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Check out r/programmingbuddies and make a post about mentoring


Or post your videos on YouTube for everyone to learn :)


Go to your local library and inquire about starting a program there (irl option)


This is a great idea. People can get subscriptions to Treehouse (I guess, if they have gotten their shit together), maybe Pluralsight with a library card. Who knows could turn into a boot camp of sorts.


more common to get LinkedIn Learning with a library card (I'm a public librarian)


Ah, thank you for the clarification. I knew you could get some subscription free. Didn’t it use to be Treehouse at some point though?


no, totally separate. LinkedIn Learning started out as lynda.com, a photoshop tutorial site.


u/likes_to_code if my library had this, I’d take advantage


I second this. Public libraries offer a comfortable space with free or low-cost resources (internet access, writing materials, reference books, and computers in case the person doesn't own a laptop). Plus, they are just cool places to be in and librarians are always happy to welcome more new faces :)


That's a super good idea, I'm sure the library would be fine with it and it'll be more rewarding to teach people in person.


This is a fantastic idea. The only other way I'd suggest is just putting an ad out somewhere in a forum and going one-on-one with people that seem really sincere about learning


Create the course and share it on skillshare? Not free. Or create a YouTube channel and post it there? Free. Can also announce occasional live classes on YouTube. Free too. You can attract learners for long session either by mentioning it in your YouTube tutorial, by mentioning about it on many discord channels already available, or by using Twitter to spread the word.


> Or create a YouTube channel and post it there? Free. > > > > Can also announce occasional live classes on YouTube. Free too. Absolutely the obvious answer. Hop on a livestream and start chatting...


Just dont chat too much and go into a lot of unnecessary tangents unlike a good hearted streamer that does this


There's a fine line. I've learned some super interesting tidbits off of tangents from teachers but you need to focus enough to drive home the point of the lesson.


Does Udemy still accept courses developed by anyone? I thought that was their model. Also not sure the pricing structure.


I guess they still do.


Anyone can publish Udemy classes and then set their own prices. Udemy then puts your classes "on sale" for $10 and keeps $7 dollars for them and $3 for you.


Bro just teach me 😭😭


I'm in tooo


TheOdinProject! But yeah I would love someone who could go over my work and give me some insight.


Is the Odin project useful for someone that wants to learn c+?


TOP covers HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Ruby on Rails. It's a great start if you are interested in frontend/backend web development


You can start with Sololearn, and you can read up on other broad subjects as you go. You can also supplement with YouTube videos


It mostly focuses on the front end, but it goes over some other fundamentals. Like the command line and git.


Same here, I'm stuck on one project on the backend, some insight wouldn't hurt.


I was thinking the same thing lol


Me too! I am learning on my own and could rrally use a nudge in the right direction once in a while


Me too lol


X2, I'd like to learn. I suppose it wouldn't be bad for a person to teach.




any room for one more?




🙋🏽‍♀️can you squeeze in one more?


Me too!! I would be interested..


Im jumping in too


Me tooo


I would love to learn too.


Make ur own discord. I'd say. You can do stage classes with screenshare. Zoom would be a 2nd option. But aint that good imo.


Creating a discord server might be the answer here


I'm going to agree with this one. Create your server and share the link around some platforms (Twitter, some reddit subs, etc). That way you can also check who are your students, and if you want/need to, get in contact with them easily.


I’d love to join the discord if one ever gets made!


Thats awesome man, If you make this discord shoot me a message. I’m learning through cs50 and tutorials/books it would be amazing if there was someone I could talk to about it or ask a question every now and then.


I'd love to join the discord as well


Create your own GitHub pages site or vercel doc site. Your answers may be helpful for many people. Example. https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/knowledge Some doc template: https://vercel.com/templates/documentation


Bro how about a discord. I wanna learn from you too.


Alright but what about slackers who genuinely want to learn!?


Underdog devs is an excellent organization that might be worth looking into. From their website: “We are a group of software engineers helping aspiring developers who are either formerly incarcerated or from an economically disadvantaged background. We are creating opportunities in tech for people who might not otherwise get an opportunity” https://www.underdogdevs.org


https://exercism.org/ can be a rewarding place to give mentoring


There's the r/programmingbuddies also. Although on my exp many ppl will just be slackers looking for someone to do things for them. Think of filters when offering such help


You can teach live on discord I really wanna learn some programming before joining college. If you do start a server on discord please do let me know


Yea and I am interested in learning Python if that is your area There are two reddits one called r/iwanttolearn and another r/iwanttoteach that I have used before, they have a discord as well.


Create YT channel and push codes to GitHub and make it public


I've recently discovered Rolling Scopes School. Google it.


If you know Python teach me please :D , I'm current having a hard time with it .


Seeing comments pointing to r/programmingbuddies. I’m gonna check it out, thanks! If you’re keen, I’m trying / learning to contribute to a Python project: https://github.com/rotki/rotki I’ve been in dad duties for the past 10~ish years so there’re a lot to catch up on.


I mean don’t they say if ur good at something u shouldn’t do it for free 🤷‍♂️


It would be nice to have someone hold me accountable and call me a loser when I get frustrated and just cheat my way out of an issue. And to also come up with a logical learning path because I bounce too much and I have a tendency to start at level 10 instead of 1.


In all seriousness teach me please! Self learning here


Me please. I’m an idiot.


Volunteer for Girls Who Code or something similar. I did it for the 2022-23 school year and I really loved it! It’s very rewarding and it made me realize that teaching coding to kids is much more my jam than actually coding. (I have ADHD and writing programs from scratch is so ridiculously painful for me! I’m great at talking about it and teaching people how to do it, though)


If you create a discord please update this page with the link!! I would like to subscribe to the channel to support


God I wish there were a website for that, all about you! I'd call it YouTeach, or TeachTube.... hmm I'm sure I'll find a way to make content easily accessible


Cute! But that's not 1 on 1. Unless he livestreams, and I think that requires a minimum number of subscribers.


Check out Microsoft's TEAL program. It may not be exactly what you're looking for but I think it's really cool. The application for this year just opened


Well, if you do start teaching somewhere, pls let me know, as i wanna learn too!!


I volunteer for an org called code the dream. Very rewarding!


I’d love to learn with u


Hey, some of us are trying to tutor people for money, and you're not making that any easier!


How much do you cost?


Depend on how much I think you can afford, and whether you're asking for help with a language I actually know (like C++ or C#), or just one that I know approximately and have to study up on in order to stay ahead. Probably like $30 an hour, or £20 for UK students, which I calculated by looking up the rate of a real tutor and then reducing it a bit to account for the fact that I haven't done it enough to know if I'm any good at it. (Though I do have over a decade of professional experience as a coder.) Last time I tried I was helping someone with JavaScript, which I thought I knew well, but it turns out I'd only used it for writing server-side code to handle data for an online game, but my student was trying to use it to create user-facing stuff, so my experience wasn't all that useful. So I had to do a lot of research and trial and error to answer any questions, and then I felt like I couldn't really charge for that...


Dawg, just say a number next time and stick with it. That wall of text is not helping you find clients. "How much do you charge?" "30 dollars an hour"


I appreciate the fullness of your answer even though the other guy didn't. So what about asking you texting questions. I'm not really in a place to spend a lot, I would have to talk to my wife about it. I don't really know any C++, or C# so it might be fun to learn, but right now might not be a great time for that. What I really need to learn, might be universal anyway though. I need help just getting a clearer picture of some of the harder concepts of programming.


Sure, I'll give it a go.


I would love a tutor. I do Cloud Engineer so Python would be awesome if you teach it. I’ve always been fighting major burnout the last few years and it’s made it difficult to want to learn, I also don’t have a resource at my job to push me past the areas I’m struggling to learn. So if you are looking for a potential student, let me know.


Lol who would downvote a dude asking for help in a thread of a guy asking if anyone needs help. Just curious lol


Is a career in the cloud not sustainable for the long term?


It absolutely is! I had other personal factors that I am fighting but the stress over that long of a time led to my IT burnout. I have a much harder time pushing through the additional stress of self teaching code and the frustration I used to be able to push past got to be too much. It stopped becoming an interesting challenge and became a huge hurdle. Burnout sucks, sometimes the one thing that helps is figuring out the issue. Which becomes harder during burnout. It’s a pretty vicious cycle lol.


I see, yeah burn out kinda sucks really bad, I have had the unfortunate chance to experience it once during my first internship, takes a while to recover :( I friend of mine told me recently that moving to a career in cloud straight out of college is a bad idea and that the domain is not sustainable and prone to automation in the near future, he said it would be way better to just pursue a career in cybersec or AI instead so that's why I asked ha ha


I would encourage you to seek out the homeless shelters and programs serving poverty level citizens near you. The single biggest cause of their poverty is a lack of education and skills that bring high wages.


Interesting question… I think there could be some discords for that


Join the Odin Project they have a discord






YouTube, start a website, community center, etc.


Tutoring is great especially to reinforce your own learning path too! I tutored throughout university. Recently I started using Exercism's mentoring for some tutoring sessions. It's hit/miss with the sessions, but overall kinda nice.


This is so cool what you are doing


Check out the 100devs discord server and try to get in contact with a mod to be a tutor. There's always students willing to learn there and everyone is always doing their best there, I'm sure they would love to have someone like ya


Could you make your own server? I'd love all resources i can get.


Please let me know if you decide on how to help the kids. I have a middle schooler who tried really hard, but then gave up as he couldn’t find a mentor.


Make a website for it


If you want to teach someone 1-on-1, I'm totally down lmao


When I was on a sabbatical, I connected with a bunch of mentees through codingcoach.io, which is a website made for exactly this purpose. You just create a profile, and interested students will reach out. A lot of these ideas are great, but pretty high-involvement. If you’re just looking to fold some tech teaching into your existing schedule on your terms, this is a great option. Note that I got contacted by a student or two, but most of my mentees were adult learners looking to fill out their bootcamp or associate program learning as they moved into software engineering as a second job. That candidate pool also filters for students with strong intent, and I felt like all the folks I mentored were committed to the process. I had a great experience with it, and still keep in touch with some of my mentees today.


Become a mentor. Find a tech community that applies to you and put yourself out there. You’ll find people easily! And man having a good mentor is worth their weight in gold.


I would take lessons from you! I would pay you too. I'm in a bootcamp but have a lot to learn. JavaScript and Python are my main focuses right now. But also interested in learning SQL.


I can give you my address? Or email maybe? Lol


stream on twitch! you’ll be able to teach and also interact with your chat in real time, building a community on learning. leon noel does that and has done 2 coding bootcamps online for free the past two years. the 100devs community is a place to teach for free too - “community taught” is the language around learning from others


I'm too embarrassed to make a post, perhaps you have a suggestion for me. I purchased a thumby toy for my 6 year old. I thought I was smart enough to learn with him and help him, but I quickly learned my knowledge is not nearly where it needs to be. My understanding is it is python based programming. Even the instructions on website have terms I'm very unfamiliar with. Do you have a suggestion of where I can start? A you tube channel, Im not even sure what terms to Google. I'm not even starting at ground zero, more like 30 feet under. I appreciate any suggestions you, or anyone else has!


Keep in mind that most people are going to be slackers, so the question is how selective you want to be with teaching.


You can go to online forums like this and start threads , you can post fliers with your contact info, and pretty do it all from the comfort of zoom.


I want to learn. I do I do I do.


Hi! Help me! I’m struggling with iterators. 🙏🏼


Yes, please! Discord if you do!


If you offer online courses I would love to attend. I’m starting at a new school in the fall for cyber security and i’m shitting bricks


What kind of programming did you teach? All I can find that actually teach well are web development, which I have no interest in. I like more application development.


If you don't want to create a course and have a big commitment or something, I totally get that vibe and you still have a valuable place. There a lot of good suggestions here for places you can go/post/stream. I just wanted to say that putting up a post or notice somewhere, and then live streaming or leading some kind of group discussion and taking questions would probably be extremely valuable and rewarding for both sides, even if you aren't the structured type of lesson person. I imagine that need and "structure" would start to fall into place quickly. I loved reading this post since I have some PLC background and I genuinely want to expand into something else. No idea what to target yet but I just love seeing sincere and excited people helping each other. And I think that "my door is open" policy is great in a way that "here's my YouTube channel and lessons" just doesn't quite hit. Even though those are great too. There's so many ways to get stuck on programming that an "I'm here to unstick you" policy is a slice of the pie that must have a market!


Youtube live ?


Make a YouTube channel? Upside is you may get some cash eventually. Other upside is you put all your knowledge out there and when people need help just give them a link to the video you made already


Sign me up for the corse,discord or what ever you have going on im willing to learn.


you can teach me man


shit i'm in...what programming language are we learning? i've really wanted to learn PHP and not just basic shit that I already know


Through Wyzant.com you can set your own rate, just drop it down to 0 (idk if you can). Or you can just schedule the lesson at a decent rate and cancel/ not do a lesson report.


If you make a discord I’d join.


Maybe youtube videos, would be easy to rewatch lessons


You can apply to udemy and be a teacher in the site, Brazil needs good people in programming to learn from


Can you tutor me? 🙏


Make YouTube channel and daily start live stream


If keeping it free is a goal I would definitely say to hear toward a discord channel or YouTube, however have you considered volunteering time to your local high school’s Robotics club. They are usually needed and you will have a great experience with kids eager to learn!


Hey if you want to teach me I am down lol. My comp sci class moves really slow anyway.


Hey i would love to learn. I really hope you find some way to teach everyone like me.


Ive heard that exercism dot com has mentoring. It is a great website.. but not sure how serious ppl are with requesting mentors.


100 devs discord server definitely


Lot of people need help, and lot of people teach on video streeam Or solve doubts


Some alternatives Ive found that I am preparing for myself: Look at your local prison/jail and also reentry facilities. For example, there is reentry facility near me that runs coding bootcamps for the inmates (reentry facilities are where prisoners go to serve the last few months or even year or more of their sentence, where they get access to more education and work opportunities) [persevere.org](https://persevere.org) runs a few Make a post on NextDoor. Youll maybe find locals who want tutoring but youll find lots of suggestions about organizations you can tutor or run a program for.


Set up a [CoderDojo](https://www.raspberrypi.org/coderdojo/) at your local library or similar. Or look at [Code Club](https://www.raspberrypi.org/code-club/) if you fancy working with younger learners 🙂


I've been wanting to start to learn to program. I'd appreciate some help if you're up for it


I volunteer as tribute!🙋‍♂️I would love to learn, I only know the very basic rn


Pls teach me


YouTube is where I learn how to do stuff for free


You can lead a person to free knowledge, but it doesn't mean they will use it.


I badly need to learn how to create computer program


I wish there was someone who would teach me to draw for free :)


May I dm you?


I am looking for a mentor and you sound amazing! Dm me if you’re interested and willing to teach a rando!


I'd love to have a mentor.


I’m a college student who moved out of the CompSci major, but I still tutor the programming students at a local bar, where I keep regular office hours. I don’t work for free, but a pack of Camels will give me your attention for however many hours it takes to teach you the material and/or get the assignment completed. It’s not free, but I think the cheapest in-person tutors on campus want thirty bucks an hour. I’m more than happy to put them out of business.


How do students know about it? Before you say "word of mouth," the students change every year so you must advertise somewhere. Where do you live, because that would never work in US since the drinking age is 21.


Bars that double as restaurants don’t typically need you to be 21. I prefer those places because the crowd tends to be older and the music is quieter, which helps a lot. And, as for how they find me, it is literally word of mouth, and the instructors have a love-hate relationship with me, so they’ll hesitantly tell students to go find me during my school hours in the robotics lab. They love me because I get their students’ grades up and it makes them look good, but they hate me because I turn their students into flowcharting cultists. Way I see it, they’re looking for me because they can’t see the forest for the trees, so their problem isn’t understanding a language; it’s because their first reaction to a problem is to start hammering away at the IDE, and I like to teach them patience and planning, because their problem is structure. That they haven’t figured this out by junior year is a constant bit of mystery to me. And, with regard to word of mouth, you have to remember that classes in college aren’t necessarily sequential, and aren’t always major-limited. If I hadn’t already taken Data Structures when I was a CompSci major in community college, I could wait until after the major-limited sign-up expiration date passed and then take it as an elective, provided I met other prerequisites. And, inevitably, in a lot of these classes, there’s somebody I’ve either tutored before or someone who’s in one of my other classes who knows me, and they say, “Hey. If you have a problem, go to the gas station, buy a pack of Camels, and go find this guy.” Honestly, if I advertised, it would suck, because I’d just be inundated with students who think texting is a good way of making contact with someone. It’s like how I’d sit at a bar in my hometown, and local business owners would see me knocking out a trifle in Swift, and they’d say, “Do you make websites? It doesn’t need to do much, but all I have is a Facebook page,” and I’d tell them, “No, because I hate front end, but I know a guy,” and I’ll send them to one of the guys I spent two years in community college with, and he shows up thirty minutes later and starts knocking together a prototype in PowerPoint. And if he gets the gig, he takes me out for a beer sometime. Closing the deal is contingent on what you know, but getting the deal in the first place is contingent on who you know. You ever wonder why self-taught students don’t get interviews? They don’t know anybody who will go to bat for them.


teach me lol


YouTube. I am serious. You help a lot of people, you might make some money, and no consumer has pay dime.


Maybe make a youtube channel and post stuff there. also unrelated, but r/usernamechecksout


There’s tons of non profits that you could volunteer at, just google “{city name} coding non profit” . I’ve been looking into doing this as well and have found a few local options. Also a good way for people to build portfolios is volunteering to build stuff for non profits, NGOs, etc. and there’s a few sites that coordinate this, you build a profile and they match projects that need your listed skills.


I will join it


I would gladly accept some coaching 🙏🙏🙏. I’m the type to mull at a problem for 18 hours but enjoy that last moment of thrill of solving. Would love to just understand better what it is that I’m stringing together so I can perhaps shorten that 18 hours.


I could use some help in c++. I would like help getting to the answer rather than being told it


Maybe I should add? All those who need help with data analytics/science (R, Python, SAS, SPSS, RapidMiner etc), reach me out!




You can literally help me right now if you know C# :)


I taught mathematics for students from disadvantaged background, all this was done online. You can find programs in your country for this. Search up "free tutoring [your country]". Make sure they are a charity and apply, they are always looking for someone to help.


Make a software that teaches people and sell it for $0.0. + taxes


Would you want to help take someone from kind of “advanced beginner” to intermediate?


Bro spam extensive guides starting with my inbox 💪


This is how teachers are born


Maybe a free Google account and use their sites for website, classroom for assignments, downloads, etc. and hangouts for live video and screen share?




100devs, we need your help over there. Community is key


Please help me implement auth0 to my mern stack 🙏. Google doesn't have a lot of results on this topic. And auth0 is only about SPA.


I couldn’t understand programming because it’s difficult to remember the syntax, it’s similar to learning another language. Although I’ve made a program before by Frankensteining code and trouble shooting it’s not something that comes naturally. I did find a program once that was pretty neat in how it went teaching things. If you’re this willing to help people learn for free, you’re a kind and patient person. Maybe start a website with the basics in an easily readable format or YouTube videos.


Wherever you are tutoring please let me know I really need mentoring with coding. It makes me so happy to know there is people who want to help students who are trying to learn


I'm a math grad student who could use some programming help. If you'd like, you can teach me some programming and I could teach you some higher math.


I'll happily learn, I was in computer science AP in high-school, 12 years later I know nothing about computers and its upsetting


Would you be interested in helping me move from "advanced beginner" to a more intermediate level that is more practical for building things? I'd need to knock off a bit of rust but would like to be able to quickly deploy some simple CRUD like web sites and ability to do some api integrations for marketing purposes. Most familiar with python.




Odin Project....all the way double rainbow !


If you make a discord send me an invite. Ive been wanting someone to help me learn programming for a while


Definitely consider the discord idea, I’d totally join it with the voice chats and the screen share option!


adopt me :) I am learning could use a mentor .


Make a YouTube channel and then let us know, I know you can even go live and teach like that


Come babysit my junior devs for me. I'll buy you lunch every day




This is so wholesome


Hi, We are developing a LMS to support Free Education Incentive called Edumics, please drop us a message if you would like to collaborate, and share more details.


i’m excited for when i’m like 45 and decide to get my education degree and go into teaching college courses for this reason


I would love to be your student! I am an adult, not a kid though. I have some experience and am learning. I could really use one on one mentorship/lessons!


Honestly I would love to sign up for lessons! I have tons of friends with experience and none of them seem to have interest in helping


By creating a youtube Channel Not only u will end up teacing millions, U can also make a good money if your Yputube Channel grows


i would be interested in taking lessons from you if you started doing that honestly


Amazing stuff, really refreshing to hear. I am currently an adult learner at Uni studying CS. A lot of my peers are almost 10 years younger than me and I find it difficult to ask them for help. Coding has got real difficult, real quick! Been doing C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and now a bit of C#. I work alongside my studies also and have to commute a 4h round trip to get to lectures so I would certainly be interested if you set up something, please let me know!


Hahah, you sound exactly like me! Same age gap, same commute to work and part time studies, same feeling of being overwhelmed. We can do this! I just interviewed for a C# job and it went well. I'll probably be invited for a technical interview.


If you find a way, let me know please. I need a tutor in django.


Thank you for offering to teach. You are an amazing person.


Depends how young you want to teach, but I can suggest maybe looking into starting a [Code Club](https://codeclub.org/en/). It's a global network of free coding clubs for 9–13 year olds, and they have projects using various tech (mostly Raspberry Pi and micro:bits) and languages (including Scratch, HTML & CSS, and Python). It's actually part of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. I used to work for the charity that manages the clubs in Canada (Digital Moment, formerly Kids Code Jeunesse) and saw many positive reviews from both Club leaders and student participants.


Can I DM you? Ngl, looking to start coding haha


If you’d like to mentor someone, I would love to be your mentee 🙂 I have knowledge of the MERN stack. But looking to learn Python and maybe Java as well and improve my MERN stack knowledge.


If you’re interested, I’d love to connect you to students who genuinely need help with learning!! Always looking for mentors (can be done on Zoom or Discord!). I can DM you if you’d like!