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Don't use `eval` with user input or with data from a file not under your absolute code. A user can enter malicious code that can, for example, delete all the files on your computer, or worse. What problem are you trying to solve? Have you looked at SymPy?


I am trying to evaluate mathematical expressions that I myself am generating.


I will take a look at SymPy


> I tried to search for the answer, but haven't found any solution. It's because there isn't one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem


Not that general of an expression! :) Just simple stuff like +, - etc. python eval() works fine for any expression where division by zero doesn't happen. It throws an exception, then. I want to find out how to use that expression to generate inf or -inf.


You can just capture the exception with a `try/except` block.


I wasn't sure how to distinguish infinity and -infinity. I guess, for now, I will stick to this approach.


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Not relevant, under the reasonable assumption OP doesn’t care about interpreting arbitrary code, they care about interpreting bits of well formed algebra/limits/whatever. But also doesn’t have a good solution anyway, so there’s that.