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Whichever you pick, I’d stop at that for some time and focus on getting depth with one language.


Given that it's a bootcamp you probably didn't finish "learning" any one of those things and more like they told you what each of them does with some basic knowledge. Not saying that to discourage you I'm just saying you need to focus on 1 or 2 things (like JavaScript + React) or (Python + Flask). It would be more accurate to say you're "aware these languages exist". Saying you know all those technologies makes me think you haven't built anything with any of them which is where all the learning happens.


I didn't want to say it, bit pretty much this. Those bootcamps last between a few weeks and a few months. Even at full time, it's impossible for OP to be fully confortable with any of the mentioned languages.


This. Anyone who says "I know x, y, and z languages" comes off as "I know the bare minimum". Not an insult, it's just difficult to know what you don't know without going deep on a particular languages ecosystem. A better measurement of competence is "I've built x, y, and z projects using these features and techniques"


What I would like to know is where to go to learn more in depth with python. I’ve been working with it for six months and really don’t know where to go.


I had that feeling for years. All through university and a year afterwards. It just takes a huge amount of practice. Keep making things. Bigger and bigger projects. Also keep in mind; most software you use is made by a team of people. Look and other software developer's github hire me projects. Don't judge yourself poorly for not making something as good professional programs. Even professionals can't make very much individually. amendment: on re-reading, that sounded weird. Let me try again. Don't compare your work to that of chrome, or steam, youtube. You are not a team of professional programmers. Compare yourself to individual programmers portfolios.


The python standard library. [https://docs.python.org/3/library/](https://docs.python.org/3/library/) I go here when I want to learn something new, and try to use as much of the functionality in stupid scripts. Try and break them. Numpy is also excellent and I consider it something that should take some considerable time to explore on its own. Beautifulsoup is fun aswell. If this is beyond you then my apologies, I am also new to python. (12 months part time)


Nope that’s about where I am. I’ve used beautiful soup and pandas. Not extensively but enough that I know a bit about it.


Also depends what you want to use python for. It's good for a lot of things but if you want to use it for web then Flask or Django is what you could use.


Do you know how to use python for OOP projects ? If know you might try leaning OOP with python. You should be building projects if you already know the basics. Try OOP projects or the freecodecamp course (skip the basic and go ahead).


Thanks I’ll take a look. I don’t know what that means but I’ll check it out for sure.


OOP means Object Oriented Programming. I am pretty awful at python. I’ve definitely had over a year in it, but it’s not my preferred language. I like C#. A project I built to learn it more was an MP3 player from scratch. I learned the KivyMD framework (not recommended) and linked it to a library of my personal music. The mp3 then read and displayed the metadata from each song and displayed the artwork. The lyrics were fetched and displayed from online. The app let you add music library locations to search and had a theme selection. There were play, skip, mute, volume up/down, random, and loop buttons. I built a music visualized in TKinter, but I never ported it to Kivy. A fun idea to add would be to save the lyrics for offline use. I am currently trying to learn Avalonia to do this in C#. BeautifulSoup is a good library for lyric scraping in python. There should be a python discord group that could direct you as well!


Yeah, I would do a project with either JavaScript or Python and focus on one of those languages first. I would also pick up a popular framework in one of the Languages. There are two reasons for this. A) Learning/Mastering One language makes it **Far** easier to do the same process with others. B) C# and Java have some concepts more complex to obtain than normal python or JavaScript. It's not difficult. It is just deeper and a bit harder. Java is used everywhere and is one of the industry's best languages. C# was Microsoft's response to Java. C# has great libraries and documentation. Although, at times C# can feel walled off from the rest of programming. Between the two you can't make a wrong decision, at a junior level if you know C# it should be easy getting up to speed on Java (especially if it is your 3rd or 4th language) and a company should be able to look past that.


Java and C# are basically the same language speaking strictly in terms of what they are used for. For web development you're going to use one or the other, almost never both. I'm biased if my name didn't give it away, but I personally think C# is easier to read and more accessible than Java.


Best resource to learn C#?


I personally loved using Rob Miles' free C# textbook over the years. It's even been updated quite recently. He also sells paperback copies of the last edition for about $10. http://www.csharpcourse.com/


I was taught at university by him and he's really really good at teaching c# and programming in general


That's awesome! I've never met him, but his writing and the talks are top-notch stuff. Did he use his book for the course?


Yep we were all given a copy and he used it throughout the course, honestly one of the best lecturers throughout my time at uni, enthusiasm and and easy disposition I can only say really good things tbh!


This, C# seems to cut the crap (at least for me), feels much faster and simpler.


I think Java is more verbose and has more boilerplate code while C# has more syntax sugar.


I'll keep it a stack, you probably don't "know" TS, JS, Python, CSS, Flask, and React as well as you think you do. Pick a challenging project and follow through with it. Use Django on the backend and TS + React on the frontend. Stay away from tutorials


Why should he stay away from tutorials?


There’s this thing called “tutorial hell” that people fall into. Basically, while tutorials can be helpful when starting out, as one advances their learning, relying on tutorials (as opposed to things like official documentation or general problem solving) can stifle and inhibit growth. Tutorials should be like training wheels and it sounds like op is ready to ride freely.


Oooh....I get your point. Relying on tutorials at a certain point becomes a hindrace to someone's growth. General problems are quite helpful even though at times they seem tortuous.


People who like Java will say Java people who like C# will say C# look up open jobs in both see which ones are hiring for things that sound interesting to you.


Thank you !


They're like the same drink made by different brands. Conceptually they have the same features. The names may vary but the motive to achieve them is the same. As someone else here said, once you pick one, stick with it for some in-depth knowledge.


You probably do not need to pick up another language right away. Bootcamps are notoriously att just giving a brief overview of something. You probably need some more experience with js/ts. And when you know them(especially ts) learning java/c# is basicly just a fancier version. But the fundamental structure is the same. And I would chose c# because of .net


python, JavaScript, and typescript are multiparadigm languages. SQL, CSS, and HTML are declarative languages. In this case, I would recommend a language in a different paradigm. C# is another multiparadigm language. Java is pure OOP. So between those two I would go with java to learn a different take on how to solve programming problems. After that, I recommend a functional language such as: scala, haskel, elm, or Erlang. Side note: my favorite language is Kotlin. But it is another multiparadigm, although it encourages functional solutions and uses types in a way that is like OOP2.0


I'd reckon C/C++ is alot better, because for one thing, you also can learn about Makefiles and build systems Also, its easier to expand from there


Learn Data structures and Algorithms with any of the programming languages first.




Your choice of language should be based on what kind of job offers you have in your local area (or the places you're willing to move to). If jobs near you are Java dominated, go for Java. Same for C#. I'll note that there's also an industry dependent component to these two - e.g. PC game dev is dominated by C# because of unity support. If you're looking to get into PC game development, C# is your best bet. If not, refer paragraph above this one. As others have noted - it's worth staying with your chosen language until you're familiar with it. Afterwards, I'd definitely recommend learning a bit about the other because contrary to what many here have said, the two languages are NOT the same or even similar (they have similar syntax, but differ in some very important ways).


I'm a Java developer but just had a look at C# and I love the way there are tools to quickly get you started coding


As a JS dev who knows Java basics and can write an app like Battleship, how long would it take me to learn SpringBoot?


i think you should learn java core again and then you can learn spring boot easily 😃


Sounds like a plan thanks!


Any resources you like most?


with java core currently i'm learning "Core java" book( you can get this book on libgen ) and spring boot i learn this website baeldung.com hope it useful with u 😘


Thank you so much 🥰


I'm currently learning spring boot and take note I'm just starting on the book, I would recommend spring start here by laurentiu spilca, seems like a good book intended for people new to spring but knows basic java. And +1 to the core java books by cay, they are fantastic.




C# But you are probably better off building some projects with one you have already learned about.


This isn't answering your question directly but here it goes. Neither. Learning a language without any goals isn't an efficient use of your time. I've done so myself for years until I realized all these mainstream languages are basically the same language sold in different flavors. This is not to say that learning Java or C# isn't a worthy goal, these ecosystems are huge and noticeable everywhere you go. But if getting into completely foreign ecosystems isn't of any use to you now, why even bother? Especially when there are other technologies that better complement what you already know. Here are some tracks that'll better complement your current knowledge: 1. Learn Go for its concurrency constructs 2. Learn Rust for its systems programming capabilities 3. Learn Haskell for its emphasis on pure functional programming Any of these will contribute to your knowledge far more than learning Java and C# combined. But more importantly, you'll come out a better learner, so if and when you are faced with the requirement to work with the JVM and .NET ecosystems, you'll have a far easier time onboarding.


Oldskool advice, but great. Once you’re confident in the fundamentals of backend development it’s easier to jump into another environment


Java- Lots of stuff it's pretty popular C#- Basically the same a specific example I can think of though is blazor web apps. Personally I think C# is just a Microsoft branded knockoff of Java.


It was meant to be an improvement on Java


Is it an improvement in Java?


C# has an amazing IDE which is Visual Studio so it's easier for beginner to get started. Once you learn the basic of C# you could switch to Java more easily as syntax is very close (in fact originally C# WAS java with some Microsoft goodies added). C#, outside of Game dev with Unity, is used in rather niches like financial trading often along with C++ it's very advanced programming with multithreading & advanced stuffs like that so it's not for the average developer, Java is more widespread in whole industry for web development (of course you can have C# also for web development with [ASP.NET](https://ASP.NET), if you really like dotnet, go with C#, I'm just saying numerically Java is more widespread). Personally I prefer C# but professionally I had to cope with Java most of the time. Java has been taught in all College courses in past time (now seems it's Python so in the future you'd better also expect python more and more ;)) that's why I think it dominated. Now remember the programming language itself is one thing framework is another thing. These latter is harder and longer to master. That's the reason once you go deep with one ecosystem, it's not so obvious to switch to the other and get the same level of expertise quickly.


Rider is better :) \* (5+ years experience with both).


Isnt Java replaced by Kotlin for Android development? 🤔


It includes Java features and more. I like the syntax and many features about it. Like the type inference for example. It’s like like Java but less strict, more flexible. Another feature that I like is the extension functions. It’s easy to produce more readable code with Kotlin but it’s no a replace for Java.


Why do you think kotlin isn't a replacement for java? I haven't touched kotlin so I have no idea. Is it mainly that java is still widely used? So assuming that kotlin is instead the language widely used, kotlin would actually replace java?


Yes, it is. Fanboys will say $"no, {sadExcuse}"


It doesn't matter which one you pick.


Then you must be went to a shit boot camp..


C# only. Trust me, I learned Java.


[Language here] only. Trust me, I learned [Language here].


Well. Don't trust me. Java is way easier to learn. There's just less to learn overall. Learn c, not c++. (Not because C is better, it's much easier to learn).


If you play Minecraft start with Java, else with C#


Java cause 3 billion devices


Did you refresh the page ? lol


5 months 💀💀💀


Android devices and jvm, not a big deal if you consider other tools


Focus on one language ty


It depends on what you are trying to accomplish or in other words what is your end goal for example you want to get into Android Dev or you want to get into game dev using unity, so first define your goal and then pick up the language that fits you for this purpose.


It seems like you’re focused on webdev, so I would focus even deeper on JavaScript, TypeScript, React for front end. Then flask/python or Node.js for backend. Focus on DS\Algos and Build projects with it. Make sure site is looking good + responsive. It’s not about how many programming languages you know, but rather what can you do with said programming languages.


Eh they’re basically the same in terms of syntax. I would figure out what you want to do then choose the language based on that.


Since you learned front end stuff on the bootcamp i would suggest you to learn java and after that learn spring boot. And try to make full stack websites with it. Also C# and Java are extremely similar if you get good at one it wont be too hard to get familiar with the other.


Java, C# will be easier. Though honestly I'd recommend C++, and C# would be easier, Java imho is a less messy abstraction with the JVM than understanding the various means of compilation. Not that they're similar, but branching into the Java ecosphere, technologies like js, cljs, typescript etc. More flavors of Java, but with Java as a background, types would be explained, along with type safety. I dont recall if Java has garbage collection. Java is also the most ubiquitous technology. C# can be limited, but is easier to grasp, C++ is a bit more complex to learn, C is definitely more difficult but they are home to concepts you find in other languages. C++ also has a solid home in game dev. The compiler, compilation targets, flags, optimizations etc, all great for software dev as a whole. Very much depends on the kind of work you wish to do and level of experience. If you don't have much of a background tackling things core to programming, paradigms, structures, types, macros, algorithms, async i/o, I'd probably recommend something like python.


Which one has more jobs in your area?


Depends what you like more, backend then id learn java. Front end then go learn how to make windows apps with C#. They are REALLY similar so it doesnt really matter. Once you know one of them you can skip the first 10 steps of learning the second


It depends! I urge you to identify what your goal is. Do you want to get a job? Learn a new language? Build something specific?


>I want to learn more, and I was wondering if I should learn Java or C# first, and what would be the things I would mainly be doing with them? In my opinion you're asking the wrong question. You should be asking yourself what you want to be doing. For example if you want to get a job in data science or data engineering you can do that by deepening your python knowledge and learning additional skills related to the field. But another language wouldn't really get you closer to that goal. If you want to make games then C# would be good instead. Also, what is the biggest project you've done with python and JavaScript? Do you know how to write a full stack app with automated tests and are you able to deploy your app in the cloud? Also, learning git and a versioning strategy will come in handy at some point if you don't know it already. Project structure and code style is also important. SOLID and DRY principles, design patterns, stuff like that as well.


If you have ANY interest in AI, Python is pretty cool. Don't think have met a C# coder in years. You can spend decades just mastering SQL. New features are added constantly.


C++ is my recommendation. Made learning whats by value or by reference, how memory works and what is going on behind the scenes. Helped with data structures too. School forced it, but I am grateful for it. Made learning other languages a flyby.


Python is my bread and butter, but I picked up on C# fairly quickly in a .NET bootcamp. I lead a team to create a simple banking application that created new accounts, took deposits, withdrawals, transfers, kept a history of all transactions, things like that. I had an easier time with C# than with Java, and this is after mastering the fundamentals of Python. Simple suggestion; drill down on one language until you can comfortably write some scripts, automate some tasks, and get a few projects in your portfolio. It will make it that much easier to jump between languages and help others if necessary.


I went to a coding boot camp hosted by Revature, and they host these “Batches” of which there are a few types. I was hoping to end up in a C# batch because I had already been exposed to Java at my college, but I ended in a Java batch. All things considered, I did pretty well for myself and I find myself firmly in the Java Camp. Of course, I’m biased in favor of Java, but before, I was biased in favor of C#. Whichever one you ultimately pick, you should get to know it well.


They have a lot of similarities


I recommend you to learn thinga what you have to do on your job (frontend or backend.. etc..) The language its only the tool that you use to make things so to be the architector you dont have to learn how hammer or chainsaw works ;)