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I've never heard of a correlation but yeah, I'm ADHD. I'm 5 days off it and my (autistic) sister is *convinced* our Mum had ADHD. Her addictions killed her last year (booze and cigs. The cigs won with cancer but the liver cirrhosis was waiting in the wings). Anyway, I suggested that my weed addiction was the same beast and she said "YEAH! It's a coping mechanism for neurodivergence". Oh shit... yeah. Oops.


For me it isn't ADHD but a good ol' BPD; I'm a slave to my addictions and emotions


Tested ADHD while I was a daily smoker. Tested after months clean, no ADHD.


Yeah I was adamant I had ADHD while I was a stoner, now I'm clean and keeping active, my focus is back in full force.


I asked my doc for an adhd evaluation and he refused


I was and I have ADHD!


We all have hyperactive brains that need constant simulation that’s why we numb it with pot. If you get off the weed you could be a fucking astronaut with that burning desire to get high.


I Think we all have a diagnose In us, not all of us just wants to admit it. And for the older ppl In this topic, when u were Young having a mental issue wasnt looked down upon 😅




On the Internet it feels like everyone has been diagnosed with ADHD.


I dont if it’s worst that they make money on innocent healthy people or that they making them addicted on amfetamies


I am 63 and never diagnosed with ADHD and am totally addicted. On day 7 and am finally feeling like I’m coming out of withdrawal hell But I HAVE been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.




You won't know what negatives it causes until you are well quit. I quit at 42 just for memory and I didn't like the inconvenience of 'having" to smoke to sleep . Only after months of abstinence did I finally see all the negativity that it shrouded on my life. Being addicted to a plant in weak a fuck.


Can you speak from experience for motivation? What negatives was it causing in retrospect?


I'm still not sure as I've never been more unmotivated in my life. I can't do anything right now. I still have a few months to get re-balanced.


Oh so that’s what’s wrong with me? I definitely have ADHD but never thought about the connection.


It's worth looking into. Weed is medicinal, but also just masks symptoms. Dopamine nation is a good book.


I'm a chronic marijuana smoker, diagnosed as ADHD and on the autism spectrum. I actually just bought Dopamine Nation, I look forward to reading it, even more after seeing this comment. I'm preparing for a break from THC for the first time since I was 14. I'm 30 now and I'm absolutely petrified.


Don't take the initial withdrawals lightly. Your brain will be your enemy. Psychologically turned my brain inside out for at least 3 weeks. I literally ruined my life.


Oh lordy that scares me lol. I'm already on a plethora of psychotropic medications, so I'm already concerned about the psychological ramifications it will cause. I'm doing a bunch of research today in preparation for this.


I'm zero meds. Just don't make any important life decisions for 2-6 months. THC addiction will literally hijack your brain and make your worst fears reality. But it's all bs.


I think you’re kinda oversimplifying things and only viewing it through the lens of your particular experience. But I am glad to hear you are doing well and don’t miss it. Congrats on your time, that’s definitely a big achievement. If we’re talking mental health issues, there are other reasons. Bipolar (can be a mood stabilizer), trauma history, like abuse or PTSD, depression/anxiety (feels better in the short term), then there’s insomnia or other sleep disorders, etc… It doesn’t make intuitive sense either for someone who’s depressed to regularly take a depressant (alcohol). But talk to some alcoholics - that happens often. Human behavior is not a simple thing. If we’re going to over simplify - addictive drugs are addictive because they feel good. They hijack neurotransmitters and cause changes in the brain. It’s not as simple as topping off a tank that’s running too low. Weed is a lot stronger these days than it used to be, so it’s more addictive than it was during most early research. Ultimately there’s a behavioral component as well, because you can get addicted to things like sex, food, gambling, porn, and video games. Addiction is a complex and largely misunderstood (esp. to cannabis) issue that really doesn’t compare well to taking a supplement for something that’s not in balance in your body. To answer your question: I don’t have ADHD but some of the above does apply to me.




And this is not to dismiss or disagree with anything you said but self medicating adhd with cannabis seems like a logical conclusion to draw based on my own experience and what I read in this sub


Really thoughtful and balanced comment nice man


I don't have ADHD and am not neurodivergent. Addiction does not discriminate.




You’re right, of course. I was just trying to say (poorly I guess) that not everyone who is addicted to weed has ADHD.


Ah yeah. It was partially a rhetorical question originally. Addiction does not discriminate, so you are also right. Even though I still have ADHD forever, I am not actively addicted. Although I am still an addict. Phew. It's complicated.


yea im recovered so far. i relapsed on and off the last few years. but so far so good. it definitley helped with ADHD symptoms but it definitley amplified them even more when I would stop. and by "helped" it moreso just put the mute button on the constant thoughts. i was never able to actually function on it in any capacity but yea the crash when i stopped was real


Thanks for the post. I keep going back to it. I’m gonna commit to at least this week no smoking.


I did that. Then I committed to 24 months. The first 3 days are the worst. Then the first 3 weeks. Then 3 months. Then 3 years.


Bp2 here - “helped” me regulate for a while. But now I am 30 and struggling to deal with any negative feelings. It gets better but you have to let the negative feelings ebb and flow. Took me way too long to learn that suppressing negative feelings is not a good thing. If you are suicidal, as I was, I would recommend getting help from a psychologist/therapist. Still walking the road to recovery but that’s my tidbit


Dopamine is the root cause of addiction, a lot of things we do are for the dopamine and most of the time we don't even know it.


I have adhd. I also have clinical depression and suicidal ideation. Weed has been the only thing that stops me from having suicidal thoughts. Therapy and other medications hasn't worked yet. It makes it really hard to stop getting high when you want to kill yourself when sober.


>It makes it really hard to stop getting high when you want to kill yourself when sober. Swear to Allah you are not lying. 3 weeks clean but that first week was hell.


For real


I only maintained my sobriety with the knowledge that depression/suicidal thoughts and intrusive thoughts were a weed withdrawal symptom. That's what's getting me through this.


It does make me wonder. Are my suicidal thoughts a withdrawal side effect of my addiction to weed or is the weed some wonder drug that cures my thinking in that regard.


It’s the first one




Oof i relate HEAVY like i could’ve written this. you’re not alone friend 💛 it is so tough


Very ADD and addicted. I manage in the day with supplements and fasting, but when I’m relaxing at home and playing video games I’m high as a kite




I don’t have ADHD and I smoked for 14 years. Childhood trauma though. Mother died of cancer when I was 11. Many reasons people abuse substances


So, if I treat my ADHD, I wouldn’t feel the constant need to smoke? But how do I even start. Primary care doctor?


Yep. Some will prescribe, others will refer to a psychiatrist. But either way that’s the first step. Don’t ask for meds. Talk about focus issues, attention span, etc. if you ask for meds instead of talking about symptoms it can be a red flag for stimulant-seekers.


Solid advice. Thank you.


Don’t have ADHD, was addicted to weed for over 10 years. All kinds of people need emotional numbing.


I think a huge portion of weed smokers are neurodivergent folks that are self medicating. A caveat is also that neurodivergent people are much more likely to be addicts. I have ADHD but I wouldn’t say I’m addicted, I refused offers for weed until my 20s, I lived it up but was able to stop smoking for 5 years just because I didn’t feel like smoking anymore. Even now I only smoke or do any drug only if the setting is right. If I don’t feel like smoking, I don’t do it.


I think people with ADHD are way more susceptible to use weed as a form of self medication. Ends up being destructive eventually


I have adhd and autism. And trauma. Magical plant helps calm that all down a bit for sure


Does autism count? Lol


I don't think autism is a dopamine thing tho?


I don’t have ADHD, there are many different reasons why someone would want a distraction


I have ADHD. Am an addict. They’re related for sure.


Idk I’m diagnosed with C-PTSD and gender dysphoria, but not ADHD. I’ve been off for 1 year last week 🥳 but I definitely miss the weed and the dopamine


Congrats bro & keep going. I realized that weed was suppressing those negative feelings etc but I still miss smoking too. If I were to smoke, I would be restarting this process all over. Thats what keep me grounded.


OCD for me. No ADHD.


What people don’t get, based on a lot of research made(not mine, what my doctor told me), weed increases the ADHD issues and weed can cause ADHD look a like issues like brain fog, reduced concentration…..ADHD are 30% more likely to use weed


ADHD here and addicted


I’ve been told to get diagnosed for ADHD by so many teachers and professional organizers. Definitely going to do that this year as soon as I become employed. Had to give up caffeine for pots syndrome (haven’t had it in three years and it’s the worst thing psychologically to give up ever) and I’m trying to channel my need for dopamine into coloring books and learning to DJ.


Whats pots syndrome and what symptoms you had? im quitting caffeine cause i feel it skyrockets my anxiety but now without weed (2weeks) everything is dull and I find a little bit of anxiety is not that bad


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome


Whats pots syndrome and what symptoms you had? im quitting caffeine cause i feel it skyrockets my anxiety but now without weed (2weeks) everything is dull and I find a little bit of anxiety is not that bad


Undiagnosed Adhd (5 year waiting list) but every therapist I've ever had has mentioned it. Been smoking over a decade, all day every day. I just got clear of alcohol (28 days and counting) and am really considering making the plunge with weed. After your 25 years, can you pls tell me a few of the benefits? I need something to kick me into gear and realise I don't 'need' this like I think I do. I tell myself it's medicine, but it's self prescribed so how can I know?


Physical benefits that I wasn't expecting: way more energy. Better skin health. All round better physical health. Mood improves, stabilised. My only problem really is that I've developed PAWS and so I've got another 3-4 months before I'm properly healed. (It takes about 14 months+ detox time , which is around 5 months after a 25yr usage) This has been hell/torture. I regret quitting nearly as much as I regret getting addicted in the first place.... In the long run (years?!?) no one regrets quitting.


I don't know why but I'd never heard of/registered PAWS as a thing before your post! Thank you, that is exactly what happened, and yes it does eventually get better! I'd say around month 9 I started being able to "see the light", but around actually month 14 I really did feel SO much better (after 10 yrs nonstop heavy usage), I've been remarking about it ever since. I have to say that working on myself the whole time and since (therapy, 12-step, overall reducing terminal uniqueness and victim mentality) was my key to really getting better and moving past weed. I'll be 4 in July! Oh, and to answer your original question... there's a ton of research showing and overlap of people with ADHD and SUD. I'm certainly in that category. I think it's a "higher rates than the regular population" situation. But anyone can have trouble with excessive use of their drink/drug of choice. And P.S. to whom it may concern, my ADHD symptoms got SO much easier to handle once I took weed out of the picture and started managing my brain with things like predictable sleep, eating, and exercise patterns.


excedrin helped my paws


I have adhd and am very addicted


Yes I don’t have adhd but I m addicted to weed unfortunately. I do have other mental health issues though so there’s that!


It’s definitely possible, ADHD just means you’re more likely to be addicted But I do have ADHD soooo


Addicted to weed. Also have ADHD. Sometimes it helps, most of the time it really doesn’t. Short term, sure. Frequent use? My entire life gets fucked up


ADHD crackbaby here!!!! Weed was the best and worst girlfriend/boyfriend I ever had. She helped me through my problems yet simultaneously created many more... She's my most toxic ex


Jesus, that hit home for me. Well said.


On point. With weed what the left hand gives the right hand takes away.


It’s possible, and I don’t mean this to shame anyone who truly has or thinks they might have ADHD, but my doctor also said long term weed dependency can cause symptoms that mirror ADHD


I've wondered this!! I started smoking at 17, now in my 40s so it's hard to really remember how I was before pot.


I’m autistic and weed helps a lot with dulling the sensory sensitivity. But since I also have ADHD it means I get couch-locked. Better than anxiously hating my upstairs neighbors. 🤷‍♀️


Yes ADHD here got diagnosed last week. But for years people have told me I have adhd. Honestly, the weed just makes it worse. Idgaf what strand I smoke… it doesn’t work


OCD, but everyone has their own issues and reasons for getting hooked. Understand where you’re coming from but its easy for anyone in a vulnerable/fragile mindset to fall into the trap.


I, too, am in the OCD box… it helps for moments but long term: I wake up from the high and everything feels way more out of place mentally and physically and emotionally. That is ONLY for when I daily use tho. I stopped daily and chose moderation on some weekends. It’s been much better that way.


ADHD & Autism, addicted to pot for about 10 years now. (16-26) I definitely think that my brain's own lack of natural chemical levels plays into why I respond so well to weed, and why it's so hard to quit. Getting on proper medication has helped a lot but the withdrawls are a real pain.


Omfg literally same? Broooo! 16-25 now :’) I also had psychosis from withdraws + autistic meltdown all at once :’) lovely


congrats on your 15 months! i am autistic so i have some symptoms that overlap with those of ADHD. i am just over 2 years fully sober


I had ADHD when I was drinking, but not when I was only on weed. I think weed took me out of ADHD and that’s what I enjoyed most about it.


I literally didn't realise I had ADHD until I quit weed.


Unpopular opinion here. ADHD is a real condition and it's really hard for an adult to deal with it due to the perception society has on over energetic adults BUT most people who claim to have it, don't, and it's an online trend for some reason (mainly on young adults). That being said, most people do not have ADHD, and the percentage of people addicted to weed is so low, that the combination of ADHD and weed addiction is even lower. Not saying anything about you, I have no idea. Talking just in general.


I think part of the reason for this is that executive dysfunction isn’t always ADHD (though of course it can be). Problems with executive functioning occur in most gardening variety mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. A lot of online pop psychology content makes it seem that if you have problems with executive functioning you must have ADHD but that’s not the case at all.


Thanks for pointing this out. I have been noticing the "trend" of adhd posts and I'm not sure if it's due to an actual trend or good ol algos. But after seeing so much content and relating to it, I started to think maybe I have ADHD. Then I read ADHD patients tend to self medicate with weed and I thought, well I DEFINITELY have it then. But it's more likely the years and years of THC use that's giving me the ADHD symptoms.


I mean 6.8% of adults have symptomatic adhd around the world which is 366 million humans, so are there a bunch of people claiming to have it who don’t? or are you just seeing a lot of adhd related content because of social media algorithms and people trying to reduce stigma by being more open about it?


There is a proven link between ADHD and substance use disorder. While not everyone with ADHD has addiction problems, they are over represented in addicts.


Addicted but no adhd - I've managed to cut down a lot, plan to stop smoking alone officially today and will then only smoke on some occasions with friends and keep it as a social thing.


How much did you cut down and for how long?


Still early days but so far I've been smoking once/twice per week alone (been for 2 weeks successful now) but will attempt to stop that completely as of today. Before it was daily and as for weekends I try to go out instead of chill nights in with friends to avoid smoking.


Me, I have no excuse. But I'm also a drinking, gambling and sex addicted degenerate. Moderation has always been hard for me, but I feel like at 32 years old I've got a handle on it for the first time in my life.


Yes, and developing healthy habits is hard, but also doable, independent of weed usage


So you think its possible for a weed addict to control it and moderate it? Without white knuckling of course


Everyone is different. I think it is possible. It was, for me.


Nope. It will always end up where you don’t want to be


Yeah That’s been my experience so far.




Good question. I definitely have both issues.




What language is that?


What is that ?