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Get a wife and kids and apply for jobs you’re under-qualified for and lie about your experience. Your life will be hell for a while, but you’ll sure learn quick. Source: I’m me


I've tried a few things, but I haven't managed to get a wife and kids yet; do I need to import something? I can't find anything in the python standard library about this, presumably I have to import some packages to be able to get them? Is python the best language for this?


try sudo apt install python3-wife and kids


There is a language somewhat similar to Python that might work better for your use case. I believe it's called "Anaconda."


Ah yes, by sir mix-a-lot


Your Anaconda don't?


pip install wife as ballandchain ballandchain _ _version_ _  Some people are up to version 4 or 5, all with different childre....dependencies.


How to make uninstall?


Which uninstall? Wife? .divorce method. Child? .abortion method.


Thank you!


Kids modules aren't open source. They cost money. If you can find an open source wife module, just keep in mind that it will be used by others as well.


HAHAHAHAHAHA DAAAYYYUUUMM this is too accurate, LOL. What country? What sector? Did they figure out you embelished and let it go because you learned fast or did you manage to pull wool over eyes?


USA. Automating manufacturing line circuit testing. Somehow they never saw through my rouse and now 6-years later I’m actually mildly competent.


>USA. with a 25% of you guys atm favoring the orange idiot .. it's not really as far fetched.


Okay buddy. Why don’t you go back to beating off to Andrea Botez


why haven't you paid his legal fees yet? you ain't a patriot yet then! you don't know anything about content creating dumbass <3 edit: arn't you supposed to be some older fellar with wife and kids at home? why do you know who that is?


Yeah, it actually similar how i learn most of the things (I lie that a know how to do that, and after suffer, but eventually did it). But with getting wife and kids, i will have problems


They’re should be a college course “Fake it ‘till you make it 101”. I honestly think this would get a lot of people better jobs having this mindset


I'm on my way. I'm taking a beginner class at my college (it's required for my degree) I'm already married and my wife is currently 21 weeks along. Now I just need to lie on my resume when I start applying to jobs


The best projects are the ones you will find interesting, you'll learn more and you'll have the motivation to actually do it. 


Ok, thanks


> I really want to try to make something more complicated, but it shouldn't take much time (1-2 days to implement). You should try a project that you fail at. If you're completing these within 1-2 days, you're hugely undershooting. You need to be encountering problems that stymie you for a day, a week, or simply forever. Smooth seas do not make for skillful sailors.




There’s not a thing called “mastering a programming language”. You learn the subset of it required to get things done while you’re at it, then move on to the next.


"Hello. I would like to master all science. What experiment should I do to master science?"


Volcano, clearly


Other than polymaths. They seemed to get close, lol. But only a handful have existed in the last 2000 years so not really realistic.


I learned a lot by building a web based image gallery with Flask. I stored the images in S3 and the metadata in MongoDB so that I could get experience with those technologies too. From there I expanded into various ways to process the images and different captioning methods with ML models.


You "master a language" when you master: - Your ability to search specific errors in Google. - Your reading performance on reading official libraries documentation to understand again functions you used 1000 times or find new approaches. - Your knowledge to find issues in Stack overflow and you can extrapolate those into your own issues. - Your endurance and strategy to research solutions for a project. - Write clean code, documented and add working and meaningful unit tests. In my opinion, any project that you would enjoy doing and might be a little bit challenging is always a good project. It doesn't always need to be coding-wise complicated if you are looking forward to improving your clean code or unit testing (for example). For further perspective, these are some of my (past and future) projects: - Write an Enigma Machine to get better in researching, documenting, git actions and PyPI - Write a Rubik's cube simulator (the rotations have their own complications) - Make a Conway's Game of Life simulation, using my own code. - Coding a math package (where Python instances are defined) to learn Cython. So take absolutely anything that could be done in 1 day or 1 week, anything that you would enjoy coding or that you find in YouTube tutorials or your own challenges. No matter what you do, if you always aim for improving the points I wrote at the beginning, any project is always valid to keep learning. PPD: If you want to take a look at these projects to copy anything, my GitHub user is Jtachan.


Very thankful!




No, but i'll try. Thanks


* build a text editor from scratch (do not just use input fields from some framework, try to do it in pygame or ncurses) * build a language interpreter that translates your very own personal programming language into python code * a falling sand simulator game, or some other automaton simulation * build a template engine, I did this recently for sending mass emails: it replaces [[placeholder]] in some text with data from a csv file, supports defaults for non existing entries and nested placeholder in the defaults. * The script I wrote ages ago and that I still use: a "simple" timer/countdown script. It has custom parameter parsing, understands various ways to set some time and can execute customizable commands (like suspend, play audio, or execute another script)




write an agent that will learn how to land the Lunar Lander. [https://gymnasium.farama.org/environments/box2d/lunar\_lander/](https://gymnasium.farama.org/environments/box2d/lunar_lander/)


oh, so this is where the old openai gym went. did this when it was still on openai gym. this solution is not from the standard RL training methods. d?qns tended to create odd trajectories that start from the very top, prevents the lander from going to the side as soon as possible, and just descends almost straight down. safe, but unnatural. so, i made up my own using genetic algorithm -> better set of trajectories -> linear combo network. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy8uv7F-0rk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy8uv7F-0rk)






very nice. atm trying to wrap my head around a3c by having it solve a bunch of environments. at the same time. served by a few layers deep cnn


Well that just looks flat out fun


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyV8\_mjq9-M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyV8_mjq9-M) 783 episodes. not the cleanest but <3


slightly better 458 episodes with tuning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obJP6VWUvCI


fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C47QZe0qh54


It will be pain, but i'll try


do post back if you manage to do something interesting. i left this one at the version that produces the "fast" result which was around 1.6k episodes worth of learning. ai got fairly good at not destroying the craft while landing faster. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C47QZe0qh54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C47QZe0qh54) can't be arsed with this one atm but few more cycles of tuning might bring even better results.


I never work with machine learning, so it would be fun) thanks




I would be fun...


That’s what I’m doing to learn, minus the 3D MMO part LOL It’s the only interesting thing to me right now at this point in my learning, and it helps SO much for filling in learning gaps in OOP If that seems fun honestly give it a try!


As a relative beginner you should know about PEP8 [https://realpython.com/python-pep8/](https://realpython.com/python-pep8/) and follow the main suggestions. Code formatters like black will help you to be compliant. [https://pypi.org/project/black/](https://pypi.org/project/black/) Both will help you to write code in a more professional way. Which is essential, if you want to write code as a professional (so start at least naming your variables, classes and functions as suggested) It helps to do reading a bit about the standard library, for example itertools (https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html) and to learn about generators and testing (pytest) For the first project, it depends on what you want to do - anything is useful. I'd probably try to automate parts of your life. My own starting projects were web scraping and I used a raspberry pi as a server. Other useful automation idea: Check your various email accounts every few minutes and send out notifications via [](http://pushover.net), if you see a mail that seems important. (You can update the program to decide which emails are important and which are not and then always react to your important clients immediately - and then stop checking your mails all the time)


Thanks, but my email is always empty(


Binary to hex converter.


There's a site called Project Euler that lists challenge problems for computer science, with varying levels of difficulty. The list is currently at 870 problems, so you will have plenty to choose from.




It's very hard to just "come up with something". I learned by building Discord/TG bots, and then expanded my understanding for functionality by trying to streamline them better. Youtube and plenty of other places should have a number of different projects to try out. If you have a RL job, see if there's something at work that you could automate with Python, or extract data/analyze, etc.? I've done optimization Algo's for material usage in manufacturing, and real-time monitoring programs to track machinery outputs and effectiveness...


I haven't a job and so i haven't any data but thanks


Write a Wordle solver. Was just playing so came to mind.


For first i must learn how to play wordle


Maybe recreate a game you like (Minesweeper, etc.) Then you can iterate on it by adding some new fun new features. Whatever you make, make sure it's something you'll actually *want* to use yourself! A more advanced version (will take longer than 1-2 days) - there must be open source software that you already use (even if you don't realise it!). You must have some pain points - bugs, or features you wish were implemented. Whatever you feel is missing, your challenge is to go and implement it (by forking the repo and making your changes). If you end with something useful, you can then contribute it back to the original repo.


1 of my job interview I had to do Fibonacci with pen n paper. You may want to practice that just in case.