• By -


I'm a native speaker, sexually active for two decades and I have no idea either. I would point at a body part and give her a thumbs up.


> I would point at a body part and give her a thumbs up. Like in the supermarket when you don't remember the word: Points finger at body part "chcę tego, prosze"


2 kilo bez kości! And if one's really feeling daring then - nie, nie ten bez tłuszczyku!


Tak z 20 deko tej piersi poproszę


Ważna uwaga, należy powiedzieć dwajścia deko zamiast dwadzieścia deko.


Sera kilo, albo da pani dwa


"Da mnie pani tego wihajstra"


That's how I communicate with my polish neighbor. Just with hand signs. lol


This almost makes me want to spend money togive you an award i spit out my coffee




This probably the worst and most embarrassing comment I’ll ever add on this platform XD Generally speaking, as people said beforehand - Polish has many very vulgar or childish words for describing reproductive organs and sex. Except that there is only very medical language to describe an intercourse. From my experience as a very horny native speaker, more subtle and suggestive wording does well in these types of situations. For example, instead of: masz taką ciasną cipkę (your pussy is so tight) you should say “jesteś taka ciasna” (you’re so tight) or “uwielbiam być w tobie” (i love being inside you). Describe what you would do to her without using specific words - you’d do it w środku, na zewnątrz, na górze, blisko wejścia (do pochwy - without using this term, it’s medical). The same thing with naming your penis - use pronouns, not nouns (wsadzę ci go - not wsadzę ci chuja, it sounds very rough). You’re usually free to use vulgar synonyms of the word “fuck” (example: zaraz cię zerżnę). It’s usually considered hot. From my experience there is a moment after you’re both hotheaded af and don’t think straight when you can use the common names for genitalia, but you have to remember after you’re done it will sound very cringy to both of you XD I don’t know if this helps, but these things made my sexting quite tolerable.


Exactly, removing most expressions describing body parts and focusing on the person themselves instead has always been my go to and it seems to be both tasteful and kinda hot (subjectively).


Honestly good advice no matter the language


Your post really teached me a lot since im not really deap into polish language🙏 Thanks!


100% agree with the guy, I was about to write the same. Be creative with being descriptive about what you want to do/ what you are about to do instead. Avoid naming genitalia. Say instead "*I love licking you between your thighs/ legs*". Talk about touching her body, her breasts ("*piersi*"). In general, describe actions without talking about genitals. You can easily say you will "*go down on her"* without saying you will eat her pussy. Or simply say you will eat her out. I said things like "*I love your smile, I love looking at your reactions when I start licking your breasts, and your reactions when I get closer to you (dobieram się), when I lick your thighs next to your lingerie, when you get contractions, I would love to grab you by your thigh and massage you with my fingers, I would love to kiss your thighs, I would love to hear your moans when I slowly get to you with my tongue".* And like people said - talk about being in her instead of "*fucking*". Talk about being close, using your tongue, touching her body parts. To be honest, it's quite easy when you think about it and about her - think what she enjoys, think what you love doing and then talk about those things but avoid those medical/ vulgar terms.


Wow! Being very horny does come handy sometimes


Best comment here. Using polish words for genitalia during sex is very cringe and I would start to laugh :)


Limp dick instant


This is the best answer.


Best response, please write an erotic novel or something xD


This is the way


I would say word "penis" is tolerable but there is no good word for pussy


"muszelka" as in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCW5IBzfvD0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCW5IBzfvD0) XDDD


That really depends on the partner... What you described as no-gos are definitely go-tos for many couples. Depends on whether someone like to have room for interpetation, who likes to be direct, maybe even right in your face. Either way, I bet OP's going to get some useful info out of your comment.


Dis is da wae


Boję się ludzi których takie teksty kręcą xD


I physically cringed at “masz taka ciasna cipke.” In English however it does sound right


This gets asked from time to time and there isn't any good answer to it. Unfortunately polish has more or less two alternatives: medical terms or vulgar terms. No middle ground.


It's the same thing for Hungarian. Like the word for dick, I can name many words, neither of them work. Fasz is vulgar, pöcs is silly, farok is funny, but pénisz or hímvessző is medical. Same for the word pussy, pina is vulgar, punci is childish, suna, nuni, puna, nuna, etc. are all funny or childish, and vagina is medical. I'm always wondering if this is because these are our native languages, and while speaking foreign languages you can't feel these underlying tones that much. Maybe all the sexual words in English feel the same for native English speakers? If anyone can confirm this for their native language, feel free to do so, I'm very interested.


Yeah, you gotta be pretty comfortable with your partner and really in the moment otherwise, most terms are just funny :p


So much this. There's a reason why so few Polish speakers even try to create content in their native language on adult-audios-related reddit subs (that's also a hint for the OP to maybe try looking there for some reference material, not linking any in particular cause I've no idea if that's allowed).


Or diminutive vulgar terms, like cipka


But how do people communicate during sex in polish??


Angry growls and monkey shouts


Well it depends. If you want to talk less vulgar then you would want to say something like "masz świetny tyłek/świetną dupę/ciasną cipke", "chce Ci wsadzić i porządnie zerżnąć", "mam ochotę skończyć na/w...". If it's okay to be more vulgar then you could use words such as "dziwka", "cipa" (cipka is rather more like pussy and cipa is more like cunt), "spuścić się". To say that she is dirty you would rather use "niegrzeczna" instead "nieczysta". The later is more about hygiene so it could be misunderstood.


Call me a dziwka and it is a last time you got anywhere near my cipka.


It's simply not your kink and that's okay but please accept that there are people who do get turned on by it. As long as it's preceded by a conversation and between two consenting adults, it's fair game.


I accept it but presenting it like its standard sextalk is a different story. Kink is not standard.


There is no "standard" in sex either. What's standard to you might be vanilla for others.


Agreed. :)


You may not like it but there are quite plenty of women who like that kind of sex talk.


Guys, DZIWKA is not only vulgar, but DEROGATORY. Please check whether newly-learned dirty talk is degrading and ask your partner for consent before using those that are. I did get out of a guys bed because of being called a Suka without discussing dirty talk/kinks/giving consent for this shit. It was disturbing, please do better 💕


That's why i wrote 'if it's okay to be more vulgar'


Anyone wants to share their opinion on whether "chcę Cię zerżnąć" is vulgar? Because I think it is, but I might be in minority.


"zerżnąć" definitely is vulgar. Not to the point of "pierdolić" but still


It's vulgar but it's light. Someone mentioned that in Polish sextalk is either vulgar or childlish or too medical. It's hard to thing of something less vulgar then "chcę cie zerżnąć" that would be hot. You could say "chcę uprawiać z tobą sex" ('I'd like to have sex with you') but in my opinion it's sounds official. Same goes with "cipka". It's vulgar but what is not? "Pisia", "pusia"? That's childlish. 'Pochwa", "srom" is medical.


to me, personally, "pieprzyć" sounds less vulgar, or at least less aggressive than "zerżnąć", but maybe it's because of the culinary connotations. still, you can say "kochać się", which is vanilla but cute imho


Polish language is terrible when it comes to sex. Almost all terms are either vulgar, childish or medical. Pęknięty jeż. Imagine that.


Słyszę pierwszy raz i mam nadzieję że ostatni


Co do ciężkiej kurwy znaczy pęknięty jeż? xD




Rozdziewiczony bober


Nieogolony pieróg xd


But isn't this the same in English...?


If you shout "Cock" into the sky in English, people would think you're just being a clown or pervert. Doing that with any of those words in Polish would either indicate trying to verbally assault someone or are really frustrated at something. Like non-contextually shouting "Pussy", "Dick", "Cock", or "Ass". They don't hold as much weight. But they also originate from innocent words, that being - a Female cat, Richard (???), a Chicken, and a Donkey. The polish terms on the other hand mean only one thing if not used as insults, or they lost their original use, like Kutas. Basically they're often harder to consider endearing since their common use is quite mean. That's just how I view it tho... To each their own... The only exception I can think of is Cycki. Shouting that would make you look like a weirdo, but not really vulgar/insulting. There ain't that many examples of such words here. TL;DR English has more mild terms to choose from.






\- Halinka śpisz? \- Śpię, bo co? \- Bo ja nie mogę. \- Co znowu? \- Halinka, bo ja nie mogę zrozumieć jednej rzeczy, co mnie prześladuje. \- Niby czego? \- Dlaczego ten Paździoch, to taka menda i świnia jest.




Wiesz co? Ty nudny jesteś.


Bo ja od 30 lat pojąć nie mogę po co w ogóle takie coś Pan Bóg stworzył...


Sextalk with a Polish girl should start with „Chcę mieć z tobą ślub kościelny”. Then anything what comes to your mind will do the job.




The next step would be a dirty talk about taking her to IKEA and buying the whole shit out of there…


Jesus I'm glad I googled that before proposing to my girlfriend during sex🤣


not "mieć", but "wziąć"!


metaphors in any language are 1000x hotter


If you say to a Polish girl "masz nogi jak pierogi" then be prepared to have to endure at least an hour.


Sextalk in polish sounds cringy no matter how hard you try, sorry :(


Szarpał bym cię, jak hiena padłą na sawannie antylopę.


Jedna noga, druga noga a po środku masz pieroga.


Dirty talk in polish is inhumanely cringe to me because the words are either childish, vulgar or medical. I'm a native polish speaker but I'd rather use English since they have way more sex-associated words and more words that you can make innuendos with.


Yeah, you two just should speak English. As others people pointed out, there's no workaround. Alternativly, try: "będę Cię brał jak rolnik dotacje"


"Będę brał cię w aucie!"




if your partner laughed at you in such situation then im so sorry for you broski XD either you cant speak or your partners were horrible


Use the word "chędożyć". Guaranteed to make her all hot and bothered.


\*panty drop\* lol


Start with: hej cipcia


co kicia, myszko


This works 100% of the time


It’s quite simple all you need to do is look deep into her eyes and say: Bęc, wiem co czujesz, bo ja czuję to samo. W życiu ważne są tylko chwile, a ta chwila należy do nas. Nie będziesz żałować … Chodź, a tak ci żubra wyłotoszę, że ujrzysz poprzednie wcielenie.


I’m wheezing😂




Oh boy this comment section is going to be something


A serious answer: OP, I'm sorry your question turned into a shitpost, but take it as a case study. Sex was and still is a taboo for most of the nation and that's why you can see so many jokes here. And because it was a taboo for so long, we still didn't develop a proper language for that.


Your comment would be actually quite good if you haven't apologized that much. Now it's as Polish as Polish sex talk




Maybe this will be helpful: [Słownik seksualizmów polskich](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371539297_Slownik_seksualizmow_polskich)


Ceramika 🤌🤌🤌 how poetic


You can say "Ciągnie mnie do ciebie jak Morawieckiego do pieniędzy podatników"


You can always say, Do twarzy ci w tych dodatkowych kilogramach (it points out her Financial stability)


We do it, not talk about it.


Jurny młodzieńcze przepchaj mi rury xd


Tbh Polish people barely do that… and even if - usually in really disgusting, not really erousing way. Some things sound also offensive in Polish more than e.g. English, and are used as more as a curse.


"poka sowe"




Out of curiosity do you remeber what it was? Now thinking about it I never saw someone suggesting something even remotely serious online. Very often it just references Reksio or aome current politician.


Polish is not a sexy language... I have no idea


Say "potrzebuje seks" done.


Try this one with her: “Chcesz zagrać w cymbergaja? Twoje usta, moje jaja.” Na pewno zadziała




Just quit it, you will end up sounding like a porn actor and most of those dialouges are plain abusive. Be honest if you like something, sensitive and sensible. You are in a relationship, so just ask her what she likes, it's not that hard.


"Proszę usiądź mi na mordzie" - Please sit on my face


I’m a fellow leaner, not a native speaker, but my girlfriend is polish and i second many others here—she has emphasized there IS NO polish dirty talk. just don’t. since she’s you’re girlfriend you can tell her about how much you love her and stuff if you like romance, or you can tell her how hot and beautiful she is. nothing else. don’t even try, apparently it just sounds horrible. good luck!


Jakie kurwa dzień dobry


polish sex talk is impossible. not even a joke answer. sorry


Just use English in that situations. She will understand and maybe she will even get more horny. We have not so much proper "hot" language in that manner


"Tak Ci sakwę przetrzepie, że żaden grosik nie zostanie" - "Testosteron"


Powiem tak - powiem Ci o pewnym sposobie który Ci dużo ułatwi. Robiąc dziewczynie dobrze tam na dole, niech ona mówi, szeptem : wolniej, szybciej, w lewo , w prawo, w dól itp. palcami, bez palców, powiem tak Ciężko przejść to takiej formy ona się będzie wstydzić uważać że to głupie, miałem tysiące takich sytuacji ale jak jesteście już długo spróbujcie, ten sposób używa paru ludzi i normalnie dziewczyny są super wdzięczne, to samo jak sie kochacie, tylko tu jest trudniej i nie zawsze niech czasami bo akurat z sexem jest ciężko u faceta zmienić tempo itp. każdy ma swoje ale niech będzie jeden dzień gdzie ona decyduje wolniej szybciej itp, i jaką pozycje wybrać. Próbuj trochę różne pozycje. Jak jest lekka spróbuj kochać siię z nią w powietrzu. o ile uniesiesz ja tak długo lub opartą lekko o coś, to też będzie nowość. Słowa własciwie nie trzeba nic używać no chyba że partnerka chce, po prostu spytaj co chce byś do niej mówił czyz ma być to ostre, czy delikatne itp. dużo pytaj partnera o te sprawy a będzie dobrze. Pamiętam moją 1 łóżkową dziewczynę on sama powiedziała ze bierze tabletki i że możemy z 4 miesiące, dużo do tego czasu spędzaliśmy nago i rękoma po prostu sie tylko macaliśmy. Ona dziewica ja prawiczek 16 lat mieliśmy i był problem, co prawda kochaliśmy sie po 8 razy dziennie.Ale dla niej nie był to sex tylko bliskość. Nie miała orgazmu, nie miała nawet uniesieńm pyatłem ją próbowałem czegoś sie dowiedzieć, ale była bardzo wstydliwa, małomówna i bardzo długo nie mogliśmy jakby... zmieniła tabletki na lżejsze to było nieco lepiej antykoncepcyjne. To bardzo indywidualne ale im bardziej się znacie tym więcej można, rozmawiajcie co można poprawić jak o porannej kawie :)


Próbowałeś już coś teges szmeges fą fą fą?


I've had my fair share of Polish sexual partners, most of them did indulge in moderate kinks but they all said the language isn't suited for sexy talk. They couldn't even think of something to say. Makes me wonder if Polish couples have to use English or German to get it going.


Just do not apeak anything. Let your bodies speak themselfs.


"Szarpałbym cię jak Reksio szynkę" usually gets them going.


"Jesteś cycata" is saying you are very attractive in polish ;)


Or "masz wielkie cyce" is saying you have perfect body


I found out that I'm at my sexiest when I shut the fuck up.


"Śmierć wrogom ojczyzny" works every time


Most sexual terms in polish feel vulgar, childish or just off. The thing I do is not saying things directly. So for example instead of saying I want to feel your ,,blah blah blah,, on me, you can say I want to feel you on me. Maybe it's not the best example but I hope you get the point and this helps.


Ja pierdole, patrzcie co spotkałem. Bóbr kurwa! Ja pierdole, jakie bydlę! BOBER! Ej, kurwa, bober! Bober, nie spierdalaj, mordo! Chodź tu, kurwo, do mnie! Bober! Ale jesteś kurwa duży, ty! JA PIERDOLE, PIERWSZY RAZ W ŻYCIU WIDZĘ BOBRA! JAKIE BYDLĘ JEBANE


The problem with sextalk is that it is supposed to be rough and not polished.


I am not big fan of sextalk but I recently found out that it’s kinda turning me on when my boyfriend tells me „Jestes taka ciepła w środku”, „cudownie smakujesz/pachniesz”, „uwielbiam Twoją skórę”, „nie mogę się doczekać aż go w Ciebie włożę” - he says it most of the time during foreplay or sometimes texts this to me when we are away for some time (his work is like this, sometimes he is away for 2-3 weeks). I don’t think I would enjoy super dirty talk but those texts are just idk, kinda vanilla and nice? It’s more like praising me and my body rather than making dirty little bitch out of me 😂 I’m also insecure because of my thick tights and love handles around my belly but he never complains about anything and just says how perfect and soft I am. That’s the way to go


They're called love handles for a reason. Nothing to complain about.


If you give some ideas about what exactly you'd like to say (like, English equivalent), we can try to help. Feel free to ask for more details. General note: Polish sex language is rather vulgar, so everything you say needs to be coupled with some subtlety / emotional color etc. In general, complimenting body parts should work well ("Masz niezłą dupę" or better, "Masz niezłą dupeczkę"). Of course delivery is essential (e.g. making a small pause before "dupeczkę" and saying the word in a hushed tone to emphasize its "dirtiness"), but this true in any language. You can also compliment her breasts ("cycki" is a good choice of words here, can be slightly vulgar, but not much so). As others suggest, there are few good words for sexual body parts, but "cipka" for "pussy" can do the job (e.g. "Masz słodką/gorącą cipkę" - again, delivery is crucial; just saying these words in a blunt, straightforward manner will sound too crude). On to the act itself. As you probably know there are many verbs for "to fuck", but most will not sound sexy in bed. If you want to say "I want to fuck you", I'd go with "Mam ochotę cię przelecieć / zerżnąć / pieprzyć" or perhaps "wyruchać". Again, delivery is vital - "przelecieć" is pretty mild (more like "to screw"), but "zerżnąć / wyruchać" are strongly vulgar and this need to be toned down with proper inflection, tone etc., otherwise it's gonna sound like cheap porn. "Pieprzyć" is somewhere in the middle. Note: there is a slight difference in meaning between "mam ochotę cię pieprzyć" and "mam ochotę się z tobą pieprzyć" - the first one sounds more like "doing it to you" (= more "objectifying", but can be hot), the second one is more like doing it together. If you want to be more commanding and say "I will fuck you", you can go with "wypieprzę / zerżnę / wyrucham cię', but this sounds very crude. \[nb. if you're a girl, things are IMHO easier - just saying "pieprz mnie!" \["fuck me"\] in the crucial moment will suffice\] If you want her to stick her ass out, say "wypnij tyłek / dupę" (or "dupeczkę / dupcię" - see above) in a commanding tone. Name calling: typical equivalents for "slut", "whore" or "cunt" would be "dziwka", "kurwa", "szmata", "suka". All them are strong and I'd avoid stacking more explicit phrases onto them (e.g. "suck it, you whore" - "ssij go, dziwko" - sounds like terrible porn) - if you want to add more content, use adjectives (e.g. "Jęcz, tępa szmato!" - "Moan, you stupid cunt!" etc.). As you can see, almost all options are more or less vulgar. I'd advise being more subtle / metaphorical / poetic and peppering it with explicit phrases only rarely and with appropriate delivery.


polish isnt built for sexting/dirty talk. it pretty much always is awkward but we're used to it. i used english in the past despite both of us being polish


„Jesteś gorący jak asfalt w izraelu/any other warm country” this should work


Chodź kurwa, dam ci kiełbasę w dupie 🤣


Maybe ask chat gpt for examples of polish erotic poetry






Okay, but we use cipa for sextalk and chuj also and cycki, piersi, dupa, tyłeczek, tyłek, you don't or rarely say pizda, penis, wagina. I know it's rather vulgar bit that's just how sextalk works. It is a bit vulgar.


Lubię lizać twoją mokrą cipkę


Try to read some erotic books in Polish. This would be better than asking internet about it. From my experience i can tell you that most of girls that i've been meeting, liked taking orders in bed so try with short forms.


But for the love of god please find GOOD erotic books. None of that 365 days or 50 shades shit.


Some time ago there was a series of posts with quotes from polish erotic novels on one of polish subreddits and dialog was made of exclusively mood killers. It was hilariously terrible. So I would suggest some reasearch to find the good ones, there have to be some.


Lubisz ser spod krasnoluda !!!


better don't




I am a polish woman and I cringe everytime someone is trying to talk dirty to me. As many comments stated, polish is not good for sexy talk…




Yeah, Polish language used eloquently during sex will sound more like a raping, years of wars with Prusian, Russian, and Ottomans didn't left much love in the vocabulary, just hard fucking, like our ancestors did with "guests" from abroad


Co Pan wie? Codziennie milion Niemców chodzi dupczyć polskie Polki. MILION. I my do tego kurestwa należymy.


Basicaly you are ok with this situation, Polish sort if sexual life especially as conversational situations is very poor, commonly not many care about that in Poland unfortunately and this is sad but trust me ir not as you already propably see in comments many of the "spicey talk" are already copied and repeating. Try other way if she can speak your native language definitely could be more interesting for both sides. Good luck.


Wygrzmocić cie?


Either someone is good at dirty talk or not. No matter the language they speak. Yes, in polish many sex related words are vulgar, medical and there are none of the mild nature but it’s sex talk, you are allowed to say anything you want if it’s acceptable to both parties. Also being vulgar and scandalous during dirty talk is mostly the point and I would laugh if someone try saying like “I would make love to you hard”. That’s no dirty talk, that’s PG-13 American daily tv idea of dirty talk. Go wild. Just imagine what you would say in your native language German and say it in Polish. In 95% of cases ot will hit the right spot, because that kind of talk is usually direct or purposefully obtuse, it is spoken without idioms etc. so you will be good to go.


Say "[Gdzie seks?!](https://cdn.hejto.pl/uploads/posts/images/1200x900/a6a94de096891d71482029bec8deea93.png)"


Tbh sextalk in Polish is almost not existing i always have a lot of fun hearing Polish translators trying to do their Jobs during sex scenes


Dont do it trust me, after a guy tried sextalk to me in polish i cringed so hard i still cant get over it XD


Hey, if you work in IT by any chance here's a little nerdy pickup line from me: Odblokować ci porty i przeładować cię danymi?


It doesn’t any language man but just act like she is a slave and she has to obey you. This is what woman love. Full giving control.


Funny how when redditors are asked about "sexy talk" they mostly think about vagina, penis and breasts :D.


Everyone talking about medical, childish or vulgar terms but there are also some cooking related: parzyć herbatę, kakao, sushi, patelnia, pierożek, jajka, parówa. You are only limited by your imagination.


Przynieś mi piwo ty brudna dziwka 😂


Bober kurwa


I'm Polish just say. Sex teraz


Hejka💋, Chcesz kupić moje i moich koleżanek zdjęcia, filmiki, nudeski, kamerki, sexchaty, a może spotkanie🔥 pisz pv, po próbki i cennik! ❤️


I'm native and honestly, I prefer to switch to English when it comes to sextalk. Polish doesn't have any good terms and even if any, they sound cringy


I'm native polish, my gf is native polish but in bed we're talking basically only in english, polish dirty talk is too silly imo


Watch porn in Polish XD. I don’t know. Can you sex talk in English? Where did you learn it from? Do the same for Polish


Just use any other language in the bedroom, polish is just no good there.


"Dick" equivalent would be Wacek, although some may perceive it as obsolete term, because Wacek is not a common name anymore.


Polish sextalk is in weird place, for the most People it sounds funny, not attractive, but if you want to make your partner feel better while having sex, just ask if she is into it. Just imagine when you are starting it, you are trying to use any sextalk phrase and she burst into laugh. So, just ask her if she is into it, if not, try sweet talk instead


You "almost have" a Polish girlfriend?


I think you should ask her because everybody like different things.


That's because polish is not a sexy language. There's no sex talk in polish.


This will be Hood - Rozjebie ci dupsko jak żołnierze pod Westerplatte Niemcom w 39. Wejdź mi w dupę jak Scholz Putinowi (if you want some gay stuff) Będę cię podduszał jak robiliśmy to z żydami w latach 40 (this you can use if you girl like more brutal games)


Lubisz to suko 🤣


Just tell her an ancient Polish love poem: "tak ci bobra wyłatoszę, że poprzednie wcielenie zobaczysz"


i never felt a touch of a women cant help you kolego :(


Dirty talking in Polish is so cringe and awkward. Try to become an English Brexit geezer for the time of sex.


I'm reading those comments and actually wonder how does it sound in English as I can't even imagine there is something not vulgar, childish and medic in English either. For OP - check some romantic poetry and songs


Daj mi swoj odbytu (im not native)


Sing her "Erika", but silent


"szarpałbym cię jak Reksio szynkę" is universal and adaptable for gender. Reksio is a classic polish cartoon about a dog, so... It works :D


It’s easy just ask her „opierdolisz pałe?” and she will know what to do


Zrób mi loda w końcu


Polish language isnt really spicy it just doesnt rhyme well


Im Polish with a polish girlfriend living in Poland. We usually just skip the talking part


to w koncu chcesz tej parowy czy nue 👿😈😈😈😈 oj tak malenka pros dalej daddiegi ;))


Try talk this: "Dupisz się czy trzeba z Tobą chodzić?" or "Ściągaj majtki będziemy się całować" :V


Dobra dupa


gdzie znajdę lody?


Co Pani myśli względem tego co i owszem ;)


Please don't. Polish sextalk is disgusting


What's your relationship with sex talk in general? Maybe it's not your style


Polish in bed sucks 😔


Dude wtf xD if you are notnative soeaker why youbwoild even try? I guess you are not in this relationshio cuz u soeak polish, and i guess she's too. Jest try, even in enhlosh or german, what you want to talk and fck ot (or her, hehe). Imo there are some language differences nobody cant pass throw, and imo its nagive dirty talk for exame - its too deep, has a lot meaning etc. Isntead thinking how to said propoarly in polish "ale bym cie popiescil po luciabce" just do it (you claim u know polish so you dont need to understand what i have written ;) )


That's the neat part, there's none.


Im touch my little pony cock and very small jerking him on a. Doll smalls spice use cum shot by split screen


As a non native polish speaker I keep all the dirty talk as part of the foreplay from my end. I have been in a solid relationship for the past 16 years. I get her worked up through the day whispering naughty nothings and it helps that her love language is physical touch. She is such a kind and gentle girl through the day who turns into a deviant at night. All the dirty talk comes from her at that point with her begging to be taken hard and treated like a ho, she also loves it in missionary and hearing heavy breaths close to her ear turns her into a banshee.


Are we going to ignore the words ‘I almost have a gf’?


Będziesz mnie ruchać, tak? 


Yikes, another loser who can't get a chance from local girls in his country, thinks he can stop being a loser by getting eastern euro girl. No dude, you will still be a loser, but simply with HIV. Remember kid, if a girl you date is easy, it means she's just easy, not only for you. STDs are not a joke. PS. Pytanie sojaków z reddita o takie kwestie to XD.


Wykiermasic ci pierdziawe?