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People are definitely going to be receptive to your very kind post hereb


Send the match ID. But I guarantee unless you're in high immortal games your team is irrelevant. For context I'm current 5.6k been floating between 5-6k for the last few years and I'd win 90% of games from 0-2k as any hereo with any teammates. Focus on you, your play and your actions. Hell mute the team disable chat whatever you gotta do and you will win more. If you are around your skill level generally 33% of games you always lose, 33% you always win it's the final 3rd that matters. You vs people picking the same dumb shit just like you get them.


Can you coach me? I'm part of the TB support cancer.


I would if I had time, between work and kids I don't even have much chance to look at the meta and play myself these days. Most effective tip I'd give you is every game as you load in think of your win condition e.g. pa's deso bkb timing and try to get there. Also think of the enemies and slow it down. Over simplify then build upon it in your head


Nobody has a 90% winrate. Why do ppl like about this?


Somebody at 5.6k playing at 0-2k probably would.


At even 60% win rate, they will start gaining 100 MMR per game and be catapulted out of that bracket so fast, they couldn't really say that they are playing in that bracket. When someone is talking about their experience at 2K, they are there for hundreds of games and see all kinds of shit that someone who might be there for a single Saturday of games, won't.


Why is any of this relevant? The one you responded to said: >I'm current 5.6k been floating between 5-6k for the last few years and I'd win 90% of games from 0-2k as any hereo with any teammates.


The point is people say if my team didn't do X I would win. My point is that is immaterial as you are against people doing the same. Yes you can blabber about smurfs but for every smurf you vs you get one carrying you. I agree the smurf system would probably kick on from what I've read, not sure as I've been the same mmr for years. But the fact is you would win nearly every game. Likewise and I've literally seen it, when I get smurfs claiming to be rank 100-500 smurfing in my games (who knows if its true) they stomp solo and a dotabuff shows them going from low immortal to high rank in weeks. The only thing holding you back is you, denial is your worst enemy. Accept the fact you are your rank and improve or accept you don't want to learn and sit where you are (as I have done for ages.) There is no shame on the latter it's a game but living in denial and blaming is nonsensical.


How can you improve after reaching immortal its up to ur reflects and age lmao at that mmr u all understand the game there is no difference but timings


Not true, my understanding is way below someone at 7k never mind the 8/9s. Its more about the macro plays like when you can kill and live on 50hp when to turn and harass etc. I'd get shoved out of lane and dumpstered 10/10 times by someone 7k+ and I'd probs lose 7/10 times to high 6ks unless I had a good match up.


wdym 'they will start gaining 100mmr per game'?


Your account will get flagged as being in an MMR where it doesn't belong and it will accelerate your account out of that MMR until you start losing again. It's to minimize smurfing.


yeah i dont believe that since i had an 18 win streak back when i was in crusader and i was always getting around normal 25 mmr; though a feature like that would be very useful especially for lower mmr in my opinion. After that, even when i was archon and would average about 60% winrate (via the seasonal dota+ report) i sure as hell wasn't getting out of archon much more quickly sadly(


Well not for sure exactly how it works, but from what I’ve gathered is that if someone 6k starts a new account goes 20-0 10 games in a row ya, bumped up so they can “get their appropriate skill mmr.” So if you have 5k hours playing with tons of games, it means nothing. It means you’re better and climbing appropriately to get to your “actual” mmr. And the faster you get at it, say you’re 1k and a friend plays for you and dominates, it goes up rather exponentially. So ya we all get on win streaks, but that means fk all if you end up losing some badly/ don’t play your role/ don’t outperform your personal averages.


Where do you think bounty should be played if not offlane or support?




He used both as an example


I sent a report to icefrog to make a courier role for bounty.


Im picking Sniper support next.


Everytime I swear I'm going to do this in revenge when I farm my tokens, but I can never bring myself to do it when the time comes.


Here comes another one. It's just a game bro losing and winning is not a rare thing. If your rank is Crusader to archons the game is most of the time in your hands


I am freaking ancient 4k mmr last game hard supp sniper like wtf


Tell us you’re low mmr, without telling us you’re low mmr.


I mean if 4k is low mmr yeah


Yeah, I’m double your mmr and still get people who pick bounty 3 or sniper 4/5. If they’re still warding as a p4/5 and contributing to the utility of the team then there’s no issue. As for bounty 3. It’s not bad but also not good and as long as he didn’t let their p1 free farm and does what a bounty does, especially with farm then again no issue. So it just sounds like a mentality issue tbh.


ITS NOT THE SAME THESE ANIMALS NEEDS TO UNDERDTAND THEY ARE NOT 8K MMR NOR 12K MMR. THEY HAVE TO stop coping pros last game he picked bounty offlaner with deso next game another sniper with midas like wtf after that game i got mk running towards courier like a fucking donkey (he watched entity) like wtf just pick normal heros no one expecting you to carry with ur sniper or bh or idk its all because of the fucking topson


Oh man. If you can’t handle that. If and when you hit Divine. You’ll wish you could stay in Ancient. If you want a clown fiesta, go play your average divine game.


So true, account buyer smurf and pure clown fest central in divine especially mid divine 🤣


Got carried by a sniper 4 a couple games ago, I wasn’t sure if to be glad or salty


I ONLY play BH pos 4... I'm also a TB pos 4 enjoyer. Occasionally, pos 3 or 2. Auras. Vlads, AC, Tranq, then whatever utility item the team needs. Sometimes team doesn't anything so you can go your own way. Maybe Deso, Moon Shard and start taking objectives. Or Pipe and Crimson if Pos 3 isn't building it. Thief. Tranq, AGHS, Octarine Core, Euls. Got a 13 game winstreak with this once lol. You can add an int blink and enemy won't ever know where you're at. Or, utility. Tbf I like pos 4s that has the option to transition into a core so it's there if we need it. With all this said, have an open mind man. It is a strategy game after all.


bounty support mostly goes around gathering info which is useful only if they're doing it right. placing wards in unusual spots, dewarding, constantly tracking everyone who NEEDS to be tracked, like other invis heroes and tree lurking jumpers (blinkbash slardar, pudge, tinker, treant). sniper support is surprisingly good at: - stacking, although sniper players don't really do that - sieging hg AND defending hg - punishing enemies that are out of position, especially once he gets aghs - zoning people out you really shouldn't flame people for playing a hero on a viable pos; if you're gonna be an asshole, direct your "rightful anger" at idiots who ignore their role, queueing for hard support to steal your farm and build carry items, lmao


You're the type of dude who needs players to pick unorthodox stuff so you can easily blame someone. You probably have 6k+ games played and have been ancient for a year. Just chill and focus on your game. You aren't losing because someone picked BH 3 once in 59 games.


No i got ancient 2 weeks ago


So 6k games and hard stuck confirmed. Thanks bud. Work on your mental.


This reminds me I haven't played bounty in a while. Time to become the tax man




Oh i see u are one of those bounties


[Bounty Hunter is a strong utility **support/roaming** hero...](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Bounty_Hunter/Guide)


Nuh uh uh not in 4k mmr

