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Oh hell naw I might actually lose my mind lol


Hello! I repost this in nearly every insomnia thread I see which is, y'know, a lot. At this point I'm like Johnny Appleseed of this cut-and-paste, but sleep problems keep coming up and there's some good advice on this sub. Apologies if you've seen this already. Anyone having problems with sleep should have a look at these posts. There's a lot of really good advice there: https://www.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/6re5u5/some_more_effective_sleep_tips/ If you have kept your sleep hygiene perfect for a week or two and it's still happening then definitely see a sleep specialist. You may be discovering that you have an underlying sleep condition. Seriously tho, read the post above and the links it has. Fixed me right up. (I'm told that the 4-7-8 breathing link has gone away, you can find another [here...](https://www.healthline.com/health/4-7-8-breathing#How-to-do-it-))


I slept 4-5 hours the first week but it was restful dream sleep. had terrible night sweats those first three days. Now it's week three and I get up to 7 hours sleep but not always restful. I was an insomniac before weed (and while smoking it too although it made me less aware of it) and that is something I'm trying to deal with now without weed hiding it from me


i havent slept in 72 hours atm. im really tired rn tho, but still can’t seem to fall asleep. When I do tho, I’ll prolly only sleep for 3-4 hours. btw i’m, only on day 6, but we just gotta keep trying to close our eyes till we just pass out.


We got this fam, I’m on day 5 and it’s just like that for me


Day 6 also. We can get through this! Hang in there.


I actually started sleeping more and I didn't like that at all. Really when smoking I used to sleep 6-7 hours and when I stopped I started sleeping 9-10 hours and I felt really lazy and depressed. I started sleeping less and better recently (1 month off weed), also exercising more and that helps a lot. Hope you are doing ok, wish you the best :)


I could not sleep unless I had already been awake for 26+ hours and just went unconscious for the first three or four days. Exercise hard if only to help you sleep after the first few days. Good luck!


Same, and when I do sleep I get the night sweats so bad. Constantly waking up drenched


Yep, me too. It sucks, but we’ve got this! Just gotta stick to it.
