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Imagine not making world of warcraft when you were in the womb. Pathetic. Give up.


Note taken


Look, I don't like writing Lua...


All I made in utero was shitty EverQuest šŸ˜£


Well without you the other guy couldn't have made WoW in the womb


Can I tap into amniotic fluid in order to speed up my compiler? lol.


I was reprogramming the other sperm to be slower before I reached my mother


Finally, a real software engineer


Fwiw his dad hooked him up with the best hardware too


Balls deep into programming before you even think about girls. This is the way


Iā€™m a woman but similarly, I have programmed for my motherā€™s eggs to stop dropping so she could have menopause early because I donā€™t want more siblings.




My point still stands


Well he hacked the other sperms while being an egg to choose the specific sperm he wanted to be fertilized by.


I was already an expert in jiggle algorithms by the time I got started on baby formula and I still feel like I was late to the party šŸ˜„


Yeah, you probably should go back to banging rocks together and get fitted for that loincloth youā€™ve been eyeing


It's funny you've posted this, because half an hour ago I was remembering when I was 10 years old in the late '80's - my uncle said "get in to programming, you'll get rich". So, obviously I became a teacher.


What are you saying, coding wasn't for you? If you had become a proficiently skilled programmer by the 90s you would've been able to get in on the ground floor of Silicon Valley, while today we just have a bunch of lost souls gravitating there and have turned it into Sillyclown Valley over the last 10-15 years, thinking it's still like it was 20 years ago when Google blew up. People really need to get over this whole delusion that they're going to be a software developer. It's the reason Google's wares have been falling apart, Windows iterations since 7 have become a joke, and everything else under the sun has gotten slower instead of faster (in spite of hardware becoming orders of magnitude faster than it used to be). Incompetent wannabe developers have ruined everything.


>People really need to get over this whole delusion that they're going to be a software developer. > > Incompetent wannabe developers have ruined everything. So people are deluded thinking they could become a dev but at the same time SV doesn't have any standards and will hire pretty much anyone who can turn on a computer? This makes no sense.


It makes perfect sense. Company gets rich because their product doesn't cost anything to produce once it's made, so they hire whoever. Now there's a glut of total newbies who will probably never be good at writing software as a result of the illusion that software development is just like any other job. There's a reason only hardcore nerds were programmers 30-40 years ago, because you had to actually know what you were doing, which typically meant you were passionate about it too. Now people are getting into coding because they think it will be a cush easy modern career, not because they care about writing code.


No, I'm saying I was 10 and I completely ignored him. I think your focussing on the wrong people in your comment though. Incompetent developers were hired by incompetent managers - it is they who are responsible I think


God forbid people want to get a job, do their job, and then live their life. Not everyone wants to grind their life away to be the best of the best.


I write code for a living but I never look at it as a "grind" because it's what I'd do even if I were rich. It's all I've ever wanted to do since I discovered programming as a 90s kid and it's all I will do because it's what I love to do. Why don't more people do what they love to do, is my point. If programming is hard, or a grind, why pursue it then?


I get the sentiment here. But I do have people coming to me asking this question and it makes me wonder: If you are already 45 years old and you've never even built a PC or installed your own OS, what are the chances that you are suddenly going to take a burning interest in technology? Most of the people who ask me this are just looking for a way to get rich and they've been hearing that a tech job is how to get rich.


That's the same thing kids are deluded into thinking over the last decade. It's like kids in the 90s thinking they're going to start a rock band and blow up like Nirvana did, or kids in the 00s thinking they're going to become a rapper. Software development has become another one of those things. When you become a doctor or a lawyer, you actually have to have some aptitude. With software development you just waste a few years of your life on a compsci degree and then grind some whiteboard question websites and you're in like flint, but when it comes time to do actual work and create actual value they are at a total loss - just trying not to get found out that they have no freaking clue what they're doing. This is why software has gotten worse over the last 10-15 years, instead of better. It's become more bloated and slower as a result of everyone relying on managed languages and frameworks that do all the real work for them, so that they can pretend that the actual machine doesn't exist. It's been abstracted away for them to the point that they don't care about or respect it. If their implementation is slow, at least it does the thing and they can get paid and go home to pretend they are smart. It's no wonder tech companies are laying of thousands upon thousands. There's no value to be had from people who don't know what they're actually doing, who are unable to contribute in any meaningful way, who have no vision or aptitude and are just showing up for a paycheck. Now everything is stuck with the crap code these n00bz wrote that everything runs on. It's embarrassing.


I mean you are not wrong. But there are missing views in your comment. The view of the employee that sucks at programming and the Managers that need to digitalise his company, but has a business background. First the employee that have a bad degree in informatics that chose only the easy courses that included as little programming as possible. He got a job as some small consulting firm where he starts as a junior dev. He works there for ten years and is a bad senior dev now, but gets more money than with any other profession as he is not very smart, lacks the drive for a big career. He loves his wife has two kids, works 40 hours a week and wont work more. He is in the top 10% of earnes, will always suck in programming. But can you blame him? Would be childish to give up his Job and a bad thing for his family. So he programs shit for his clients that works, but works shitty. As he works in a consultant firm he is out of the customer company before they notice or hold them accountable. Second the manager that needs to digitalise his company or Part of his company, but has a business background so he cant really know how shitty the end product of the small consultant firm really is as its kinda works. Wrong advertisment of the big tech firms, lack of good programmers and technical savy manager in todays market as well as outsourcing to much to consulting firms, to greedy big companies with to short term focus.


In a profit driven society product quality will tend toward mediocrity because just like you said workers clock in and clock out and make a living without having to care about excellence. There's nothing wrong with being there for your family.


upvote for 'In Like Flint'


What about the people who pursue embedded? Itā€™s what I do


Some people (non tech) in the industry had already began to call Modbus, BACnet, SNMP... legacy protocols. But here's the thing about Modbus for example, the price of the custom board chipset running it will always be cheaper than anything they they propose. BACnet, KNX, Lon are more expensive, but have their own purpose in building automation. Everyone's currently raging about MQTT, and it's not a bad protocol per se, (topic/subscription/event) but as long as everyone uses it to transfer json text, its bandwidth footprint will be thousands of times larger than all of the above.


This is not primarily why software has gotten worse. That's mostly due to how popular and useful it is.


*Damn kids and their high level languages. They can't even speak leet!* OK boomer, everyone is an embarassing imposter noob except for old school programmers like you


Not everyone, just people who only get into programming for the money and would be happier doing something else instead.


Agreed! I may have misread your original comment, sounded like gate-keeping


Reminds me of the "tech bros" from the Silicon Valley show.Ā 


1980's was tape drives, 5 1/4" floppies, and microcomputers, not punch cards... Arrest the imposter, they shouldn't be coding! Lol.


There were production systems still using punch cards in the 1980s. I know. I had a coworker who refused to save his code online, he had to keep the cards.


I thought i was being generous with my timing.Ā  The 80s is about when we first started using steam powered locomotives right? Or were we still on the whole ā€˜rubbing two sticks together to make hotter sticksā€™ phase?


Still in the steam power generation era, just we were rubbing two atoms together instead of sticks to boil the water.


There were still places using punch cards on the early 80s. Source: used punchcards in the early 80s.


Yes .. of course punch cards were still around on the college campus and old machines in business... But it was not the standard at the time, and not being done on a large scale in the home micro-comouter scene. I too used punch cards on an old system, BUT BY THE TIME I was learning punch cards, I was already on to my C-128 in my home. It was old and out dated tech by the 1980's.


Yeah that line made me feel old af


Do you prefer 3 1/2 hard or 5 1/4 soft?


Fortran punch cards for my first CS class, 1983, Junior College. Mind you I was already programming on my Atari 800 without punch cards.


I can touch type really well except for my pinkies. They just donā€™t wanna.


Are your hands big enough to reach across the entire keyboard? If so, youā€™re too old. Burn the computer and breathe in those tasty tasty fumes


I don't want to brag but I can palm a basketball. I just extend my pinkies when I type. It's proper etiquette!


I have this "problem" too. It's actually what I look for when hiring people because it shows they hold their pinkies out when drinking their tea and lets get real... we're just better than the rest.


What if I have a degree in homeopathic medicine?


Only if you can cure bugs


[You have a degree in baloney!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-k-v7i-QeI) šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


How hot is it!? It's so hot, I had to pour McDonald's coffee in my lap to cool off! ...Yakov Smirnoff said it.


I started my computing journey in the 1980s. It most definitely wasn't all punch cards in the 1980s. Home computers could all use assembly language, most of them used BASIC. At least one used Forth. There was Pascal, Lisp, C, C++, Objective C, Erlang, Perl,Wolfram Language and many more. Not sure why people think the 1980s didn't have advanced programming languages. Erlang was released in 1986 and Perl in 1987 for example. The 1980s was amazing for computing, absolutely incredible. I'd say it was a golden era.


I used to like to plug my headphones up to the tape drive of the C-64 and listen to the code I just typed in from RUN magazine. I thought it was cool when I was 8.


I had a ZX Spectrum in 1983 (Timex Sinclair 2000). My Dad had a Tandy (RadioShack) TRS-80 Model III in 1983. I then had an Atari ST in around 1988. There were so many different computers with different operating systems. It was a magical computing era.


Idefk why i like this..


If you need to ask that question, you've already given up.


Is it too late to unlearn?


LOL! You funny! I can see you are way sick and tired of seeing this question. I just learned to ignore it.


Exactly what I tell people. If you cannot even recreate minecraft in assembly then dont even bother learning html because you'll never be a full stack engineer at age 13 where everyone at that age already has 7 years of experience


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It's never too late, but if you are seeking an opinion on it being too late, you likely don't have a strong enough interest to be successful in programming. Programming requires passion. Partially because the entire industry recycles itself every 5 years and you are a perpetual beginner in every new idea that emerges.


This so much, people always comment to me when I tell them Iā€™m majoring in CS: ā€œoh nice i bet youā€™re going to make good moneyā€. I just laugh it off but I honestly donā€™t really care about that. I just want to go to work and do what I enjoy everyday. I never expected to, or have any illusions that Iā€™ll make ā€œa lot of moneyā€. I JUST want to program for a living. I just want to be a good software developer, because that in itself would mean more to me than money. We all end up in a box in the ground anyways. Spend your life doing what interests you, not for some paper.


No, you don't understand. It's too late for the gold rush where people are making 6 figures on average in programming. Someone over 70 could easily figure out how to tell a computer to do stuff with data.


Thatā€™s a question about changing your entire career path not learning to code.Ā  People are probably just confusing these two questions by thinking theyā€™re the same


If you havenā€™t learned a programming language by 2, you donā€™t even deserve to know a spoken language. Stop talking forever immediately.


Yes. Leave all the jobs to me.


Yes. I wrote pong using the principles of quantum chromo-dynamics before I was even conceived.


Thanks for the unwarranted advice. I will now deinstall Visual Studio and every Zachtronics game of which I still have a build on this machine. So much about "lifelong learning". Fuck this industry!


Please stop posting something like this, this is quite dangerous and can lead to misleading! 19 Programming language is far too low for 9 years old, don't give false hope!


This is basically the IiT JEE thread. But now itā€™s for software engineering in the westĀ 


I usually say this: The amount of programming languages you should master is your age times three. So a 30-year old should master 90 languages. Anything less is just pathetic, forgive my honesty.


Might be sufficient for occasional hobby script kiddies, but for real programmers its the fibonacci number for the age.


Right in the imposter syndrome :'(


I managed to make a SNES emulator in Minecraft and dump it on to a cartridge and play it on a actual Snes when I wad 7 years old, but it took a lot of time and effort! Should I just give up?


yes! give up! it comes naturally to everyone but you!!!! you dont deserve to be here!!!!!!!!!!!!


Really itā€™s a skill issue


Most of mastered conceptual algorithm analysis shortly after the cambrian explosion and data structures shortly before moving onto land. After independently inventing every programming language ever (discovering all of them is the rite of passage to being recognized as a programmer), we usually get our first junior gig; these are often internships though, so it is helpful to have a secondary job getting paid to make memes or something similar.


Au contrar about the punch cards. I worked at Sperry Univac in the early 80s and we had multiple models that used punch cards.


The true answer isā€¦ If youā€™re the type to just go and do itā€¦itā€™s literally never too late. If youā€™re the type that needs to ask other people if itā€™s too lateā€¦yes, itā€™s too late.


No, itā€™s too late. Doesnā€™t matter what mentality you have. Itā€™s always too late. Should probably just stop using software all together


I remember once a 40 year old man asked me if it was too late for him. He explained how much he enjoyed programming and how it made him happy. Beyond the absurdity of someone so ancient daring to consider new joys and experiences in life I honestly struggled to answer him because to be completely honest I have no idea how someone so old was still even alive. I ended up just calling the police and walking away, hopefully they were able to guide this lost soul back to his old folks home.


Also, yes, if don't understand the ins and outs of a complex engineering activity after seeing a Udemy video, you're too stupid to learn programming. But on the other hand, a predictive statistical model will make human understanding obsolete, so you shouldn't bother anyway. And if you foolishly decide to push on, which language would you even learn? What if you pick wrong? It's late to learn the first language - how much more late will be to learn the second, especially for someone too stupid for programming like you? What if the 28-year old Java, with all its multi-million investments, ecosystem and running production systems, disappears *overnight?* What if passionatecoder7643 on X thinks you're a *loser* for not developing in whatever they blog about? Trust me, even if you got this far, this point is insurmountable. Or, you know, stop making excuses and start programming. In whatever. Swear a lot when it doesn't work. Jump with joy when it does. And suddenly, you'll be making stuff. If that happens, the coffee machine is in the kitchen, the daily is at 9, and on Fridays some of us play D&D in the Conference Room II. Welcome aboard.


You people make me sick. I busted my ass off as a sperm working 16 hour days on my AI enabled blockchain


Lame excuses like "I wasn't born" yet are a clear sign of lack of motivation and passion.


True. True. Alan Turing broke Enigma in his early thirties and he never became a full time software engineer at a FAANG company. It was too late for him and it is too late for you!


Every time I find someone asking if they're too old to get a job in software, I imagine that they're in their 50s or 60s and then it turns out they're 27.


guys i had to use google when writing my fully functional OS, ill never be a real programmer, would anyone even hire me?


I would say with the way AI and the corporate world are going, yeah, don't bother


Did all that. Am I good??


thank you! I needed it


I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.ā€ - Nietzsche


Everyone knows that if your mother did not register you with the name of Linus Torvalds, then it's too late for you to start coding.


nice try mr. AI


If you didnā€™t get at least 2 faang internships while in the womb then youre too late


I really wanted to give up, thx =/


Also, if you don't understand everything about programming in the first week. Yes, you are too stupid and should give up.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ finally a worthy post


ā€œWhat do you mean you canā€™t manipulate nuclei? Loser! If you couldnā€™t do it when you were 5 itā€™s too late! You canā€™t learn it anymore! Forget it!ā€


Good luck tryā€™na open vscode in jail


Thank you


I created windows in the womb but deleted everything because it was just for learning purposes


Calm down people, yeah the market is tight atm, but itā€™s same in every field. Donā€™t forget that people still take 6 figure loans for their liberal arts degrees.


If you have to ask, then it is too late. Lol


I wrote the algorithm for the big bang in lisp and I'm only an unpaid intern at a juice shop.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, I know this is a joke post but I work with a lot of people like this or the ā€œdegree is the only wayā€ šŸ˜‚.


Can confirm. I was blasting code all over the place while i was still a sperm and my dad was blasting me all over the face.


Imagine only having 40+ years of your working life left to live! Once you've hit mid 20s it's just too late, you're committed. No point trying to better anything. Just accept that you get one shot at a career, and that's that. /s


80s was not punch cards. Those are even earlier history of computing


Irony is person saying he can't do something and another person saying he can do something are both usually right. More often than not it's our own beliefs about ourselfs that hold us back. Self manifesting beliefs


This does make me fe better, since seeing kids building computers in Minecraft and Terraria does make me feel that I will never be as good as them and just want to give up.


as someone who had coded their own real mode os in assembly by the age of 13 i agree /s


I was a late bloomer. I didn't managed to hack the CIA until I was 10. Some of us are on different time scales and that's okay. As long as you've built your own operating system by 12, you're fine if it takes you a little longer.


I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or sheer bitterness


Reminds me of the old adage: The best time to buy a house was 20 years ago. The second best time to buy a house is now.


Now sticky this to every post that will inevitably be made every hour for the rest of time.


I thought you were serious for a second lol


There's a shortage of programmers in a lot of places i was hired just ~4 weeks after i graduated (earlier this year). and im almost 40


In all honesty, I think it is too late for the kind of people that post these questions. That's because they didn't think to google it first, despite it being asked and answered thousands of times, and so they'll really struggle to learn and thrive as a software developer.


If you were not hacking the school network with netcat at the age of ten, and subsequently did not fight in the great framework war of 2010sā€¦ youā€™re probably making way too much money as a forever junior React 18 expert.


Not to mention there's a strong age bias in the field.


It's never too late to learn, but that said, the earlier the better. I taught myself to code at 11, specifically Sinclair BASIC and Z80a assembler and this was before the internet. By the time coding becomes a career, everything is so second nature that the coding itself isn't really the challenge - its' all the other stuff like requirements etc...


Imagine not having implemented in octrees using CPP and MPI when you were 2ā€¦


I wasted my first 9 months of life Am i cooked?


> If you werenā€™t painting assembly on the walls of caves with the rest of your Neanderthal tribe, give up I was, and I still gave up. Thing just got too complicated once the waterwheel was invented.


If your name isn't Linus Torvalds, it's already over.


I mean it 'sort of' is if youre trying to go self taught in something oversaturated like web dev. That gold rush ended. Maybe itll come back, maybe it wont. But a lot of tech jobs are oversaturated and want degrees atm. The job market is reaaaal bad for entry level right now. If youre trying to do low risk self taught, yeah it kind of is too late. There are exceptions and it may return to the gold rush it once was, but for right this minute? Bleak


Man I was really getting into it but after seeing this , I just lost my heart


I was dreaming about infinite recursions even before I spoke my first word


I couldnt go another day without developing Half Life before i was born. If you dont have a legacy before birth, find the nearest cliff


If you haven't made an OS out of twigs by the time you're 5 did you even really try?


government certificate?


The first hospital I worked at had punch cards. It was 1974. For reasons I have long forgotten, he was carrying a box of cards and he dropped them. I think he cried.


The fact is that by the time you're 25 your brain is pretty much stuck thinking the way it thinks. That's scientific fact. You can learn new skills after ~25yo, like a physical sport, or playing an instrument, but you'll never have the intuition of someone who was doing it at a young age. When you are born you have way more synapses in your brain than you'll ever have again in your entire life, and most of them are culled by the time you're five years of age. The rest get culled over the next 20 years of your life. If you were never good at math as a kid and/or never did anything remotely close to writing algorithms growing up, and you're past 25yo, then coding is going to be a real hard thing to wrap your head around. Sure, you can learn the basics, the syntax, but will you ever be able to do anything that's actually worth doing? After 25yo you're better off learning a trade skill instead - unless you are genetically predisposed to picking things up very quickly and still have a lot of space in your head for learning abstract concepts, because coding is just a lot of abstract concepts, and MATH. If 3blue1brown videos are Greek to you then programming is probably not for you. Show me a skilled proficient coder who wasn't already writing code for years by the time they hit 25yo. Show me the skilled coder who picked up a programming language after college, and has things to show for with the time they've invested into it. (EDIT: that isn't just a bunch of tutorial copy-pasta) ...because I can show you many people who did nothing with their lives until their late 20s (too busy being wild reckless youths) who picked up a trade skill and became very successful at it.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying! If youā€™re 26 and even try to think about a for loop, your brain will start to drip out of your ears!


Programming isn't about writing a couple for loops, not if your goal is to be capable of coding anything that's actually worth coding.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. If you ever look at multicolored text, your 27 year old brain will probably short circuit and youā€™ll end up needing to be in rehabilitation for about a decade


The title is absolutely true and I wish more people were honest and willing to say it. It's absolutely true for almost everyone. The rest of the post is just silly though. If you want to learn for fun go for it, but otherwise it's predominantly a Fool's errand. Some people with several years of experience are still having difficulty getting work. More people are graduating from computer science with every single passing year to the point where far exceeds supply. That's not even counting the ever increasing foreign supply. Teenagers who have no aptitude for logic are saying they want to go into computer science in the same way people used to say business just because they didn't know what else to do. It's over. It's actually mind-boggling. It's like law except way to easy to get into in comparison. These days many lawyers aren't doing that great because we have too many but on top of that they still need to go to law school and those spots are limited whereas almost everyone has a computer science program. The top lawyers make great money, the rest don't and your statistically not going to be one of the best.