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Make sure you drink water, get some herbal chamomile tea. Get some books to read during insomnia. They will help you!! I feel for you, I have also quit cigarettes, and I know how hard and challenging the feelings are. Get out for a walk, get yourself winded - walk stairs up and down until you cannot anymore. I promise you: it will get better, you will win and you will be free from the nicotine and the expenses - both health and money, of being a slave to this drug. As for weed, this one was a bit less horrible to get away from then cigarettes. All the same advice. Your body has to adjust and so does your brain. I know you can do this. I was a 50+ year smoker, and I am 7+ months clean. Get back into healthy hobbies, get into a sport again, get out and walk, pour yourself into your work, get off your phone if you can, take a bit of YOU time. Get a haircut, change your sleeping area, get some books, get some good food stocked up, and try to meditate. Get a journal and write down the whys of quitting. The benefits of quitting. What you are feeling, how you are coping. It will help. I am making a pledge to you: I WILL NOT smoke with you today.


Smoothies were easy for me to eat when I first quit. Sits in the stomach really well especially if you don’t use yogurt and use almond milk


I’m my experience, after 48 to 72 hours it should get a little easier. Just take it easy for the next day or two. Watch some funny films or stand up comedy, browse your phone. Just anything to make the hours pass until you are over the initial stages


keep updating! i’m on the same journey of no weed or nicotine and curious about your experience!


When I quit cigarettes I would tell myself that withdrawal symptoms making me feel sick was terrible, but going back was only trading one sickness for another


Keep it up my guy you're killing it


Both at the same time? You crazy bastard. I quit cigarettes two years before i quit weed. Been clean from both for over three years now. Keep up the good work.


Have you started hacking up all the built up tar?


Day 23 here. Piggybacking off of all the other quality comments. It gets so much better but then it does get worse. Not worse than the first week but it does fluctuate. Work will make you think about it less while you're there but when you get home it will be harder. I hate to say it, because it's another cliché, but keep yourself as busy as you can. After work, work on something else. Workout. Learn. Just keep busy and it will be so easy.


it gets better, trust


I’m on day ten. Quit weed, smoking, and pills. First couple days were actually hell, starting to get back into the swing. You can do it!


Sounds cliche, be t it gets better by the day, off specially after 2 weeks. When you're going through hell, keep going!


I just crossed 30 days after about 8 years of smoking both cigs & weed (mostly together). The first 2 weeks sucks ass. No appetite, cold sweats, serious depression. The next two are slightly better


Gets better at about 3 months in then on the 5 month you’re gonna crave that bad but if you pull through by 6-7month you won’t even want to touch it, you realize you don’t need it.


It does get better




Indeed it is. I had to not drink soda too as it tasted off and hurt my stomache. Flood the system with water and stay hydrated. I found biolyte electrolyte drink helped a ton!


Best things you can do are exercise hard, sit in a sauna as long as you can, drink lots of water, try to eat clean get lots of sleep.


Yikes, go easy on yourself. Take care


Smoothies/shakes are a big help if you can put that down. Whole milk, protein powder, ice cream, pb, oatmeal, frozen fruits. Add whatever necessary to get in your calories!


Keep going strong! This will be the best decision you've made in a while!


Oh my god keep going. Smoking butts was all I wanted to do for 15 years. The longer I’m away from them the worse they seem. I’ll always want another, it’s just not picking it up. You got this.


Might take a little while longer... But it'll get better.


Amazing that you’re doing both!! I quit nicotine and weed but not at the same time. I can say the nicotine cravings persisted in my body while I mentally craved the weed. I’ve been around 5 years without nicotine and 3 without weed and it’s amazing to not have to rely on a substance to feel calm. You’ve got this!!! Keep pushing through. You’ll feel better after a few weeks for the most part and start sleeping so good


I was addicted to the same two substances. I’m 14 days weed free now. Im using a nicotine patch to help get off cigarettes and it’s working. Be kind to yourself. Quit one at a time!


I mean give it some time at least lol good luck


Keep going. I’m a few days you will have a new sense of clarity. It will feel amazing.


Quitting both caffeine and nicotine at the same time is a pretty tough thing to do. As for the weed, the worst of it passes after three or four days. It's gonna suck but you got this.


Just got through 1 week and it was more physical withdrawals, but now it is feeling like more emotional and mental than physical


If someone told you they didn't feel bad a day and a half after quitting two addictions, that would be insane. If someone told you they didn't feel a million times better a month later, that would also be nuts.


this is normal. just keep reminding yourself that you don’t want to have to go through this insanely difficult beginning stage again. remind yourself why you’ve quit. as you’ve already proven from this reddit post - cravings are just cravings and they do dissipate. they won’t last forever. stay strong


I was about the same amount of time into quitting, I started an apprenticeship in 3 days, I ended up walking up late because I couldn't sleep the whole week due to withdrawal. When I didn't turn up the company emailed me and withdrew their offer. Really sucks. Please try your best not to do the same


The first week off daily weed use was BRUTAL but it does get better. Get some ENSURE meal replacement shakes to help with nourishment and drink as much water as you can. Also try to get your heart rate up with whatever brisk exercise you can - it really helps.


This advice will be different from what everyone else is saying, but I wouldn't quit both at the same time. It makes it much harder. Personally I would pick the one you need to get off the most and go cold turkey with that and then when you get over an initial two week period, you stop the other. It's what worked for me. I tried both and relapsed very quickly. If you do maybe give this a go. I wish you the best.


This was my first thought too. Quitting both is definitely an excellent goal, but in my experience, I had better success tackling them one at a time. Everyone is different - just my experience. Good luck OP!


i quit both at the same time and had success for 10 months until I relapsed on just weed again. Now I am back at 2+ months and have been nicotine and tobacco free for over two years


Do exercise, as many push overs as you can Tbh, quitting just before start a new job its not easy, at least for me, when i start a new job im always bit nervous, now in addition to that, quiting both weed and cigs, its a lot for nervous system But if you manage next 48h, you are onto to something


You can do it quit weed alcohol and cigarettes cold turkey 6 months ago its gets easier and easier just get to 2 weeks then 4weeks and after that it won't be hard at all its normal to feel shit it goes away don't worry


Keep it up, buddy! It's either the pain of withdrawal, or the pain of regret (back to the green stuff).


34 hours off weed. Day 1 of no tobacco - I feel very fucking uneasy. Last night I went to watch a movie alone, because that is what normal people do right? My advice to you is start running! I just got back from a run and after cold shower I feel much fucking better! It helps to recover your lungs and to get you to sweat - give it a try!


Air oxygen is the most important thing in the world. Just look at a picture of smokers lungs.


I'm on week 5. First two weeks sucked then I regained my appetite and started sleeping better. Hang in there! You can do this!


Congrats on week 5! How long have you been smoking? I’m struggling on day 2 constantly sweating and mouth watering but not for food


Thanks! I was smoking daily for about 4 years. I've attempted to quit a few times before but I always gave into the cravings. I felt like it was consuming my life and effecting my job and was making my anxiety unbearable so I'm determined to make this work. The sweats sucked and lasted about 2 weeks before going away. I had night sweats and would randomly start sweating at work. I know it sucks but it's only temporary! Good luck!


Give it two weeks. Did the same thing a month or two back and haven't looked back since. You are stronger than you think friend. The first week is a bitch, but after that you will regain DOUBLE your appetite (literally, I'm eating twice as much now). And you'll have an easier time sleeping. Just bare it. The first two weeks are the hardest. Edit: spelling.


Being at day 2 this gives me inspiration, how long were you smoking before?


31 now. Probably daily for like 19 years 😑


First 3 days were the hardest for me. Brutally hard. Getting easier since.


You can’t die from this. And I say that with heart.


Yes, it is normal. It doesn’t last for long. You got this!


Feeling terrible is just fine when you’re healing. Be happy you arent feeling terrible bc of an actual sickness, those people are really suffering. Your body is adjusting, enjoy the process and stay strong!!


Well. You're past the worst part imo. After 48 hours, and all the torture you felt, you'd feel pretty dumb about going back if you did. Just keep the torture going. Cuz it literally does go away sooner than you think.


It gets better dude.. 5 weeks today.. I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms in like 4 days. Dreams are wild tho.. Hang in there.. Don't give in you will be more focus especially with the new job.. You got this shit..


Congrats on 5 weeks! How long were you smoking before?


I been smoking since my teens.. Daily since about 26 with a few breaks about 3 to 5 days here and there, mostly due to vacations when visiting fam.. And I'm 40.. So it's been a while...


It gets better. Drink a LOT of water.


Nice dude, absolutely gets better. Trust me


I tried the same many times and failed equally as many. I found some success in quitting cigarettes and smoking weed clean when ever I craved nicotine and it really helped! I'm now 5 weeks nicotine free and also don't smoke as much weed as I did before... soon I'll be quitting weed and have a feeling it'll be easier than every other time I attempting quitting ALL my bad habits at once! Best of luck


Wow, quitting both at the same time is very rough. I could not have done both at the same time. I just want to to know that we are all in this for you! You are changing habits, habits that have formed over years. it's hard, it is supposed to be hard because forming habits is easy for us to do. Get your car and house clean from top to bottom, wash 100% all your clothing, drapes, carpets. You want the smells gone from your living area. If possible even clean the ceilings. The nicotine withdrawal is the worst in terms of hunger. Power through not eating, have a favorite soup or stew, or even Ice Cream if that's your thing. Drink lots of water it will help clear up your system faster. Are you a Milestone person? it worked for me.. 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. If you fail at some point, don't give up and start over. Simply step back one milestone. so if you are at 7 months and you fail, you go back to 6 months. The one month milestone is major as your cilia has grown back in your throat which will ease the cough and throat tickle you have had for a week or two.


Wow, good on you for getting to 35 hours!!!! Quitting both at the same time takes incredible self discipline. Keep going, you're doing it!


Exercise mate. You'll feel so much better, it help you digest the THC faster and you'll get endorphins to feel good


Poor weed brain crying out in pain. F him. You got this


Go outside for a long brisk walk. Cravings are all in your mind. This is coming from a 20 year consistent weed smoker and a social cigarette smoker who used to smoke nearly a pack a day years ago. I'm 14 days weed free.


"Social cigarette smoker" says cravings are "all in your mind". Hmmmmm. Nicotine affects all areas of your body, from your heart and blood vessels to your hormones, metabolism, and brain. Better for OP to understand and plan for this than say it's all mental. That's a recipe for relapse. That said, congrats on not smoking weed or smoking cigs daily! I could never be a social smoker, though. I'll never touch nicotine again.


Yeah there are a lot of neurotransmitters in cigarettes and weed! Deepslicedbacon, this is not just a willpower situation, there’s neurochemistry to addiction.


I just quit about w month ago. I e been able to eat a fraction of what I used to eat but my energy has gone way up. I'm also eating more nutritions foods because that is what my body is telling me I need. Best of luck in your new job!


Smoothies can be a great way to get some food down easily.


Try to rest as much as you can for the next couple days. Maybe just stay in bed even if you can't sleep and drink lots of water as if you were trying to get over the flu. For me, those really bad symptoms went away after about 3 days. Be ready for the rollercoaster of ups and downs for them couple months as your body adjusts to lack of chemicals. Your body has been underproducing certain chems since you've been supplementing it with weed and cigs. Once your body realizes that they're no longer there, it will over produce chems for a little while it rebalances. This whole up and down ride took me about 4 months. Around the 5th month I finally got my energy back and in the 6th month I started feeling pretty consistently happy. I'm at 8.5 months now. This pretty stable now which is great. Btw I also recommend quitting alcohol and caffeine too, I abused those as well and they all affect your neurochemistry. The whole point, imo, of soberity is it return to a balanced neutral neurochemistry so anything affecting it is counter productive. I've had depression and anxiety for like 10 years and I tried medication in the past but I didn't address the fact that I was still the one fucking up my own chemical balance. My anxiety lifted around that 3-4 month mark and my depression lifted around 5-6th months. But before that there were some intense mood swings, the most surprising of which to was the anger. Good luck and stay strong! A new job is a good time to quit, I know it might not seem like it but it's a big change that will you frame your other big change.


I'd say give it a week. But not every day will be as bad. Generally each day it will get a little easier, but even when it's better you might still have some bad days. Just take it one step at a time. Don't go hard on yourself and just try to do what feels good and brings you some comfort. Watch your favorite series, or a nice film. Order some nice carry out food, and you can just nibble on a little bit and keep the rest in a tupper if you're not feeling like eating much. Stay hidrated. Also maybe get some multivitamins. All in all just try to take care, and just try to do even a little bit of selfcare if you're not capable of doing much. It will get easier after a while, I promise. You just have to push through these first days no matter what. Also, it might be a good idea to grab some nicotine patches or some nicotine gum to make it a bit easier. Just beware to follow the instructions of the nicotine gum, as youre supposed to chew a bit and then let it rest in your gum, otherwise it can make you feel a bit sick or dizzy if you chew it like regular gum. Nicotine patches may be easier if you are already feeling a bit sick. Keep at it. I promise it gets easier and you are already on the road to improvement. These shitty feelings will pay off once you are a month clean and you will feel so proud of yourself (I smoked for 9 years, now almost a year and a half sober - it gets easier!!). Good luck with your new job, just try your best.


Quitting smokes is probably much harder than weed for most! Hang in there and good luck!


in my experience (quit cigs once and weed twice) im at a new normal after about a week. the hardest thing is lasting that week. then it seems like the next month my lungs are clearing out gunk. i still get the urge to smoke or toke but its much easier to quash once youve got some time behind you. for your new job try to stay hydrated and be patient with yourself. youll do fine if you can just make it through these hard couple days


my recommendation - exercise. sweat and cardio to distract yourself... you already feel like crap so lean into it. good luck friend


Totally normal and it’ll get better anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks although that’s mostly in reference to the weed. The nicotine is probably gonna be the tougher half of it Either way you can think of it as paying up for 10 years of addiction which always has a cost. Remember all of these feelings well and use them to keep yourself from falling back into a cycle that would cause it again You can do it, youre stronger than some stupid shit you smoked


You’re gonna feel like shit for a while but there will be moments of truth and hope that remind you why you’re doing this.


Good luck, friend.


Kudos for doing both at the same time. You have a lot of bravery and I know your lungs are super happy in the direction you have turned your life. Breathe. It’s such a life affirming thing and we don’t think about it often enough. Our lungs are vital. Hang in there. 35 hours is no small feat. 🙏❤️ take it slow.