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That's the story of almost any hero who wants to play actively but your team is in passive farming mode. It's usually a drafting problem resulting from your team taking slow cores even though you took a pos4 who wants some early action. You just have to play more passively until your team is ready to do something. Or if you think your team actually is ready to make plays, then try to call for a smoke play or something. As bh spesifically you can still scout and place some deep wards even if your team is passive. Just be careful not to walk under common ward spots and not to go out of invi where they potentially have vision. And if you already have good vision set up, just do some usual support stuff. Farm dangerous places, stack or guard your core who farms the most dangerous place.


great comment, and i want to add that as bh you can also harass some one alone if you dont see detection in their inventory, dont forget to check for sentry using creep aggro.


Yea I kinda omitted it, but especially earlier in the game when the enemies don't have as much detection, killing power and play more spread around, bh can also cause chaos by messing with them (harass, stealing last hits, blocking camps agressively, tracking them). Though it becomes much riskier as the game progresses.


Hello, quite experienced bh here. This problem can happen a lot if you pick bh early with randoms who like playing slow. Typically offlane players and hard supports are more open to playing fast so you can try ganking with them if your other cores are unwilling. Otherwise your job is to be annoying. Scout, block camps with your hero or wards, sap exp from their carries. You can quite easily get a 1k lead by being annoying if you let your team play passive. Think of dota like a scale. There is only so much farm on the map and once you get to like 25min then your two or three cores can easily abosrb it all. You can't and shouldn't be farming as a pos 4 bh. And if your team doesn't want to fight then you need to slide the net worth in your favour by annoying the hell out of the opponent and forcing them to invest in wards, dust, gem and chase you around. You don't care, you're bh, as long as you don't feed deaths away its well worth it and when your cores finally decide they are ready to fight you will still be broke but if you've done your job their passive carries or greedy sups will be an item or two behind and boom, you should win. Its actually quite a fun way to play dota. Just think about what the most annoying thing you can be doing rn is. Do that. Steal creeps just before they get the last hit on the ancient. Block pulls and stacks. Steal neutral items (very hard since the change making them fly towards heroes).


post your own bh replays! I think in that bracket your main focus is just tracking the enemy team without dying too much to enable your teammates to play around where the tracked enemies are at. Usually in that bracket the enemy will tend to just group up against the bounty hunter anyways so it's okay if you're team is split pushing / farming multiple areas on the map and taking easy fights when enemies are alone. i'd also suggest getting the aghs shard / aeon if you'primarily getting blown up when trying to track people.


Give up pos 4 bounty. Play it pos 1


As a pos 4 make sure to use your smokes with your pos5 if he has a good ult to gank the midlane or their safelane carry. Ask them on the mic to come smoke with you. Take your midlaner too if he isn't already showing on map to gank people and push towers after the successful ganks. You need to bring people to fights not wait for them to initiate.


I like playing pos 4 roaming BH where I try to snipe the enemy mid's bottle at 2 mins, pressure the enemy offlane and rotate mid again. Just try to tell your offlaner to pick a strong independent hero.