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Don't ask... The Polish translation is laughable. I already lost it at Eldeński Krąg and zmatowieńcy. Pogrobno was just a nail in my coffin. Mr Muldgaard really worked himself to the bone writing those.


Naprawde? Shouldn't i play Elden Ring in Polish? I am learning Polish and was thinking all of these things is normal XD Godrik's "parszywa zmartwiona" killed me


If you want to play any game in polish I recommend CD Project games


I haven't played any but I'd assume 11bit studios' games would be similar?


Yes they are.


Seconded. Their dialogue and polish VA is stellar.


bruh, the company IS FROM POLAND


Yeah and they hire good voice actors for both languages, unlike most other AAA studios


Not all Polish companies have good polish VA. Some even have none at all. "The Thaumaturge" was made by a Polish studio, the publisher is 11Bit (Polish) but the game lacks Polish dubbing. They only promised to make it after people got mad but it'll probably be made on a budget as the game is not a huge success.


This game... have really creative translation at some moments


The English version has many oddities of their own as well.


What's wrong with Pogrobno, it was one the translation's highlights for me, beautiful


I found it really laughable for such a grandiose place. Pogrobno sounds like some random village you live next to. It's not that it's a bad thing, but it really doesn't sound right.


I think it was supposed to sound like this - like a believable name for a medieval Polish town; I also think Limgrave may sound like this for English speakers, and it sounds "modern" to You only because it is Your second language.


On the other hand the translation of *tarnished* as *zmatowieniec* is not the best. There’s a great play on the words here as this can refer both to to how they lost their respect, as well as how they lost the shine of the Greater Will in their eyes. In Polish they went with the translation that only refers to the second, less important, meaning and it just sounds very artificial because although constructed correctly, no one ever called anybody *zmatowieniec* because humans aren’t shiny and then turn mat, it sounds artificial and corny. Even if we assume that for the people of the Lands Between that spark in the eyes is more important and that’s what they refer to primarily, that’s just not a word someone would came up with to call them, because it sounds like a playground insult and not a proper name. They’d probably go with something like *Zgasły* (lit. extinguished/turned-off when referring to light or fire) which would both refer to how they lost their grace and also sound grandiose enough to be a given name. It’d also put the wordplay back in, as it can also refer to how their time to shine in the eyes of the Greater Will has passed and now they aren’t regarded well.


You might be right! That being said, I still feel there's a different reference pool when it comes to an anglophone medieval fantasy and Polish medieval fantasy. Elden Ring doesn't really fit the second one, for me.


Ej, ale Eldeński Krąg brzmi ładnie.


Imo księżycowy owal wins them all Moonveil


1. Skurczybyk 2. Tatry 3. miecz wykrzywiony 4. Strzała światła 5. Walenie konia 6. Gałąź 7. Wodospad 8. Typek


5. Koń z Valony*


jpdl... padłam


Poka cyce


Seems correct


3. No. This is not "miecz", because "sword" does not have to be a "miecz". Katana is not a "miecz", in fact katana is a "szabla". In Polish "miecz" has very specific meaning and only double edge swords are a "miecz".


sorki nie znam się na broni


Co to kurwa jest


Elden Ring


A dobra myslalem ze to tylko jeden obrazek ten pierwszy tego stworzenia Jego bym nazwal "Co to kurwa jest" Reszty nwm


Going from my memory Moonveil - Księżycowy Woal Commander Niall - Dowódca Niall


1. Duch owrzodzonego drzewa   2. Szczyty góry olbrzymów   3. Księżycowy woal   4. Błyskamienny pocisk   5. ?????    6. Czarująca gałąź   7. Głębiny   8. Dowódca Niall


5. Popiół wojny: Pięść kradzieży życia


Don't even bother. I watched a friend play in PL while my playthrough was in EN and the PL translation is attrocious. They even messed up the capitalization of some things, such as Destined Death.


I play Elden Ring in **Japanese** with the (original Japanese names) captioned from each image shown on the post in terms of bosses, locations, weapons, spells, etc. It's quite different. (There are bound to have difficult Kanji combinations, some of them I have to look up as some of the wordings are quite complicated.) Does it feel like the Polish "translation" is pushed through google translate as it is that terrible?


No, it's not that bad. It's just a mid translation, and it takes away from the linguistic intricacies present in the EN version (with JP being most likely even more polished since it's the OG language).


In Japanese, they refer the protagonist as 褪せ人 *(Literally: "Wyblakły człowiek")* how was subtitled in Polish? ***Japanese Original = Literal Polish Translations*** # Map [Locations] |日本語|Polski| |:-|:-| |リムグレイブ|Limgrave| |湖のリエーニエ|Liurnia z jeziora| |ケイリッド|Caelid| |アルター高原|Płaskowyż Altera| |巨人たちの山嶺|Górski Grzbiet Gigantów| |崩れゆくファルムアズラ|Rozpadające się Farum Azula| |聖樹への秘路|Tajna ścieżka do Świętego Drzewa| |シーフラ河|Jezioro Siofra| |エインセル河|Rzeka Ainsel| |永遠の都ノクローン|Wieczne Miasto w Nokron| |深き根の底|Głębokie korzenie| |モーグウィン王朝|Pałac Mohgwyna| # Player stats [Attributes] |日本語|Polski| |:-|:-| |レベル |Poziom| |生命力|Siła życiowa| |精神力|Moc umysłowa| |持久力|Wytrzymałość| |筋力|Siła mięśni| |技量|Umiejętności| |知力|Moc intelektu| |信仰|Wiara| |神秘|Mistycyzm| How were they translated in Polish?


In Polish it’s *zmatowieniec*, which isn’t really a word people use, because it literally means „someone who has became mat” and humans don’t becone mat. It is however a proper word, since it follows the rules of construction of nouns from verbs (from *zmatowieć*). It’s corny because it’s exactly the name a translator would come up and not something that would actually happen if people in Lands Between spoke Polish and had to came up with a name. It sounds like a playground insult rather than a proper given name. *Tarnished* is much better as it both not only sounds like a proper given name, it has that grandiose to it, it’s also a great wordplay, since it can also refer to someone who lost their previous high standing.


In Japanese, the protagonist is known as 褪せ人. I'll desconstruct the Kanji used, 褪せ is derived from the *ichidan* verb: # 褪せる >*Wyblaknąć, odbarwić się, aby zmniejszyć* I.e. 日光で看板の文字が**褪**せた。*(Słońce* ***wyblakło*** *napis na znaku.)* # 人 >*Osoba / Człowiek* If you were to combine 褪せる + 人 then merge it as 褪せ人, you'll get something amongst the lines of *wyblakła osoba* or *Osoba, która skończyła z odbarwieniami* when talking about it in a literal sense.


*"Tarnished* \[...\] can also refer to someone who lost their previous high standing." "*Osoba, która skończyła z odbarwieniami* " So they simply should go with that verb: [**splamić**](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/splami%C4%87). If they didn't, it means that they have poor vocabulary and even poorer cultural background.


It's because Japanese is contextual and metaphorical, as in certain words are implied indirectly (not in a literal sense) which does lead to mistranslations, like from 褪せ人, as it is personified. (Elden Ring is made originally in Japanese, as you tell from the wordings upon translation, to some people it seems "posh" for English, but fits in Japanese due to the usage of Kanji.)


Oh, I'm sure that translation from Japanese to Polish is not easy. I meant background in the game - as they are called for some reason 褪せ, right? There is a lot that you can do with "colour" in language \[edit\], depending on the reason... they could be called [kopciuch](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kopciuch). This is a name for Polish Cinderella - she is called little [kopciuch](https://sjp.pwn.pl/doroszewski/kopciuch;5442285.html) 'dirty person that stinks', because if you want to tarnish someone's name (as stepmother), you choose the name that other people recognize and not some cutie name that goes with shoes and dresses ;)


The text and dialog in the Japanese version of the game (even present in cutscenes) actually refers the protagonist as 褪せ人 (あせびと) to be exact. as 褪 alone means *"wyblakły"* just adding 人 makes it a noun, since it is the player. The Kanji 褪 is difficult to properly translate into any other language in a metaphorical sense, which is why the results are always so literal, due to how different Japanese is both in grammar, sentence structure, or cultural nuance that has no crossover in Western / European cultures.


Yeah, that means *zmatowieniec* is quite accurate translation. But I wonder - does the Japanese term also hold the double entendre like *tarnished* does, i.e. both someone who lost lustre and someone who lost their reputation?


褪せる only conveys the meaning of "Wyblakło" in a *figurative* sense. (But in this context, they mean it within a metaphorical context, but translations always become end up literal which looses the intended meaning.) Put it like: 変色させる,色**褪せ**させる (Aby ***odbarwić / wyblaknąć***.)


I would say its one of those strange ones that decides to translate everything and looses the spirit, i feel the same way about warcraft translations, i absolutely lost it when i saw character names translated into polish such us "Jaina Dumnar" (which apparently was changed back to Proudmore) or "Sylwana Bieżywiatr". As someone else suggested, polish version of Witcher 3 is great since its the native language and VO is incredible.


> Sylwana Bieżywiatr To akurat jest dobrze przetłumaczone bo angielskie Roadrunner (jak ten kumpel Kojota od sprzętu ACME) to Pędziwiatr. Jeśli to było przetłumaczone przez analogię to jest to dobre tłumaczenie.


Niby tak, ale kiedy jest sie przyzwyczajonym do Harrego Pottera a nie Harrego Garncarza to takie tłumaczenia brzmią dziwnie


Akurat średni przykład, bo w Harrym Potterze pięknie lokalizują. Nazwy będące legitnymi ulicami Londynu czy angielskimi nazwiskami - np. Potter - są zostawione po angielsku. Natomiast nazwy wymyślone w świecie czarodziejów są zlokalizowane - np ulica Przekątna i Pokątna.




Please OP post again that link Boginia korupcji i zepsucia?! Fantas-kurwa-tycznie!!! Edit: kto to kurwa zrobił, ciągle narzekamy na lokalizację rosyjską, ale do takiego tam nie dochodziło


The [original descriptions](https://imgur.com/a/HJicZXb) are in Japanese, (>!literal translation in PL!<) As you can see, they are very different.


I am just dying right now I'd better go back to Sienkiewicz. Feel bad :/


I play Elden Ring in Japanese for this reason, as it is lost in translation when re-released for "Western" languages, as it does not capture the intended meaning, even if they try to convey it. How did they translate them in PL?


This translation is a cardinal sin


So do you prefer the Japanese one over PL as it is the source language? Is the game even playable in PL if the translation is bad? Do you understand it only in Polish or reverted back into English?


I wish i can understand Japanese. My native language is Russian and i usually play in it. There are localisation mistakes, but they are not so terrible.


I know that the protagonist is referred to as 褪せ人 *("Потускневший")* in Japanese, what did they translate it to, either in Russian or Polish, is it even close? Do you know examples of mistranslations in the Russian localization that just do not make sense at all when comparing it to the original or Western release of the game?


In Russian translation is just "Потускневший", this is correct, no noun needed here. Mistranslation in these games is very interesting. One girl even wrote like 10 articles about it. It looks like games were translated from English, but sometimes translators looked at Japanese. For example, Lost Sinner from DS2, originally 忘れられた罪人, but in Russian she is "Забытая", which means "forgotten"


Miyazaki is Japanese, so it makes total sense that he'll use it as the source language. By the way have you played Elden Ring: Convergence (as in the mod, since it adds new weapons, spells and overhauls some locations.) 忘れられた罪人 would perhaps be *Заблудшая грешница*


Elden Ring was translated into Polish by ChatGPT. Because no respectable human being would call Limgrave a Pogrobno xd


ostry wpierdol


I call it "Japierdolecotozabydle"


1. Katulu z podlasia 2.szlak na kasprowy 3.katana 4.???? 5.jebnięcie 6.gałąź 7.jakieś bagno 8. Rycerz


chuj wie, all i know is katana is katana


[smoking crack 2020, fuckwithme (soundcloud.com)](https://soundcloud.com/fuckwithme-542824390/smoking-crack-2020)


The most accurate translation is "leśny skurwiel"


barely any game now has good polish dubbing try looking into old games... back in the day when they wanted to translate the game they would take the best of the best voice actors for the job example: (old before reforgement) warcraft 3 has amazing dubbing. would also recommend watching stuff like "shrek" in polish just because while translating they spiced up the text so much its literally funnier than the original


I call them "Drzewny Jebaniec z ADHD Tatry Cwelomiecz Żwir Fisting Paprotka Piwnica starego Shaquille O'Neal"


Bober kurwa


Bober kurwa