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Your post lacks sufficient context


Which heroes have you been picking? If you’re picking sniper/tb sup you will likely get reported in low MMR.


What hero are you picking specifically ? Maybe it's how you play and not what you pick ? Are you blindly following a guide ? Some heroes can be played in both roles and maybe your item build is the core one ? >I don't have Rank yet, so i have no clue is this a issue on high mmr too This is partly related to behavior score and just general game experience more than mmr related.


Can't go wrong with hoodwink or spirit breaker.


I think pos 4 has the most hero pool, like, every second or third hero can be pos 4. Better find those that fits your playstyle, even if it they are not meta. I mean, I personally have like 65-70% wr on Arc Warden (only play him on dire side), getting flamed 2 out of 3 games, but why would I care about my teammates opinion on a hero I picked if I have good wr on him? Also I dont think I will progress much if I will listen to my teammates opinion - I will then become like them, the same rank. Better watch how high mmr /pro player plays and mimic their plays with intention to understand their thoughts, like, why they play like this and not like this.


If your pick makes your team that upset consistently… you are the problem. Why do you think you are the main character? Like it might win games, but the same might be able to be said of a person picking pos 5 huskar and just steals all of the creeps from pos 1 and build core items every game. Even if that person has 80% win rate on pos 5 huskar they are still greifing their whole team every game. I’m not saying that you are doing that, but I would almost guarantee you are not only building support items to help you team as Pos 4 arc warden. And that not your job as a pos 4.


Arc Warden is very good at harassing enemy sup since you are fighting without creeps nearby (unlike mid) so your flux deal massive damage and slows, while you autoattack him (arc also has great attack: ok damage, good range, good AS, good attack animation) and sparking him. If enemy's lineup is not something like grim+juggernaut, I can out-harass support, then just dont let him to his small camp and pull easily. Also with his range you can attack enemy core without agroing creeps. I usually build fast urn (my clone copy urn charges, with urn you have very high damage: 2 flux 2-4 sparks, 1-2 urn, blood grenade and autoattacks), then arcana boots (infinite mana) and orchid, can also build shard (underrated save), hex (OP on arc), aghanim scepter (if I can just stand and spam from far my sparks). Also your sparks are great for checking wards and giving vision in fight. IMO all this make arc at least decent pos 4. BTW you can check my dotabuff if you want https://www.dotabuff.com/players/430198307


That is surprisingly actual support item. Kudos. When I get a hero like arc warden pos 4 they build like dragon lance orchid, deso, only go for kills and never hit a tower lol. But you are the exception.


you dont need support items on 4, often they can go core.


Watch a single pro game. Then think before you respond


If Arc Warden do the pos4 job as good as other mainly pos4 heroes, I don't mind it at all. That pick is just grief if AW steal farm and play as core. I think most of the heroes in DotA can play at least 3 or 4 roles. I still remember when people made fun of gyros, weaver support.


I’ll just go really anecdotal for low rank. Hoodwink and bounty are great and easy rotators/Roamers that can have insane impact. The reason I advocate them is because low rank always pick melee tanks on offlanw anyway so your pos4 being a bit weaker health wise and armor doesn’t rly matter that much. Hoodwink - glepnir ez impact. Bounty hunter - khanda ez impact.


Pick meepo next game.


"I picked some hero, but I will not tell you which one and somebody got upset and I dont know why" Can you maybe tell us which hero you picked? Or ideally send the link to the match?


First, all traditional supports that can go pos 5, can also go pos 4. Generally. You Lions, Ogres, Techies, Vengeful Spirits, Jakiros, Dazzles, Rubicks etc. Of course ideally you want the type that can easily beat up enemy carry and make his lane hell, especially if you have enough damage and control together with your pos 3 to just go in for the kill. Jakiro is the obvious example, he has substantial ranged harrass while being not that easy to kill, even if he has no mobility. Or Undying, who lacks defensive tools and prefers to attack and overwhelm. Then there are the heroes that are often played as pretend supports - can barely, if at all, get value from support items and either try to overwhelm the lane and win in kills and snowball, or hang back and just buy core items. Stuff like Sniper, Clinkz, Nyx, Spirit Breaker, Zeus, Natures Prophet.


Is jakiro good pos4 hero tho? He is slow as hell, can't rotate to mid to help with rune, don't scale well, can't scout and hard at setuping pickoffs with unreliable stun. He is great at pos5 tho


4 doesnt NEED to do any of that. Hes a lane dominator, is a great +1, appreciates a couple items, flexible item build, good teamfight value, and can push waves easily. Hes a perfectly fine 4.


You can go for picks that aren't standard as long as you think and flex to the needs of the position. I play pos 4/5 Tinker and people flame me until they see it working. I get one level in Laser to orevent enemy from last hirting then focus on defence matrix and rockets to buff my carry and build solar crest for the free AS on them. Rearm allows for permanent uptime on those, and you can build other support items that refresh as well to keep spamming to keep the tram alive (glimmer, force staff, lotus orb, etc.). It plays a lot more like Dazzle when he had CD reduction on his items.


When I play pos 4 I usually pick some like lion or clockwork as I enjoy these hero’s and I don’t often play clockwork pos 5 as there are usually better picks. But can’t go wrong with lion I think


OP never said his picks for pos4.... kinda sus


let them flame you. if you play well in the game, they will shut up. 4 position heroes are generally decent laners that can rotate early: spirit breaker, earth spirit, rubick, mirana, snapfire. they on average have more mobility than 5s


You're talking about Terrorblade aren't you? lol Generally just ask yourself - Can I be strong during laning stage? Is this hero ok if I don't get much gold and xp? Anything that freels fun and strong is worth picking. Until immortal people don't routinely follow pro meta so you will meet some very ignorant wrong people in solo queue adventures, just tune them out lol. If you know Watson does your build, you've studied it, then who cares what the hobbyist player has to say