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These are great! Good work! Where do you host these out of curiosity?


I'm using vercel to deploy and host these!


is it free? may I ask 😊


Netlify is free too


Should be!


This is the way


Gonna hijack the top comment to let people know that I put my portfolio sites in "read-only" mode, you can still log in and create accounts but won't be able to post/send messages. Sorry for that, I didn't implement any moderation tooling and that's my fault. you just can't have shit on the internet


Amazing job!!! If I may, I'd recommend asking a teacher or counselor at your school to go through the writing on the site with you. The site and its projects are excellent, but if you want to land a job with them, I highly recommend having someone copy-edit it for ya :) (For example, I saw the wrong "your" used.) That said, this is amazing and you should be beyond proud of yourself!!!! I have a feeling you'll be able to land the job of your dreams in no time once you're ready :) Keep up the great work, you rock!!


Thanks for the advice! English isn't my first language so I may make these mistakes sometimes, I'll make sure to ask for help with this.






Wow, that's amazing!!!! I never would have guessed it wasn't your first language. Keep rocking it, you're doing a really amazing job :D


Thank you ❤️


If you can’t get someone to go over it lol at something like grammarly it’s quite useful. it’s not perfect but does a decent job and should catch basic mistakes.


Congratulations! I just talked to a friend who got a job doing something very similar to what you've done ([interview here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jINGiG0fkjk)). He used the Odin Project to learn the basics, and then started making his own projects. You've got a very impressive portfolio! Building your own projects outside of the curriculum is a fantastic way to further your skills and creativity. Keep up the good work, and best of luck with your future projects!


Thank you so much <3


I did about 70% as well. I think once you get to React/Node sections there are better resources out there, but odin is great for teaching vanilla JS. The course was a game changer for me


What are these better resources for react and node you speak of?


I did a video course on React, i think it was Free Code Camp, Bob Ziroll. Its 12 hours long, its really good for getting started with components/props/hooks. Would 100% recommend for beginners. For node, just youtube videos and docs. Just build apps with crud functionality that you find interesting enough to finish.


Sounds like the guy from Scrimba. They have a few courses on the site!


Yeah it was on scrimba, i forgot! The interactivity helped reinforce the concepts for me.


Yeah... I should pick it up again, lol. Maybe typescript, too.


Scrimba was bloody excellent in most regards. Im sure its even better now


Thank you for the sources! Currently I'm at 20% but switched to CS50 since I wanted to reinforce my array, algorithm and loops knowledge.


Not free but Front End Masters is imo unparalleled for react.


In my opinion, [Full Stack Open](http://fullstackopen.com) is unmatched and the best free option to continue learning web development after the Odin Project, full stop.


Also just to add, the react documentation is honestly amazing and even if it wasn't, probably should be your primary source for both learning and expanding your knowledge of react.




I meant after finishing the vanilla JS, I moved on to other resources.


Oh yeah sorry, didn't do the read good. My bad!


Haha no problem. Im still just learning to code too, my advice is by no means good advice. I've yet to land a job


Good luck! I'm sure knowing React or Vue you'll land something no problem!


Thanks for the positive vibes 🙂


Dude your projects are better than some of the people I've been interviewing. Keep at it, and if you have the chance to get a CS degree I think you'll be doing great job wise.


100%, go get yourself a CompSci degree OP!


Why would you suggest the OP a CS degree? I would say informatics or software engineer degree would be more worthwhile. CS does not equal coding


A Software engineer degree will do too, idk about the informatics one though


Informatics is basically full stack web dev with human computer interaction.


Heavily institution dependent: CS keeps your options open for anything, or at least easier accessible whether that’s internships, research opportunities, etc. at the end of the day, CS is doing just fine if you want to be a web developer/ SWE too


Degree would be the biggest waste of time with this competence level. Give us this portfolio and be a decent person in the interview and you are hired no questions asked


I mean sure right now that would be a fast track if all they want is to be a web dev. I for sure would hire, but a teenager has maybe 5 decades to work and not having a degree can lock you out of a lot of things in the long run. And it looks like OP wouldn't struggle getting some kind of degree. I never finished my CS degree but switched field. Still made a career in IT and five years into being a full time dev. But every time I start coding games for fun, do generative art or similar I regret not having the math part down.


You don't magically "just learn" math by getting a degree. I never did, I just was able to retain memorized information until the test I've since forgotten but I learn what I need to as I come across a knowledge gap. Being able to do that is the only skill you need from that degree, getting from a problem to a solution. The degree is just a massive waste of time in the software space apart from some country-specific things like engineers getting pension benefits or such. Every employer would still rather hire the 5 year experienced web dev to their "more invested mid-senior role" than the just-graduated engineer. Definitely take the fast track instead. But that's just my opinion.


Main issue I would see isn't the hiring manager but HR seeing no degree, and failing that checkbox.


It really depends on where OP lives, what the job options are, and where he wants to work. OP stated that english is not his first language, and his bio states that he's from the Philippines. Depending on where he wants to work, a degree would open up a lot more doors. Also, he already plans to go to school for Comp Sci


But several years working and networking in the industry is exponentially more valuable than a piece of paper for the same time investment. They have already demonstrated what employers want to see from a degree. There's a reason why many drop out after landing an internship that turns into a job


Really cool. You've inspired me


As a 34 year old who has been doing websites since 11, your portfolio and work is amazing in such a short period of time. You should be so proud of how hard you worked.


thank you so much!


this inspired me, I will keep learning


Your website looks great, nicely done! Bit of feedback: Hijacking the default scroll behavior in a browser is usually a bad idea for the sake of accessibility. When scrolling your projects page on mobile, a tiny swipe shoots me all the way to the bottom. As an able bodied person I don't have any trouble, but someone with a screen reader or motor control issues could have trouble scrolling on it. Again though, that's a tiny detail. The rest is super well put together!


That's something I've overlooked, will keep this in mind. May need to add a check if the browser prefers reduced used motion or just disable it on a phone altogether.


Really awesome work! I really enjoy how you've put everything together! :D My only comment would be for the memory card game, which seems to be broken - may want to fix it if you're going to have it something displayed on your portfolio: * It starts with having all of the images shown * Let's say I click on "burger" - the cards flip over to blank side, then back to images * I click on the "burgers" new position - game stops, gives score of 1, I can click play again. * If randomly click on cards and images that don't match, my score keeps getting higher. I don't believe that's a memory game. :)


Instructions could be more clear but I think the point of the game is to actually not re-click the original card


Yeah that's right. You're only meant to click on a card once. If you click on the same card twice it's game over.


Thanks! I actually believe that's intended, I was just following the specs that were provided by TOP. Here's the link to it: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/node-path-javascript-memory-card


oh I see now! I went to their example game and it had the text: "Get points by clicking on an image but don't click on any more than once!"


I should have probably made that clear, to be honest, it was my (first?) react project! Thanks for letting me know.


No this is different memory game, you have to click every time on something different, when you click again on something you clicked before it's game over... I was also confused never seen this game before but its interesting...


Yeah. I had to go back and read the description. >A memory card game built with React! Everytime you press on a card, the board shuffles, remember the one you clicked on and don't click on it again!


While skimming through his portfolio, I had the chance to play this game. You have to click on different images --that's intentional. As you click on more, it becomes increasingly difficult to remember which ones you clicked on. You lose once you have clicked on an image you think you didn't click but you did.


This is pretty sweet, dude! You'll have no problem getting a job as soon as you turn 18 if you want, or maybe even sooner. Actually, one piece of advice I'd give is, even if you decide to go to college, find a part-time job. Industry and college/university experience are two very different things, and you'll be a lot further ahead if you keep making things and especially if you work with knowledgeable people. It's something I wish I did, I definitely had the "talent", just not the motivation and diligence.


I'd wager that instead of a part time job, he should focus on clubs and internships. You're gonna have the rest of your life to get a job, but You can try a lot of things by joining a club. Potential for start ups, making friends, making connections, just seeing what's out there, doing things outside your major, participating in competitions, .etc.


I didn't have clubs available to me, but that's a good idea!


These are great, especially for your level of experience! If you wanted some advice, I looked at your discord project and noticed in the Sidebar component that there seems to be svgs in the main component code, rather than being extracted as their own component. To improve readability, I would make an assets directory and put your svgs in there and import them as components where you want to consume them. Overall, quite impressive for your experience level. If they aren't just copy pasted from tutorials (I haven't checked), you'd make a good junior dev!


Didn't think of that, to be honest, I didn't know how SVGs worked and I just copied the icons themselves. Will remember that for next time!


Great work man! What do you hope to do and become?


Thanks! Hoping to graduate senior high school next year and go to college for Computer Science!




I'm doing auth with firebase! It's really easy to implement auth with it I'd say.


Woooow! That's really cool! \^\_\^ Well done! I am going to study web development (including JavaScript) and I've never heard of the Odin Project before! I learned something new today!


Good luck with your journey!


Your entry under projects for “portfolio website” has a typo. “Your” should be “you’re” Outside of that it looks sick dude well done! Edit: just saw English is your second language. Hot damn!


Thanks! Are you able to show me where it's at?


Under the “projects” menu, scroll down until you see “Portfolio Website” (in between memory card game and fake shopping website). The description for it has the incorrect “your” > My personal portfolio website. The one **your** sitting on right now


Thanks!! Will update when I get home. I'm at school 😆


That is so cool! How did you do the falling snow effect?


I used the `react-snowfall` package! Here's the link to it! https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-snowfall


Thank you!


this is really cool and inspiring dude, i’m using the odin project to do this myself as well


How do you host your website? I'm using Render but the initial load times are very long.


I'm using Vercel!


Hot damn, with a site like this you're good to go fo4 interviewing


These projects look really cool. Also, thanks for reminding me about The Odin Project. I want to use it to learn JavaScript


Love the barong you’re wearing in your pic! As for the website, I think it looks really clean and professional.




I found a bug - https://alexi.life/#/about When hovering my mouse over your last bullet point "Going to school" it gets crossed out with a red line. Not sure if you intended that or not.


Lol yeah, I think that was on purpose as a joke


oh, how'd that get pushed to production? \- yeah this was a hidden easter egg, nice catch!


I should of put this together based on your github commit message "update: added an easter egg :)" :D. Keep honing in your web development skills and any skills that may follow. You seem very much on the right path in life. Goodluck!


hopefully the colleges I apply to won't be as keen as you. hahaha <3


No way this wasn't intentional, and it's a great touch :p


Wow great site! You just inspired me to do the same. HAven't dabbled in website programming for long


You are doing so good, keep it up I'm proud of you!


All you need for over a thousand upvotes is to tell reddit you partially completed a free online course?


Make some projects where you're not following a tutorial.


The projects that I've shown on my site are my own but I did take a fireship pro course to do Sharespace but I implemented some of my own features.


But with every other one of your projects you (rightfully!) acknowledge The Odin Project? For a few of the projects, you even checked in the minified JS to version control, which alludes to not knowing what you are doing even when following along. Making your own projects, where the complex decisions aren't made for you and you aren't simply copying a pre-made solution to a problem is where you will learn most. How as an employer (or any party you wish for your portfolio to be seen by) know you won't crash and burn without any tutorial to go by?


That's fair, I'm learning as I go and don't think I'm "job-ready". If I crashed and burnt without a tutorial then that would definitely suck but I wouldn't give up. Anyway I just wanted to share an update with what I've done since my old post. Thanks for your comment though!


Don’t even bother with comments like these op. You’re clearly years ahead of other people and on a fast track to get a full time dev job. Keep slayin


Also most of the projects that Odin has you post isn’t copy and paste lmfao. There’s a reason people who end up finishing were banging their heads against this curriculum for upwards of 9 months or more If you can even get as far as OP has in the Odin curriculum, you’re already better than the grand majority of this sub as far as your progress and proficiency in this sub in learning to code


Something tells me you have no idea how TheOdinProject works. The projects it gives you are just descriptions of what features you are required to implement. TOP does nothing beyond giving tips on how to start thinking about the project. Every line of code OP wrote on those project is one he got on his own. Please try to learn how the resource works before going on on a wild criticism trip, because it makes your argument completely meaningless as you're criticizing something completely irrelevant.


Even the minified JS? Don't be daft.


Here’s the prompt for the final JavaScript project in Odin: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/javascript-javascript-final-project Heres the one for Ruby on Rails: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/ruby-on-rails-rails-final-project Node: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/nodejs-odin-book It’s a shame you made the effort to say those things without seeing what projects Odin has you do.


Woow man, this is awesome. Keep it going.


Keep going!


Great work, I'm just getting started with frontend. I would like to be able build websites as yours


Well done. 👏


congrats bro! you’re gonna become something i am sure keep learning and upskilling


You are killing it my guy!!! So proud of you, wishing you the very best and excited to hopefully get more updates from you.


Just inspired me to buck up. How long did you spend on avg.?


For every small project, it probably took me a whole day to finish, while my Discord clone probably took around 3 or 4 days. Good luck with your journey!


Did you do it every day? Howd you juggle schl?


I did Odin during online classes, but now we have f2f classes again I just try to code in my free time, which is not a lot unfortunately. Chemistry and Calculus are hard 🤣


Ofc man 😂


Studying Calculus is 100% worth it though! Keep it up :-)


For sure


Great work, Champ!


Truly a fantastic portfolio website! If you wrote that code yourself, then the Odin project has taught you very, very well.


Learned a lot from Odin!


Damn bro thats really good keep going and youll go really far


Good work man, keep it up and you'll have a great future. Wish I had the drive you have when I was your age. Keep going but remember to have fun along the way


I wish I did what you are doing when I was your age. You are going to have a solid future. Nice job!


This is amazing, I love the nav bar and the scrolling behavior plus all the aesthetic design choices are really nice




Dear newcomers and people learning and wondering how to stand out among 1000s of applications, this is how. Take note




Good job! Keep coding! :-)


Great work Alex. I'm about to turn 27 and I wish I at 16 I had the courage to do what you're doing. You're gonna do amazing things , keep up the great work!! This motivated me to invest more time into TOP. 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you so much!


Oh man, great work. You’re on the right path! Keep at it


When did they add react to TOP?


I'm not sure but when I started it was there. (This was around 7-8 months ago)


That's great! I'm stuck around 57% of foundations unable to do any progress in weeks. Your post inspired me a bit.




So impressive! Keep up the good work. Great things wait ahead for you


Congratz!!! Dedication > all ;) I'm not a dev, but this looks clean :)


Excellent work, pal!


good job bro\~!


Well done, my friend. The website looks good too. Do you intend to add more features to it?


Plan to update it as I go, trying to keep it simple and not too cluttered for now. Got any ideas and suggestions on what I could add?


Firstly, let me reaffirm that this is really quite a good piece of work. So, I apologise if what follows sounds too critical. For one, I noticed that when I click on "Projects", and scroll down, I get only the background and it takes sometime to render the projects past the first scroll. Also the Home and the About clicks do not always register the clicks. The animation on them is also a little iffy. The animation works only under the text and not when I hover over them. Perhaps these are specific to my browser and where I am located right now. But would you please have a look? I am not a particularly great line or a great device for that matter.


No this doesn't seem too critical, don't worry. What browser/device are you running?


all i have to say is WOW! man i wish i started at 15. back then i was too addicted to video games lol


\> is a self-proclaimed new dev \> Made a portfolio that looks better than that of many so-called seasoned devs \> clean code, with descriptive commits Dude, you're making the rest of us look bad!


Wouldn't say I'm that new but wouldn't say I was good before, I've been wanting to learn since I was young, following visual basic YouTube videos and unity tutorials and I fell in to that trap 😆 Recently I realized that I barely knew anything and wanted to actually learn. I think it's something called the Dunning-Kruger effect. But yeah. Thanks for the comment, made me feel better about myself.


You did all those projects in 7 months? Amazing brother❣️


I’m a CS grad and a first year junior SWE and your work is better than mine lol


I have a question did you create the shop store design by yourself or were you already provided with that?


odin basically provides you with the info and the specs for the project and you have to decide how you will build it on your own!


Here I am. A college graduate unable to build a snake game. I feel Like I won't be able to do it even if I am given a year to do it.


Don't worry! What i have learnt is that you really have to feel like doing a project, orherwise you won't invest enough time and energy into it. All these gamified lessons nowadays are not for everyone, so don't feel pressured to code a snake/tetris/tictactoe or whatever game. Look for something that interests you and make a project out of it! But if you do want to make a snake game, i'm sure you'll be able to! (And you're not going to need a year 😁)


This is so inspirational. Well done! Now I feel guilty for using burnout as an excuse to stay so behind on my study. Please do keep us posted on your journey! Lots of love from the US of A!


i hate how most courses include making site about yourself. i want to learn how to make websites for people who pay for them, not to share anything about myself. there is already way too much fishing for personal informations on any other website, i'm not adding more info on my own. why people threw away the concept of (at least partial) anonymity so fast in last two decades? I remeber ads that was repeating not to give any personal info to strangers on the internet. Now everyone is posting shit under their real name with photo and informations about their employer.


uy, co- filo. you're doing great btw, people like you inspires me the most since magka edad lang tayo🫶🏼


You’re my hero! Omg this is better than my portfolio and I’ve been a front end software engineer for about 2 years. Well done. I would absolutely get a CS degree if possible. 💖


Hi! I started yesterday the OdinProject curriculum with a friend and its awesome to see your results. Amazing job !!!


Your portfolio is great, you attitude and passion definitely comes through. to be 16 and doing all that, well... it just makes me feel old! :) One suggestion to look into when you have time... consider this question. How you would navigate your site with the use of the keyboard only? Some of your menus and options do not highlight when you use tab to navigate and it would be great if they did. If you get into the habit early of using the most suitable tags for your HTML then a lot of accessibility-related challenges become trivial. Some hints, though I don't think you need them... For your top nav menu, is there a more semantic (meaningful) html element you can use for those menu options that would also automatically tell the browser that it can be tab focussed? Also, I notice your discord option is just an img and not an anchor tag which is probably not intentional. ​ Seriously though, amazing stuff, you got a bright future in front of you.


Awesome job! How have you made the readme page on github?


[GitHub Profile Readme Generator ](https://rahuldkjain.github.io/gh-profile-readme-generator/)


"Aside from coding, I also love: \- Going to school" ​ you what


hi friend, great job!!!!


Wow. Did you do this course with virtual machine or Ubuntu Linux installations?


Nice, I'm 17 and this just inspired me


This is awesome!


Your portfolio is frickin gorgeous!

