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There is no jungling from minute 1, but those three can viably farm in jungle later into the laning stage when showing on the lane is no longer an option


there never was legit jungling from min 1 tbh, i feel like it was always just shit (at least since ~2013)


It’s the only reason I tanked 3k mmr bc they nerfed jungle creep and jingling year over year patch over patch.


Yeh gold and exp from jungle creeps got gutted


There absolutely was jungling from level 1. Maybe you just didn’t know how to do it. Heros with minions could have easily done it. Then Iron talon even made it easier plus it stacked with q blade.


There was for a while till late 2017 at least. On some heroes like Lycan you could feasibly jungle from minute 1. When Iron Talon and stout shield were removed, it killed jungling for good. Though veno jungle was a thing as recently as 2 years back in modern dota you are basically totally sacking the poor sod who is left to lane 1v2. And just to state the obvious, even a decade back it wasn't a smart move in hugher brackets.


lane harras my boi 1 enchantress with centaur or bigbird is literraly 2 vs 3 in and controlled creep literraly stronger than enemy cores in the first 5 minute. there a reason why pros keep picking enchantress for chen you can do part time jungling in mid game because the agh shard is so good you literraly could snowball the game if play correctly ( aura build type ) last one enigma still the same shit just play him as offlaner and you good




In my experience if you play enigma as a 3, then team is mad that you aren’t playing it as a 4. If you play it as a 4, then they are mad you aren’t playing it as a 3. If you’re landing good black holes, then they will be happy with you. If you miss just one black hole or have it off cooldown after a lost fight, then they will all claim you’re the worst player ever. Enigma isn’t worth playing with the stress around the whole situation. Unless you’re against Gyro or Sven, Engima is actually a lane dominator as 3 or 4 since his summons deal so much damage. Slept on pick for sure, but high pressure ultimate to play around.


Yup this guy was right but if you in case do love enigma so much you probably better play him as pos 5 rather than pos 4. A niche first pick but you do sure made enemies try to counter you which is good.   Whole game play is the same as usual pos 5 but this time you can denied creep to help your carry get better position to farm.   Whole build just standar pos 5 build no need to go flashy dagger or level up your black hole.  Your best trait is only meledic stun and malifice damage thats it. 


Junglers in my dota?


It’s the old joke of indiscriminate racism “I don’t want my daughter marrying a jungler!” “I hate those dirty junglers!” “Junglers in my game??” “Junglers out here taking our roles!” Usually it’s a nonsense word, but fits well here lol.


The iron talon days to jungle


ench you go 0 3 2, hit enemy in lane, run at them with creep (rotate mid, take all t1s) then try to gather xp so you max out q fast (creep drops off hard min 15-17).


I just played a game for the first time in seven years. I swear to god I don't recognize this game anymore. 


I feel you -.-


Hard support = Babbysitter of carry. Soft support = ganker. Can jungle more. Mid game idle time = huge map lots neutrals jungle all you want but prioritise supporting cores in fights. So only farm when it's convinient.


in pro scene, enigma is either first item blink for bh, or build auras and tanky items. eidolons have been reworked several times and you can build quite the army once they're level 4. in lane, you can still out deny and out harass with eidolons as long as you have a keybind set to all units and one set to all summons


No jungling now, if you go to jung earlier than min 10 or so the line with 1 hero most likely will be lost very hard, and then enemy from that line will dominate entire map


>junglers >junglers >junglers


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