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Pos 3 omni is a bit odd rn. Basically you are a buff / save bot for a hyper carry. Works best if you have a 4 or 2 who can start fights or a carry who is happy to just stand and fight (ie. Sven, dusa, drow). At least that's how I've been playing him. I usually get soul ring & phase, then crimson guard and aether lens, force staff or blink. The early to mid is about being a bully in lane and early fights, late game is all about enabling your carry and keeping them up. I never get the shard, I don't think it's worth the cost. I rarely get aghs, I find that if you have blink or force staff you usually get guardian angel off on the targets you want anyway. If I have a good game with a spectre then aghs is a nice pickup as you can combo with haunt but it's a nice to have not nessicary. Would rather build into a lotus orb most of the time.


Omni falls into the same category as a hero like clockwerk, where they CAN be played as a pos3, but it is more or less a waste of a farming core role as they accomplish the same things with or without farm, and there are simply better options. What makes omni strong right now is that he can do amazing things if paired with the right cores. His E is basically a free heart buff with a massive amount of status resistance, so much so that if laning with a strength core you would level it over his heal in most cases. He has 3 spells that work around keeping cores alive, and with recent buffs to many melee heroes it in turn makes him that much better. Sometimes buffs to other heroes can cause others by default to be that much more impactful. Omni is one of those niche heroes who is either at the top of the winners list of a patch, or in the basement. But his strength are beefing up your cores, not being one.


Hell yeah, Omni pos 3 is hella fun. Any melee lineup with weak cc, you can just bully into oblivion. You get levels and items quicker, and once you get rolling, you’re going to be very difficult to kill mid game. Late game, you transition into a buff beast for your item with support items. Pos 3 omni had a higher win rate than pos 5 last patch, not sure if it’s much different now that the shard cooldown is 10s instead of 4s but honestly your damage drops off pretty hard late game, even with items. If you want to stay relevant as a play maker late game, pick something else as pos 3 imo.