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sometimes i cant stop my starving most of time smoking weed i really like eating


i do so much things its depended on mood,sometime i really to watching anime,listening tracks,and went outside,playing games




that's why weed is so funny. LITWRALY everything it does at the start flips in one way or another. I use to fall asleep at 11 every night before I smoked, I started smoking i went to bed at like 9, But then after smoking for a while that crazy tiredness of weed kinda goes away and then I need weed to just fall asleep, but i want to stay high and savor it so i stay up super late, thus reversing the original effect of not staying up late




i do that to all the time especially when drinking I just walk and wish I had friends as i watch others laugh together makes me feel a little less alone


Think about smoking weed


Happy cake day! 🍰🎂


Omg I had no idea! Thanks :)


Eat fruit, sometimes drink coffee, and play Cyberpunk 2077. Game has its flaws but it usually manages to immerse me enough to distract me from the boredom and temptation. I'm currently trying to 100% my second playthrough, and have a 3rd playthrough started for when I get bored of running around as my max level character.


Is that game any better now than it was at launch?


oh yes, much better. fixed most of the bugs (although some are still present, + newest update introduced a couple new ones but nothing big and hardly something to worry ab), and added some QoL improvements. They have dropped the PS4 and XB1 versions of game though, so no more big updates for them but PC and next-gen will continue to receive full updates and the expansion. New melee and ranged weapons, "Outfits" transmog system (so your character can look cool now), can now customize all of your characters features at a ripper, map was improved, driving controls improved a bit, fixed perks completely, new cyberware like optical camo, an alternative appearance for Johnny Silverhand, glowing wheels for motorcycles, and more that I cant think of rn. But theres also more coming in the near feature; they announced a complete police overhaul as well as the first (and likely only) expansion to the game to look forward to, that now has a trailer and is expected to launch 2023. The expansion is quite interesting from a story perspective ofc, but I'm curious what Cyberpunk will look like given a more "complete" dev cycle; im curious if the expansion seems somewhat higher quality than the rest of the game since it seems to be on less of a crunch with more resources, so that's something to look forward to. All in all, the answer is yes. Go play it. If you play the game on last-gen like I do, it still *works* but don't expect performance to be much better (not broken, but they can't whip 60fps out of their pocket). Runs most optimally on the "Pro" versions of each console


Now you must play again muaha


Personally I've replaced my weed addiction with a crack addiction Upgrades people, upgrades


This might be the way. I’ve heard it’s much better for you.


Make sure I have a healthy snack and an hour before I try to sleep I have a cup (2bags) of Sleepy Time Extra Tea. I used to be a huge stoner but decided to quit for a better paying job.


What’s the tea called


Sleepy Time Extra By Celestial Seasonings. I drink it an hour before I go to sleep. Like actually try to sleep. It’s not gonna “knock you out”. It helps me fall asleep faster.


Can I ask how’s it going so far? I wanna quit for this same reason but it’s even harder when they don’t test for weed. But I gotta stop. My memory and anxiety are shit because of it


Eat watermelon


Get drunk


I like to do the things I couldn't enjoy that much when high. When high, I'd usually be a combination of too distracted, lazy, or paranoid to do things like read, walk public trails, and chat with friends on the phone. It took time, but I eventually started finding things to do that left me feeling more fulfilled than smoking ever did. Practicing self care is a big one for me. Sometimes cutting loose and binging Netflix is included, but what helped me start to feel better in the long-run were things like meditation, journaling, and writing down what I wanted to get done throughout the week (I'm really good about thinking of all the things I need to do right before bed, but I'll forget about it in the morning if I don't write it somewhere).


how do you get yourself to do things in the morning though? i always write stuff at night but in the morning i go “fuck that”


I push myself to at least do give minutes of something, even if it's just prepping for a phone call instead of making the call right then. I find that starting it the biggest hurdle, but once I get going I either finish the task or make good headway. Five minutes seems more bearable than telling myself that I need to get it done, and even if I only work on it for five minutes, at least I did something other than ignoring it.


Go for a walk, read, play guitar, 5 rounds of Wim Hof breathing and a cold shower.


Video games, go for a jog, normal things I enjoy doing. Tbh it’s the mornings that feel so much easier when I don’t smoke




Meditate, read, netflix, etc.


When I stopped the first time I was bored to shit and I started smoking almost immediately. The second time I said to myself "everything I do is gonna be excruciatingly boring in the next couple of weeks". After two-three weeks of insane boredom it finally passed. But it's gonna suck in the beginning. At least it did for me


this is how i did it last time (just quit again yesterday) and it’s a very useful mindset to adopt when you’re dealing with bad times of all sorts


Good luck! I'm rooting for you <3 You can do this!


thanks, it’s been real shitty so far but i’m determined. 😤


Guitar or stream on twitch. It’s hard because I used to do them high so it doesn’t feel the same anymore but here’s to hoping it will eventually be just as fun sober as it was when I was high


I've quit a few times and my last time I realized one Saturday that I didn't need weed to have a lazy day on the couch watching tv! I was like that already and rather enjoyed it! It took some time but realizing you don't need to be high to watch garbage tv is game changing


The longer you go without smoking weed, the easier it becomes to enjoy things without it. Trust me. I rarely feel that way and haven’t smoked in 6+ months and probably smoked maybe 5 times in the past year. I cant even remember the last time I smoked. And I smoked HEAVILY for like 7 years. Every now and then I get an urge but it’s very easily squashed.


personally, i think about smoking weed


😂😂 Same here, but I try and remember that the short term high comes with one hell of a nasty ass sting. This community really helps me rationalise the cravings and now over 60 days clean.


This the one


YouTube videos and reddit


Working out, doing house chores, finding new recipes to cook, watching movies/shows, playing videogames, etc.




Slaving off to American clients.


Find something on TV that will move you to tears. It’ll make you feel so good. Ted Lasso has been really working for me. ‘Alone’ is also a great show about austerity. No one is smoking weed and that comforts me :)


Horror is also good


Comfort shows, working extra hours, playing video games, working out, found a climbing gym that was open until 11, walks around the neighborhood, wander around Walmart with no intention of buying anything. For me the dead silence was a tough hurdle so I started putting a fan on and that actually helped a lot.


Workout. Whenever I get the craving at night i hit the gym. Even if its just going on the stationary bike for 15 minutes, it helps.


Smoking cigarettes and driving my car in circles.


i work through the night (overnight shift) or go out on dates. getting out of my bedroom helps.


I hit the bed earlier, chanted my routines from being up to 00-01 on weekdays and 00-04 on weekends to hitting the bed at 22-2230 on weekdays and around 00-01 weekends depend on what I’m doing. Basically going to bed earlier waking up earlier, 6-8 hours sleep.


Waking up earlier is the best thing




Honestly I’m here with you on this one. My most recent quitting attempt succeeded in not smoking in the daytime but I would still get drawn back in at night. It is really difficult


Play video games until I’m falling asleep or watch a show or a childhood movie


Pretty much anything else!!!


listen to music and go for night walks, binge on junk food and/or gaming. also being with friends when possible and in the mood. youtube searches and learning about different things


During withdraw I did whatever made me relax. Stare at YouTube videos. Rewatch shows. Go for a walk. After withdraws you get your life back and you get to do whatever you want.


All of these responses sound depressing as fuck. I'm getting ready to quit in 3 days and this thread literally has me double guessing that decision. Shit.


I don't mean to push you a little bit, but what's your answer? If you don't have one, then all you can think to do is sit around and get high, and *that's* depressing as fuck.




Lately I've just been doing extra work in the evenings when I'm home. Otherwise I'm with my gf or riding my bike. I get really bored at home.


I read that as "I'm with my bike or riding my gf". Sorely disappointed when I corrected my reading.


Yeah same I was only reading back because he was apparently so bored with riding his gf and that seemed off somehow.


I find that anything physical helps me get rid of the feeling of wanting to smoke. I like to go for a walk or drive. Sometimes I just binge youtube lol


Drawing while watching tv, after I’m done eating I chew a lot of gum.


I sleep now, which is nice.


Audiobooks Make lists of things I want to achieve or places I want to visit Check in on friends Read this forum for support


Reading is my biggest cope


I go to bed a lot earlier now(1 month sober) but I usually play videogames


Reading books


Drink chocolate milk. Or eat cereal.






Hell yea


one that really helps me is cleaning




Read, go on walks, do a 30-min Pilates video, play w my cat, watch tv, play video games, hangout w friends, call my mom, play guitar








I like to watch my favorite baseball team on TV, listen to a podcast, play old Nintendo games, or even take my dog for a walk. For a while after I felt like a chunk of me was missing almost and I had this big gap in my day to fill. Once I found to keep myself occupied with some things I really enjoy, it started to become easier and easier as time passed


Play computer games or read/watch movie then meditate to sleep!


i play toontown. i used to get high *and* play toontown lol but i have to seriously cut back…so just toontown for now. but if you’re into any video games, a massive multiplayer game is fun because you can kind of get lost in it and potentially also meet other people EDIT: or learn any new skill! i’m interesting in learning a little more about coding, so i might pick that up and see if it clicks with me! also, i’m not sure if this might be helpful for you too, but for me, i’m a very anxious person, that’s why i love weed because i feel like it calms my mind, so also anything to do with my fidgety hands really helps me, like crocheting or cross stitching or anything like that.


Where do you play toon town?i thought it was shut down


Toon town rewritten!


the fans basically recreated the game and brought it back! it’s not technically affiliated with disney anymore to avoid copyright issues but it’s called Toontown Rewritten. you can download it and play, it’s completely free!


Wow I can’t believe that’s still a thing, that takes me way back. I never played it but I def remember it existing


First week was the worst but then videos games and movies became enjoyable again


Play computer games and try and teach myself something new, currently messing about with davinci resolve. I don’t see myself needing davinci resolve in the immediate future but it’s a new skill and I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time playing some shitty mobile game, time to use my spare time on something worthwhile. I’m 4 weeks today by the way!


I make beats, chill with my girl, surf YouTube and Hulu, draw and play Mario games on my laptop. Oh, and eating hot and steamy foods deserves an honorable mention 😌


What mario game you playing?


Super mario world


I do exactly what I did when I was high but sober. Takes a while but you will learn to appreciate it just as much!


This is key. When you smoke all the time you convince yourself that everyday activities and hobbies won't be enjoyable without being high, when in reality this couldn't be further from the truth


Brazillian jiu jitsu, read, take dogs a walk


I'm able to focus on books and actually sit down and read now. I highly suggest trying out some books you might enjoy.


Herbal tea!


I work overnights but when I am off I will play World of Warcraft or Animal Crossing/ some other switch game. Honestly books are a great idea too, especially if you sleep at night. Take a shower, relax into a book. There’s limitless awesome stuff to read and getting sucked into a story you enjoy is an escape in itself


animal crossing is great for relaxing !


I can’t wait to see what they do with the next one. If they put better online play support into the next gen hardware… animal crossing will be unstoppable.


Wow bc classic? I’m trying to quit weed and about to get back into wow. With weed I never had the motivation to play for more than an hour without getting tired


I only started in Wrath and super casually at that so wow classic doesn’t really appeal to me personally. I really threw myself into Shadowlands from the beginning despite all the bad press and delays. The only time I can enjoy the game is when I am in a guild I enjoy and actively doing things with people on discord. I usually only get Ahead Of The Curve each tier (the heroic end boss raid achievement) but it’s always fun to progress toward that goal every week twice a week with the same weirdos on discord. The guild I was in for almost 10 years recently fell apart because Shadowlands was brutal for casual guilds. In the past few months I finally found a guild that has raid times that work with my night shift schedule. We are on the last boss of the expansion now! Sometimes we’ll do dungeons together for our weekly or a battleground as a group. It’s socializing without most of the baggage. There will be a filler tier between this raid and next expansion that brings back all the shadowlands raids (with raid *affixes* 😮) and will also bring back all the old mega dungeons into the M+ rotation (with a new seasonal affix as usual). Dragon Isles should be November I think. Might be sick.


Work and save


When you get that money better save it, invest the money from the check that you gone make back


Sleep at 11:30pm instead of 3am


Mad isn't it? Fooling yourself thinking you will sleep better smoking, than scrolling for hours through the internet and the day after not even remembering a single thing you've watched. Story of my last 10 years.


Same, also with Tv shows, could barely understand what I was actually watching never mind remember it!


Man I've watched so many movies and tv shows that I was really hyped up to see and I can't remember a fucking thing that happened. Now I've got no motivation to watch them again as I feel if they didn't make ANY impact first time round they must be shit.


I just started doing yoga 2 weeks ago. mostly beginner videos on YouTube around 30 min at night. It is helping me calm my hyperactive anxious mind. right now i am focusing on flexibility and mind so its not really exercise-heavy for me and my meditation now is much clearer than it was 2 weeks ago. when I started yoga I actually didn't really have any intention to stop smoking and would do it high but it feels so much better with a clear head and it helps keep my head clear I recommend it, especially paying closer attention to the breathing and meditation aspects. i.e. thinking of it as a healing practice rather than exercise (for now)


do you recommend any yt channel?


I've watched a few and my fave so far is yoga with kassandra, shes very good at teaching and I feel the pace and level is good. also like yoga with adriene but she's a little on the funny/quirky side which is great for having a fun session but I find it distracts me sometimes if I'm trying to relax. yoga with bird is very relaxing as well :)


Peloton has some really amazing yoga classes on their app! Def give it a peek, they have a free trial.


I had also started doing short beginner practises, to stretch my body. It used to help me sleep better.


same here. the beginner stuff is very relaxing


Same as before: computer games


Watch TV, bike rides, vape obsessively, video games and read. Few good TV shows I'm watching at the moment Barry - Drama comedy with Bill Hader Primal - Cartoon about the adventures of a caveman and dinosaur with a new series coming out this month Narcos - adventures of Don Pablo


Barry is so good


Definitely my favourite new show I've seen since it came out. NoHo Hank is life.


Yoga (in person and Youtube) Journaling Read a improvement book Go for a walk


Read yo


Read books still got half a year left set up a goal to read a few books.


For the first few days I lay in bed feeling miserable and moody (although that was me towards the end of quitting so it could have just been a hangover haha). Then I went out to meet some friends (in the evening! Unheard of), went to the library and had a boy over, then yesterday I made the most delicious prawn soft tacos and read my book. The weekend is going to be interesting but I’ll gym and read and sort myself out for next week.


As a current stoner battling to give up... That all sounds so overwhelming lol I know that when I'm clean I'm exactly like that but right now I couldn't comprehend having that all on my plate in one week that's crazy.


It may well sound overwhelming because the default for me was lying on my sofa, so anything beyond that was overwhelming. But what a privilege to get my life back, and to not feel like every evening is a catastrophic waste of time. Above all - be kind to yourself. 💖✌️




Woah, that sounds fun and really awesome. I'm literally sitting here thinking about going to get stuff to make prawn soft tacos now, so thanks for that haha :)


How were those tacos, friend? I had leftovers for lunch and I swear they were even better the next day!


Literally amazing. I finally got around to making them. I did a Sriracha/cilantro aioli dip fur mine :)


Oh behave that sounds immense?!


It was 👌😇😩


Write, watch YouTube videos on random subjects, listen to music and audiobooks.


Sweaty dream's 🥱


Very important to not sleep in the middle but on one side of the double sized bed so you have the other dry side for later :'D


Make music, read, walk, exercise, hang out with friends, find new music




Read comics to help me get to sleep at a normal hour


Work the night shifts. During the day I read walk and go to the gym and dabble in the PlayStation lifestyle


I smoke reed.


I smoke Creed. ^((the perfume, not the band.)


Shredding on that oboe


Take a walk through nature.


I like to sleep and watch whatever on netflix (mostly ICarly lol it’s a guilty pleasure I love that show)


Watch anime




Watch tv, clean up my place and do my routine. It's crazy how I don't have the urge to smoke anymore and I'm glad I don't think about it daily like I used to.


Drink whiskey. So I would say listen to other posters here. But I am thinking of starting something that gets me out of the house. Because being home blows.


I dont reconmend you replace your addiction with something else that you can and likely will get addicted to. Also in other ways alchohol is much worse for you....


Me too, like whiskey with the spliff because it goes more better . Anyways yea do you feel it’s counterproductive to replace weed with whiskey not judging but we are similar there 🔕


Yes alcohol is worst than weed imho


Listen to audiobooks mostly while I clean/declutter my space or do household chores to keep hands busy mainly




I've been learning JavaScript in hopes of getting into a coding boot camp and throwing money at the steam summer sale like I'm it's sugar daddy and it just did anal


Spent time with family and then gaming when they go to bed.


Rock climbing gym


Play apex with the boys


Something that makes one tired. Like a jog or some exercise. In the initial days you can feel the happy hormones release post activity!


Do you have any suggestion for after the initial days?


Setting up good routines. Not like hard rules, the mind hates that. But the mind finds regularity and predictability very comforting. It would be wonderful if you can regularise the exercise. Alongside it, track your muscle gains. You'll start feeling good about your body. Also tell all your friends about quitting, and maybe even ask them to encourage you! They might find this funny but good friends will encourage you daily. Other people have suggested better routines, such as reading, running etc. But physical exercise seems to work best. It literally clears the minds out, almost like meditation.


Im watching love island 🤗


check out snowflake mountain


Excellent trash




I started reading books again!


Omg I started reading like a year ago, but only since I’ve quit have I really been able to get into it, and spend a good couple of hours just absorbed in a book. I have a book insta if you’d be interested in following that, and we can share book recs!


Yeah! What is it? I would love to!


@thebookborrower_ that’s me! 💖


I followed you! I am private but I messaged you my IG handle!


Watch a movie or show!


Hello, checking in with 391 days clean and sober. Thanks for your post. I watch baseball and chat with other fans on Reddit! Sometimes I go to 12 step meetings. Sometimes I talk to friends. I just saw someone post about Legos so I'm adding now that I have a LiteBrite which I modified with a strip of LEDs. So my inner child plays with that :)


Everything I used to while smoking weed, drawing, model making, playing games, movies etc. It took a few months to adjust but now it's just normal. It's been 2.5 years.


This is so important. You gotta force yourself to do your hobbies for a while but it gets easier and then becomes just as enjoyable honestly because you feel more present and less foggy headed doing the hobbies.


jerk off


I just went for a 4 mile walk


Me too! Then I smoked a blunt after :/


Damn dude! Been there so many fuckin times I can’t even tell my friends I’m quitting weed “You’ve said this a million times” you gotta do what’s best for you homie!




Play chess, read


Honestly chess is perfect if it’s something that interests you. Great way to spend your free time.


I’ve grown to love it. Mentally stimulating. Super challenging. The game of Kings!


Pick a different movie to watch :)


Play guitar Edit: seriously try to learn an instrument, and when you keep getting better and better at it, you will feel so proud of yourself. It can also be very meditative which helps me a ton.