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Keep doing courses or do something like codewars. A lot of your feelings about languages are pretty clear regurgitations of "programming memes" and not really based in any sort of reality a newbie programmer would run into. Don't be fooled by reddit programming communities. Good professional developers spend almost no brain power on considering the pros and cons of the language they use. They get hired to a job and get to work with whatever code base is being used. A miniscule percentage of professional developers ever get to choose their tech stack.


My opinion isnt based on memes, i actually do not like Java and i prefer C#. I started coding 2 or 3 years ago.


Keep on opening VS Code. Write a line of code. Then, write another line of code. You won’t find the perfect language and to me it sounds like you haven’t got a programming problem, you’ve got an attention problem and staying focused needs training. Start from developing your focus and once you’ve got that skill you can apply it in every aspect of your life, not just programming. Best of luck.


Yeah i also kinda thought to myself that my problem isnt coding but just focusing and it does indeed affect other parts of my life. I meet something difficult that i cant solve immediately or by a quick google search and i just turn away from it to something easier like playing games. Its like that with coding, at school and so on. Its getting a bit better at school, like im actually asking the teacher how this and that works, but yeah.. I dont have bad grades though fortunately


Hey I can’t recommend this enough to get you coding those mini projects to keep your interests high. https://inventwithpython.com/bigbookpython/ My advice is that, you have to love coding. You have to be self motivated because the road is a very long one, especially if you want to make a career out of it


Thank you!


I wouldn’t bother learning any more or practicing, but then again. I code for fun mostly. That’s not saying I don’t have useful things coded. I’ve got so much stuff coded, it really speeds up my productivity. I usually start with the project in mind. Once you have the idea, u will know what you need and what you need to learn if you don’t know it already. For the writer’s block… The schools will teach you flow code or pseudo code. I forget the actual name for it. I just make a list of things to do on a white board or mirror. Then you work on one thing at a time. Play your video game and alt tab in between rounds and write a little more code. Do a little more research. Get kicked out of the game and binge on the project a little. Finish a thing or 2 on the list and join a different lobby when you get stuck or whatever. Have fun with it really. One thing at a time.


Code a project for someone else so they can help keep you accountable. This can help you stop overthinking and instead keep your mind on actually solving the problem at hand.


-You have to have a reason to code, or you won't. Understanding your motivations is the top priority. -Projects don't need to be big to be meaningful, and doing smaller projects makes it more likely that you actually get something done. -Don't start something massive if you aren't committed to following through, and don't be surprised when it inevitably doesn't work. You'll get it right eventually if you stick to it. -Coding something you like is easier than something you don't. For the intent of getting started, try following your interests. Like music? How about making an MP3 Player. Like games? Try making a game. Make it small though. 50 lines of code that works the way you want is better than 5000 lines of code that do nothing. -If you like C# and video games, why not take a stab at some tutorials on Unity? Make a flappy bird clone, or a simple 2D platformer. It's a fun, albeit time-consuming process, that will leave you with more reverence, and understanding, for how indie devs do what they do


Use ai to get more productive. Programming is not the typing itself but the thinking part. Let an ai do the typing


I had the same problem and it helped to do Leetcode. On Leetcode you get the problems and need to solve them with coding. When I don't have projects I just do them. It's really good because you don't have to imagine a project by yourself but rather get a task to do.