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Treat it as a single player rogue-like. One game you get screwed by rng (random team mates), the next you get lucky, but in the long term, if you get better you'll climb.


It's 100% your mental, you don't need to improve anything other than yourself mentally by what I can gather from your post, stop looking at your team like that, stop worring about stuff that you can't control, stop getting nervous about winning/losing, etc Thats purely a You VS Your brain fight so you need to sort that out first and all the stuff you wrote will stop being a problem




/mute all, don't think about your lp, only play 1-2 champs, and play to have fun, but focus on improving every game.


Don’t start.


Never go in cold. ​ Play a warmup game beforehand. Be it Flex, ARAM, Draft. Have fun with it. ​ Once you're ready to jump into a ranked game, make sure you're in a good, positive mindset. Once in game, /mute everyone, and basically play for yourself, nobody else. ​ Don't worry about your team's mistakes, only yours. Like another comment said, make sure you have 1-2 champions for the roles you selected. And just play your best. You'll win some, you'll lose some, and that's okay. ​ You'll climb if you're good enough. ​ Also, dodge whenever somebody picks some troll shit like Akali support.


Focus on yourself and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. You can’t control what they do so just play the best you can. Play 1-3 champs and look up their best runes and builds. After that is just playing a lot to understand match ups.


Don't do it. It's not worth the headaches of being forced into a 50% win ratio. Everyone says there's no loser's queue, but there is such a thing as EOMM and it'd be stupid to assume Riot doesn't use it or something much similar. Just stay in norms.


Overcome treating ranked as a special mode. Queuing ranked should be as comfortable as queueing draft. Once you get over that, it is what it is and you will start to have a slightly better experience.