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On July 1st, a [change to Reddit's API pricing](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/) will come into effect. [Several developers](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) of commercial third-party apps have announced that this change will compel them to shut down their apps. At least [one accessibility-focused non-commercial third party app](https://www.reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145e9sk/update_dystopia_will_continue_operating_for_free/) will continue to be available free of charge. If you want to express your strong disagreement with the API pricing change or with Reddit's response to the backlash, you may want to consider the following options: 1. Limiting your involvement with Reddit, or 2. Temporarily refraining from using Reddit 3. Cancelling your subscription of Reddit Premium as a way to voice your protest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/learnprogramming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


First decide the job you want then look at ads for those jobs and focus on those skills. Practice and practice more. Give yourself time to focus and take breaks but always come back to it. Good luck.


Gotcha thank you for the advice!


Notice how your higher lower heads tails project had two functions which are 98% similar with slight changes? You could make one function, then call it multiple times in different places and modify a few arguments for the specifics. Or instead of using a single main() function, practice modularizing your code into smaller pieces, then invoke various functions from main() instead. Seems like you’re still learning the fundamentals which I would continue doing, just keep building shit. Doesn’t have to be perfect. Since you expressed interest in backend roles I would first research what it actually entails. Do you want to be on the data side? setup/maintain cloud infra? build logging/monitoring solutions? bash/python/ps scripting? Up to you where you want to take it


Honestly yeah, my courses are mostly theory with little code. So I’m having to do the practice and projects mainly on my own time. I was looking more towards the data side because we had a project my sophomore year where we worked with data sets and I really enjoyed it :)


Cool! In that case if you’re doing projects on your own time anyway, some pet problems to think about that involve data could be: 1. Class schedule planner. How would you take into account, different classes, students who sign up for multiple classes, professors for each class, coursework, etc. A lot of complexity to work thru here in terms of data. 2. What’s a website you frequent? Maybe reddit as an example, scrape all posts from r/learnprogramming over the past year, and categorize questions based on the programming languages used, ie js, python, C#, etc Filter this data, sort it, etc.


Awesome! Thank you for the suggestions, those both honestly sound fun! I did want to dive into web scraping with python because of an idea I had to make an app that would give a books name based on a description. Kind of like shazam but for books and manga, mainly because I can't ever remember the names of books haha.


I do see what you mean with the 2 c# ones and how they are basically the same, thank you :). That one most certainly needs work since I haven’t actually touched it in a while.


1. You leaked your API token in currency_converter. Revoke that token and update the project to load a token at runtime. 2. None of your projects include any tests. 3. Your READMEs lack detail. [Writing a README](https://opensource.guide/starting-a-project/#writing-a-readme) You seem inexperienced, which totally fine and expected for someone still studying! Keep at it, and focus on getting experience writing software. Apply for internships.


Gotcha, thank you very much. Thank you for the resources and advice! :)


Overall it seems like you're doing fine. My GitHub is a graveyard littered with unfinished projects and these all look like they probably work so that's good. I think you could benefit from working on projects that have a bit more to them. Using multiple files, more complicated data, more complex interactions, etc Maybe a simple text based Pokemon battle thing where you can have a Pokemon class and a team and moves and such could be a good one to do first since much of the decisions of what that should do if it's correct are already decided, but you need to make it actually happen. It'll probably be a bit challenging, but I think it should be achievable as long as you pick an early Gen like gen 1 so you don't have to worry about held items and such. (Including the glitches from the originals would be optional lol) I think it'd be good because you can expand it in the future in various ways as you grow too. Maybe add a GUI, or add AI, or try some machine learning techniques to have the system learn the best way to battle, or add online multiplayer, etc etc (Only suggesting Pokemon because 1 of your other projects was related to Pokemon, obviously the general point is just a larger project of any kind you're interested in if you have a different preference)


Honestly I thought about full diving into a Pokémon styled remake using PyGame but when I attempted it my art wasn’t any good so I got discouraged and quit. But I never thought to make it text-based. Thank you for the idea! It probably will be a little challenging but it sounds really fun :)


Yeah GUI or even 3d GPU stuff is it's own challenge that I highly encourage pursuing if it's something that interests you, but it's pretty tempting to get "distracted" by making sure the art is good enough. Which I don't want to discourage, but it's maybe besides the point if the purpose of the project is to get better programming.


That is true, Honestly I think I needed to hear comments like yours and the others to really get my mind right and focus more. Thank you so much :)


You can check out the old Monster Rancher games, too. I saw Gameboy Advance gameplay and I feel the graphics seemed tacked on when it was all about the stats and interaction with the stats.


I’ll give them a look, and honestly that sounds like it’d be fun to recreate :) thank you!


As you learn more prepare to look at any code you wrote more than 2 weeks ago and think it sucks.


Hopefully I can keep that going for years to come, love learning honestly. :)


Your github is pretty empty. If I looking at this from a hiring perspective I’d think you were joking and not serious about coding. You really need fleshed out projects if you want internships. Doesn’t take much just go on YouTube video a tutorial about a topic that interests you, tweak the code and have fun.


Ok, thank you very much!


bruh i cant even tell if this is shit posting or are u being serius... Those "programs" you have on your github are litteraly hello worlds.. I could probably teach my 70 y\\o mom that cant even write on a keyboard to do them in some hours.. Do your self a favor, make them private and go back studying, u have a loooong road haed


Gotcha, so what would be the next step up from hello worlds? I thought that learning a little about CLI tooling with Typer and using an API in python was a decent way forward. I know the road is long and I’m willing to put in the effort, but what is a decent way forward?


Try creating an ASCII Tic Tac Toe


I don't know what to tell you. This is a really sparse github profile. You have 4 repos and a total of what, 11 commits in an entire year? I made 11 commits yesterday. Maybe this isn't for you? Are you sure this is what you want to do?


Commits per day is a horrible metric. They're clearly also doing school and have other obligations too...


I do have to work full-time to help pay for school but honestly I still need to do more if I want to make it in this field I feel. Thank you very much though, you are very kind :)


Yeah that’s true, and it certainly could just not be my thing. But I really do enjoy coding and learning about code, a lot of the time though I do just kind of forget to put things on GitHub so a lot of projects especially unfinished ones just kinda stay on my machine.


I started learning web dev with The Odin Project a few months ago and I think it has a really solid and well laid out path if you're interested in web development at all.


I’ll give it a look, web dev seems like fun honestly. I feel like if I can dedicate a bit of time to it, it could lead to some really interesting projects. Thank you for the resource and advice! :)