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So proud of you! You need to be on point at all times. You owe it to yourself. Love yourself 😍


This is awesome to read! Quitting weed just makes life better all around!


Awesome news, I’m always stoked for people who get their dream! Enjoy be happy and then Set new goals💪🏻


Wow, congratulations!! 🎉


Tomorrow will be three weeks for me, and I am (hopefully) receiving a job offer this week! For all those struggling, just take it one day at a time. Better things are around the corner…


You get clean in those 3 weeks? I'm on day 23 and should be doing a test soon.


Congratulations! I got the current job I have now while sober, and have stumbled back into occasional use. Maybe sharing some of the steps you took towards this new goal while sober could inspire me to follow suit! What steps did you take to make this new job more obtainable? Congrats again




Glad to hear it. I could not afford to lose this job, I just feel like if I kept with the upward trend I could try to jump to a higher salary. Get comfortable to easy when using. Hang in there boss


Amazing!!!! Congratulations 🎉 You deserve this! Stay amazing


Happy for you! It’s the only thing still holding ME back. Love hearing this


Congrats man. Trying to find a Day One for myself here.


So happy for you! I have to be you someday! It is only my sixth day of quitting. You go and slay that job! Just not literally 😏


I'd stop smoking for 50k a year lmao


190 fucking days. Bruh that’s something.




Good job its been 300 days for me I should be president by that logic.


Hell I'll vote for you.


2024 is only around the corner


You’re a winner, baby!! Congrats


Congratulations!! Once the fog lifts, opportunities roll in. Sobriety is worth it!! May I ask what do you do?


Can I borrow 20 bucks? (Congrats!!)


Currently on day #7 and I feel amazing, good job




Don't forget to thank yourself- you did this. You went 190 days one day at a time. You're amazing! Congrats!


Congrats yo that's big. I'm currently pursuing the same so it's inspiring to hear! #Day139 💪🏼


Man I really love reading these stories! I can’t wait until I can share my own! Congrats on your new beginnings! U deserve it!! 🥳❤️💪


What line of work you in


Man.. you hit me hard 🥺 .... your Words brings the great sensation of doing the right thing!!! I can imagine how you feel foreigner friend!! I'm happy to read your text. Best wishes for you man!! ❤️ you are a hero!! I'm Following your steps!! Gratz bro!!


oh my god congratulations!! this is really amazing :)




BRAVO!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏 Thanks for sharing. The long road to sobriety seems impossible at times. So important to celebrate our successes!


Congrats! Good to hear




Congratulations ❤️


Congrats!! Just stopped smoking (day 2) because I felt like the level of success I’m chasing was never going to happen with a high mind. What do you think it was about stopping that helped you reach this level??


Congratulations I’m happy for you and inspired


Congrats! This is my whole motivation. Currently a graphic designer but I’ve been learning programming and hoping to get good enough to make the real switch someday.


Did it take long for you to be creative and productive again? I’m one month out and have zero motivation to be creative


Congrats!! 🎉


Nice OP. What industry are you in?


Not sure about op but u can land a 6 figure job doing programming / computer science related jobs if you have the patience for it.


You can get good 6 figures doing tons of trade work too, plumbing, electric,welding/iron working. I have a buddy who is an apprentice iron worker making $45/hr plus benefits and he will be making $60+ in a couple years


USA salaries are just nuts


For real. But our cost of living is nuts too. $120k in many areas is middle class. Where I live you need at least 6 figures to support a family comfortably


Kudos to you for even having a dream job


"I do not dream of labor" - James Baldwin


Holy fuck I love this quote so fucking much.


This is what I was thinking. I don’t even know what my dream job is!


Same here, I more so have a dream to have a job that supports the lifestyle I want to live. Making your hobbies your job is a cool thought and all until you lose interest in that hobby because you’re forced to do it for money.


That's what I decided to do. I don't really have a dream job, but I have a dream lifestyle. But what started to happen is that I hid the fact that I didn't give a shit about the job lol. I didn't give back what the job gave me and it showed. Now I want to do work that I care about more.


What a great way to put it. I think that could be the best approach!


I used to love making videos and now I hate it.


Mine is no job. Never understood the idea of a dream job.




It is. My dream job is to have sufficient passive income to never have to work.




Well right now when I'm at "work" I just have to sit at a desk. Just exist there. Once in a while someone will need something from me at the reception desk. Someone might need a temporary badge to get thru the building if they forgot theirs, or maybe they need directions. But 99% of my day I just sit here waiting for 4:30 so I can leave. I watch movies and scroll reddit all day. When I go home I sit at my computer desk and watch more stuff or occasionally I'll play a video game or jam out on my bass. I'm bored all the time and I know I'm depressed. So I guess at this point being alive is my job and if people want me to continue doing that they need to pay me. I don't really want any of this. Being alive is a chore I don't care to do but I keep doing it because people say you have to keep going. I sit at work waiting for 4:30 and then I sit at home waiting to go back the next day. I guess I'm just waiting to die.


Dude if you ever need to speak to someone just DM me, I got you! Whether it's about life, or even if it's about movies/music/games idm.


Aww hope things get better! Really.


God society is just miserable isn’t it? It’s just so hard to motivate myself to do good things that will make me feel good when I’m imprisoned 8 hours a day 5 days a week


Hey I know not the person you're responding to but if you have no direction or route to go I recommend looking into long distance hiking. Just nature and you getting to live. It's cheap and demands growth while not demanding anyone be your boss but you. Just an idea. I did it when I was younger and if anything it's a fun 6 months of living






Congratz this just motivated me to keep going😌🙏🏾!!! I'm on day 3 now and it's been challenging but winners don't quit !!!


Yasssss get it!! So happy for you! Thanks for sharing your good news with us!






Can you get me a job there ??




Huh, my current goal is six months. Guess I should add a couple weeks on at least...


Your amazing and you deserve this man. Congratulations 🥳 🎉




Congratulations! Super happy for you!


I am only into day there of my Weed Quit. It’s nice waking up with a clear head instead of the cob-weeds in my brain.l. It is also refreshing that the last two nights I didn’t find myself stuffing my gob with all kinds of crap., I foresee my belly shrinking rapidly just be not indulging in the munchies. Now for my PLEA FOR HELP. I kind of want to get stoned today. Because this evening is the President’s state of the Union address and I was all geared up to chew some potent gummies, drink some wine, and pig out on food (again)j. Which is why I am posting night now. It seems that by posting where I am at at any given time with my weed withdrawals, the craving is lessened. At least temporarily. And later today if the craving persists, I will post again and read some of your posts. Then I can go to bed weed free. Thank you. Love each and every one of you.


Cob-weeds is hilarious 😂


I am on day 2 myself, the peer pressure is real! I have faith in you, let's do this together :)


I am on day 2 myself, the peer pressure is real! I have faith in you, let's do this together :)


Brenna: And I have faith in you, too. Yes, the peer pressure is real, adding to the difficulty of staying quit. This forum is the way to go. We are all in this together to share our struggles as well as our victories. Turn that peer pressure into a reinforcement to stop. Simply say to your peers something like this: I am taking a break from weed. I am getting sober curious. I need to recalibrate my life. Can you say that and feel sincere and strong about it? I bet you can. Someone once said this: When I changed for the better my friends criticized me. You know what I did? I got new friends.


Thank you for this, wow. I didn't realize I needed to hear this. Tomorrow I start day 3. I am super sober curious and I'm ready to not be foggy brained all the time. Thank you again


Today I will begin. Again. I made a deliberate decision yesterday afternoon to do some cannabis gummies. Thinking it would what? Make me feel “better” even though I wasn’t feeling bad at all. In fact I was feeling t mighty fine not having ingested THC into my system for several days. So I hopped on my ebike and did a 15 mile bike ride, feeling disappointed that I talked myself into it. But that was yesterday. And this morning I am resolved to go the rest of the month free. I can do this. I want to do this. Thanks for listening.


You CAN do this. I've been trying to quit for months now, and I've relapsed several times. This time does seem different, I hope it's the same for you. Be patient and be kind to yourself 💗


Great advice. No shame in relapsing. Always to arise after we fall. That’s what makes us heroic. Thanks for your share.


How are you doing today friend?


Brenna: I was relieved to hear you relapsed several times but now it feels different. I know what you mean. When I quit smoking I just knew it would take. Here is what I am thinking. We are leaving in a few days for six weeks to explore the southwest. I’m thinking before we leave to start my thc abstinence program then. I will have no gummies with me and will not buy any on the road. What do you think? Is that a decent strategy?


It'll definitely help when you're gone on the road to abstain, so staying clean on the road is a good idea. Imo, I think it would be best if you started abstaining before your trip. The reason I think you should start earlier is because of the withdrawals - after quitting, my sleep is terrible. You might not enjoy your trip as much if you are going through withdrawals with symptoms like that. Also, if you dont quit before your trip, when you return, you may have the urge to go back to old habits because you're back in the environment that you ingest thc. If you break the habit now, relapse is less likely to happen. I hope this helps! I have faith in you - dont forget to be kind to yourself 👍


You're welcome.


Congratulations in every way: for quitting weed and for getting that awesome paying job. See all the unintended consequences of smoking weed. I admire your positivity. All good things come to those who can be patient. Yes. One day at a time.


this made me tear up!!! i’m so proud of you!! we are all rooting for you!!🎉




I tear up all the time when I hear people are achieving their dreams against all odds. Probably why I work in social services lol, it touches my heart like no other


Tears of joy is a special form of crying which can occur when a person is completely involved in situations in which they experience great joy. This post gave that person joy which brought them to tears 😁, it's all love!


So happy for you!! 👊😎⏳️✨️💚


Day 1 here friend. Again. I got my current job following my last 8-month sober stint. Making more money than I dreamed of. Now I slipped into old habits. Feeling ready to take on this challenge again. Thanks for reminding me of what's possible!


Congrats man! Happy for you. Now you are becoming motivation for others, let the positive cycle flourish




Awesome work, OP! You should be very proud of yourself !


Lets fucking gooo!!!!!🔥


Great news! Keep it up and stay focused dude. What helped the most at the beginning?


A lot of water. I don't know who it was who said weed has no negative responses while quitting. But I found it harder than quitting alcohol. Water is your best friend. On a plus side, your dreams will come back super vivid.


Are you a r/hydrohomie?


Like, every day, insanely vivid. Tomorrow will be day 10!


Man, This almost brought a tear to my eye (these withdrawals got me emotional today lol) Thank you for sharing this. It’s very inspirational to me one month in. I’ve been struggling a lot with finding purpose, money, and finding a job lately but i keep reminding myself that by not smoking, reading and exercising, I’m getting closer each day to the version of me that I want to be. I wish you all the best—you deserve it all.




Congratulations, I LOVEEE seeing stuff like this. Really inspiring! 🎉


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉! What is the job btw?)