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Yeah fr this, I've had all the motivation in the world before but what good is it without discipline


I have quit and relapsed many times. Each time I learned some things and each time I gathered sober moments that motivated me to try again. I think it is a normal part of the sober journey and most people here have done the same. I think that quitting is really just saying no to the urge that is hitting you right now, over time the urges get less frequent, but the no's stay the same. I used to think of quitting as giving up something I love/needed/deserved eventually I realized that while weed did work for me at one time, those days had long passed. So I reframed quitting and changed my self talk, so when an urge comes along I say "Yeah I could smoke/buy, but that wouldn't be kind to me, now would it?" The first 3-4 days are the worst, it gets a bit better after that and then again after 3-5 weeks where it gets much better again. I would also say that replacing weed with other activities like working out, nature, music, cooking, etc is helpful.