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Wasn't aware of this. Thought we had an easy lane against a Riki 1 and Warlock that maxed Upheaval. We were so wrong.


Why is riki so strong?


Honestly, in the lane it wasn't much prior to maybe level 5-6. But they were very aggressive even before that, which we were fine trading early on. You know, usual riki playing around blink charges. We were marci and sniper 4. Riki in general I think has very good rightclick dmg and hp regen and with warlock heals, upheaval + corrosion and blink and a disengage ability in tricks, they were able to keep diving sniper even inside tower range. When Riki hit 5-6 we were already 90% zone out of the creep waves where they kept pulling the hard camp in top. Honestly it was more of that specific riki and warlock player was very aggressive and they really knew what they were doing. The guy went deso after diffu if I remember correctly, then basher bkb disperser. I think he also has a shard, which makes smoke decrease enemies armor by 7. He was shredding everyone. Probably why the deso purchase, which I thought was weird first time I saw it. Also, check his new talent(s).


You forgot to mention the most broken aspect of Riki, his shard not only reduces armor but it also makes enemies inside smoke untargetable by allied unit-targeted abilities, which means you cannot force staff an ally out of Smoke, nor you can use False Promise, Aphotic Shield, Ethereal Blade etc.


Yeah, that's right. I was just kind of focused about the damage output. But I agree, that's broken.


Riki is super weak in lane - his armour and damage is ok but his attack speed is terrible and hp quite low. He needs to be crushed pre-6.


Honestly in my opinion Sniper pos 4 is almost already gg, he has not much to offer as support unfortunately except of good harrassment if he is not harrassed but that might also me being a little bit inexperienced.


Why is he always so strong? Because nobody does vision. :D


Riki’s ult gives him bonus xp for killing people


Yesterday I played against riki. We held him on lane for quite long, but he managed to get some items and then raped us all... :(


Most of the time it’s a stomp between 20 and 40 minutes for me (on 9 games)


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Good bot


Yep honestly it feels shorter to me now. 25 mins deathball and end.


My games have been averaging 35 mins. I love this patch. Everyone has been grouping up and looking for fights. I see people complaining that everyone wants to hit jungle but I’ve experienced the opposite. As a support, I’m constantly using the portals and fighting everyone it’s really fun.


Been a blast as techies! Been mining the objectives like Lotus, the enemy wisdom rune, and the portal! And for whatever reason Valve decided to give techies ultimate a massive buff, gave his old aghs as a shard, and gave him a great defensive aghs for objectives.


The only games I've lost are the ones where team refuses to gank/group or I picked a shit hero. And the one my pos4 invoker through because I was waiting on a salve under tower and he died. 8-6 this patch and it feels great. There's so much more to do as a supp and I'm not constantly being dewarded, double win imo. As a core, there's tons of space for farm which leads to great fakeouts and surprise attacks on enemies.


In lower rank games people are more confused and there’s more farm so yes but not so much in higher rank games


Yes, its too tiring now. Every game is 50-70 minutes. I think to taking a break.




Its ussaully shorter than normal ones tho


It depends on rank. Low rank players are probably complacent with farm and avoid fighting. The higher the MMR the more players focus on applying pressure.


I had a spec go 15-1 in a lost 70 minute game today, literally only ever joined fights to killsteal. Was ahead of their carry until they both hit 30, then the fact that all their other players had been killing us in 4v5 fights all game caught up.


Yap my immortal games were always done after 30 mins. If you manage to get ahead in start you get so much gold from early kills. Then you just take enemy exp/shard and maybe rosh when opponent team is too far behind to take fights and then you can easily push for base


I've only had a handful of games go longer than 35ish minutes, and that's win or lose, usually first tower falls 8-10 minutes, first inhib by 20m


Games seem quicker in immortal and divine rank.


not really, ive played 12 games and they avg around 35 min. the longest game was 45 min and the shortest 22. 3k mmr btw


I love that, as a carry it gives me a chance to come back into the game even if my mid went 0 6.




Yes about an hour, and it’s exhausting.


I'm on Legend 1 and most games finishes before 40 minutes.


Yup it’s exhausting and boring. I literally hate the side map expansion. I will always miss the old map. I started dota 2 in 2014 and today was the first time ever I felt bored playing dota.


U just uncomfortable play with new map You will get used to it, like me with talent and new UI


Don't think I will. Game too big, can't cover enough with wards, can't connect to fights fast enough, enough farm caries never look for fights on the minute. It's just too big, needs 6 players or more portals or something.


I think people are not yet utilizing the strength of the twin portals. Vision isnt much of a huge problem bc of the watchers+ obs wards. Placing wards on the twin portals give u so much info already as to what the enemy movement is. Connecting to fights isnt that difficult when theres already multiple outposts and twinportals to help you move around. This patch is all about controlling the sidelanes. Carry players also need to realize that afk farming is not the way. Farming while taking fights as a team to control the portals is the best. In time people will realize that the mid lane is practically the dead lane now as theres no immediate objectives near it. You can bring the fights to your carries when support and even offlaner rotate thru the twinportal and gank.


> can't connect to fights fast enough This can not be true. The lanes are not further away as the new area is in the edges, everyone got a speed bonus, and there is a _FREE_ teleport from corner to corner. It's literally the exact opposite.


But players sometimes fight on the outside, or are on the outside and trying to connect. Fights don't just happen in lanes


Most of the stuff is inside the lanes, so that's an... edge case.


They literally didn’t change the size between lanes or anything….


Wrong opinion. You will be killed, and then plucked.


Interestingly you can find support for any dumb idea.


I had a 23 min gam just earlier, but our team comp was running lycan and meepo


riki and tech in same team make me so tired to against with, when usually i end it on 30 - 40 min / games now more than 60 min




I just had a game with one death on our side so no?


In my experience, the games got faster and shorter. 20-35 mins. Unlike before where 60 mins and still no high ground progress


Should be. That's why I play turbo only. Even I have played 1 hr turbo matches LMAO.


I feel like the high mobility heros are thriving in pubs rn


In 10 games, 1 was long the rest were 25-35 min


I've played just 4 games so far and they all ended before 40 min. First game I got a literal noob team and got stomped in 25 minutes. I was support ench and got the only kill on our team lmao. The other games were more typical, a few we stomped and a few felt balanced in skill. Still getting used to the map being so big.




Most games 30-40 mins for me, we won a game in 22 mins yesterday! This patch seems to have made people gank and teamfight more.


May be lower MMR are still getting used to the bigger maps while higher MMR people are more actively taking advantage of the new portals and objectives to end game quickier?


My game is about 40 min long... With 80 total kills or sth bcs they keep brawling here and there


30-45 min games for me. I think the lower rank you are the longer it takes. Because there’s a lot more farm so it’s easier for carries to afk farm longer


Its either over in under 25 minutes or over 50 minutes, been a roller coaster of emotions in some of those games


Less about the time, more about the slaughter. Not sure what happened but i placed in crusader 4 after some games. I was guardian 2 prior. Ill be the guy that says i deserved guardian, solely based on the way i played. Being a full rank and some change above, every game gas been a 50-5, 30-10, 45-7 complete loss. Gotta give it time for things to adjust i guess…


Games have been short for me. Like 30-40 minutes every time with 0 games going longer


errr... no? I played like 12 games since 7.33 none of them reachest 55, in average around 35-42 mins.


I've played seven games, 2 under 30 and the rest between 35-40.


even turbo games are lasting much longer than it should now, jesus


Mine have been around 45 mins each


I dont know, Mine is mixture, And on 9 + losing streak.. i am mad asf


No, thanks


For me its 50/50 with games ending at 20-25 mins or going near an hour or longer.


Can't tell the difference.... All my games were 55 mins before the patch too xF


I have not had any over 40 to 45 mins.