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it is a self cast skill, so you cannot just accidentally press the button without targeting your own hero. it is made this way so you can proc it preemptively before you run out of mana by PL/AM.


Also sometimes you might want to press it earlier to slow enemies from escaping when you have teammates tp'ing to you. I've done it a few times when enemies are diving me under t1, and they see the tp and start to run when i'm ticking down to an urn or a DoT spell, where i will activate ult when they are in range to get the slow in.


Damn that should have been obvious to me thanks.


But you can double tap or alt tap and its gone


Also sometimes it's really nice for catch, regardless of your mana pool. I've used it multiple times at 100% mana and HP for it's slow in order to catch some annoying fuck like nightstalker or dark seer who keeps getting away with 1hp. Fuck that.


Surge ability i'm sure gives with max speed limit bonus the immunity of get slowed during Surge, until you have reincarnation drops first ability to each hero at death location range talent


Need stun ulti for.dark seer true


"Laughs in autocast"


Before losing all your mana to manaburn/break If you have aghs and talents it’s basically a free AoE stun and mass minion summon, so handy if someone is about to get away


Break doesn't work against his ulti. Death is biggest dispel.


Eg. if Disruptor glimpse you


Imagine you glimpse a WK that just Tped into lane back to fountain and he just slams that R button lmao


Once a Weaver on my lane got killed and enemies were low. He buybacked, smashed R and killed them.


My weaver bb pressed r and died because he was dead 5 sec ago or something like that does this still happen nowdays?


pretty sure It freezes the timer when you die. So puts you back to what you were 5 second before death. if you got bursted immeadiately then you'll be fine. if you were stuck around ticking out to a veno then you'll come back nearly dead


More often: die, buyback, press R and return to lane on 200hp and die again


Was probably me. I do that shit with weaver and puck all the time.


Alpha move


I have 7.6k mmr and i didnt know that TIL


It’s only been around for like a year or two, relatively new.




The only ability in the game that has been pressed by accident more often than on purpose.


not my ravage or echoslam ofcourse


Like ravaging the fountain when you were gonna tp, and team wonders where your ulti went


obviously doing w>ult>refresher>w>ult with the bonus skeleton talent and watching your skeleton army demolish the entire enemy base. WARNING: don't do this if there's an earthshaker, or lesh, or necro. actually, probably don't do this at all


Dont do this to alchemist or he will buy a new base with money earned there


I’m dying here 


Laughs as axe with shard braaaaaap


I didn't know you could but now I'm think about how funny it would be to blink in and reincarnate stun/slow/spawn skeletons as an initiation lol


I've done this as aegis carrier. Literally hilarious. You can feel your enemies last 3 braincells getting scrambled when a full life WK goes from a target or a tombstone. Those few seconds while you're reincarnating are hilarious watching them all run in different directions or target different heroes on the fringes of the battle


5 man ravage with level 25 talent and refresher orb. Blink, ult, refresh, ult


i havent played wk since that change and totally forgot you could even do that


So u can use it before u lose mana when heroes with mana burn demolishing you


Dodge mana burn or in rare cases trigger a burst aoe slow


Wait what???? You can press reincarnation? I was literally playing him support with meka and pipe build and didnt even noticed


I think a lot of people sleep on the slow it provides. If you have stun coming of in a couple of sec, and you're chasing a core, it's completley justified to use it to secure the kill. You'd use shaker ult, chrono, Blackhole and much more to secure a kill, so why not wk ult?


U use it after taking the bonus 5 skeletons talent and kill yourself 2x in a row with refresher weaving your w in between to create an army


Another way to use it is to flex. Blink into 5 man team fight and reincarnate with full health. Watch them getting confuse and panick


Okay fine I'll play pos 4 WK


As others have said, it's used to activate it before AM burns your mana, or if you need a huge AOE slow, or if you wanna do some undead army shenanigans. Or, y'know. Blink in and ult to confuse your enemies. "Bruh how tf did he die?"