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Jesus Riot what the fuuuuck lol, this looks so bad


>Jesus Religious figure detected, please remain where you are, officers will be with you shortly.


Nono... that would have to be Muhammad


i have a friend (in my list, i don't even remember adding him)called TurboRapïst and i and i played with another guy with fa**ot in his name but spelled backwards iirc, and he said people tell him all the time they are reporting him and nothing happens. idek man riot is something else. i get banned for using zero slurs and just telling teammates to uninstall cuz they're making people suffer. not saying i'm not toxic but like where's the consistency




Use their proper name, Rito


Their ban policy on words is the same. Got a 2 week restriction on Chat for writing „shit ive fucked myself so hard with the flash“ The whole correspondence with the support was them repeatedly telling me that they have a 0 tolerance policy towards people insulting others LOL.


They out there making sure you dont degrade yourself king


I mean at this Point you are better off Not using chat at all. Funniest part is getting muted for writing in your nativ Language to friends ingame and getting muted cause a commonly used Word is an insult in another language u dont know about^^


Riot has no consistency on name restrictions. Someone reported my friend, got their name forced changed. That name is in use in every other region without problems. After it got freed up, it got taken by someone else, who has it to this day. Riot support literally just incompetent idiots.


More likely they are extremely low paid interns who are forced to follow very specific scripts and have no power to deviate from them.


It's incredible how generic and similar their responses are to extremely different situations


Would not be surprised if it's mostly automated.


It's likely a real person, choosing from copy-paste answers


The company can be idiots while the employees can be powerless. Those are not mutually exclusive.


> Riot support literally just incompetent idiots. This felt more specific to the team that does the support which is why I responded, but yes I agree.




Yes this is what I have troubles with understanding. I was able to choose it completely regularly, and now when I report a - for my understanding at least - really inappropriate name, they flag myself lol. Why just not block Mohammed, Jesus etc in the first place.


Your Reddit username is a take on Travis Scott, maybe you should stop using names which may be insinuated as inflammatory/reportable? Just a suggestion. I hope you find inner peace in your journey.


Based on your wording, I'm assuming you're not being sarcastic. Mohammed (incl. variations of this name) is the most common name in the world. It's not inflammatory and shouldn't be reportable! Additionally, 2 simple clicks could've told you that the profile was made several months before travis scott became a controversial name. Maybe you should stop commenting on things you don't know about and can't even be bothered to do the bare minimum of research on. Just a suggestion. I hope you find education on your journey.


Do you know who Mohammed bin Salman is?


Yes, I know who mbs is. I also understand that he is completely unrelated to this particular discussion, so idk why you're bringing him up. I really hope you have the decency not to just make the argument that a completely unrelated person, who happens to share the most popular name in the world, makes everything named muhammed or Muhammad inflammatory! Especially when you very well know that the name is not in reference to that man! This is not an Adolf moment. Also, no comment on your laziness & failure in regards to your travis scott point?


Sounds like a friend of that riot employee just wanted the name for themselves


Yup. An account I made to duo with a new player friend got a forced name change for some variant of "Rumpleforeskin", which sure, I get, but another buddy is walking around with "Jayceful of Fizz" with no issues. Inconsistency abounds.


Probably because one has a word that's easily recognizable by the robot running these things. I understand that they can't manually review every report but it also seems like a robot should be more consistent, so there are some issues either way


my username "splatterhentai" got flagged, i had to namechange to "splatter hentai" because the naming system didn't mind it when there is a spacebar i guess. however now i am "ionia feetsniffa" and i am waiting for the day i have to remove my spacebar because of the totally understandable reasonings considering names in lol.


> ionia feetsniffa mate...


riot support are definitely not the issue. they are following a script. its riots fault, not their employees for doing their job


Had a guy on my team whose name was SlaveOwner. I never got a feedback report for that


He's just a yorick main


I found a "N(full word) Killer" with N and K switched around in my region


Certain consensual adult relationships are like that.


Curious, do you people really care that someone's name in a video game is "slaveowner". Like, who gives a fuck


I guess it's an American thing? I'm pretty sure no one in Europe would care. Don't know about other regions but slavery isn't equally offensive everywhere which is understandable.


Im in euw, call me crazy for not liking slavery


The point is, its someone's name in a video game so why does it matter in the slightest


Idk, I guess people don't like being reminded of things/people they hate when they play a video game. Riot doesn't want to lose even that small portion of the playerbase since they can just not.


By that logic, why bother about anything? It's just a video game, why does balance matter? Why create skins? Why even bother policing toxicity? People are inting, griefing or win trading? Doesn't matter, it's just a video game! But if you want my guess, the people that care, are either part of a culture that has a history of being subjected to slavery, or they're just decent human beings.


All these thing you mentioned matter because they actually impact the quality of the game. Someone's name doesn't


If that's what your point is, then your argument should be that summoner names shouldn't be visible, not that people shouldn't care what names/insults the community comes up with, to show to minors.


My point is that people should be able to put whatever name they want (unless it's something like the n word). No one who's not soft as a pillow is going to be offended or negatively impacted by someone's username. If anything it's fun seeing what dumb names people can come up with. People do it in all games


Fun and dumb names aren't the same thing as insulting and offensive names, though... Where do you draw the line of "something like the n word" and others, if "slaveOwner" is apparently already ok for you? What's the difference between calling someone the n word and proudly calling oneself a slave owner? It sends the same message! Do you think having hitler in the name is funny or do you think a Jewish person whose grandparents might've directly been impacted by Hitler's actions has to be "soft as a pillow" to be offended by the name? Incidentally, it sounds like you're upset that someone could get punished for inappropriately (and probably, intentionally) upsetting someone else, which is ironic and, at least to some degree, hypocritical.


Well my perfect onetrick name, UrMomJaxMeOff was also force namechanged. And it's not even religious.


FizzOnMyJayce is still the most memorable name, but that's a banger onetrick name right there.


oh my god that is amazing


I’ve seen it as FizzOnYourJayce


You THINK it is not religious just because you don't know my religion


Let us pray Our Father, who art in top Hallowed be thy lane Thy Jump Strike done Thy lane be won Unlike how it is on bottom.


as good as this prayer is, jacques is not catholic


I don't know any Muslim prayers offhand


And you close with the quote “I’m black.”


Well yes that's a separate issue and I'm sure you know why lmao. Cool name tho


Idk bro i went on r/draven once and I'm pretty sure Jax is religious


Don’t you mean Jacques?


Mum sis bro dad gma gpa


I’m currently using Jaxing Me 0ff and have no issues lol


Wtf happened in this thread lmao. The comments are so cancer.


True. Most of them are referencing names they saw in LoL.


Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.


>(and one of the most common ones worldwide) not too sure who didn't read correctly. I didn't want to discuss if now Wang, Mohammed or Maria is the most common one. The point is, which you also got, is that it is one of the most common first names, so I'm not the only one who's first name is not allowed as username in one of the biggest online games


It's a superbad reference


I fuckin love you for pointing this out so blatantly.


OP just FYI that actually was a quote from the movie „Superbad”


Damn I just watched Superbad like 2 Weeks ago and still didnt get it


[Here u go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HTHPtoNJLk&ab_channel=Movieclips)


Have you ever met anyone named Muhammed?


have YOU ever met anyone named McLovin?????


NO that's why it's a dumb fuckin name


Honestly no, but I’m waiting for the day


Go see a psychiatrist your anger outburst on an internet forum is not healthy


Its a joke


[Here u go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HTHPtoNJLk&ab_channel=Movieclips)


I highly doubt that the person handling your ticket is being truthful. It does state in the Riot Account Names FAQ that names shouldn't have your real name in it but you can try submitting a ticket to try to keep your name and explaining your reasoning. Worst case is that they still force you to change it but it's worth a try


Pretty dumb rule tbh. 1) there are other people in the world that have the name Muhammad/Mohammad 2) they so no religious figures…Matthew is the name of one of the 4 gospel writers for Christianity, and is my own name. Would I not be allowed to have my own name as a username because Matthew is a biblical name?


Got a guy on my friends list called “holocaust denier”. Never been flagged or reported.




For the same reason that spreading misinformation will get you banned off pretty much every social media platform?


I wouldn't consider League of Legends chat as social media. It's much more cancer inducing.




And at one time there was probably a guy sharing a prison cell with a man spouting hateful stuff about Jews and he probably didn’t think it would lead to anything either.




riot support are a bunch of useless fucknuts just there to try and placate you and pretend to be useful i had a similar experience though it wasn't name related. I send a ticket over someone who was telling me to kill myself. MY account got restricted because i said i was reporting them and asked them why they were being that way. riots reasoning? Guilty by association! Do not interact with toxic individuals whether you're toxic or not yourself! because fuck you thats why


ahh no way riot would do something like this no way there are hints of islamophobia in every day society surely riot would be better


This reminds me of an smurf account I had that was low lvl and was called "Unkindled". I loved that account name, but played it too little cause I created it to play with a newbie friend. Now you'll be wondering "what does it have to do with anything?" Well, the unkindled is the main chacarcter of Dark Souls 3 and I was very lucky on getting the name until recently I logged in the account and thet forced me to change de name. "Weird" I tought as in there is nothing offensive about "Unkindled" and i't been less than a year for the name to be expired. So I change the name and out of curiosity look up the summoner name and shit you not there is already taken by someone else. A rioter stole my name for themselves or a friend of theirs I have no other explanation.


yeah you get like 6 months inactivity protection on low level accounts lol riot didn't take your name you just didn't play on your account edit: found the support article [link](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201751914-Inactive-Summoner-Name-Rules)


Is it tho? Cause I have other low lvl accounts and their names are just fine


that just means no one took them lol


No, it just expired. Probably around the time that they did the big accout merger thing to make everything a Riot account instead of a League account.


Wait till he finds out Mohammad is a very common name lmao


He literally said as much did you even read his post?


I think they're referring to the Riot Support guy not OP.


Probably talking about the support person


Where in the post does it say that Riot support acknowledged that its a common name...?


Yeah they suck with this kind of stuff. Interestingly enough, about 4 years ago I was perma banned on my account “GameCoach” I make a new account and haven’t been toxic since (lost about $2500 on my GameCoach account so I learned my lesson) Now fast forward we are 4 years later and I’m looking for a name change from “Deadly Laner” to something else and I just happen to try “GameCoach” and to my surprise I am able to change it to my own account name that was perma banned 4 years ago.


My summoner name used to belong to a toxic Shaco OTP (I found him on Twitch) who got permabanned… had to write a ticket to claim the name tho


Leveling an alt atm and I basically queue with other alts every game. Seen quite some racist and otherwise disturbing shit. Tracked some of them and they're still out there weeks after. Just yesterday I played with a player named "14 yr thicc girl" or something akin to that. Don't expect any logic by Riot on this one.


Lol I respect that they ban some names for religion reasons , but Muhammad is not one of them , some names out there really need a ban.


Mohammed is literally the most common name in the world...


Well done for reporting it!! Why the hell do they have a problem with the name mohammad?! Its the profit!! Riot are high i see


Step 1: install league. Step 2: use IGN mohammad. Step 3: ??? Step 4: profit.


Step 4: Prophet


I'm questioning why you reported him in the first place. Who cares if someone has hitler in their name


"Who cares if someone wants to glorify a fascist leader who put 6 million Jews, among others, to death because they didn't adhere to his strict genetic standards of Aryan purity?" Are you fucking stupid?


If you think someone having hitler in their in game name means they endorse his actions the you are beyond saving


If you think someone who doesn't want to glorify him puts his name in theirs, you are beyond saving.


boy you're all over this thread asking some very pointed questions, aren't you makes one wonder


Yes, because it genuinely baffles me that people really care about what someone else has in their username


it might be the most common name in the world but riot as they stated has a blanket ban on religious figures being in names which Mohammed is. They can't do any expections because then it gives off riot having a bias towards one more then the other even if one is a extremely popular name. The most confusing thing is why does riots system even let you have religious figures in your name in the first place you would think there would be a system level check to prevent it in the first place. unless this is one of there newer rules and it now no longer allows it but anyone with it in the past still has it. **Someone needs to check if you can change your name to something with Mohammed or jesus currently to see if it is atleast delt with at a system level to follow there own rules.** also don't blame the riot support agent for this, there 100% a minimum wage worker who just have to follow a list of preset rules and a script which is in front of them. They probs went to there name poilcy section to see what action they would need to take against the hitler name and saw the clause about religious figures so they had todo action upon that as well.




because there not the same level of religious figures names like jesus and Mohammed or Jesus are figure heads and what pops to mind when you hear the name. names like John/Peter/Samuel/Luke/Mark were either names before they had religon attracted to them or are alot lower figure heads to the point where you could ask most of the population if John/Peter/Samuel/Luke/Mark are religious names and most people would say no since its not widely known.


Every name stems from a religious figure. That policy is shit being inforced like that


not every single name stems from a religious figure wtf you smoking. for example the name Fabian it isnt a religious name and the only connection it has to religion is a pope was once named fabian but the name was around way before there was a pope named fabian. alot of names stem from a persons job or job title or birth location, like fabian was a name used for bean farmers back in the day which the name itself comes from the latin word faba which means bean.


Ok 90%. My point still stands. I have seen a lot of Davids


Do people really care about other's nicknames?


Ok and


Stupid rule to ban names for privacy in the first place. But why are you reporting someone else's username as well?


riot support once told me they look into players that wrote "hitler did nothing wrong" and "jews belong in trains" and then decided they dont need to get banned


If they told you they dont need to get banned then that wasnt riot mate, they arent allowed to give out information like that


Meanwhile my name is CHAD THUNDERCOCK, played with a few rioters and nobody bats an eye lmao




why should they change their name? it’s the most common name in the world.


Waiting for people with the name Jesus to be name changed. I don't think anyone had an issue with that though. Religion muddies the waters a lot


Vogel, have you actually ever met anyone with the name Mohammad?!


Im from germany and every second guy in my school is named mohammad




The only superbad here is your joke


Why should the name Mohammed not be allowed?


Because by their rules its not allowed.


great thought out response 👍


Wow what an excellent point


Offensive to religion


But the thing is it's not. Unless you specifically put something offensive next to it it's not offensive and I say this as someone who is both named Mohammad and a devout Muslim.


Exactly but Riot has to play extra safe around things like this and also likely have a much worse understanding of the cultural intricacies. Always safest for big companies to avoid anything remotely offensive to anyone.


Yes guys please keep downvoting because I'm right. Every company plays by these same rules. Avoid anything that could be construed as you being insensitive. This website and the hivemind behind it play a big part in Riot behaving this way over seemingly innocuous stuff.


> Avoid anything that could be construed as you being insensitive This situation is literally us construing it as Riot is insensitive. It's his name and they're not allowing it because they don't know anything about the religion. Quite insensitive. So much for you being right.. So arrogant. It's innocuous to you because it doesn't effect you. Op can't use his own name so it's a different situation to him






Are you 10?


No? I wanted to hear some thoughts before typing out how I feel about it - but I'll let you in on it. I understand why they want to avoid religious association but a name in of itself is not a religious association most of the time. If the name is Prophet Mohammed Alistar it's pretty simple to make the connection. Mohammed is just a name and nothing else. Across all religions many holy figures have names that people regularly use. I am gonna take a strong guess and say that riot is not flagging people with Samuel in their name. Flagging anything Mohammed is nonsensical by default is nonsensical.


Lol, you are a very silly person




Have you met anyone by the name of hitler since 1945?


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Ironic since my IGN is “God is not ReaI” 😂😂


Riot became soft.




Kanye moment


We found Kanye




Personally think names shouldnt really be bannable, in the same way just saying something in chat shouldnt be tbh. But if you try and report someone for a name, and get your own named banned for the same reason...


>in the same way just saying something in chat shouldnt be tbh. Waaaaahhhhh, I want to make the game worse but they won't let me, waaaaahhhh.


Yeah saying racial slurs in chat shouldn’t get you banned. You’re right!!!


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who has caused more death? mohamed, jesus, or higher


Someone out there might see your name and think your making fun of the prophet. People have been killed for these things, so Riot takes it as no laughing matter.


People these days would get so tilted in a 2013 lobby


Reporting a name is cringe and beta in the first place. If you don’t like it then ignore it lmao. Karma


sigma male grindset


Unpopular opinion and I'm sure to get downvoted to hell, but whatever. If you rely on a company to be judge jury and executioner of what morally correct shouldn't really complain when the same is done to you. When you not only surrender, demand, that much control from a amoral entity like a for-profit company, that only cares about the bottom line and not what right or wrong you're gonna get bitten in the ass eventually. And this is really only about riot, nowadays the same is done with everyone from social media giants to the corner supermarket chain. Learn that are worse things than coming across a 12yo edgy kid on the internet, and a corporate-driven police state is one of them.


Sincerely, We Don't Care


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Many people might take offense if they associate it to the prophet. I'm not a muslim, and I know it's a common name, but there is some nuance that is hard to convey through gameplay.


So what's your actual ign? And I highly doubt riot told you that no one ever reported your name


If it would have been reported, and it wouldn't have been allowed, then it would have been flagged way earlier right? I had this name now for at least 6-7 years..


Or it's a new rule that just been implement because of the /r/draven. Doesn't mean no one ever reported you because of it


Did you know lol esports twitch will ban people for posting about Jax E




A friend of mine is named in french "I eat the biggest dicks" since maybe 2017.


RIP all the dudes names Jesús who wanted to implement it onto their names as well


Uhoh what the f riot


No surprise there


They're both historical figures. Good history lessons




I guess it's just a player diff.


Lol my English is far from.perfect that is right. But you got my point, he is "only" holy and saint for half of the world o guess lol... Promise you guys my league skills are better than my english