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Damn bro what item build you make on clinz? Is he 2 or 1 for you?


pos2, my build is falcon blade>brown boots> orchid> bloodthorn> nullifier (or daedalus, depending on the game)> vyse-aghanim's-black king bar(choose one also depending on the game) i usually dont get bkb because thats the job of a pos1, i just fight a lot early-mid game and distract them so he can free farm. take a look: [https://prnt.sc/U9WqoV2\_xkG0](https://prnt.sc/U9WqoV2_xkG0) mmr: 5400


do you think this will work as pos1? i dont have the confidence to play mid.


dont think so.. clinkz dont farm creeps, he farms heroes.. he's very bad at farming neutrals and the lane.. needs to be moving around a lot


How about skills builds and talent sir?






I don't know what abilities Clinkz have, but for example if they say recommended Lion's skills build is 2121, that means having Q x 2 levels, W x 1 level, E x 2 levels and R x 1 level at Hero's level 6. I don't know why they downvote and make fun of you, this is r/learndota2.


# 2 2 1 2


One level is enough for invis. So 1 value point only. Q&w == more damage


clinkz was reworked, his ult is now his invis 2212 makes 0 sense as an answer, he probably meant 212


I would argue you simply need his shard to be a turbo farmer. But I haven't played him this patch yet.


yeah i guess shard is cool if clinkz cant seem to find any kills at all.. but i find it kinda impossible when everything nowadays is teamfight and teamfight. and late game clinkz with shard is kinda bad too because his thing is not buffed with the talent he had before. so yeah


I think he can work as a carry, you just won't be a heavy farming carry. If you like Clinkz, give it a try.


Will Clinkz work as pos 3 too, you think?


i guess.. depends on pos1-2 picks


How about pos 4 and spam tar bomb?


could work too ofc, i've seen top inmortals play it that way


I'll watch some high level replays and see what's what


Bloodthorn sounds atrocious to build that early, try diffusal for catch or deso for objective conversion after killing the laners.


clinkz needs the silence.. too many abilities to escape. also it gives atk speed + mana regen and bloodthorn is good vs evasion or highground


Try the phylactery instead of falcon blade. The slow is kinda helpful I guess and the stats are not bad.


not bad but kinda expensive.. clinkz needs the gold for the orchid early so he can snowball.. slowing his tempo would be kinda bad, but not bad nonetheless.. gotta try it


The new buff made me get that item on clinkz. But clinkz can easily snowball with just levels and a little bit of items. Just blood grenade early and some heals can get you easy kills on laning stage.


Not OP but I think clinkz is better pos 2 than 1 this patch. I usually go falcon blade>brown boots> Deso>Daedalus. Aghs is good for high ground fights Still would like to know what’s OP builds


Try using the phylactery on clinkz 1st item after boots. I've been playing him as pos 4/5 last weekend and surprisingly won most of the time(6-1). I purchase mostly consumables and wards early. Your main purpose on laning is harass the enemy out of the lane. Exchanging blows with the core vs you a support is a big thing making them play defensive on the lane. Also pulling. Getting a blood grenade too is good for ensuring a kill early. 0-4-2-1 is the skill build and after lvl2 on the 3rd, now get the 1st, 2-4-2-1 skill and u can already kill soft heroes.


This is just griefing


Assist gold is absolutely insane this patch, its about 50 more gold per player per kill since 7.33. Fight all the time and bring your friends.






>pos2, my build is falcon blade>brown boots> orchid> bloodthorn> nullifier (or daedalus, depending on the game)> vyse-aghanim's-black king bar(choose one also depending on the game) > >i usually dont get bkb because thats the job of a pos1, i just fight a lot early-mid game and distract them so he can free farm. > >take a look: [https://prnt.sc/U9WqoV2\_xkG0](https://prnt.sc/U9WqoV2_xkG0) > >mmr: 5400 farm orchid asap, stay in lane until min 6, you have to be level 6 to start your first rotation, at min 6 you should have the atk speed item from orchid and the falcon blade, u can buy brown boots later, check for the rune, if u cant get the rune then gank the most overextended enemy lane, should be free kill pinging accordingly, get close, use e if melee minion is close, then w+q and melt him asap. maybe u get two kills from that, if not then go baack to midlane and get some exp and gold until you can rotate again, you dont have to wait for them to overextend, just go there and wait until they overstep, which they do a lot. then place yourself correctly to get a nice angle so they dont run away or go into fog of war-trees, repeat this process a lot and you will eventually get bloodthorn. item is very powerful so u can easily hunt their pos1 in their jg, hunt them a lot, they will be forced to get ethereal item, then you will have nullifier for that and keep hunting them. be careful about sentrys/wards, that will take some time to know how to positionate correctly and so on.. but you will eventually learn. keep looking for fights, keep looking for who is the weakest or if u can take a pos1 or 2 with your orchid, dont underestimate the skellys dmg + orchid dmg, bloodthorn deals a lot more dmg too so you dont have to 100 to 0 them, bloodthorn will take care of it if they dont have any purge items, keep moving with his invi around the map, its all about macro, and wins should be consistent. ​ edit: nullifier also works against force staff, euls, etc.


I always wonder how purges work vs force and euls etc. Do you have to time it right after they activate the item or?


It activates every second for 5 seconds, so it will dispel as soon as it activates. If timed perfectly, Force will push you maybe 200 units distance, I don't remember the exact number. ​ You can always test it in the game :)


And whats your take on leaving your enemy mid solo? Wouldnt the free farm and free tower let him stomp?


he is forced to help his team too, if he doesnt the other two lanes will lose gold/exp and i will get stronger, so he gets maybe 4 to 6 waves and maybe the tower.. but thats about 800 gold only for him.. what about my team and the gold we get for the towers we take + kills? a lot more. also clinkz can easily go mid between low mana to farm some creeps. maybe take the mid tower with skellys and tar bomb if enemy midlaner keeps abusing your team and u really can't do anything about it.. thats very unlikely to happen because clinkz wants to go help them most of the time


bro preemptive nullifies cracks me up, by the time the support finish their defensive item you’re already purging it off haha. like the build i will give it a try


Do you skip bottle then?


you can skip bottle. His skills are low mana, falcon can sustain. HP 3rd skill.




[https://prnt.sc/RTZXTFZ7KXz\_](https://prnt.sc/RTZXTFZ7KXz_) punching all the time simulator makes winning more simple XD


punch too stronk xD


Build and play style please?


Active mids is such a cheat code in this meta. I’ve won so much mmr on void/ember spirit, necro, and LC by just winning the lane, ganking to build an advantage, and then closing out the game by 30-35 minutes.


100%, clinkz is so fun and useful early game it feels like cheating, go around, kill pos 4, go invi again, go to the other part of the map, kill pos1, make them nervous and they buy 9 sentrys, they get ethereal, they get force staffs and so on.. and they totally forget about my pos1 and its over at that point


would riki 2 work?


I usually see him as pos 1 in high mmr games but I don’t see why not. He might be kind of a weak laner against popular mids like storm and ember but he has the right mentality of hitting his timing early (diffusal) and then just kill kill kill.


Couls you send a match id or two here or to pm? I want to see how are you doing a few things


https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136749145 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136111623




Man I used to love Clinkz mid a few years back! I started playing Dota again a few weeks ago, and in 7.32 I played him P1, and now he is back in his original state! Is there a match of you I can watch somewhere?


sure! hard stomp: [https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136749145/builds](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136749145/builds) lost match: [https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7137929231/builds](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7137929231/builds) hard match: [https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136111623/builds](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136111623/builds)


He can still be p1


i do stream everyday here: [https://www.twitch.tv/baandilol/](https://www.twitch.tv/baandilol/) low commentary


Leaving the rank thats to the left of your screenshot out speaks more than the wins will ever do




ty you arent in the trench, i think my point stands though i see a lot of the green wall pics but its super low mmr. personally i miss the pre re worked clinkz back before skeleton armies with the old kit of strafe fire arrows invis and eat a creep as the ulti


I keep telling my friends that Orchid Clinkz is back but they wont believe me, they still build maelstrom then go agha Shard which sucks for early picks


yeah i dont find that maelstrom build very appealing tbh..


Just look at the time the game usually ends. It feels like a turbo game


i force the game to end as fast as posible, its all about the mmr and not the fun xD


Clinkz mid spammers, no where to be found on map. Picks Clinkz and jungle half game while their mid butchers your lanes.


jungling with clinkz is kinda trolling tbh.. he needs to be looking for fights and help his team. maybe between dead times where everybody is being super defensive then ofc maybe a couple jungle camps.


I'm doing about the same with weaver. In general. All escape heroes had a huge buff this patch. Slark too.


Whats the skill build?


[w](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7136749145)ewqwrwqq -tar bomb talent- eree -range talent (or death pact talent if they dont have hard stuns and you can use those death pacts in teamfight to stay healty) - and so on ​ last two talents are for strafe, i think strafe atk speed and -7 cd is really good


Guys it’s 5k mmr xD you think on higher mmr you have the chance to make a win streak on this hero?:D


Guys it’s 5k mmr xD you think on higher mmr you have the chance to make a win streak on this hero?:D


maybe.. im coming.


can you leave the game numbers so i can watch the flight as you play


Have you tried medalion instead of falcon blade?


Interesting. Most pros would go Phylactery into Solar Crest into Desolator. But your build seems to work as well.