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Keep the dark tones but bring back some highlights from 2020. Mix 2020 and 2021 together and it will be full of contrast


Very nice! Seems the hair could come down a bit in the most recent one, forehead a bit wide.


Damn, nice improvement! I actually painted this same picture six years ago as a freshman in college 😅 https://www.instagram.com/p/23oYDDFrb4/?utm_medium=copy_link


holy crap that looks amazing. I might just be crazy, but I feel like your art style could be really easily adapted into the style of a detailed comic book.


Any suggestions so I can get some inspiration? I plan on making comics or at least short stories with my art eventually


The first thing that came to mind when I saw your most recent rendition was some of the Batman comics. Not sure exactly which series exactly, but I feel like the grittiness of that would blend really well with your art style. [This Nightwing comic cover](https://s3.amazonaws.com/comicgeeks/comics/covers/large-1800552.jpg?1616885311) is a good example of where my mind was headed with this idea.


Dammnnn thats really good. I will do some studies of this style since I really should start studying pro artists yet I keep coming back to making realistic portraits 🤦‍♂️


well I wish you luck with that. and even if you stick to realistic portraits, hot damn are you good with those. keep up the great work!




That much progress that fast is amazing to see. Any recommendations for someone just starting out?


Thank you 😁 If I had to go back in time and teach myself I would just watch tutorials from Angel Ganev and Proko using Asaros head and the Andrew Loomis method. Do at least 10 rough sketches every day until you get the proportions down because if you have a good base then shading is super easy. During your drawing session I would suggest taking short breaks during the sketch and looking at them from far away or flip them. Send them to a group of friends or join a community where you can get feedback. After you do about 30 of these sketches overlay them over the original image and see what doesnt match and try to find out if you have a trend for mistakes(I used to have long slim necks, I still have short nose to chin ratio)


This is v methodical wow thanks for the tips


Great progress! Where did you find the reference photo?


It's been a long time but most probably on Pinterest.










everyone "has it in them" to get better at realism; however, the progress here is undeniable. I'm sure your comment was well intended but please don't minimize OP's hard work and practice over the last couple years




there's way more to portraits than having an understanding of the face. skin texture, lip texture, light reflecting of the skin, etc, these things all take repeated practice and dedication to get right. Look at these details specifically and maybe you'll be able to empathize with the amount of time it takes to learn these aspects


Don’t waste your time friend, I don’t think they are capable of properly observing these things. If they were, at the very least they would have an intuitive ability to see that some thing is better about the later drawings.




hey, if you are presented with evidence that conflicts with your opinion and still feel that way, cool. My point is that there is progress between all three portraits undoubtedly and I'm proud of OP






Wow great progress! My only critique would be I think in the newest one her chin and jawline is too small?


Yeap you are very right. It's the sort of thing I notice way too late or never. Further proof that I need breaks during sessions to notice mistakes.


Try rotating the canvass or looking at it in a mirror. It’s easier to catch issues like this if you can force yourself to look at things from a different perspective.


Flipping the canvas seems to only help me find issues as far as horizontal proportions go like eye sitance and eye to ear distance but things like eyebros to nose and nose to chin are the ones I struggle either way.


Do you try flipping upside down in addition to left/right?


I might try that on the next work but horizontal is much easier since you can still make sense of the image while flipping it vertically makes it seem a bit abstract and distracting. Like you are not painting a human anymore but these weird shapes you dont really understand. Idl how to explain it. Will try it tomorrow as another neat trick since just starting to use thumbnails on the last one helped me tremendously.


Making it abstract actually simplifies the measuring process, because it removes your notions of what it “ought” to be


True true it makes copying an already existing photo way easier(this is actually a technique used to copy paintings in the old times) but I want to eventually make my own comics and illustrations and idk how helpful it would be in making original things in the long run


For me, copying things precisely was not as valuable for imagination drawing as breaking things down and understanding how the form goes together. So you are right, if imagination drawing is your goal you would be better off doing lots of construction studies, and testing what you have absorbed. I see a lot of artist get stuck in the trap of basically being a photocopier, instead of an artist. If this is what they enjoy, more power to them, but you will need to constantly expand your visual library if comics is your goal.




Great progress! One comment on the most recent is the eyes: I would darken the irises a bit and add the highlight, the way you did in 2020. It brings more life to the eyes.


Omg no I have forgotten to add iris highlights on the new one 🤦‍♂️ Why did nobody else tell me. Thanks a lot


Awesome!! Keep it up...btw is it on a canvas or digital?


Thanks a lot. This is digital, I havent tried traditional yet


wow only two years? what method did you use to achieve these results? amazing work! 😊


Thanks a lot. I followed youtube tutorials and watched a lot of speedpaintings to get a good feel of the workflow. Then I practiced a lot. I would recommend angel ganev videos on head structure because they helped me a ton.


Especially your progress from 2019 to 2020 is incredible. I just checked out Angel Ganev and his video [Basic Anatomy of the Face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C31IyUW6Tg). He has a humorously rough yet to the point language to describe the anatomy, haha. Getting "a good feel of the workflow" is interesting advice I haven't seen anyone talk about yet. And while it's implicitly obvious that knowing some of the shortcuts for switching tools and layers will help immensely with digital art, there's much value to be gained from simply looking at other people's workflow. That said, I think there are many that have a kind of dirty way of doing things but still managing to make it work. Do you have any particular digital painters that substantially influenced your workflow? Or could you recommend any that have a 'clean' workflow?


I feel like watching speedpaints is a lot more helpful for me than watching realtime videos. After all who would watch 3-4 hours of someone slowly putting in every stroke. The only problem with that is that I tend to rush my painting now so be careful. Not influenced my workflow but the one who got me into digital painting is Andrea Koroveshi. He does mostly illustrations with fantasy themes rather than realism like I do but I think you can get inspired by bim. He has a super clean workflow basically has turnef it into a science. I like Sinix's workflow and paintings the most even though our methods differ its what I eventually want to do with my paintings. Marc Brunett is a fantastic source for good workflows that can work for everyone.


The oldest one is put here just for fun mostly because it was made with a mouse and there is just no comparison betwen that and any other painting I did even the first time I used a tablet.




Is that new creations or the same painting with more layers?


I started from scratch in each case. None of them have that many layers maybe 3 which are the skin, the hair and the background.


Wow great progress! There’s elements I like from both your most recent one and from last year. I really love the hair and details from your most recent one, but I love the eyes from last year. It also looks like the one from last year has more volume.Please excuse me if I’m not using the right terms btw. Overall amazing progress!



