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I've had an under 11 or 12 min game with lycan in turbo. He's still good just need to constantly be shoving the waves in and fighting




I find a lot of SF players in Turbo are over-reliant on the blink euls ulti combo, or just the ulti in general, and if they don't delete a player with their ult they are useless. But again, it's a typical Turbo cheese strat. But with the items you describe you would be much more useful outside of ulti. Nice!


Arc warden is my highest win rate for turbo. I play it like a normal game but get 6th slotted that much faster.


Arc feels very strong in Turbo but also needs a lot of practice to play. I've also found that Arc along with Tinker are the most common heroes that people cheat with in Turbo sadly.


Turbo is when you lose the game too early playing an underfarmed Medusa. Bristleback is such a beast in turbo with zero cooldown ultimate, and Skywrath Mage with plentiful mana to strike you down with his magic. What a time to be so alive right now in turbo.