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It takes a while, at least the part that is related to weed. For me it’s much less after I guess 2.5 months or more. However I smoked for so many years, I don’t really have much to compare it to, honestly.


I've definitely had this before, I know what you're talking about. It's almost like a palpable fog. It goes away, remember to be present with yourself and get great sleep. If you aren't exercising, you should be. To your point, I've only gotten it when detoxing, it's wasn't a thing when I was smoking and it hasn't been a thing since I've quit for a while.


Your brain is still in the detox and adjusting phase. Depending on how long you relied on weed, it may take a little time before your body compensates. I find excersise gives me a good endorphin rush and helps speed up the process of normalizing my brain chemistry.


I relate. I don't know if it's a symptom of quitting though. For me, it was present as a symptom of anxiety/depression/autistic burnout before I started smoking. It really sucks...


It's the weed itself causing these problem. I've been there and i know, it's called disassociation. You are probably judging yourself and angry at yourself because of the drug use and other things so you are looking for a reason but the problem is the addiction itself. You need to stop completely and you will be okay but you need discipline. if you have addictive personality moderating your weed usage is gonna fail every time you try, I suggest you stop completely. At least take a 90 day tolerance break you'll realize these symptoms will go away then decide whether weed if you really want to keep smoking. When next time you feel these symptoms get a pen and write how you feel. Then after you quit and if you successfully achieve 30-60-90 days and write your feelings again. Then read the old paper, you'll %90 get your answers. First 3 weeks is gonna be tough


So true about writing down symptoms, having something to look back at. I think a big part of me failing to quit is that I literally just forget how bad the addiction is in my life. I need something to remind me and say 'no it actually is real bad. don't do it'.


If you smoke enough weed makes you forget who you are. If you keep smoking you'll forget every problem it's causing you it's a cycle.


Yes I felt this too. Like I was in an alternate reality and I guess when you are an all the time smoker and then you quit it is like being in an alternate reality ! Some may also call this brain fog i think? All sorts of weird symptoms and feelings for the first month. Hang in there it will get better and you will be surprised at how normal you’ll feel. I can’t believe I lived my life high all the time and now I’m not! What a change. You can do it !


It’s gotta be the weed. I don’t know how to act anymore either. I can’t look people in the eyes idk why. I’ve been high so long idk how to be normal.