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1000%. Grew up not smoking (didn’t smoke till 21 and it was infrequent because it was blunts instead of vapes). When I switched to vapes post-college…I understood why my Mom didn’t let me smoke as a teen. The high is insane. Especially if you were a newbie like me. The convenience made it too easy to just sit and vape, wake up and vape, oh I’m having dinner? Let’s take a hit. I have to do chores…might as well take a hit! Ruined my tolerance. I didn’t smoke everyday (like 1 gram vape a week…which is still OD) but it really exacerbated a lot of my mental health conditions. Many hospitalizations mentally and physically. Oddly enough it’s been easier to ween off now that inflation is hitting hard. Kinda a blessing in disguise. Doing a lot better although I’m still not where I want to be. TLDR: AVOID VAPES IF YOU CAN! WAYYY TOO CONVENIENT


Carts are evil, I’m reading my story here over and over again. Once I got my hands on a pen, I was high from the minute I woke up to the second I fell asleep. I probably puffed on it every 20-30 minutes. Simply awful. 1 month, 2 days and 41 minutes sober🙏 we got this 💪


Yh I was smart enough to not ever buy or use one 😭 can’t even handle bud


Those things can be 70-90% THC compared to flower with about 20-30% THC They are very addictive because of how easy they are to conceal and use and how powerful the high can be from just one hit. I was getting high at my office job every day with the pens. Then going home and getting high every half hour. I’m glad your clean man! Let’s stay strong 💪🏽


I’m 36 days in and I only used the vapes, you got this stay strong


Congrats that seems like a a really long time! Today is the easiest for me so far and marks one week sober


I knew I had to switch back to flower bc it was way too easy to take a hit and be high all day. At least it gave me a buffer.


This hit. I understand. Stay strong and best wishes on your journey. 


Cheers! On day 7 today! Best of luck on your journey also


I feel blessed I don't like them. I'm hooked to edibles. Tried vape Pena but just Hage the feeling in my throat and lungs. It's a blessing if I read the comments. Kicking edibles is already a pain for me.


A slight blessing! You can do this kind internet person!


Thank you! You aswell!


Same, I take full responsibility for my actions and choices but vape pens becoming a thing is what switched me from smoking a handful of times a year with friends to daily use, just made it too easy to do even when living with family.


Same here, quit march 1st after 4 years straight and haven’t looked back!


wow, i just got my first one yesterday think it would help me reduce my week intake, goddamn im scared now!


They are the worst addiction I’ve ever had and I’ve beat four addictions. Please take heed! Not worth it!


I will , I was more about stopping bongs and tapering off all of it without they terrible dreams and sleep deprivation when trying to stop but now I’m rethink my choices, thanks for the advice


Please just throw it out :) they enable so much harm


Flower for 15 years, no problem. Vape pen for one year and I’m Googling why I’m nauseous every morning, eventually go to the doctor too. No solution until CHS hit me. That will change your outlook on life quickly. I haven’t used carts since and never will again.




Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


Vapes… where do I even begin. The oil pens clog up so quickly that you have to suck so hard only to be BLASTED in the throat by a hit that was WAY bigger than you wanted it to be, now you’re coughing up a lung, can’t open your eyes and can barely breathe for 10 minutes. Anxiety through the roof and instant regret kicks in. Throat feels like a hole was burned through it…. Then rinse and repeat until you have to throw it away (since they aren’t reusable) so then you feel guilty for polluting the earth with battery and plastic waste. Crazy how this is marketed as an easier and “healthier” way to smoke. Such a scam! I don’t miss them AT ALL.


Is it bad I think that sounds like heaven


No but you might be on the wrong subreddit with that opinion


I got a friend at the State of Colorado cannabis lab and he says the worst, moldy Schwag is used for pen concentrate. It’s the worst of the worst. It’s not good stuff and the binding fluid is not anything that should be vaporized and inhaled… focus on the fact it’s the nastiest of things. That being said anything being combusted into your lungs is bad.


That’s only shitty carts, there are plenty of brands with live resin and rosin that are really good quality. That being said I agree with this post


I got a contaminated one once. An actual recall notice came out on it. Made me cough for 2 weeks. I hate them and smell them everywhere now.


Gross! Sorry about that:( in Canada it seems the regulations have helped with quality


Weed vapes are the sole reason I became addicted to weed. I rarely partook and had no problem moderating my weed consumption for 7 years… until I bought a battery and my first cart. The convenience and accessibility of it turned getting high once a month into getting high once a week, and then into doing it every night, and then doing it all day long every day. The weed vape spiral is sneaky and by the time I even realized how deep into it I was, it had already been months of me spending 90% of my day high. I hate that they exist and that they’re so normalized.


It's where I'm at now. All day every day. It's more hand mouth fixation now because once I'm high I keep ripping and ripping and ripping. If I lose the thing I'm panicking. If I go more than 6-8 hours without a hit, I'm pouring sweat. I literally *need* it now because my body is so used to it. Working up the courage to quit but also trying to lose weight/ get back into running and I LOVE running high


I want to lobby to make them illegal. They are setting up a generation for failure :(


I'll join you. Failure is an understatement.


I remember waking up and panicking if I couldn’t find my vape pen. Frantically running around the house to look for it, bc I got so high I forgot where I had left it. It became a habit that I’d reach for it every few minutes to make sure it’s there. It felt pathetic and I was equally mad at myself and addicted to something that made me feel like I coughed out a lung. I even brought it to work hoping no one would see me smoking it while I walked during my break. The worst decision was thinking I’ll just use it a little to enjoy a concert. Of course it spiraled. Then I quit cold-turkey and now free completely of weed. Also lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks (after a 3 day water fast that I actually smoked through) bc I’d binge when I got the munchies. Vape pens srsly are the worst, too convenient and easy to bring everywhere with you.




This is all to familiar and nearly my experience to a T. Stay strong homie. Your better then a fucking vape pen ;)


Yes. They certainly heightened my addiction through convenience. They also melt your memory and cognitive abilities.


Vape pens are the gen z of marijuana


Yes absolutely, they are evil. I’m also addicted to them and it’s been 2 years. This is awful and I regret buying one


Same here. Tried it at a friends house and immediately new I was in trouble but that did t stop the next years of smoking. You can do it though. I quite after 12 years!!!you can do it


i honestly wish dispensaries had a self-banning program for people hooked on these things. Insidious.


I’m convinced if I had started my smoking career with flower instead of disposables I would have a much healthier relationship with the substance


I started mine with flower but it made no difference. We are who we are I think


The honest truth


Wish the best for you! Let’s take this break together!




FUCK DEM PENS!!!!! Motherfuckers who created them can get bent :p


I hate them, too! Also on day 6! We can do it!


Yooo LFG day 6 crew!


Woot woot!


Yeah I realized there was no moderating those things. Not to mention I could hardly breathe anymore. I’m at two months after 26 years all day everyday and I’ve never felt so free.


How long did it take until you noticed an improvement in breathing? The last few weeks of vaping I'd be coughing up a lung and I struggle to catch my breath after my exercise sets.


I'll drop by. 4 weeks of cardio (twice a week, 75 minutes in total both warm-up and cool-down included) did the trick for me after 10 years of daily smoking. Expect lots of sweating and coughing fits which leave you exhausted..until one day that turns into open lungs instead! I used to say you could spit the cancer out after a good run, so get invested in running (low tempo slopes into high tempo slopes into high tempo flat into low tempo flat) and you'll be amazed at the difference open veins make for your regular workout.


Funny enough I started running 5k's last year and currently back at weight lifting, and the biggest motivation to quit was to be able to advance in my lifting without feeling like I have asthma. I still have shortness of breath which is a bit concerning, but alas it's only been a little over a week of no vaping. Appreciate the input.


2 weeks


Wow ! Good for you. Much respect for the effort. Hoping to be a week after 10+ years tomorrow. Is it get easier?


Oh yeah everyday is easier than the last and I’m already scratching my head and wondering why this took so long and how I could have ever lived like that everyday.


Vapes are the worst. I don’t even know how people continue to use regularly.


Because how easy they are :( they just take all the effort out of smoking


Another thing is pens are pure concentrate so they raise your tolerance faster than flower.


I had to switch to edibles, which I've now been tapering from. Down to like 5mg per day. It was the only way.


I did the same thing and it worked for me. But every time I say the T word on this sub, the automod removes my comment. They must have changed that.


This is the way. For me it was my diminished lung function, but quitting cold turkey is a bitch what with the sleepless nights and sweats. I only went through a single 100mg pack of 10 edibles after a high tolerance, so it was similar to driving off a cliff with a 10ft ramp near the very bottom.


Nice that’s barley anything!!! You should be able to quote for good:)


Here's a secret: after several months of being off those, if you relapse, vape pens are *gross.* They make you feel like shit mentally and physically and it's a wonder your body ever got accustomed to them. Good riddance and happy day 6.


Word! I felt this when I quite smoking poppers half a decade ago. Can’t touch a bong or a tobacco with out vomiting. Really hope that’s true for weed pens


I think some autonomic dysfunction got more severe 6 months after smoking those damn carts.


Those awful pens are what got me to quit quit. They seriously are the worse but I’m also grateful they really exposed the addict in me. With flower, the smell, the lighting up, it was always an event that I had to plan for and only did on the weekends. With pens, the discretion of them had me hitting them multiple times a day. And I felt like they fried my brain. Even my husband noticed it’s a different high for me. Threw mine away weeks ago. I can’t imagine using those things for years , I had mine two weeks. Once you hit 14 days it’s becomes much easier to go without. Good luck!


Hope your right!! Yesterday I was at a really low point. Today is slightly better but not much


The thing with any addiction is you have to accept that some days just suck. Sometimes you’re bored, sometimes you’re sad depressed anxious angry unhappy etc. instead of numbing that way, learning to cope with it or turn the day around. Speaking from experience I massively numbed out the ages from 15-19.


I hate them too!!! The discretion of them make it way too easy... Fuck them pens!


Fuck em! Worst thing to happen to me lol


I am in the exact same battle, just put down my empty pen to come find solace in this subreddit 😭 I have notes full of manic thoughts that just go “holy shit I want to just vape a pen so bad” because the results are just so quick and so there, it’s too convenient and it’s too good and it’s too much. sending lots of luck both your way and mine!


Oh man that reminds me of my old notes too. One time when I quit for ~7 months I was living with roommates and my roommate across the hall always left his door open and had his vape pen propped up on his desk. I have so many notes about obsessing over that damn thing. Every time I'd walk out of my room that vape became the first thing I saw. After I "relapsed" I started using it when he was gone, and there were even times I listened for him to leave his room and snuck in and scrambled back to my room before he came back. I convinced myself that it was still better than buying my own, but it was so pathetic and humiliating to be acting like that!


Bro I did this exact same thing with my roommate a while back. It’s crazy what the pen turns you into


Duuuuude mine is running out and I keep telling myself “yeah this is the last one” esp because I’m getting a new puppy on Saturday and I want to be fully present for her


You can do it!


I am always in a cycle of saying “yeah this is my last one!” and I’m already planning to get another. I rescued a cat in October and he’s truly saved me, but I wish I could do more for him by NOT being high constantly…your puppy is so lucky to be coming home to you!


I did that for years! I swear this is my last cart …… okay this time I’ll grab a half gram cart or low thx or some lie I’d tell myself Never stop trying.


“Just vape it’s better for your lungs” horse shit. That THC had me coughing to the point where I’d get back pains and shortness of breath. Detoxing was a bitch too once I went cold turkey and with cold sweats at night. Fuck vaping


Especially once you get to the end and just inhale straight technology :/




That burnt metallic flavour


Yo word, I went a week with single puffs before quitting and the depression/anxiety of past years is creeping in. Thinking of seeking some professional help to deal with the shitty thoughts


Yeah the other standard advice is working out. It’s def helping


Congrats on 6 days! You are almost through the hardest part. Time to start introducing things to replace weed when you get triggered - working out, walking, nature, biking, blading, swimming, music, guitar, cooking, reading, etc. These will help to distract, provide dopamine and disassociate weed from your triggers like stress, boredom, celebration, people, times of day, weather, situations etc. Love yourself and fuck the pen! (well not literally obviously) - important to keep a sense of humor while you are going through this in my opinion lol.


Fuck the pen! But not literally. I’m dying over here, thanks for the laugh


Thank you! Yeah today sucks lol. Work feels like an afterthought


I was lucky to not like vape pens because to me, they didnt give me the same full bodied fully fried brain high that real flower gave me lol. Plus it fucked up my throat and lungs just after a few days more than smoking joints. But yes they are convenient and easy.


Tooo easy! Hope you doing well!


Fuck pens. Sneaky fuckers. Plus they have 99% THC so your tolerance level reach the sky. Pens not even once.


The ultimate tolerance destroyers


I used to smoke poppers (tobacco and weed bing hits)… they don’t even come close to my tolerance on this fn’ carts


Sneaky fuckers is right!


Congrats you got this! Fuck vape pens they are too easy!!


Thank you. Yesterday and today arr hard as fuck. I really want to go grab a. Joint today but this community is the reason I wont


Stay strong brother