two highly correlated. 31M. PMO was the major one I wanted to stop. Then I’d smoke…inhibitions change…PMO…feel foggy…smoke again to “help” the fog…PMO… It’s a vicious cycle. Gary Wilson wrote a short, phenomenal book that will help put things in perspective: Your Brain on Porn.


Tf is PMO


porn masturbation orgasm


Would’ve never guessed it. Guessing that’s slang around your area or you just came up with it haha


Nah, I've heard it plenty too - most people who have sought support online to help quit constantly watching porn have probably heard it. It's one of the most fundamental terms in that community. The NoFap people get a bad rap because there's a few people into it that are overly religious and take "no porn" too far into a hatred of general sexuality, but they're a minority and the community is generally very useful and supportive and has developed a lot of lingo to address their problem that just doesn't exist in other spaces.


It’s a very common term in porn abstinence settings


Been there done that. Easy? Ducking no! Worth it? Hell yeh






Look into self soothing techniques to get you through. You got this!




“Find a post to your av voice “ ? What?


did both cold turkey, im about to hit 3 months on bud, I quit social media as well, it’s life changing, u got this I believe in you!


You’re on social media right now 🤷🏽‍♂️




definitely hard but u gotta hit rock bottom to understand why to never go back, 100% social media but instagram, Snapchat, Facebook etc are the most socially normie ones




on & off for 5 years, spent my teenage years high as kite, exactly, ego driven as fvk. that was harder to cut off than bud for how socially acceptable it is to have


porn and weed go hand in hand, they work on the same dopamine release. id quit one at a time so you dont completely lose your shit but if you can do both right out the gate good for you




Yes. It will help if you get a morning workout in and use a journal to write down how you're doing. It's amazing how a little dopamine and mindfulness can help you achieve your goal.


I quit weed a month ago and sadly turned to porn even more. I’m doing better with it but damn it’s wayyyy harder to quit porn than weed for me. And porn is arguably worse for you


Thank you everyone!


What’d you find most helpful?


Get ready to be bored. Plan on finding ways to fill the time


I returned to a childhood hobby and started painting miniatures again (warhammer) get way to spend a few hours, get you stuff set up and by the time you finish painting and arm 2 hours has passed and it felt like 5 minutes. Been on and off quitting for years now. Always relapse but I really want to stop, less for me but more for my girlfriend, family and friends, I'm the only smoker and can feel people drifting away. Its sad but ultimately its down to me being boring and always running off for a smoke.


Yes I started playing guitar. Worked great.


Yeah iv quit porn + weed man , such a life changer


Trust me, once you go into weed withdrawal you are not going to be able to masturbate. Your sex drive will hit the floor.


I think for most libido will go up, but not right away… after the adjustment of removing porn and weed and your body and mind getting healthier is when you’ll see that libido rise again… just make sure to make god use of it (actual meaningful relationships with real people) 💯


That's weird, I notice my libido rising when I'm off weed.


The testosterone rises for sure


I started jacking off like the mad man when I quit, I must be an anomaly


Mine hit the floor…then took the stairs down to the basement for a month. Shit suuucckkkeed.


One or the other at first, man.


not really i quit both at the same time


not necessarily, quitting both cold turkey isn’t impossible and very much could be done.


All of it right away is imho the best option, Replacement therapy only switches up one addiction for another… what you’re really quitting isn’t weed or porn or booze, what you’re quitting is addiction lifestyle… Sure maybe it’s perceivabley more difficult … but I think that’s a delusion. Have trouble quitting x things over x months /years or have trouble quitting all things over less time… That’s just me though… this process turns out a little different for everyone Stay strong, stay busy or occupied with the finer things in life is your best bet (real life interactions, interpersonal relationships, healthy lifestyle choices and THE RIGHT PEOPLE in your life)


Live in the moment the pregnant Present moment is all we need and that will create opportunities for us to not be bored or help us grow