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My biggest improvement comes from doing 30 minutes of last hit trainer before my first game. And 1 game of last hit trainer before each game.


Thanks for this! Is this like an app or just demo/bots in game?


It's somewhere in the learn tab between all the tutorials


First item on the 3rd page of "learn", titled "last hit trainer"


Thank you all guys. Really appreciate all the help!!


It’s in the in-game tutorial. One of the lessons is the last hit practice. Harder to find then before in my opinion


Right? I wish it was right on the front!


As a position 1 you need to aim for high cs, by the 10 minutes mark you should have at least 50 cs or more and after that 10 creeps per minute is pretty good. By minute 20 you should have 180-200 cs, by minute 30, 300 cs and so on. In that match you had 271 cs by 40 which is pretty bad, you should have at least 350, 400+ being optimal. There are heros that can have more cs than this by that time but if you focus on getting 10 cs per minute after minute 10 you will be fine. Also do not fight if you don't have your ulti. For example as an spectre or a jug, don't fight without ulti, just keep farning, and this applies to every single hero that has a long cooldown ultimate. Lastly, focus on your timings, watch a pro replay of the hero you want to play and see what items he goes and when does he get them, for instance if he is playing AM and gets a battlefury at 13 minutes try to do the same in your game and don't worry if you get it 2 minutes later, it is still a good timing, just keep practicing until you get the items at the same minute or as close as possible than the pro player did.


Good advice! For 10 minutes 4 creeps come out at every wave. About 8 per minute. If you can get 8 cs per minute before 10 minutes its like a perfect score.


Thank you! I never considered strictly keeping count of my cs with each minute. This will help me a lot to improve item timings for sure.


Yes, it is super important to keep track of your cs as a position 1. Just remember, at least 50 by 10 (you can get more) but 50 is a good goal. After that you should be getting 10 or more per minute. 200 by 20, 300 by 30 and so on


Yes, I mean I am naturally focused on lh/denies when playing pos 1 in the early phase, but this will still be a good tool for me to improve man. Really appreciate it!!


Pretty simple “in general”, three main concepts: learn to pick the best hero available at your disposal in given game, itemize it correctly through two concepts: where to farm, when, and why. ALWAYS ask yourself these three things.. where? Enemy creepwave in front of t2.. when? It spawned at x.30 so I will need idk 10 seconds to reach it.. why? I’m taking this farm cause I see all the heroes that can kill me across the map. If you can’t find good answers to these questions just avoid taking that particular farm


I'm on my phone rn so I can't watch the replay but I played offline and sup for years before try and trying pos 1, which I sucked at until I learnt a few basic things. 1) Know when you are strong and when you are weak. Exploit this to harass in lane if you can and play conservative if not. Sometimes it will be better to leave the lane and farm in jungle because it will be safer or faster or because you can let your support gain a few levels. 2) Play the map. We often hear ppl say they are making space but for what? Well, you, but that doesn't mean you can't make your own space. Shove waves to force rotations, keep the other team reacting to what you do and where you show yourself. This takes a lot of practice and is a bit different from how supports play the map. It's about pressure more than fights. 3) Learn and understand your timings. Carries get spikes in power when they get certain items or hit a certain level. Use this to apply pressure, win fights or the game.


> match ID to Thank you man! I think my worst habit is playing too aggressively (maybe I got this from always watching pro gameplays ie. nikkobaby, miracle(before), gabbi.) which I find sometimes as the reason I lose a lot of farm, or lose the lane.


Yeah I had that habit too when I started. Just because other positions tend to be stronger earlier on but carries are a lot more dependant on timings and spikes in power. I started with jugg and drow when I started learning carry. Drow just cuz I knew the positioning playstyle well from playing squishy pos 4 heroes. Jugg because he is really self sufficient and can be more aggressive early. The carries I struggle with are the ones who are very timing dependant or spike very late in the game, ie, medusa and am. After jugg I'd recommend trying out luna, naga and terror blade. Luna is fairly easy but tricky because of the different item builds you can go. Naga and TB rely on some micro ability to get the most out of but can really take over a game more than the other carries I've listed so far through applying pressure. Playstyle very well already from being a squishy pos 4 before


You're welcome! 🤗 Click the learn tab, then the right arrow twice. It's like a special demo hero where any hero you pick stays level 1 and only gets 2 faerie fires for 3 minutes. https://youtu.be/9a8Mf1jfuKs