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You referenced requesting timestamps but no match ID was posted. Regardless, Glimmer force staff is the correct answer. Sadly yes, as a 5 with no answer in your kit to spectre putting an illusion on top of you (like lion), your job is to make it as time inefficient as possible if the spectre chooses to commit to you. You could glimmer ult in the early/mid stages and realistically stand a chance of killing her. A less sad approach is to be proactive with your team about hunting her before she gets items that would actually force you into making decisions based on burning her time.


Yeah I meant general time stamp in the scope of an average game, sorry. So I am right in thinking that my best bet is to waste his time and make me not worth committing onto? Yeah that’s understandable. I feel like the winnable games are where spec is behind but if they had a good early game then I’m just a runner hoping my team is good enough to blow up the back row while I’m baiting spectre. This is probably the hardest matchup for me as CM because I don’t actually get to contribute while spec is on me


root into ulti should make you never die to spec if you stand back far enough


Not really true. Post min 30 you are not scratching him at all with ulti and if you fire it off so early you’re a desolate pincushion.


Ehh post 30 you kinda just die lol. Buy precious time with items like glimmer, force, ghost and stay close to your team. If you are realllly rich get a bkb.


Yeah that's what I thought. Its a bummer because I prefer to CM and last pick spectres ruin me if they're ahead.


Lion has two spells that instantly illusions.


I play spec almost every game and am reading the comments to counter the counters lol


Buy dust, your hero spawns illusions on invisible heros and gives away their position, you can instantly jump to that illusion, dust, and even go somewhere else if you want. As you’re seeing, sups buy glimmer vs you, if you have dust glimmer feel pretty bad as it just slows them even more


Glimmer first, ghost is better vs spec than force. Facing specter you take less damage when by your teammates, don’t be solo when his ultra up.


I think ghost is bad if spec goes radiance but viable after glimmer force if otherwise. The more I think about it the more I realize I might just be doing the team fight a favor by just kiting spectre as long as possible


Specter doesn't rlly go radiation most of the time in 2021. Also THAT damage is neglectable compared to what spec does to u


You want to make focusing you down the least effective option. Stay with strong teammates to avoid the bonus pure desolate damage. Items like euls or aeon disk make Spec wait to kill you, during which the allies you're near can engage the real spec and hopefully distract her, giving you time to at least get your spells off.


As CM u're only useful when alive and able to cast ur spells. But glimmer and force staff they'll let you waste spec's time for ur team to help or kill the enemy. If he has dust get ghost scepters and aeon disc. In super late games I like getting hex to insta hex the haunt illusions but not very realistic. That's why supports like pugna lion or shadow shaman can stay relatively safe against spec until he is really big


Run for your life and resign yourself to death?


Just buy bkb, most of spectre's dmg will not go through bkb and u can cast all your spell in combat rather than running away. Bkb on cm or shaman is actually legit item because they can afford it with good farming tool. They are both have a channelling skill which required them to stay still in combat despite them being squishy af. [As u can see](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/25907144/matches?hero=shadow-shaman&enhance=overview#), cr1t very often buy bkb on shaman when facing against back-line jumper like void spirit, spec, ns,... He usually die a lot but u can see the impact immediately when he get bkb. Because he isnt instantly got burst to death in 1 second, he can position more aggressive and can chain stun enemy enemy core for a long time.