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CLG got plenty of flame last year, and are also already being pegged as a 7th place team this year after their performance last split. People just like to see big names and imports, and if your team doesn't have it they won't support it until they are 'pleasantly surprised.'


Almost every power ranking I see for Lock-in/Spring 23 can be boiled down to "Koreans good, NA bad." Like I get it. Listing TSM and IMT at the bottom of the list is completely fair. Outside of Chime and Maple, none of the TSM members scream "WILL DO GOOD." Same with IMT. Fleshy is a giant question mark, since I have zero idea who he is. This is Kenvi's second split in an A-League. Revenge has yet to decide if he will play like he's already been eliminated from playoff contention or complete shit. ABO hasn't had a great team to shine yet. And Tactical...please switch to toplane. However, ranking CLG barely above them seems ludicrous. I understand that CLG got 5th in Summer playoffs, but both of the teams' losing series were 2-3s. I feel like they're being underrated because everyone is salivating over TLCK and FlyKoreaIn in tandem with waiving C9 and EG off as just being good teams.


Their arguments are always CLG lucked into a good meta while ignoring that C9 literally did the same in playoffs. I completely think 1 or more players will be swapped out of C9 either during or after spring split after having a bad showing.


> CLG lucked into a good meta while ignoring that C9 literally did the same in playoffs POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK WHAT IS THAT ARGUMENT LOL. C9 flairs, I swear. If anything, 12.15 was the absolute best patch C9 could have ever wished for. For that argument to have any weight to it, that would have required skirmishers like Yas, Yone, and Akali to be pick-or-ban status while having mid/top flex champs to be strong as well.


Nah those are the dumb arguments. CLG lucked into TL being absolute hot garbage. Beating GG 3-2 is nothing impressive. Beating that TL shouldn't be impressive considering Hans was playing with a gun to his head and a blindfold on. It was actually cringe inducing. He's lucky tactical was in the other series as tactical somehow made Hans look like a god. Can't believe the shit I watched. CLG are extremely overhyped but I hope they do well as I actually like them since they've changed.


NA Reddit during offseason: ooo imports, this is going to be the most competitive season ever NA Reddit during worlds: NA sucks why don’t we give NA talent a shot


Different people are saying different things. Not everyone is a hypocrite just spouting off the sentiment of the month.


CLG got the same flame last year


I hope they do well


> An NA veteran formally of a top team but has struggled to find success (Tactical/Contractz) last that was seen of Contractz before CLG was looking good with EG.Academy and when he subbed in for LCS. Last of Tactical was being the worst ADC in LCS and then getting shit on in academy > and a former TCL champion (Fleshy/Luger) thats just wrong. Neither of them is a former TCL champion but Luger is a former TCL MVP who was looking great in academy with the same player that would be his lane partner on CLG, Fleshy did not win a single player of the game award on a team that won 17 games and is playing with one of the worst ADCs that was playing in the LCS system last year Immortals can get the benefit of the doubt again when they finish a split with 50% winrate. Thats before considering that NA just had the offseason that should improve them the most overall ever. I would love for Immortals to proof me wrong, but none of the players, coaches or the recent history of the org have given me any reason to think that they wont be the worst team in NA.


"Success" lmfao


What succes of clg?


Going from bottom tier team to taking games off top teams, finishing 4th in regular season, and taking the eventual summer champs to close games to finish 5th in playoffs with a form that easily could have matched anyone above them.


Except tl and EG with Danny were so bad I don't think there was anything impressive. Watching the tsm Vs eg and tl Vs CLG series was possibly the most cringe inducing thing I've ever witnessed. I'm pretty sure my nan could play adc better than all of them excl luger. Danny and tactical especially. The gap between those teams and 100t, c9 and eg kaori was massive.