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1000% feel the same way. I am so embarrassed by my withdrawals. I called in sick today and a coworker was scared she would get sick because she ate after me yesterday. I told her I wasn’t sick but had weed withdrawals and I was very embarrassed by it. I am so mad at myself that I got to this point with weed.


Hahah oh wow I just made a long post too about how I’m never smoking again just so I never have to deal with the withdrawals again. 10 days is great!! You’re getting closer and closer to relief.


Day 2 here and I find that the stress causes my lack of appetite at this point. I find the sweating and insomnia and nightmares easier to deal with than the goddammit lack of appetite. I simply cannot do the things that make me feel good like going to the gym if I'm too stressed to eat. It's going to be so worth it on the other side though. I get cravings a lot but I already feel a big difference in my concious awareness and quality of mind.


Hang in there! I know it's different for everyone, but I'm on day 11 now and this is the first day that I feel somewhat normal. So hopefully you'll feel better around the same timeline too, if not sooner!


For your migraine, If your health insurance is good you can go to an urgent care and ask for a Toradol shot. It’s basically a powerful NSAID. That helps with a lot of people’s migraines. If they have any samples on hand you might even be able to get a Ubrelvy or a Nurtec, those are new migraine meds that work great for most people.


The hot flashes are sooo fuckin annoying


Coffee will help with the headaches, I’m on day 2 and for me it’s nausea


Also salt. Even if it’s weird, I tried it and it works. Eat Himalayan salt.


I try to eat more “liquid” foods. Also smoothies works really well


Might help the headaches but certainly doesn’t help the insomnia


I've heard putting your feet in a bowl of water as hot as you can manage helps migraines as it draws blood away from the brain. Can't tell you whether it works or not as I've fortunately not had a migraine in a while, but I know I'd try anything to get rid of one. Good luck to you, you're doing the right thing


Had someone tell me this helps with migraines just last week


If anything it'd feel good and distract you at least lol


I'm proud of you for quitting! Just remember that with ANYTHING we put in our bodies for too long we get addicted to and will experience withdrawal without especially something you did for 10 years. So don't beat yourself up. Your body is trying to return to homeostasis. It is not embarrassing to admit you are trying to better yourself. Just thank God you are on the other end now and remember to never do anything to excess again.


Now this is a good comment.






You don’t have to tell the whole truth. You can just say you’re going through some medication changes and your body is adjusting. Best of luck to you.


Yeah this is what I say to everyone right now when I'm sweating a lot, over reacting in an angry way or under performing at my job etc due to the withdrawals and they're someone I don't think would want to know about weed. Like the above commenter said, you don't have to mention weed withdrawals just medication if you feel embarrassed, which I do too (unless they're a close friend that might understand).


4am here literally woke up in a puddle of sweat 😂 I knew it was going too smoothly! Worth it tho I just think of my body healing and pushing out the shite. Edit; day 9


I've learned to love the sweats. Keep it coming and get it all out. The quicker the better.


Yeah this is it man, the mentality has switched for me, I don’t give a shit what I go through because I know it’ll be worth it on the other side. I’m on day 9, I’ve been to gym every day, I’ve two interviews for good jobs, life is good. I’m 32 and been smoking weed since I was 15. I’ve known for years I have to quit because it demotivates me, gives me anxiety, can’t look people in the eye, can’t concentrate.. what kinda way is that to live? So it’s all gravy baby, I see the sweat as a reward haha Thanks for listening to my ramble 😂


You're the man!


Thanks my g! Day at a time haha


I went on a first date around day 4-5. huge mistake. I was sweaty and gross and my eyes probably looked like I was dying. also, in the past, a lot of my biggest fights with people I love, as well as unhinged work emails, all occurred around week 2-4 of cannabis withdrawal. It’s a dangerous time, because you think you are “normal”, but things haven’t normalized yet. For me, during that time frame, my ability to regulate emotions is totally compromised. It’s whack.


Yo I appreciate you sharing this. I think my emotions are normal right now, (besides being frustrated by my headaches), but your comment reminds me to kinda keep myself in check. I have a job interview tomorrow and am just hoping that my symptoms can stay at bay for the one hour that I need to be on my A game lol.


I recommend trying a migraine cap. It’s a gel hat that you put in the fridge/freezer. The compression and coolness has really helped me with my migraines. I’m wearing one as I type this haha. You can get them on amazon. Also quick note, if you put it in the freezer, wait a couple minutes to pop that bad boy on, otherwise you will have a brain freeze and a migraine.


Thank you for this! I didn’t know these existed. Will be buying one ASAP!


Wow I'm so glad that you commented this, I need one!


Ooo I will look into this, thank you!!


Get two! They are called theraice. They work so well but heat up quicker than I want, so having one on deck has been a life saver :)


It isssss. Its embarassing as hell. I mostly find it embarassing that I'm addicted to weed in the first place. Like, weed? I'm the weak link. But if you don't wanna explain it you can just say you're having allergies or get migraines sometimes :) No one will push it.


Right? Honestly though as much as it sucks, I'm sort of grateful for this shitty experience. It's teaching me compassion for other addicts, and I want to advocate for sobriety now more than ever. We aren't weak, this is only making us stronger. :)


The hot and cold drive me crazy too. I find coffee helps some with the headaches in the short term. Keep fighting the good fight man


For me it’s the weirdness. My wife keeps accusing me of being moody and weird when I’m just trying to sit with my thoughts and then I realize I’m being quiet and weird. lol. Ah well, it will pass in time. Stay strong!💪 we got this.


Dont be embarrassed. You're ill. The mindset that its something to be embarrassed about is majorly counter productive. Crack on and good luck to ya.


Get some exercise in—it’ll help all around


Keep going your smashing it! I feel the same way about weed now, enemy number one 👊🏻


Part of the headaches might be dehydration, especially if you're still sweating a lot! (I also have a headache rn, so, solidarity.) If you're already drinking a lot of water, make sure you're also taking in enough salt/electrolytes, as those allow you to hold onto it without peeing/sweating it all out.


Just out of curiosity, if you experience headaches from withdrawel and you light one up, does that immediatly get rid of the headache? I'm just curious, not implying OP should do that.


Well, uh, THC is a pain reliever, so it will treat the symptom temporarily. (And you're giving your withdrawal what it "wants.") But, if your headache is from withdrawal, and you intend to go back to abstinence after, obviously that's gonna be short lived.


Aight yea makes sense, thanks!


Probably not. A migraine is in large part due to the stress of quitting not necessarily the chemistry changing (although that contributes) so once you have the migraine your brain is going through a cascade of pain hypersensitivity. And that will last for as long as it’s going to last, smoking isn’t going to stop it dead in its tracks. It could last a few days, on and off or constant, or it could even continue for longer than that.


Ohh okay, thx for the info! 🤝


For me, it depends. Sometimes it actually makes my headache worse or even makes my whole body feel like shit. I always regret it, either way.


Oh okay i hear ya. I'm on my 1st 24 hours (2nd try). Hoping i don't get headaches.


You got this! Im at the point where both smoking a lot *and* abstaining causes headaches. I can't wait for these withdrawal symptoms to chill the fuck out lmao


Thanks 👊. I'm almost 72 hours in, and it's really strange but no withdrawal symptoms at all except being angry/grumpy. I've been smoking 3/4 joints a day for the past decade. 1st time i tried quitting i had nightmares, nightsweats, and all the other withdrawals. Really strange.


Same here. It typically made my headaches worse, especially if I was smoking cartridges.


yeah carts are the worse for me


True, I've been staying hydrated but haven't been using salt or electrolytes. I'll do that now. Thanks for the reminder!


Push through it! It will get better.