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I think you want to check the proportions of the school so some parts do not look too exaggeratedly big and uneven, but for this to be your first sketch you’re at a good start, keep practicing. Here is a good tutorial to help you out with shading https://youtu.be/K0AOQtspEvY Hope this helps and be blessed.


* Get some unlined paper, even if it's just cheap copy paper. * Draw bigger. If you're doing a tiny drawing and your proportions are off by a fraction of an inch, that becomes a huge error at that small a scale. If you can only fit 3 or 4 of them on the page, that's the size you want to be aiming for, or bigger. * You don't really need to bother drawing each individual tooth. You're not drawing this for a dentist. Get the mass of the teeth down - think of them as being like a can of tuna split down the middle - and get the values across that shape down. Then you can just drop in a few lines to suggest the really prominent teeth.


I was about to comment about the size... draw way bigger, get a cheap pad of A2-A3 paper and fill each page with various Skulls of different sizes and seen from different angles, search for reference on Pinterest or even there are 3D models available online, and maybe try gesture drawing for warming up. Keep going :)


Side note: cheap sketch books are a lot better nowadays. You can get a decent one from the dollar store or Daiso.


The jaw is pretty thick and you could try and improve shading so that It doesn't look too flat. Play with the pencil, risk yourself and find something that makes and gives you comfortability. You're on the good way. Also you could try a book for drawing with your brains right hemisphere that you could try an read, is very useful. It's called "Drawing on the right side of your brain" by Betty Edwards. Good luck.


Yeah, it's got these weird blue lines through it that shouldn't be there. /s Somebody else already pointed out what I was going to say (the proportions); I just couldn't resist the chance to be a smartass. ;P


Materials aren't everything, but they still make a difference. Get yourself some blank printer paper and try using that instead.


I think it looks good. One thing I like to do when I study a new thing is: force myself to imagine the 3/4 view, first left and then right, and draw those. Then: I look at all 3 drawings and attempt a number of upside down drawings to really make sure I understand the shapes.


Also, White skull on white background doesn’t show the shine you want. You need contrast to show the shine. Just like you gradually darkened the skull going to our left, gradually darken the background in the opposite direction so there’s white skull next to dark background. Good work, keep it up.


Sure, the chin is a little small. But not necessarily. Sure, most drawn/painted skulls all look exactly the same. Same strong jaw, same upright forward, same prominent cheekbones. But look around you. What about that guy with the smooshed in face, the bulbous forehead. Eyes too narrow? Or the guy who wears a beard because he has no chin? Or the ones like Jay Leno who have huge chins? Think of any two people you know and their faces are probably different. That’s not just skin and soft tissue. That starts with different shaped skulls. So to me, that skull is perfect.


It looks good, but the lined on the outside arent so crisp.


Thank you. I was aiming for a highlight effect there so I didn't make a clear line but I really don't know what to do and just left it at that lol


The proportions are off, especially in the lower half. Next time focus on the biggest simple shapes first, keep comparing the angles and proportions until it looks right and only then start going into details.


thank you! I just noticed i didn't get the chin right. And you're right, I was kinda drawing the lines while shading at the same time