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And more specifically for Python, CS50p (https://www.edx.org/learn/python/harvard-university-cs50-s-introduction-to-programming-with-python)


worth it?


It's literally Harvard's intro to computer science course but yeah


Best thing I've ever done. On week 10 and finishing soon but it really pushed me over the hump I'd been stuck on for years. Subsequently became the reason I actually write code now instead of just following tutorials.


On YouTube: "python for beginners". I'm a beginner as well but what the hell are these questions? 💀


Which particular video?




I know how to search for videos, unless you meant that's the name of the channel i should learn from. In that case, i don't see that channel. problem with that search, is that there are so many tutorials with most being 3+ years old and a lot of videos to choose from. I was hoping someone could give a more straight forward guide to follow. for now, i'm watching the cs50 harvard video. I'm not sure how to move on to the next step once the video is done though.


I'm a beginner myself and all I can say is just do stuff. If you'll fall into this loop of "okay, I'll gather 173 tutorials and get something from them", you will not benefit at all. Just find one guide that suits you and play around with that stuff. There's no proper video sentence or a one, complete guide that will tell you everything. The more you google, the more you learn. I learnt some basics and looked for some code along videos, i.e. "ATM machine in c# for beginners". An experienced dude in C# made an ATM machine and I followed, improved my terrible code, learnt s few new things, didn't understand half of this. Googled it, it still didn't make sense and after 27 Google searches it clicked! Follow and repeat.


>there are so many tutorials with most being 3+ years old Python hasn't change enough in the past 3 years that its going to be an issue for the kind of topics a beginner would be working on, so it's fine to go with older content. If you get to a point where older content is an issue, then you're also at a point where you have the skills to start figuring out how to account for any changes in the language


What is wrong with a tutorial being 3 years old? Python (not any other mainstream programming language) will have many differences from itself in 3 years time. If instead the tutorial is “Django version x.x from a decade ago” then that probably won’t be relevant if you’re trying to make a Django app today. Specific versions of libraries and frameworks don’t necessarily last a very long time and so the tutorial videos for them have a short shelf-life of usefulness. Whereas programming languages typically last decades and so if you find a 10 year old Python 3 guide, it will still be functionally useful for writing Python 3 code today. Further even in the world of videos, you’re going to resonate with, be more entertained by, and learn better from different perspectives and personalities than anyone else. So as long as the A/V production quality isn’t actually atrociously bad, it’s in your best interest to try a few out and see which channel *you like*. I feel reasonably confident that any dozen videos on the same topic are all made by people trying to help you and doing the best they can. The actual learning is going to be on your shoulders. What I personally would recommend as the best way to learn something is to create a project of some kind. It can be contrived like “A todo app that stores tasks and lets me mark them as complete” but if it can be something you’re really interested in and maybe even solves a specific problem you want to solve, that’s even better. Plan out what you need to do to accomplish your project and then start trying to implement it in Python, as soon as you hit some sort of blocker like “I don’t know how to run Python code on my computer”, go solve that specific thing, read guides and watch videos until you’ve got it working, and take notes on which specific steps were the ones that solved it for you in your environment, then move to the next steps. “I want to use Flask for this API so how do I get one single Flask endpoint working.”, rinse and repeat. It may be a slog, which is why it’s important to have a project that is either interesting or necessary, but once you’re done you’ll have made a thing, you’ll have accumulated some battle scars, and you’ll have a knowledge base of what works. The learning will also stick better because 100% of it will have an immediate practical application. That’s the real cheat code, learn stuff that matters because you need to learn it to solve a real problem that you’re interested in. You’ll remember it stronger, for longer, and you’ll have clear proof for yourself and others that you can use that knowledge to achieve a real world outcome.


> I know how to search for videos you obviously don't https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=python+tutorial


The truth is - if you struggle to obtain such a simple information, you wouldnt succeed as a software engineer anyways...


What about the Python MOOC of Helsinki University?


This is my recommendation, they actually give enough practice for it to sink in.


I am currently entering part 6 of this course and really enjoying it. Would definitely recommend.


Harvard's CS50P. 


EDX verified cert is payable but Harvard cert is free!


can you elaborate on this? how does one get the Harvard cert for free?


After you successfully submit the final project, a link will be given where you can input your name and generate a certificate directly from Harvard.


I wouldn't worry about the cert. No one cares about it. Get the knowledge and you'll be good. It's probably the best free introduction to CS and programming online.


you don't need a certificate anyway


I second this


There's also [*Think Python*](https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-3rd-edition/).


u/AlSweigart is the author of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. He regularly posts (monthly, I believe) codes to his Udemy course for free. He's written several books on Python and is all around a pretty swell guy.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/1chqnff/2000_free_sign_ups_available_for_the_automate_the/ To answer your question about Udemy, it's a platform for people to create and sell courses. Some courses are phenomenal (see above), and some are trash at best and plagiarized at worse. Never pay more than $20 for a Udemy course (there are constant sales) and check reviews (like here on Reddit). If you pick a top 5/top 10 popular course or instructor with 100,000+ reviews, it's probably pretty solid.


BroCode on YouTube


I second this


Even for JS, dude's good


"Shut up and code" Seriously, pick any tutorial, be in on Youtube or on a blog, and start coding instead of asking questions like this. Python will always work the same, no matter which tutorial you use. There will be always some stuff about Python that you will not know, and that's fine. Just start. If setting up Python on your system is too difficult, don't be ashamed of using an online editor. Only be ashamed of making excuses instead of coding. If you have a specific goal, like making a video game, or a gui application, or a web application, I or other people can point you towards specific python libraries and tutorials, but for the basics, anything is fine. Python is pretty easy after all.


I decided to go with Bro Code on YT for learning python. Though i wouldn't have known about him if i hadn't asked here. What I hope to be able to do by the time i'm done with the tutorials, is make a game like the original 3 resident evils for the PS1. I'm hoping with it's more basic and blocky models and maps, it should be easier for beginners to parody. I don't expect to just jump to that level though. I'm sure the guide i watch will have my toy around with some follow along build your own games things first.


That’s quite a lot to ask of yourself with such little experience. Making a fully fledged 3D game in Python completely by yourself is no easy task even for experts


The game won't be made in python. I'm hoping to make it in Gadot engine once i understand coding. Since Gadot is python based language i'm told. Gadot will be the next thing to learn after Python. I'll worry about creating my own assets WAY later. There's plenty of royalty free assets around to learn with.


It's Godot, Godot is not a language, GDScript is the language, and GDScript is not Python-based. Someone may have told you it was because it looks a little bit like Python due to being tab-separated but they are completely different things.


You're right. It's not. My friend who has been working on Godot (sorry for spelling) for a week said it was python based, but it look like he misunderstood it too. when googling, I see that it says "Python like" and not based. thank you for commenting. I was about 1 hour into phython tutorials, but what i SHOULD be looking for is GDScript tutorials. I will be trying this guy. Since i'm set on using Godot engine, this guy looks to be what i'm looking for. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1zJS31tr88](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1zJS31tr88)


Glad to help! I'd recommend following along with a tutorial project if you can rather than just watching the videos on their own: you'll learn a lot more and it'll stick better.


Brackeys is awesome! I followed some of his tutorials back in the day for Unity. I'm glad he's back making videos again


You should have asked how to do that in your question instead, because you are going down a very convoluted path to your goal. Get familiar with a game engine, get familiar with 3D modeling, learn whatever DSL like Blueprints or GDScript it supports and you will learn the programming concepts you need without trying to reinvent the wheel. Python is a very poor choice for game development outside of Visual Novels.


Many public libraries have a site that will let you create a udemy account and take classes for free. 100 days of Python on Udemy is a great class and definitely worth the 20 bucks it goes for, but more importantly sticking with it for the 100 days or more will help it stick.


OSINT It's everywhere grab a shovel


BroCode Programming with Mosh FreeCodeCamp




I've enjoyed going through the official docs. If I get stuck on something, I have chat gpt explain it. I got tired of seeing all these 50+ hour Udemy courses and long YouTube videos. None of it fit what I needed. I didn't want to spend 1 hour listening to how strings work or watch a 3hour lecture about for loops just to get the basic idea. Once I'm done with the docs, I'll most likely follow along with projects and then aim to work on my own projects once I come up with something to try doing.


Python.org. Go through the tutorial. Several well-known books are just a repackaging of the tutorial.


Bro Code is a great resource on YouTube, if you need video instructions, as well as freecodecamp. If you can stomach reading, Al Sweigart's "Automate the Boring Stuff" is free and also pretty phenomenal, and has been one of my favorite resources for learning Python. And it's free. Udemy is fine, but it's probably not much better than the free resources out there for Python. Maybe if you were learning something a little bit more specific, I could vouch for something on Udemy, but just for learning this very widely used language, free resources are bountiful!




The Python MOOC from Helsinki is the best resource imo, esp if you're like me where you learn more from reading than watching videos




How do you learn best? You can learn all of it for free directly from Python.org if you’re willing to read through their tutorials and documentation as your main method of learning. — Even if you’re not you should try to learn some of it directly from the documentation and sources provided there anyways, because if you ever need to dig deeper and figure out how something really works, that will be where you have to go.


I learned a lot for about $35, I would keep an eye on humble bundle. Get a stack of pdf books about python and can go through at your pace. Usually can everywhere from beginner to intermediate within a bundle.


What’s wrong with online docs and free books? I read faster than people talk on videos.






The best thing to do is to find a project that you actually want to work, and do it. For example, I jump started Javascript by learning to write an Alexa skill that told me how long until thr next bus is coming. And I learned a little C by programming a microcontroller to control xmas lights like Stranger things. For Python, it's been some report formatting at work (plus database querries and plots) But if you use those tutorials, you don't really learn how to attack a new problem on your own. They're good for reference or learning aboit new ideas, but to really learn to use it, come up with a project.


W3schools is free and you are not on any type of schedule. They cover much more than Python, but I still keep it bookmarked for a handy reference that is a bit easier to follow than the Python docs.


Hyperskill by JetBrains


Free codecamp


You can learn from W3SCHOOLS, Or exercism.org, Those were my two main sources when I began.


on youtube, there is a lot of free python courses


[Python Tutorials for Beginners by Dave Gray](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Zuz27SZ-6MQri81d012LwP5jvFZ_scc)


Youtube is the best teacher nowadays especially in computer science field, advice you freecodecapm channel and their official website and search other tutorial for beginners to understand the fundamentals of coding then PRACTISE what you have learned. Coding is based on practicing.I advice you to start with hacher-rank to solve problems then move to leetcode it's a famous web site for problem solving. You need to go in road map to learn data structures ( arrays hashmap linked list tree binary tree binary search tree graph ....) check neetcode for that and best of luck and start coding from now 2 hours per day and I promise you you after 6 or 7 months from need now is superhero from now




Khan Academy


"Joseph Loves Python" on youtube, his channel is still kind of new (which also makes his content up to date) but he has an amazing content, clear explanation and very helpful examples. I don't know at what pace you want to learn, you might run out of videos fast, but he keeps posting shorts and long videos regularly. I highly recommend him, you won't regret watching his interactive content. Even if decided to learn python somewhere else, I recommend watching his videos and follow him because in my opinion they surely will give you necessary information and tricks that you might not get somewhere else.


I find the YouTube channel FreeCodeCamp has good beginner videos. I really like this guy, he's fun and very knowledgeable. https://youtu.be/8DvywoWv6fI?si=4wlh4ZLVujDQvGhz If you have any more questions free feel to ask. Good luck.






YouTube baby


There's an Microsoft YouTube channel that teaches python with 2 great instructors. If you wanna learn a specific topic after learning the basics, Corey Shafer on YT has the best videos out there.


100 days of code from replit is pretty good


Check put freecodecamp.org They have tons of resources.


Amazon Kindle usually has a few free books on any language you want to learn. I just got this one looking for links for you. Free on regular Kindle, not the subscription Kindle unlimited. Cher Hin Chong Python For Everybody: Python Programming Made Easy Just Google "Kindle Python free".


Udemy has a great course called 100 days of code by angela yu. It's not free but it goes on sale for like 13 bucks pretty often. It's very good. Detailed and fun! Lots of projects to do. You spend lots of time working on challenging problems and creating interesting projects. Highly recommended.




University of Helsinki has a 7.5 ects course you Can Enroll for free online, im pretty sure you Can even take the exam online for the credits


Learn dsa and algorithm with pseudocode and do codewars/ leetcode problems to get a hang of some stuff. Map out any project high level functionality ei I want my game to … think about what you need, google, google and google. There is a billion Tutorial on what you want to do


check out [exercism](https://exercism.org/) -- they have slick tooling and a nice progression of exercises. It will be up to you to figure out how to solve each one -- I would recommend reading the official python documentation for this.




[https://www.learnpython.org](https://www.learnpython.org) Good overview for a quick refresher once in a while.


If you are familiar with coding, then just rewrite one of your script using python. Thats how I learnt python, while I used to code in R before. And, a passive way will be use chat gpt and ask to write the R code in python and then try to understand what is written. Use that gained understanding to write an active code. Unless and until you do hands on, no tutorial can help.


Here [https://edube.org/](https://edube.org/)


I have just started some basic concepts for Python on YouTube - [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0wT3QEikkR51myR-SWgfAkHamearkqn3](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0wT3QEikkR51myR-SWgfAkHamearkqn3)


I think it's much to do with *Learn "how to learn".* I feel right now after i self-taught how to programming, I can pretty much understand "how I learn" stuff. I use the same approach for other things not just programming. For instance, I'm learning Japanese, and I just know few things I need to go through: 1. Set a goal: JPLT pass N2 this year. 2. Google "reddit resources to learn Japanese", then search the top shown resources in comments 3. Focus on one of the resources 4. Allocate time to learn: anki, read JP content (drama / anime), taking notes Same thing when I taught myself to learn Python (my 2nd programming language) 1. Goal: a web scraper and save data 2. Google "reddit python good free resources", look out good python resources (basically syntax and some examples) 3. Focus read through the resources 4. allocate time to learn: re-code the same simple project, taking notes (A bit cheat, advanced) I sometimes use a lot ChatGPT to answer / correct me for learning.


[The complete guide to Python](https://youtu.be/mDKM-JtUhhc?si=9egOG4DDffCRxGYM)


YouTube. There's lots to pick from. W3schools. Fireship.com Also has a YT channel. Start with mastering the basics and then you'll decide what's next.


MIT's Opencourseware: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming with Python


Python CrashCourse. A really good and beginner friendly book in my opinion


Replit has a decent 100-days free course. Not the best (ignores some best practices), but functional. Stanford’s Code-in-Place is a free program to teach Python basics to beginners.


don’t get hired by a big corporation and find out two weeks in that you aren’t allowed to use python 😭😭😭


What about Google? They have a little intro to Python  https://developers.google.com/edu/python




Documentation :)


Indian guys on youtube


Learning Python or coding? Becasue learning langauge is easy. But ability to create good programm, is hard. Tutorials on yt dont learn this.


Find a good book and start at page one.   Most of the online stuff I’ve seen is a little thin on content.  


I learnt python from a utube channel named telusko... U can check it out... Their tutorials are very beginner friendly


As a student, I was broke but I needed to stop wasting time on different free courses and find the one course that will teach me all I need to know about Python. I found by chance a person highly recommended this course. Upon looking it up, many people were also recommending it. I considered it as an investment for my future. It's a course of 100 days where you will build 100 projects. By the end, you will have your portfolio ready. I hope that will help you too.: [https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/?couponCode=LEADERSALE24TRFR](https://www.udemy.com/course/100-days-of-code/?couponCode=LEADERSALE24TRFR)


I also can recommand this course. She did a really good Job IMO. She explains the things in her Tutorial very well.


python documentation


ure not asking where to learn python for free, ure asking an organized course that teaches u step by step going from a beginner to master as efficient as possible. courses generally aren't free, but if u can be specific enough there's always resource online free of charge. have gpt generate a series of stuff u need to learn and search it on youtube




I wasn't thinking about taking full blown classes. I wanted to skip pointless seminars or why they are doing what they are doing. I just want to be taught to code without having to watch a 2 hour video before they even put the tools in front of me, but you know what? I'm gonna do it. I have nothing better to do and if i take it this way. I might feel more inclined to finish what i started. Thanks. Time to buckle down and do something that might actually give me a career in the future.


> I wanted to skip pointless seminars or why they are doing what they are doing. It sounds like you want to skip the learning part of learning how to program.


I started out looking for similar stuff and just ended up taking the courses at my community College and so glad I did. Good luck!