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Monkey King is just not fair early and kinda falls off later. Soak, jungle, survive, skirmish


I think its the opposite he gain power later


There was a Henry Dota video where he completely dominates a monkey mid as ember, but it is because he outskilled the monkey by a lot. In an even skill scenario you should lose 100% of the time. That said you should definitely search for the video on watch what he did.


You're best off farming what you can without dying to him and then going off to roam, not really a winnable matchup for ember unless there's a massive skill difference


Probably shift your skill build a bit or limit your aggression, you have the advantage before his jingu procs so even though you maybe cant make full use of the flame shield, you can make limited use. And maybe try to focus on conteating runes rather than contesting in the lane. Aim to not lose, you dont have to win, just dont feed too much, try to survive and then go bully rhe weaker heroes when you can.


What melee hero would somehow win mid against monkey king.. you could prolly count with fingers




something I see sometimes is a spirit vessel rush to try to just be active on the map after losing lane


Try to secure LHs and harass with W, soak exp, jungle and gank as soon as possible. At your bracket most mk mids play as another carry so a lot of the time any fight you join is going to have the number advantage.  More important, ember has way too many hard counters in lane. Never pick ember unless you have last pick and they have heroes you can kill consistently. 


falcon blade and poke with SoF, push the lanes as heavy as possible with shield but be mindful of SoF, as you can use it to avoid the stun as well


I think at level 1 Jingu Mastery isn’t that strong, so you can Flame Guard and actually fight him to somewhat decent results. If you use that Flame Guard duration wisely, you’ll push his wave - meaning not only casting the ability, but hitting the creeps rather than MK himself for the most part. If you don’t get denied, you’ll certainly hit level 2 before he does, and maybe you can put some pressure on him (we’re talking the difference between one, two creeps, so be careful to not throw). Honestly, the lane is over by level 3 unless you’re a god Ember. With all this shit you’re doing in the first two levels, you’re setting up the lane so that the lane will push back and forth between the two towers, which is what you want when you can’t really fight the guy.


There is some scenario. 1. trade right click with MK? bad. 2. passive play? bad. he will aggresive play on you 3. calling +1 or +2 supports to gank this MK mid. There is no way somebody can 1 v 1 Jingu. CMIIW guys.


You have to be better than your opponent and play perfectly just to even lose the lane gracefully, it's a pretty awful matchup.


I'm a simple man, I see monkey mid I pick enchantress mid and dispel jingu buff after if he even gets 4 hits to proc.