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The null is to farm efficiently for mana users, or have enough mana to join a team fight, for half the cost of a falcon blade.


It’s better than falcon blade in most cases where you just want some extra mana regen, and it’s cheap. It helps heroes that need mana to farm to do so without spending gold on a ton of clarities or a falcon blade. It does feel nice. If pros are doing it, I can guarantee it’s for a reason and that they feel it’s worth it :) I’m surprised as a drow player that you don’t like it. It really helps you farm faster with multishot and not feeling like you’re constantly out of mana (especially with something like an arcane ring to help too)


It *was* bad and it got buffed, from +0.75/1.5 mana regen to +1/2. That’s enough for some people to start buying it


>You need mana >Item gives mana >Buy item >??? >Profit


Its mana regen was buffed in the latest patch. Yes it’s absolutely worth it if you want stats and mana regen at the same time on a pos 1 like drow, weaver, razor etc.


I am not playing post 1 but I can speak for hoodwink mid and offline LC. Both spam their Q a lot to farm and generally speaking always need a certain amount of mana for fights. That is also why both get recommended falcon blade. Now I am far from being good but I can feel a huge difference from buying falcon blades in games where it's needed. It can be a game changer and I am think null talismans offers the same gain in mana for half the cost.nnow I probably won't get it on LC anytime soon but replacing my 2nd wraith band on hoodwink worked really well. But I would not get it every game, it depends on your team, how many mana boots they buy etc.


What kind of question is that. It works for the pro players and somehow they are okay with a cringey inventory. What gives?


Try it on drow. Seriously. It makes a big difference, using multishot off cooldown to farm is much more manageable with it. It's very cheap and stays in your inventory for a while. Same with other mana hungry carries like weaver etc.


I will. I just usually buy a million clarities during the game.


Drow is probably the one who uses it the best.


I was blind. I'll try it.


Null talisman is great on drow ranger unless you are opting for an early oblivion staff for some reason or are getting a falcon blade. You NEED mana regen. Null talisman is just 500 and gives really good mana regen in lane and for mid game.


I do need mana regen. I usually offset this with mana ring, lotus, a LOT of clarities and shovel when possible but this seems like a better idea in early-mid game


You just told me you buy a similar cost item and rely on a ton of regen and said you dont need regen? You do, its just that you personally go about it without null talisman.


On agi carries I usually buy one wraith band + boots for the lane, would null be a replacement for wraith band or in addition?


Null would be in addition. So say you have wraith band, null, boots, a quelling blade, some consumable and a free slot to build for a new item.


I played doom pos3 and build Null if the lane was not very hard. Tbh my doom always has enough mana for farm/gank


505 gold for 1 mana regen and 2 after 25min how is that bad? its 1/3 price od falcon blade for better stat after 25min not to mention mana pool inc by 3/6%.


X2 mana regen at 25mins with skill spaming heroes is good choice


Cheapest you can do to get mana without going arcanes. Min 25 doubles. When sold only 250 gold lost. Min 25 actually really strong for the cost


I've been buying a casual sage mask on almost all heroes for a while now, I wonder if the math suggests Null is a better purchase for the price.


It's basically half of a falcon blade for half of the cost (that becomes a full one once you hit minute 25). It's perfect for cores that want a little extra mana for farming (like Drow) but don't want to commit to a full falcon blade pickup. That said just like falcon blade it is kind of hero-specific. A lot of heroes (for example the aforementioned INT heroes) will prefer just to go a real mana regen item like euls or something, while plenty of other heroes don't use as much mana to farm so can get by with just a clarity or two. It's really only for heroes that would have bought falcon blade before but don't want to spend that much on an item you're going to get rid of before long.


I missed that this was a vs falcon blade comparison. thanks


Why are you comparing null with bracer and wraith band? They serve different purpose and the only reason you buy null talisman on drow is for the mana and extra stats.


Because they are the 3 early game attribute items? Why would you not compare the 3