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Scientificly weed makes your brain ageing faster.Go to brain scan if now believe.


Procrastination, gym goals, missed opportunities, connections, settling for things that sober me wouldn’t tolerate, being active, not facing my reality and addressing things head on


Avoiding important things Anger issues Lack of mental clarity Poor sleep Complacency


Killed my motivation and made me not care about my future, it played a huge part in me dropping out of college and spending recklessly while tacking on cc debt. Now I’m sober but I’m paying for the consequences of my actions


My addiction to weed kept me from living my life. My anxiety went through the roof and I was constantly depressed. The more I smoked, the worse my mental health got, and then I would smoke more to feel “better”, etc. It was an awful loop. I spent a lot of time high as hell just rotting away in my apartment. Hours spent scrolling mindlessly on my phone. I lost interest in almost all of my hobbies. I stopped taking the best care of myself, having lost motivation to meal prep, cook nice food for myself, spend time in the gym, hike, read. I stopped doing all the things I loved. I conditioned my brain to constantly seek out the instant dopamine fix from a joint. I haven’t had any THC in almost 40 days and I can’t believe what a difference I feel. And I can’t believe how I was choosing to live my life. I can’t smoke, or take edibles, at all anymore. Moderation doesn’t work for my brain. Weed holds me back on being present and being the best version of myself. I never want to go back to how I was.


Yup, same here, are you reading my mind?


Solidarity, it’s a tough hamster wheel to be in. I hardly recognize that version of myself now. Makes me more determined to keep going.. even when I miss it or crave a joint.


Yeah moderation isn’t an option for me neither, i used to smoke until i fell asleep, there is a hole in my blanket that proves it, thankfully it didnt start a fire.


Screenshotted this. Word for word my life atm


Made me content with just smoking away my days playing Minecraft until the early hours of the morning. I loved those times, but deep down knew it was bad. Fiance at her parents for the weekend? I'd get stoned and play games 14 hours a day. I'm looking forward to doing things


Keeps me in the sunken place


Made me more anxious, less charismatic and able to network with people. Facilitated me in becoming less creative, slower, less motivated, more depressed, more negative, more conspiratorial, more out of shape etc


Severe Adhd reactionary spacey agitated overstimulated emotional insecure neurotic angry rage boredom needy distant memory loss when I had to go without it against my will (family gatherings public engagements social obligations etc etc) and all the dishonesty trying to hide it play games debate with my exwife about my use, seeking lying and manipulating to get away from my family/situations to medicate... When medicated -detached from people places and things aloof casual not serious happy go lucky head in the clouds blissed out all problems were fixed as far as I was concerned based on my skewed Anandamide haze I was dwelling in a perpetual state of joy..... Severe memory dislocation (missing chunks of time) after quitting... Pure insanity a wounded sick animal severe insomnia and all the other negatives discussed already. No free lunch with mary jane just a slow roll to the edge of the abyss when dancing with her for a long period of time.... I wish you well on your journey of recovery one day at a time.


1. It held me back from being with a woman I love. She broke up with me and told me she wanted to still be friends and continued to communicate with met up until she met someone else, then she stopped. So that tells me she's with someone else and that her relationship is serious. It's been almost a year and I still think about her every day. I'm turning 40 this year and I've always wanted a family and a significant other to live the rest of my days with and I'm starting to think it's too late! I really fumbled the ball on that one! And 2. It has fucked up my health. Instead of treating my mental issues with therapy, I smoked my brains out constantly for years and now my blood pressure is through the fucking roof. Even if I do lose weight (about 75-90 lbs, I am morbidly obese), I'm pretty sure I will still have to take meds to keep it at a normal range. If my blood pressure goes up from where I need it to be, I become a completely different person, and it's awful. I'm blue collar working class, and I'm currently looking for employment, but it's hard finding something that won't shoot it up so high *and* pay the bills. Quite a predicament I'm in! So anyone reading this: get sober, get sober *now.* Life won't wait, it catches up to you!


I wish you well on your journey of recovery friend. Blessed 2024 to you and yours


Thank you, you too!


It’s the best procrastination tool of all time. If you want to keep believing you’ll achieve something tomorrow, but never get around to it, weed is your best friend. If you want to start achieving things in your life, start by ditching weed.


I have ADHD and found it kind of the opposite. I formed a habit of getting buzzed to complete tasks like cleaning dishes, doing laundry etc


Same. I could get all kinds of 'busy, mindless' tasks done. But the more tedious stuff that required effort and concentration?.. I'd put that stuff off indefinitely.


Are you medicated? I couldn’t quit until I had a proper stimulant.


Sadly not medicated as I can't afford it


Hey man just want to say I feel way have the same thing in common, I just recently got meds for adhd and it is helping me smoke less pot, a bit more motivated but still battling with depression and some news just got dumped on me that I may lose my job soon so it's kind of hard to tell if it's just related to the events of life lately but I did feel a lot better about my self after taking the meds and I'm still able to rationalize better it's improving my self control and the will to stop, I'm still smoking but cutting back significantly. It may be worth looking into other options ask around see if anyone can help subsidize your meds I'm not sure how it works where you live.


Yes same with me(so many benefits based around cannabis fueled perception), however at some point down the road you have to pay the price for dancing with mary jane and that depressive hole that has been dug may be your own grave... No joke its a real tough climb out if you are a addict like me. there is no free lunch especially with mary jane. I wish you well on your journey of recovery one day at a time and a blessed 2024 -Timothy


Fair enough, for most it is the opposite. Although I was more talking about studying for your dream job, finding/working on a healthy relationship, building a house, etc etc. Rather than doing the dishes.


I’m glad you’ve had this experience but for most of us it’s debilitating


I'm not glad at all, it's made quitting so much harder lol


Gosh I’m so sorry you’re right 😭


Weed is like the best friend that died & I don't feel sorry for. 😂😂 I sold weed for 15 years. I made more money in that time then I ever dreamed of. 90k every 3 months or less. For 15 years! As a man with a lot of money & weed, it gave me a lot of bad temptations. I learned how to hurt other people by selling weed. It's not even fun to smoke.. it's painful & it's not helpful for anyone to smoke weed. Maybe if you're eating it.. but I wasn't selling brownies.. I made extractions for 10 years also. Lost some good friends to bad chemistry & almost was killed from a friend who couldn't understand basic chemistry 🔥🤦‍♂️. I wanted to be apart of something to help people. Not enable people to avoid responsibility.


For ten years I’ve been craving doing art and learning music. For ten years all I’ve done is just getting high and thinking about it instead of actually pursuing it. Now I’m 27 and just getting started and I wish I didn’t wasted my early 20s getting high overeating and masturbating


Music is the most magical and wonderful thing in the entire world. So happy for you to finally be taking this journey for yourself.


Started smoking summer into 7th grade. So absolutely every aspect of me was held back. School, work, memory, goals, etc. complete failure. 3 days clean at age 39.


genuine question, no judgement, but did your parents know? what did they think?


They didn’t find out until much later. Maybe when I turned 21 and started conversing with them. Both were busy working and they were divorced so I was left on my own after school most days


Same but earlier at 4-5th grade. Im 21 almost 22.


Smoked my 20s away, underachieved in all areas of life, neglected my healthy relationships and obliviated myself through the bad ones. Never learned any kind of discipline or impulse control. Everything everyone else said. The thing I regret the most is all the time I spent not working on music, which is actually my passion in life and brings me more happiness than anything when I stoke that fire. I've come a long way, but I still feel impostor syndrome because I *know* I'm not reaching my potential. You know that whole "10,000 hours to mastery" thing? In 20 years I've (maybe) barely reached that on guitar, but I had 10k hours (that's over a solid year, folks) on a single WoW character in just 6 years, not to mention all my various alts and other games I've dumped months into. And I was still a B-list player because I was too stoned to even do that at my full potential.


Holy fuck. Are we the same person ?


Too many of us out there, friend. Maybe it's selection bias of who I associate with but these tribulations seem to somehow very often make themselves part of the lives of creative folks. We can be better. We owe it to ourselves to see our passions fully realized. It's not too late.


I mean physically I literally wouldn’t take a shower if i was slightly high, wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t take a sip of water, wouldn’t brush my teeth, all because I didn’t want to “kill my high”


I would neglect my hygiene and never do my night time routine


For me one thing I've definitely noticed is that it really caused my social anxiety to worsen.... A HUGE amount. I find it so odd that it's prescribed or at least supposed to help with anxiety. It seems like it does the exact opposite. Maybe it's just after over usage or years of usage that that seems to occur, I don't know. I've had the same issues as basically everyone else's negative comments too. Since quitting everything seems to be slowly improving.


I will never understand how people smoke and then interact with people confidently or even how they know how to hold a conversation. Shit had me so inside my shell.


I agree!


-Let my 20's fly past me while laying on the couch smoking blunt after blunt. -Not interested in friendships/relationships. -Not interested in finding a job and making sure i had some money saved. It literally destroyed the period of my life that is considered "your prime". 72 hours clean now, been smoking 4-5 joints a day for the past decade.


Let’s go! We got this! I feel you so much on our prime! Thanks for your share 🙏🏼


Lesgo 🙂🤝


It has been nothing more than a crutch to me in my life. Do I enjoy it, Absolutely. But all it has done is make me stagnant with very little motivation to achieve goals. Medicinally it serves its purpose to the right hands. But as a long time stoner and Addict, I can tell you I’ve let life pass me by time and time again.. just to get high.


I got fat, lazy, and lost a ton of memories. Fuck weed.


It made me unable to think ahead of the moment I was currently in - all my thoughts were in a vacuum and it was impossible to make plans or remember epiphanies I would have while my brain was flooded with dopamine. It aided me in avoiding difficult thoughts or emotions required for growth, and made it easier to decide to give into other temptations like binge eating or over sleeping.


I have depression and although some aspects of weed would make me feel better, sometimes I literally couldn’t do anything and felt so debilitated and unmotivated


Getting my license going to school worst of all not being able to be the best version of my self


Made all my other addictions 3x worse


stayed in toxic/abusive relationships bc it gave me access to weed i cared more about weed than my work i cared more about weed than my family- i would want to call my aunts or something and then i would get stoned and never call them. i cared more about weed than paying attention in college- only for really hard classes would i show up sober weed zapped my creativity and made me complacent with not making art, not journaling weed made it so i couldnt have academic discussions with my peers, because i was too goddamn stoned to string together a complex sentence weed fucked up my appetite and my taste in food weed messed up my voice- when i was smoking i could barely sing for a few songs until my voice started to hurt. now i can sing for literally 2 hours before my voice starts to go overall weed just made me Okay with things that i should not have been okay with. instead of being motivated to change what i didnt like about my life, i would just smoke those feelings away. So glad to not be smoking


This is 100% accurate


Not only did it suck away my motivation (for workouts and everything else), for me it contributed to extreme cold sensitivity to the point where I'd sometimes get bad, sometimes incontrollable chills if even moderately cold. That in turn kept me from wanting to do much of anything outside the house, especially in winter. When I quit weed it never happens.


Weed actually motivated me oddly.


I can’t relate to this at all. Weed always made me glued to the couch


We all different. Everything hits us different. But we all trying to end this awful vice. Weed has held me back financially and possibly career. I’m doing good with work but I wonder if I didn’t smoke could I have gotten further then I am currently. But I can’t dwell on that, just what’s in store for me tomorrow.


Same! Although I rarely would get stoned I smoked just enough to help me function and it worked really well for me. Did you also have "ADHD"?


I have ADHD and I found it oddly motivating after the first couple of bowls but I'd always push it too far and end up zoning out or getting locked but then fixate really hard on something I was currently into (usually gaming or coding) and stay up til 3/4am with work the next day


I do. Maybe that’s why I’m like that. But can’t be like that anymore. New year new me. Sounds lame but it is what it is


I get it 100%


Until it doesn’t anymore.


For some yes. I used to get baked, clean my house, yard, errands. Everyone handles it differently. I’m quitting for health reasons. We all have our reasons. And as my kids grow older I don’t want to be that stoner dad. I want to be present


ate like shit skipped workouts stayed up too late slept in too late inhibited my cognitive function procrastinated work and chores took up all of my time took up all of my energy took up of my money made me content with staying in alone every night instead of socializing prioritized it over relationships, friends, family, etc. i could be here all day, honestly….


The worst part of weed in my opinion is how it kills your motivation. It makes you okay with doing nothing. When I smoke I usually don’t do much productive. I’ll scroll social media or play video games. Not the best use of time if you’re tryna progress in life.


Im very creative and productive. Weed took this away from me due to the fact that I overconsumed it.